Variety (Apr 1939)

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VARIETY Wednesday, April 12, 1939. Variety Oills NEXT WEEK (April 14) THIS WEEK (April 7) Numerals in connection with bills below indicate epsning'day' of . show, whether fiill or split week Loew NEW YORK cm Stale <1S) Blaffocd & Loula* OAudamlth Bros Judy Garlftnd Jo* Venull Oro NOBFOLK Slate (14) Bcnil Vld Ber WASmXUTON Capttel <U> Dave ApolloD R«v Paramonit yw.w YORK cnrr ParaBwaat <ia> Tommy Dorsty Ore Krank Gaby Bait A Bates Del Rloa CHICAGO CblcsK* (M) Orrln Tucker Ore Carlton Emmy Co Ittoore ft Revel State lake (14) Oil Lamb VKW YORK CITY Mnle HaU (IS) Jeanne Devereaux Alyse ValentlnotC VrI Gueral. Marlon Baber Oeorge Mayer Robert Londram HOSTON Keltk (IS-IS) O'Connor Bros & S Val Seti Buster Sharer Co Harry Savoy 4 Veapera («) KItnrofl Kampufi Kapera Vox Sc Walters Buck ft Bobbles Rlch*ds Adrian Co Mallln ft Thomas CHICAGO Palace (14) Roxyettea Frank Paris Randall Sis VtfgT Taylor Co Brown ft Ames CUBTXLAND Palace (14) 12 Aristocrats Don Hooton Uilt Douglas Co DIxile Dunbar Hubh Herbert 1* Aristocrats (7) 24 Texas Comets Stapletons Al Bemie Texas Comets Grade Barrle Bmmet Oldfleld Co KEn- YORK CITY Strand (14) Ouy Lombardo Ore Ciene Sheldon Co Doris Rhodes PHIIADBUmA. row (14) Chirk Webb Ore Per Jjtg Bates Chuck ft Chuckles (7) SlkJrley.Roas Charles Barnett Or Judy Canova Muriel Thomas. PITTSBCBOH Stanley a4) Fred waring Ore' ay Tony Martin WASHINGXON Earie (14) Gae Foster Ols Tryon Sis Kathleen Harris Johnny Coy Ann Lorraine Bmtly Adrian i Ryana George Bell Cass Daley KEW YORK CITY ^ B«^r (14) Paul Remos Ce Art Jarrett Dorothy Crocker Paul Ash Ore ATI.AMTA RoxT (13) Phil Kegan Don Rice McDonald ft Ross Paul Kirkland Co KALTIHOBe State (IS-in) Betty Boop Show (lC-19) Matter Bros SaMlta I*eonoff n">vue De Luxe NIppodiome (14) Hudson Wonders P.ex Weber Croree Tapps K.ilrlle Taylor Walter Dare Wahl INMANAPAUS I.yrie (14) Jay Mills Ore Dean Hudson Ore- Stroud (2) ArniltlA Dick Ware (7) Orrln Tucker Ore <°arli-r ft HolnicS Ve-m F<»m I.ANCASTFJt Colonbl (ID) P.OKs Bros Ming ft Toy Belett ft Biig Bros Revue DeLuxo MILWAtnKEE Blreiaide (1) Dixie Dunbar Jackie Heller Bddle Peabodr Sully ft Thomaa 3 Uack Bros PATEB80N Majestic (U-U) Frank ft Alma Allen ft Irving Mack. Wllky ft D Masters ft Rollins Dunbar Co r wfi.annt. p^a Carman (14) Bwan, Dunn ft B (Three-to 1111) Play's (13) Jean Sargent DIan Rowland Mlllo. Starr'ft T Vox ft Walters RIch'da-Adrlenne Co IS LonergkD Ols ' pmr AT<' •llroAa«ray (II) Mateer.Bros ' Mae McElm Co D'nbar's Bell R'gers (One to mi)' PROTIDENCB Fay's (14) Happy F.elton Rev Week of April 10 Astoria Craclp Schcnk Co DomlaloB Gaston Piilmer Oracle Schenk Co S Cresso Broe Trornilera Rest. 5 P B MalK Norman Allln Stone & TjCa ' Van ft Allan ('nrloa Ames Adam ft Tror Ore CAMDBN TOWN Gnoniont Tounl;man Ore CtAPHAM Omnada Terry Co B.4ST BAM (irMnnda Fred Rylvester Co 3 Musketeers Kxqulslte S Premier Jose Iforono I>ennla Lawes 6 Acromltes ORV.BMVICH Gmnada Fred S.>'lvester Co BAUSIERSUITB 'Ganmcat McKay ft LaTallee 21 Sliver' Songsters Mario LorensI 5 ft U Harrison IS Dagenham^ GIs Bobby Howell Ore ISLINGTON . Blae Roll Colores ft BarrI Rome ft Leonard LRWISUAM Gnomont Bryan MIchle Co SHEPniUOS BV8H PaTlllon MeKay ft LaVallee 21 Hllver Songsters Mario £ Lorenzl Bobb.r Howell Qro BTBATFOBD Broadway Jose Moreno Dennis Lawes 6 Acromltes TUOTINQ (IroDatla Dan Rico Co WOOLWICH H&rlXS^f^^adiilc Provincial Week of April 10 ABEBDRBN TiTOlI Bert Denver Billy Maaon Co Mary Lee Bdna Thompson Harry NIblock David Dale Stanley Taylor Lewis Ritchie William Campbell Buch Hawtry ft W BnUIINGHASI Empire Elmer Cleve Co Prince Mercado Reriee Mazle Jan Van Albert ft S Jack Joyce Co BIroy ft Hall DCNDBE Pafaire Harry Cordon Jack Holden 12 Steffan GIs Clayton Sis Neller ft Clsre Alex Lennox Co EDINBFROU Royal Jack Anthony Bond Rowell ■ St John Sis Desmonds ft Clair Loretta GIs •* Krle Palmer Jay Morelle ' Jean Adrlenne Douglas Rex & L Falrweather ft L OtAtWOW PavUlea Jasper Maakelyne Herschel Henlere ProtCltt ft Evans Bnld Crulckshank UVBBPOOI. Skakespeare Luxor Gall-Oall Albert Burdon 3 HIUODS Hotel Tan Enoch Light Ore Peggy Mann George Hloes Smith Howard Light Brlgads Motel Wnidoit- Astoria (Bnplre Koam) Hal Kemp Ore Judy Starr - (Serf Boon) Emil Coleman Ore Angna Enters Georges ft Jalna Coblna Wright Jr Hotel Wklta Lou Lang Oro Charlie Macy MIml Francis Dell O'Dell Jimmy Kelly's Joe Capello Ore Inga Borg Gladys Faye Princess Aloraa Mary Lane Tanya Lee tieglle Carter ft Schanb Terry. Shannon Peggy de la Plante Montmartre Boys Danny HIgglns - Ilea Paris Charlie Murray Oro Mary Cohan Jimmy Rogers . .Uenle Carle Ted Straeter Ore Bob Knight Oro Dick Smart Blaine Bassett Peggy Healey Anita Colby Evelyn Kelly Rosanne Murray Onyx Clak John KIrby Oro I iM Wiley Paradise Vincent Tiavers Or Place ElegaBte Leo Lazaro.Oro Bill Farrell Tommy Mills Ben' Kant Irve Harris Rex Gavltte Qoeen Uary- Joe Ellla Ore Cbnauele Flowerlon Katlierlne Tate Carolyn Bell Balnbow Grin Barry WInton Ore Cabaret BiDs HEW TOBK CITT Atmnndo's Buddy Clarke Ore Marie Spaulding Pat Kennedy Barney Gallant's Angela Velez Frank McFarland Nellie Paley Bersch ft Dockery BUI Bertolottl's Angelo's Rh'mba Bd Elaine Spencer Dorothy Jefters Frank McFarlane Chita BOI's Gay Wa Emily Stevenson Jim FfallUpa Florence Herbert Billy Lorraine John Panter John Eliot Spike Harrison Rndy Madison Bill Quentmeyer Steven Isles Bernis Gra'uer George Tonak Harry Donnelly Arthur Behan Harold Wlllard Don Cortex Cafe- Savlnl Melvin Pahl Haywood ft Alien Cos* Hanaan Ozxie Nelson Ore James Barton Don Barclay Charles King Tola Gain Harry Stockwell Jack Cole Co Debonairs Allen ft Kent Gapt Tlsbor's Seals Jack Johnson Juvalys Tacopl Tr Berry Bros Kay Paiaons Sylvia ft Christian Art Lafleur Chateau Hodeme Paul Bass Oro Jill Roy Gabriel Lynn Russell Marlon Farrar George Rlxon Club U Jack White Pat Harrington Jerry Kruger Letly Kemble Judy Rudle Frankle Hyers Leila Gaynes Beale St Boys G Andrews Ore Club Cianclio Chas Macula Ore Panchlta Villa Tarrant ft Daclta Trlnl Plaza SInda La Marlta Pedro Vain Felicia Fiores . Maria Del Carmen 3 Gauchos Cotton Club Cab Calloway Ore Bill Robinson Sister Tharpe Tanya Katherlne Perry Beach combe re Glenn ft Jenkins Ruby Hill Son ft Sonny Myra Johnson Vodery CUoIr Diamond Horseshoe Koble SlBsIa Oro Don UcGrane Oro Fritzl Scbeir Buddy Doyle Margot Rrander Prank Llbuse Tom Patrlcola Joe Howard \ Clyde Mogor Mangean Tr Delia LInd Emma Francis Lulu Bates Willis Solar Harry Armstrong Elizabeth Hurray ElClike Ellseo Grenet Ore Fantasia Kevia Joylta ft Maitevnia Romero Gomes Paqulta Domlnguez Dorlta ft Valero El MonMve Val Ernie Ore Famens Doer Woody Herman Ore Mary McCall Francea Faye Qieeawleh Village Don Ravel Oro Doris Beed Billy DeWolfe 3 Musical Maniacs Gloria Gerard Molly Penrepn Marlon Baxter Gertrude Pershing Alice Anderson Vera Teatom Haraaa-Hadrld Nano Rodrlgo Ore Juanlto San'bria Or Roslta Ortega Nina Oria Castllla t De Llmas HIclCMT Boose Joe Uanala Ore Betel Ambassador Dick Gasparra Ore Vincent Bragala Ore Rosalaan ft Seville. H'tel Belmont-Plaxa Ernie Hoist Oro I Smoothies Jane Claire Belmont Balladee'S Adrian RolUnl 3 Hotel BUtmore ■ Horace Heidt Ore Larry Cotton Bob McCoy Lysbeth Hughes Art Carney Red Ferringtoa Henry Dick Jean Famey Betel Commodoie Sammy Kays Oro Botel Edison Gray Gordon Ore Ruth Bradley Hotel Essex Bonsa M Brandwynne Ore ■Dale Sherman Botel Gov. Clinton Eddy Mayahott Ore Betty Gala Botel Lexlngtoa Ray Kinney Oro Esther Siiaw Botel Uneola Jan Savitt Oro Milt Berth 3 Botel AIcAlpla J Messnsr Oro - Haclmo 3 Botel New Yorker Henry Busse Ore Don Dickson Vi Mele Frazee SI; Floria VestolT Edua Sedgwick Botel Park Cenlral Will (}sb'ome Ore Dick Rogers Lynn- Davis Enrico ft Novella Bet<d Park Ijtae Freddie Starr Ore Bob Lido AI Harris Betel Pennsylvanta Kay Kyser Ore Hotel Plaza Jack Marshard Ore N D'Amleo Ore P ft a Uortman Jane Pickens Gil Phelan Hotel BoeseveH Frankle Masters Or Hotel Savey-Pbtaa Gerry Morton Oro Hlldegarde Hotel Bt. Uerita Basil Fomeen Ore June Forrest Zanette ft Darrol Dell O'Dell Hotel Bt, Regis (Mdlom Boeot) Charles Baum Ore Sam Jarris Bris Belter Jane Nicholson Don Marten Ore Simpson Bis Dorothy Lewlr NOW PLAYING CHICAGO BROWN and AMES PALACE DICK, DON and DINAH CHICAGO Via: MARK J. LEDDY Omar's Linian Gibson Charlea Earle Hal Brown Ted Wells Ore Palemar Imogsne Coca Tanner Sis Gloria Monroe Kirk Allen > llassey ft Miller Jerry Uumson Jimmy Brierly George Olsen Paris Ian Dominic Blane ft Elaine Ginger Weldon Katherlne Skldmore Lillian Gnbert' Erie Massey Uenry- Honett Marguerite ft H Ken Honryaon Chuck Henry Ore Seven Seas Danny Kawanna Kay Silver Ijlillan Olbaoa • Al Melntyre Eddie Bush 4 Slapey Maxle's Slapsy Maxie Jaok Waldron Joe Flotksi A-ndy Serrelll Virginia Uatbews Moore ft Lewis Tommy BeUly Oro ' Seaaeiset HeuM Harry Rlngland Art Tatum Jack Owens Stage 1' Cafe Wally Vernon Billy Young Henry Galantl Sbemp Howard 4 Squires Swaaee laa Eddie Beal Gladys Bentley Tepsy'a Elmer Arlett Jon 'J'aras ft Masters Nichols ft Lucas Tite Mercer Bros Dorothy Brandon Chuck Poster Ore Victor Bogo Joaquin Garay Sklnnay Bnnis Oro Carmlns CHICAGO SId Hawkins Vaugh Comfort Oonz'les ft Christine John Rockwood Gene Walters Kit Kat Chib Dorothy Salter Dolores Brown Tjorenzo Rot>erson Teddy Hale Velma Middleton , La Hanialse Bill Palermo Oro Gloria Whitney Harold Leonard Frances Connelly Nino Nonno Larac Rddle Davla Ord Joseph Smith Ore Le Cog Boage Geo Stemey Ore Anne Franelne Tlsdale 3 Le Binge Peter Van Small Nina Allen' Byrnes ft Swansea Le Bobaa Blea Herbert Jacoby Hope Emerson Marie Eve- Elsie Houston Leni A Eddie's Loo' Martin Ore Eddie Davis Iris Adrian 'Ting Pin Sou Royal Whirlwinds. Luelcy Sis 2 High Spots Susan ft Christine Jerri Wlthee' James Eeogaa Ann Bronte Wally Wanger t. Jack Ostermaa's Utile CiBb Roger Steele Ore Frances Wllllama Patsy Ogden Scat Powell Meyer's Cellar (Hobekea) Howard Blaine Rosaline Lewis Martha Kovaca Gypsy Lopez Barbara Byton Lydia Bbrenberg Uarlyna ft. Michael Balabow Boom Ruby Newman Oro John Hoysradt Gower ft Jeanne Eddie La Baron Ore Joan Cartier RoaaiaB KrelcBnu Yasha Nlkagosov Nastia Pollakova Darla BIrse Alorusla Sara Hermlns Michel Claudia Capellova Senia KaravaeS Michel MIchon Serge Ignateirito Volodia Ratov Genla Pobcdina Bhisw Bar (Forest Bills) Sleepy Hall Oro Bill Hansen Martha Wrenshell Carol Horton' Fred ft H Dearborn Stork Club Sonny Kendis Ore Jose l<opez Ore Top Bat (Union City, N. J.) Jullft WIntz Ore Emanuel OvandoOr 3 Wiles Gertrude Briefer Thelma Nevlna Kay Blair Jerrie Srtilth Tersaince H Bergere Ore MKzi Green Panehlto Oro D'AvaloB Dancers Tillage Barn Howard Woods Ore Owen Williams Freda Sullivan Zeke ft Elmer PoUy Jenklna Ce Noll ft Nolan Lou Valero Walter Donahue WUritag Te» Geo Morris Oro Paloma Irene Stanley Ann Gale Rntti LeClaIra Russell Draeken S-WEEK SHOW "BABR and ESTES" IfItU TOMMY DORSEY PABAHOUNT. NEW YORK Placed, by i EDDIE SBITB. 82 Vl'est 4«lh Street Beverly WUsbtre Bray Sis Howard Gerrard Harry Owena Oro Cafe Calleute Pancho Diana Casllllo JuMo Gerrante' I.eo Lnz Dasquez Eddie Aguliar Ore Cafe La Maze Park Are. Boys Martha Mears Matty Malneck Ore CiDb BaU George Tount Bruz Fletcher Clnb Tersallles Jerry Lester Gloria King Theodores Chleco Ore Earl Carroll Paul Gerrlts Arren ft Brode'riek A Robins Igor ft Tanya Vivien Fay Suaan Miller Beryl WaUace 3 Sophisticated GIs Dorothv Gerron Reginald Craig Archie Bleyer Oro Bd Durant Ore Florentine Garden Maurice Kosloff Co iSmil Basso Ore IVank Sebastian's Cnbnnola Rduardo Chenei Joe Barrls Ore Grace Hayes Lodge Jacftls 'Coglen LOS ANGELA Grace Hayes LInd Hayes Joe Frisco Charlie Foy Lou Sallee Oro Hawaiian Paradise Loretta Walker Princess Luanna Joe Sullivan Ore Indigo jcafe aid Brown Jimmy Bllard Jack Frost Val Harris It Cafe Cabaneros Don Rudolf Oro itnj'a Bfaadalay Marguerite Fadula Geo Surprenant Jr Neville Fieeson Nonie Mitchell Hal Chancellor Ore Jimmy Kerr ft Boys I« Conga Den Jerl Spike Featberstons Evelyn Steels ■ Jerry Gallon LaC'nga Rh'mba Bd Little Club Jane Jones Paul Kendnll Walter Dyson Little Bongary Valesco's Gypsiss Harcel'a Leonard Keller Ore Marcna Daly Kay Gregory Joey Lee Oro Ambaasader Hotel (PomiS Reem) H McCreery Oro Betty Bryant Ball Ball Ralph Cook Ka'V Armin Ro>- Deltrlch Sally Osmon JImmIe Green Ore BUmarfk Betel (Wnlont Boom) Bob Belnio'nt Nanno Van Bouton Vlazao Murya ft Martyn Phil Levant Ore Betty Grey Darlene O'Day Blarkhawk Bob Crosby Ord Kay Bauduc Bddle Miller Marlon Mann Dorothy Claire Gil Rodin Don Pedro Oro Orrln ft Betty Binrkstoae Betel (itallnese JKn) Piiner ft Earl Ore Blue Goose Evelyn Waters Al Lane Melody King Buck Hunt 4 Hits ft a Miss Hreveert Butel (Crystal Beomj Florence Schubert Charlea Baldwin Grace Katrol Norma Ballard Braaamenl Herb Rudolph Ore Sandra Ginger Wood Georgle La Reau Jimmle Reid Sylvia Tucker Henry Simon 4 Londoneers Chez Borliley Dirk Buckley Olga Anton Sain Bari Ho Nllea Ralph Llndgren Or Chez Parce Cross ft Dunn Adelaide Morrett Mary Raye ft N Kay Taylor Weire Bros Russ Morgan Ore Don Orlando Ore Brans Adnrables Club Al Jack Spangler Paula Tyinea Amelia Margie Moore Oliver Harrla Ore ' Club' Alakam Dorothy DtiHogbton Evelyn NesbU Harriet Norris Sadie Moore Jack Irving ]*aulette LaPlerre Allen Cole Bins Burton Bernle Adier Dorothy Dale Dave Unells Ore Chalk Robinson Ore Bddle Rotb Ore Clab Espana Harry Hynda Bub Durfree Dick Hauvs Joe Hardy Hee Jones Kusa Llndgren Ore Colony Clnb - Yscht Club Boys' Jbsa Manxanares (>r Lew FIdler Oro Celoslnios Ada 'Leonard Roy Rogers Bill Balrd Natalie & How l.ulu Gnuld Deity Robin Harry Rose PronaiA GIs Hollywood 4 Henri Gendron Ore Club Dellsa Sam Robinson Kenrlene Barker Smitty ft Black Lorraine Brown Wesley Long Albert Sears Connie Morrow Chippie am Brown ft Brown Ethele Wilson Rhythm Willie Charles fsom Partsllo GIs Red Saunders Oro rongrees Betel (Class Bat Rm> Johnny Banga Ore (Peacock Bm) Joe Vera (I'omprilaB Km) Irving Margrnff Drake Hotel (Geld Coast Room) Tad Weems Oro . Marvel Maxwell Elmo Tanner Madle ft Ray Bernlce Parks . Dalch's John Elliott Carlos ft Dolores Betty Jerome Evelyn Harrls- Lnllta Hort Lund Oro Kdgewater, Beach Betel (Marine Beam) Mary Fran Sackley Eugenia HcGoe Ray Rerble Ore — Marino 4 Stuart Frazer Harriet Smith Gla SSS Clab Eddls Varzes Ore T.ucio Garcia Johnny Howard Rider Sis Grace McCarthy El Dnnspo Laurene No Vel Ken Leslio Peggy MoorO' Marie Paul Whlrly GIs . ' 3 Loose Screws Ray Stiebers Ore Sam Badls Famona Doe* Bsthsr Whittlngton Bryan Wolf Eunice HUl Dave Haicora Belie Baker Florins Manners NIkl NIrhols Terry CToole Al Roblnaon Ore Pyanke's Casino Will Martin Babs ft Bddle Sandra Byrd Billle. Rogers Roberta Buddy KIrble Rocke Bllsworth Bob Tlnsley Oro Gay M's JImmIe Ames J.ew King Colleen Joan Rogers June Jackson Vanette GIs Pat Otis Bobby Danders Ore Gay Farce Wanda Kay Bd Currie Uale Lawrence Goldea Spot SId Schapps t;harlene Baker Hal Barber Margie La Tour Lea Andrea Evelyn Lee Woodie La Rush Chester LeRoy Oro Grand Terrace Jean Brady Tondelaya ft Lopez Ted Smith Gladys Madden Dot Adams Marie Bryant Dusty Fletcher («anard Reed GIs F Henderson Oro Graemere Betel (Glass Hotise Bn) Toasty Pall Ore Carl Bock Yevo ft Doro Maxine Kirk Lorraine' Voss Harry's'N Y Cab'ret Jerry Bcrgren Violet Love Maxine Kirk Emma Colder Oaleftte ft Leonardo Rankin GIs Chas Engels Oro Art Buckley Al Wagner BllMe Myers Lee Berlins Blchoi7 Ina Kay Dare. , Joan ft Eddie Tom Garvey Gondoliers Ore Bl Hat LIta Grey Chaplin Iiou Holts ZIta ft AnnIS' Kretlow. Gla SId Lang Ore Ivaahoe Helen Irwin 'lice Munsoo 4 Uawallans Keith Beecher Ore L'AIglon Mary W Kilpatrieh Euseblo Cohclaldl Spyros Stamos Don Quixote Oro Bnnio Bolognlnl Or Hotel La Salle (Bine Front Boom) Vlbra Stuff Smith Oro Gladys Madden Jonah Jonea Liberty Ina Dick Hugos Helen Durfree June West Billy Hill Fritat Bey Bnrbra Bow Rita Manning i ' JImmIe O'Neli Bar! Wller Ore ' I.lmeliouse Bob Tank Oro Li Hie Clnk Tanua Tamara Richard Denzler Roland ft Franelne Joe Kish Ore - HcOraws Al Copeland Kmmctt Klapper Homer Roberta Chuck Andrews George. West iitx\a Doe Phil Chinnrd : Melody MIU Tiny Hill' Ore Allah DeWItt Harold. Osborne MIIMoae Ann Millstone Flo Whitman Ga:e Lawrence Betty Marrls Delia Barlcll Jack Roland Ore Nyra Lou Muriel Joseph Btssie Robbing Patsy Du Brae Sharons Minuet Clnb Del Bstes Willa Runyon Al Mtilvaney Verna Jordan Art Fisher Oro Morrison Botel (Hasten Oyster Ileose) Manfred Cotllielt Nnnscless Cafe Vlto Ore Ona Mayo Gwen Paul Pinky Tracey Margie Strong Evelyn Reed Ed Leon Nappo Gardens Genevieve' Jacyna Helen Coyle Tommy Jonea ■Tiny Gorman. Jane La Vonne Kay Moore Honey Lee Jean ft Wharton . Sally Sbarratt .Sol Stocco. Ore Old Beldelber( Old Heidelberg Ce Octet Rot>ert Kensler Winn Strachn Herr Louie & W Herbie Ore Paddock Clnb lone O'Donneli Margie Strong Marrlta Ryan Flo Polus Diane Raye Jay Hill Lee Francis Ore Palmer Beaoe (Emiitrv Boom) Eddie Ductaln Oro Rufe Davis Dick Barstow Andenon ft Allen Durette Alexander Abbott Dancers Phil Dooley Oro Parody Clab Flash Evans Ida Brown Dolores Shaw Kaytherlne Atkin Chle Sanders Ore Playhouse Helen Hart Johnny Morrisser Jean Cook Charlene Baker Barry Hodges Ore Rose Bbwl ' Willie Shore Freddie Fishers Or Selbys 2 Gladys Palmer Glenda Hope Sol Wagner Ore Boyal Prollcs Dolly Kay Uddle While 4 Wltson Bros Anthony, A ft H Al Trurk Ore Mark Fisher Ore Jack Hllllard Frolics Ens BIwrman Hotel (Cellle Cnte) Gene Kcrwln Ore (Dome) James Hamilton Jim Bladi Jerry Gllddcn Keller Sis Del Ohrel (Panther Room) Gene Krupa Ore Irene Daye 8 Jitterbugs BMhouelle Larry Forbea Deo Oown«y Bddle Danders Joan Baylor Joey Conrad Oro Silver Cleud - Bert Nolan Millie Orosse . Paul ft D Gilbert Elaine La Marr Ted T.anRley Lou Gultcrinan VI Gore Hazel Jialus Nord Rlrhardson Johnny McFall Ors Silver Frolics Harry Harris Blaine Rnbey Tony ft Gene Pay Wallace Art Freeman <M Clab Billy Carr Munny Carter Connie Fosoaaw Joan Dare Frances. McAvoy Jean Rochelie Dolores Del Rae Marg Faber Ola .Tool ft Annette DIetriPha Inez. (Scott AlaluT Jessie Rosella Dagmar Dolly Sterling Patricia Perry t^ollette Carmen Sol l.ake Ore Tripoli 3 Sky Backet Marjorie. Whitney Dictators Mathews ft Shaw t Kings Stevens Hotel (Centlotfatal Boom) Rhythm- Boys Oro Bernhardt ft G Byton Uls Rlratospbere Clab Princes Red Rock Frank Barber Snbwar Ginger Dix ,Opal Adnir t'onnte Rogera Kena ft iMii Jackie Richard Francea Thomas Bdlth Marlowe Dolores Mac Billy Kent Henry Sax Oro Sosl-Q Rernle Oreen Saxon Sis Chrrl Jules Scott Snni Barl Varne Wilson Oro Thempaon's 18 Clnb Ray Reynolds Althea Alleri Dale Williams Patsy Thomas Crystal Cook Dot Keith GIs Jessie Garwood Helen DuWayne Marsh HcCurdy Sammy Frisco Oro rhree Dences Baby Dodds Charles McBrldo . Liil Armstrong Lonnle Johnson (Off IlMit Boom> Anita O'Day WIngy Mannono Tramp Bd Lennle Eaterda'll Jimmy McParlland . Tower Ina Mollie Manner Ram Haas - Inez Gonaa Betty Story Lee GIs 3 Hawallsns FjcanK Davis Ore Town Clah Chet Boswell Mae Dl Fill Roslta Carmea Milllcent De Witt Wayne Bros Knia Phillips 6 Chlragoans Frankle Qualrel Oro Hal Barber Tllla Modems Tony^abot Oro Winona Cardena Glgl Rene' r,ee Hnrmoa Pat Allen NIta La Tour Virginia Gilbert Lucille Johnson Frances West NItu La Tour Hazel Gregg Frank Snyder Ore pmLADELPHIA Anchorage Harry Hansel! Oro Jack Curtis NIta ft Rnvel Edna Thompson Bcllevoe-Strai lord (Mala DIaIng B'm) Meyer Davis Ore (Bargdndy Room) Frank Juals Oro Ben Franklin llelel (Garden Terrace) Bed Norvo Terry Allen Benny the Bom's Hollywood Debs (3) WUraa Donglos Larry Vincent ' Trudela ft Jean Blaine HInkie RImacs Jimmy Sanderson Dronrning Lone Inn (BcUmnwr, N. J.) Dixie Hey Marlyn Dawn Mary Joyce Lucille Nolan VInce Norman Ore Cadlllao Tavern M Henrique Darlene Jones Eddls Thomaa Jack Newlon Sunny Ray H Reynolds Ore Club is Dick Thomas Johnny Young Oro Beverly Fisher Bee Larry Jean Lee ■ • Princess Helen . Cafe Moroney Scarey Gavin Al Cubler Ijorraine Wiley Joe Famllani Oro Club Parakeet - O.eorge MeCall Ora Fran Caswell Bobby I.aRue Emma Slouch Down Beat Harry Roberts Henry Patrick Datkln's Rothskcllet Frank Fonti Montez & Maria Patty LaVeme Margie Drummond Cleo Valentine Irving Braslow Ore EI Chiro Kay Laverly Margaret Marshall Jack Marston Virginia Howard Jean Sutherland Senorlta Marqoerlts Sherry Lee . BiAbles Shelby Arlett Withers Ivan Tashman Oro . Embassy Billy Maple Aida Alvarez Bdlth Boark Lula Mallna' Dolores O'NelU Al Moore Ore Pedre Blanco Ore George ClIBord Brergreea Casino Tommy Moares ■ ' <