Variety (Apr 1939)

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Wednesday, April 12, 1939 PICTURE QROSSES VARIETY 11 PtiSy Hatches Good Biz; Dodge C; Great $24,001), liaveD'-VaiMl^ OK 22G Pbiladelpbia, April 11. Easter bunny laW no eges In ttie, lans of mldtown houses here this weeh with the hoUday, marked by t<niehed in - .. . and Sunday dd« were ^cUy wtat the doctor ordered and tlie b. o.'s re- acted acwdingly. Topping everything in town, far and way. is "Soodge Cfty.'^^s^ preemed at the Stanley SatordSy \9} -It lools destined for at least U*,000, terrtf c, und<» the hnpetus of healthy bouquets from ^ cr«. Sm- day admissions exceeded mr 200 those for the correspondhie day of record-craddng 'Robin Rood.' 'Nother stroocie here is Hildnlght,' which winds up at the Aldine to- morrow (Wednesday) in the sixfh day of its third week at $»,00». Eas- ily strong enough to flaiA out the week and more, but is bowing out for *Wutheriag Hei^its.' Estimates for TUb Week AldiDe (WB) (U03r 32-42-57>:- 'Midnight' (Par) (Sd wft). FInidies up tomorrow (Wednesdagr) with aix 'days of a third week and stiU show- ing plenty of zip. KnoddBg oS OM for the final seslt, neat. Copped $11,000 last stcBiza and $14^009 in Oie opener for $34,000 tot the turn, swelL 'Wuthering' gets an .evening preon with floodliglits, etc., tomorrow (Wed). Bayd (WB) (2350; 32-42-57)— 'Broadway Serenade' (M-G). Will have banked $15,500, fair, tor eight days when it pulls up stakes tomor- row (Wednesday). Last week, 'Bask- ervilles' (20th), weak $13,000. Earle (WB) (2.758; 26-32-42)— 'Oklahoma Kid' (WB) (3d run). Tagged along with the rest of the Easter draught for pretty good $7,- 200. Last week,.'Stagecoach' (UA) (3d run), just a trifle slow at $6,500. Fojc (WB) (2.423: 32-37-42-57-68)— 'East Side Heaven' (U) and vaude. Shirley Ross, Judy Canova and Charlie Barnet's orch on stage. This combo will get profitable $22,000. Last week, 'Missouri' (Par) with Joe Venuti's orch and Joe E. Lewis on deck, good for $21,000. Karlton (WB) (1,066; 32-42-57)— 'BaskerviUes' (20th) (2d run). Doing better, comparatively, than on first run. Strong $6,000. Ijast week. 'Princess' (20th) (2d run), oke $4,- 400. Keith's (WB) (1.870; 32-42-57)—'3 Smart Girls' (U) (2d run). Showinjg strength at $5,600. Last week, 'Love Affair' (RKO) (2d run), good $5,200. Palace (WB) (1,100; 26-42)—'Never Die' (Par). Despite new policy of three-hour shows (no duals), house is showing no particular sbvngth. Getting by this turn with $5,200. Last week, 'On Trial' (WB), poor $4,200. SUnley (WB) (2,91^ 32-42-57)— 'Dodge City' (WB). Opened Satur- day (18) to much horn-blowing and fanfare. Sunday biz exceeded 'Robin Hood' by 200 and looks set to coU' tinue that snappy pace. Will grab off better than $24,000, terrific, for the stanza. Last week, 'Three Smart Gills' (U), got in extra day on its second lap to give 'Dodge City' the benefit of the Saturday preem. Knocked off $10,100 for the eight days. ^SUnton (WB) (1,457; 26-32-42)— 'Winner All' (20th). Weakest of all the new ones and even the holiday rabbit isn't helping with a mere $4. 000 in the basket. Last week, 'Mad den' (M-G), given an extra three days to get the house back on Satur- day opening policy after "Flying Irishman' (RKO) was pulled in four days. Hit a fair pace for the 10 •lays at $7,300. AH Seattle Strang; 'Dodge' Doal Forte 9G SeatUe, April 11. Beginning with Easter Sunday, b. 0. improvement has been marked, good attractions being a factor. Dodge City,' 'Little Princess,' 'Yes, My Darling Daughter,' together with sturdy holdovers, make the fare look invitmg. ExceUent weather is helping. Estimates for This Week Bine Monse (Hamrlck-Evergreen) (8M; 32-37-42)—"Love Affair" (RKO) and 'Man Votes' (RKO), after two weeks at Fifth. Expect good $2,900. Last week (2d), 'Midnight' (Par) and 'Illegal Traffic' (Par), six days, f2.100. okay. Collsenm (Hamrick - Evergreen) (1,900; 21-32)—'Jesse James' (20th) and 'Paris Honeymoon' (Par). Indi- cate big $3,800. Last week, 'Idiot's" (M-G) and 'Girl Downstairs' (M-G), *2,300, slow. Fifth Avenne (Hamrick - Ever- green) (2,349; 32-37-42 ^'Princess' (20th) and 'Fast Loose" (M-G). An- ticipate good $6,500. Last week, 'Love Affair" (RKO) arid 'Man Votes' ^*IK0) second week. $5,000. good. Music Box (Hamrlck-Evergreen) <850; 32-37-42) — 'Daughter's ,(F<N). Key City Grosses EstlMatcd TeUi Gross TUa Week. %ijaijm (Based on 24 cities, 147 thea- tres, chiefly first runs, tncludinff N.r.) Total Grass Same Week . Uatttar ...$1.2M,M« (Based on 23 cities. 180 theatres). Expect swell $4^500. Last week, •Pygmalion' (M-G) (5th wk), wound up dandy riin with $2,000, gOM. Orphmaa (Hainrick - Evergreen) (2360: 32-37-42)—'Dodge City' (WB) and "Winner Take AU' (2ttth). Big campaign started early, looks to land around $S;0OS; immense. Last wedi, 'Missouri' (Pte) and' 'Pacific Linn" (RKO), $4,700, okay. Palamar (Sterling) (1,350; lft-27- 37-42)—'GamMing Ship' (U) and 'Cipher Bureau' (GN), dual, plus Bowes' ams. Great $5,800. Last we^ 'Newsboys Home' (U) and "Last Express' (U), dual and vaude, good $4,3)0. Parameoiit' (Hamrlck-Evergreen) (3JB39; 32-37-42)—'3 Smart Girls' (U) and 'Society Smugglers' (U) (2d wk). Looking for $4^600, good. Last week, same films, great $8,200. B«M«T*lt (Sterling) (800; 21-32)— "Off Recwii" (WB) and 'DevU's Is- land" (WB). Expect big- $2,700. Last week, 'Made Me Criminal' (WB) and 'Going Places' (WB), slow $1,900. Dodge Big 24G, fflartm-Garfidd N.G.$17mPitt Pittsburgh, AprU 11. Easter week bringing a few smiles back to the Golden Triangle, but curiously enough, the boom isn't gen- eral. In past, it's always been a hot session' for everybody. This year only a few of them are sharing the spoils. .'Dodge City' is far and away the smash of week, heading Penn for one of year's top grosses and a cinch to hold over at the Warner, while Three Smart Girls Grow Up' is push- ing the Alvin back into lop brackets again and sticks for another seven' day stretch. Third h. o. will be Ful' ton's 'East Side of Heaven,' holding nicely in stiff competition and get- ting real coin for this spot. Combo of 'Blackwell's Island' and Tony Martin in person is big disap' pointment at Stanley, and reissue of 'Snow White' is also taking it' on chin at Senator. Estimates for This Week Alvln (Harris) (1.850; 25-35-50)— 'Smart Girls' (U). Spotty, but get- ting enough big days right on the heels of slow ones to insure first-rate $13,300 and h. o. That's up couple of grand over first-run grosses for last couple of Durbin pix. Iiast week, 'Baskervilles' (20th). good at $7,000 for eight days during Holy Week. Folton (Shea-Hyde) (1,750; 25-40) —'East Side Heaven' (U). Got a bet- ter break than most of new product, because management held up open- ing until after Holy Week, shooting in Crosby flicker Saturday (8). Head- ing for nice $7,700, plenty respect- able at this spot, and good for at least second week. Last week, re- issues of 'Lost Patrol' (RKO) and 'Star Midnight' (RKO) reissues, pleasant surprise at $4,600 in 10 days. penn (Loew's-UA) (3,300; 25-35-50) —'Dodge City" (WB). Super west- em topping everything in town by a wide margin. Should have no trou- ble knocking down $24,000 and may even go above that on current im- petus. That means it goes to the Warner Friday (14). Last week, 'Huck Fhin' (M-G), beat down Holy Week barrier to finish strong at $14,- 750, way better than anticipated. Senator (Harris) (1,800; 25-40)— 'Snow White' (RKO). Lot was ex- pected from reissue of Disney clas- siQ, but it's not coming through. There won't be. more than $2,500 in the till at the finish. Last week, 'Cimarron' (RKO reissue), 'Navy Secrets' (Mono) and 'No Man of Her Own' (Par), latter two dividing seven days, just another session at $1,800. Stanley (WB) (3,600; 25-35-60)— 'Blackwell' (WB) and Tony Martin on stage. Nice notices for this com- bo and great, expectations, too, on strength of Martin's corking $26,000 last time around about a year ago. However, nothing like it in sight this time and plenty disappointing at $17,500, especially for holiday week. Last we^ Ice Follies" (M-G) and Bowes' 'World's Fair Revue," poor $14,500. Warner (WB) (2,000; 25-35-50)— <Huck Finn' (H-G). Shoved in here at last minute from Penn after quick decision, and as result got away to slow start. Picking up nicely, how- ever, and should have no trouble grabbing $6,000. Last week. Saint Strikes Back" (RKO) and 'Secret Service of Air" (WB), very poor $2,- 600 in ei^t days. CASHES' LUSH aOOlIN Kansas City, April 11. Trend for the week is to single' bills, with noticeably better product in every house. Four of the major first-runs are soloing this week, against four duals last week. Tower and Midland stick to thel^ set policy of duals. 'Dodge City," at Newman and 'Story <d Irene and Vernon Castle,' at Oridieum, are outstanding, as is 'Three Smart Girls Grow Up' at the Uptown, alQiough it has some room to go in the iray-and-date Esquire situation. Duals are likewise show- ing pleasing returns, and total along theatre row is up markedly over the past week. Estimates for This Week Esquire and Uptown (Fox-Mid- west) (820 and 1.200; 10-25-40) — Three Smart Girls" (U) returns these sister houses to their former day-and-date policy. Film going strong at Uptown and beating aver- age at Esquire. Combo headed for $7,500. with Uptown by far the stronger half. I.ast week, 'Basker- viUes' (20th), fair $3,000 at Uptown, and 'Pygmalion" (M-G) closed three- week, subsequent-nm at Esquire with satisfactory $1,500. Midland (Loew's) (3,573; 10-25-40) —'Broadway Serenade' (M-G) and 'Blondie Boss" (Col). MacDonald- Ayres film ably supported by comic strip characters and house up over past few weeks. liooks for $10,000, fair. Last week, 'Fast Loose" (M-G) and "Four Girls" (M-G), so-so $8,500. Newman (Par) (1.900; 10-25-40)— •Dodge City" (WB). Opened Wednes- day (5) and $11,500 in sight, top fig- ure here. Holds over. Last week, 'Never Die" (Par) and 'Eagle Hawk' (Par) (reissue), moved out after six slow days, $4,600. Orpheom (RKO) (1,500; 10-25-40) —"The Castles' (RKO). Looks set for extended run; $9,000 looks in. Holds. Last week, 'Blackwell' (WB) and 'Fisherman's Wharf (RKO), slow $4,800. Tower (Fox Midwest) (2,050; 10- 25-40) — 'Graham Bell' (20th) and 'Everybody's Baby" (20th). One of this house's better weeks on straight films, $7,000. Last week, 'Basker- villes" (20th) and 'Family Door' (U), $5,600, slow. 'CASTLES' RICH 7^26 IN INDPLS. Indianapolis, AprU 11. ' Improvement is noted at the first' runs, with stronger attractions being offered to Easter week showgoers. The straight film houses in the down- town sector are sharing business on virtually an equal footing, with profit in prospect for 'Dodge City,' at' Cir- cle, 'Story of Vernon and Irene Castle,' at Indiana, and the dual of 'Broadway Serenade' and 'Lone Wolf Spy Hunt', at Loew's. The vaudfllm Lyric is registering the top gross and will gamer a com- fortable margin of profit on 'Hound of Baskervilles' and Orrin Tucker's orchestra. Revival of "Eagle and Hawk,' at Apollo, on a dual with 'One-Third of Nation' is not doing much. Estimates tor This Week Apollo (Katz-Dolle) (1.100; 25-30- 40)—'Eagle Hawk* (Par) (revival) and 'One-Third Nation' (Par), For- mer pic and its cast stressed in ads, but results are mild at $2,500. Last week. Three Smart Girls' (U) and 'Beauty Asking' (RKO), in moveover session from Indiana,.'^,700, fair. Circle (Katz-Dolle) (2,600; 25-30- 40)—'Dodge City' (WB). Back to single features after three poor weeks with vaudfilms. Sturdy $7,300. Last week, 'Winner All' (20th) and John Boles unit on stage, was in the red plenty at $7,800. bidlana (Katz-Dolle) (3,100; 25-30- 40)—'Castles' (RKO). Single bUl pol- icy after string of twin bills. Hit- ting the ball at $7,500. Last week, fair 'Dodge CityV $29J0, 'G^tles' 26G TopL A. hsitst Fare, 'HoeUeberry' Broiuiway Grosses Estimated Total Gross ThU Week $344,»M (Based on 12 theatres) Total Gross Same'Week Last Tear ....^$S7MM (Based on 12 theatres) $5,700 on dual ot ^Midnight! (Par) and 'King Chinatown' (Far). Loew's (Loew's) (2,400; 25-30-40)— "Broadway Serenade' (M-G) and 'Lone Woir (Col). MacDonald film given strong ad campaign and results are good at $7400. Last we^ 'Fast Loose' (M-G) and Tour Girls' (M-G) poor $4,700. Lyrle (Olson) (1,900; 25-30-40) — •Baskervilles' (20th) and Orrin Tuck- er band on stage. Latter played up over the pic because of Acker's radio time from Chicago in recent months. Healthy take at $10,500. Last week, 'Oklahoma Kid' (WB) and vaude headlining Hoagy Carmichael, 'surmounted Hofy week obstacles to finish with okay $10,300. ^eiiade'Sour SG, but Xastles' Big 9G in Cincy Cincinnati, April 11. Liberal release Of fresh product and Easter Week are hatching sweet b.o. chirps, by and large, in cinema center. Loudest peep Is from Dodge CII7," which has the Albee racking up its biggest number for some weeks. 'Story of Vernon and Irene CasUe' is the place marker and it will hold indefinitely at the Shuliert 'Sergeant Madden." at Keith's, and 'Blondie Meets the Boss.' at Lyric, are above- par trade-bringers. 'Broadway Sere- nade' is off stride for the Palace. Estimates for This Week Albee (RKO) (3,300; 35-42) — 'Dodge City' (WB). Big $15,000. Last week. "Ice Follies" (M-G), fair $9,000. Capitol (RKO) (2,000; 35-42) — Three Smart Girls' (U) (2d run) (2d wk.). Good $4,000 following nice $5,000 last week. Family (RKO) (1.000- 20-30) — 'Trouble Sundown' (RKO) and 'Mys- tery Plane' (Mono), split with 'Let Live' (Col) and "Mexlcali Rose' (Rep). Good $2,400. Last week, 'Ck>n- vict' (Rep) and 'Society Smugglers" (U), split with 'Torchy Blane' (WB) and 'Whispering Enemies' (Col), so- so $2,000. Grand (RKO) (1,200; 25-40)—"Wife, Husband' (20th). Moveover from Palace. No dice at $2,000. Last week, 'Love Affair' (RKO) (3d run), fair $2,800. Keith's (Libson) (1;500; 35-42)— •Madden' (M-G). Swell $5,500. Last week, 'Culver' (U), poor $3,000. Lytic (RKO) (1,400; 35-42) — •Blondie Boss'. (Col). Okay $4^000. Last week reissues of 'Star Midnight' (RKO) and 'Lost Patrol' (RKO), good $4,000. Palace (RKO) (2.600; 35-42) — 'Broadway Serenade* (M-G). Sour $8,000. Last week, 'Wife, Husband' (20th), fair $8,500. Shnbert (RKO) (2,150; 35-42) — 'CasUes' (RKO). Dandy (9,000. Will hold indef. Last week, 'Man Votes' (RKO), aU right $4,500. 'Dodge' Fit T'/zG, Pacing Port.; 'Heaven' Nice 5G Portland, Ore., April 11. 'Dodge City' is terrific at the Par- amount, cueing them Into the big house from the start. It looks set for a long run. Two other winners are 'East Side of Heaven," at Broadway, and "Three Smart Girls Grow Up,' at UA Estimates for This Week Broadway (Parker) (2,000; 30-35- 40)—'East Side Heaven' (U) and 'Culver' (U). Answering to exploita- tion for good $5,000, Last week, 'Daughter' (WB) and 'Newsboys' Home' (U), closed second week strong at $4,700. First connected for big $6,000. Haytalr (Parker-Evergreen) (1,500; 30-35-40)-'Pygmalion' (M-G) (4th wk). Good $2,500. following three weeks at UA. Last week, 'Stage- coach' (UA) and "Star Midnight' (RKO), ended four-week run with okay $2,200. Orpheiim (Hamrlck-Evergreen) (1.800; 30-35-40)—'Missouri' (Par) and 'Ambush* (Par), Oood- enough Los Angeles, April 11. First nms' are well fortified with screen fare for Easter week, but ran afoul of extrme heat over the weekend, and most suffered accord- ingly. Town's leaders are 'Dodge City,' being soloed at WB Downtown and Hollywood, and 'Vemon and Irene Castle,' day-dating at the Pan- tages and RKO. "Huckleberry Finn' at State-Chi- nese is bringing fair combined gross, while ParaiT.ount, with Tm From Missouri' will have hardest row to hoe. Estimates for This Week Chinese (Grauman-F-WC) (2,024: 30-4O-5S-75)—'Huck Finn' (MG) and 'Bum O'Connor' (MG) dual. Extreme heat offset juve attendance account Holy Week school vacation and best in sight is poor $7,200. Last week, Tailspin' (20th) and 'Musketeers' (20th), $9,700. Downtown (WB) (1,800; 30-40-55- 65)—'Dodge City" (WB). Took the town by. storm and hung up heaviest opening day gross at regular prices in years; looks like okay $15,000 first week. Last week, 'Blackwell's Island' (WB) and 'Wife's Relatives' (Rep), $7,400, Fonr'SUr (F-WC-UA) (900; 40-55) —'Prison Without Bars' (UA). Came in day before Easter with first week probable $3,700. Last week, 'Lady Vanishes' (GB) three days of third week, $500. Hollywood (WB) (2.756; 30-40-55- 65)—'Dodge City' (WB). Will hit very, big $14,500 first seven days. Last week, "BlackweU's Island' (WB) and 'Wife's Relatives' (Rep), fair $6,400. Orpheom (B'dway) (2,280; 25-30- 35.^40)—Trouble in Sundown' (RKO) and 'Fisherman's Wharf (RKO) dual and vaudeville.' Cashed in last three days on Easter holiday biz for okay $8,000. Last week, second runs. Fantages (Pan) (2,812; 30-40-35)— 'Castles' (RKO) and 'Blondie Meets Boss' (RKO) dual. Despite Holy Week bugaboo first week should fin- ish with healthy $14,000. Last week, 'Love Affair' (RKO) third week, and •Spirit of Culver" (U), held excep> tlonally strong for very good $8,000. Paramount (Par) (3,505; 30-40-55) —"Missouri' (Par) and stage show. Brutal $7,000 and yanked in five days. 'Eagle and Hawk' (Par) (reissue) , replaced today (Tuiesday). Last week, 'Midnight' ' (Par) (2d wk.), topped $12,000 as expected. KKO (2,872; 30-40-55) — 'Castles' (RKO) and 'Blondie Meets Boss' (RKO) dual. One of two downtown leaders and should bring neat $12,000 on initial seven days. Last week, third stanza of •Love Affair" (RKO) with 'Culver' (U) v?ry good $7,000. State (Loew-Fox) (2,414; 30-40-55- 75)—'Huck Finn' (MG) and 'Burn O'Connor" (MG), dual. Failing to profit materially with kid attendance during pre-Easter holiday so $11,500 the answer. Last week, "Tailspin' (20th) and 'Musketeers' (20th) bet- tered expectations with OK $13,100. United Artists (F-WC) (2,100; 30- 40-55) — 'Tailspin' (20th) and 'Mus- keteers' (20th) dual. Moveover not hot at $2,300. Last week, "Ice Follies' (MG) and 'Fast, Loose* (MG) very bad $2,100. Wllabire (F-WC) (2.296; 30-40-C5- 65)—Tailspin' (20th) and 'Musket- eers' (20th) dual. Easter failed to help this pair on moveover with brutal $3,300 the answer. Last week, 'Ice Follies' (MG) and 'Fast, Loose' (MG) n,s.h. $4,450. Hardy Family Grows Hollywood, April 11. Five players were added to tha Hardy Family cast when 'Andy Har- dy (jets Spring Fever' rolled yester- day (Mon.) at Metro. Additions are likely to remain as permanent fixtures in future editions of the serial. $4,000. Last week, 'Oklahoma Kid' (WB) and 'Beauty Asking' (RKO), okay $4,200. Paramount (Hamrick - Evergreen) (3,000; 30-35-40)—'Dodge City' CWB) and 'Flying Irishman' (RKO). Great $7,500 and will hold. Last week, 'Love Affair" (RKO) (2d wk) with 'Everybody's Baby' (20th) (1st wk), fair $4,300. ElvoU (Indie) (1,100: 20-25)—'Dr. Kildare' (M-G) and 'FUrtlng Fate' (M-G) (revivals). Okay $1,600. Last week, 'Crooked Mile' (Par) and 'Al- catraz' (WB) four days at $1,400, fol- lowing three of "If King' (Par) and Thanks Memory' (Par), fair $800. United Artbts (Parker) (1.000; 30- 35-40)—'Three Smart Girls' (U) and 'Risky Business' (U). Strona $6,000. Last week, 'Pygmalion" (M-G) closed' third week nicely at $3,500. First two weeks totaled good $0,30011 . • ■