Variety (Apr 1939)

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Wednesday, April 12, 1939 CHATTER VARIETY 53 William Brandt beflded with the " Kalli* Flanagan ill with grip-e last ''frank Ph«lps, Warner labor ex- ecutive, in Florida. Sidney Fleischer recovered from flu and back at his office. Paul Dullzell, recovered from gerum shots, backbit office. ^Vxtie Block, of Windsor bx)., seri- ously ill at Medical Center.. Gabe Hess, Hays office legal-head, back from West Indies cruise. Erin O'Brien-Moore niay. leave Doctors' hospital in three weeks. The Tom Wallers became god- parents in Wadiington Sundav (9). ■Walter Brooks is on^a mJk diet, feeding a couple Uttle ulcers the docs '"kw Kimber. nee Marlowe, saUed for the Dorchester, London, past ^¥^« 'jubUee dhiner of Catholic Actors' Guild at the Astor Sun- '''Austhi' Keough off to Aslievill^ N. C. and AUante on busmess and vacation. . ^ ' , Donald Oenslager due back this week from vacation at Sea Island Beach, Ga. _ x- , * N. Bernard Freeman, Metro's Aus- tralian manager, in from the Coast for huddles. . , „ ,. _ Miguel Roldan, of the old La Conga, ■ now with the Havana- Madrid nitery. Pat'Duggtin <Matson & Duggan lit- erary' agency) back to work after a tussle with flu. Red, white, and blue envelopes now used at Center for The Ameri- can Way' tickets. George Jessel says Louis Nizer is the toughest after-dinner speaker he ever had to follow. Gower and Jeanne, Rainbow Room dancers, set for their first Broadway musical, 'Streets of Paris.' Luise Sillcox, Authors' League exec sec, injured her back in a fall while alighting from a bus. Sam Morris, Warner Bros. v.p. in charge of foreign, back at his desk' after being ill about a week. Joe Phillipson, who represents J. H. Cooper's interests in Para- mount, is in Florida for three weeks. Too much weight for W. G. Van Schmus is why he's in St Luke's where they're trying to take some of It off. 'Pins and Needles' souvenirs are small flashlights for program perusal In the dark. There is a keyring at- tachment Joe Schoenfeld (VARiErr) pulled a tneak and Jumped off for the second time recently. Edna O. Tansey is the bride. Robert Buckner, author of 'Prim- rose Path,' has shaved off his beard, which he grew because of -a skin In- fection of the face. Benny Goodman autographing his The Kingdom, of Swing' book In Gimbels. Irving Kolodin, music critic of the Sun, collabed.; John Joseph in from Hollywood for home office confabs on U. prod- uct and to supervise makeup ot the company's annual product announcer ment Irma (the first Mrs. Jack) Warner and director Al Rogell back to the Coast, and due to stop off for a wed- ding, ceremony today (Wednesday) In Las Vegas. IVree DlUard, Jr., Metro's attor- ney in charge ot anti-trust litigation, returns to N. Y. this week from three weeks' rest at his home in Greensboro, N. C. Leon G. Turrou, ex-G-Man, was refused a visa by the German con- sulate in N. Y. P. S.—Warners' "Nazi Spy' pic, written by Turrou, opens soon at the Strand. Bill White has a Metro writing contract which he starts this week, so Ruth Morris (Mrs. Whit?), v.p. of the agency bearing that name, accompanies him the end of this ■week. Lucius Henderson, SO, old-time leglt player, is seriously 111 In Lenox Hill hospital, N. Y., with a lung In- fection. Lately he's been with the Federal Theatre's radio division In N. Y. _Helene and OQd) M(an); Samuel, 'Vakibtt mugg emeritus, in from New Orleans for Mrs. Samuel's one-wom- an art exhibit at the Argent Gallery, fiat's a bigtime display grounds so Helene's seemingly made the big leagues. Herb Golden Ben Bitten bedded by grippe. Variety Club drew biggest Sunday night crowd in years for screening of 'C!astles.' Hedgerow preparing farce op dic- tators, 'Beloved Leader,' for April 21, its 16th anni. Doris Greenblatt, sister of piano- rambler Ben, has s tarted a weekly vocal chore on WIP, Vine streeters planning a handball league at the Broadwooof to perspire off those extra pounds, Betty Brodel, in the line at Jack Lynch's, now doubling .as warbler' with Joe Frasetto's band. Otis Skinner expected In Phllly April 21 as honor guest at Collegiate Dramatic Conference ai tne U. of P. Joe VenutI last week received first swhig citation by Down Beat club. Presented by Rex RiccardI, secretary of AFM local. Embassy combing the socialite book for a' successor to Eleanore Piper and Cynthia Hare, who be- tween 'em p&cked the spot for six weeks. Johnny Murray, male halt ot a pro terp duo frequent seen in niteries here, is an elevator operator by day In the Market St. Bank hllllriing Arthur Cohn, chief of WPA music copying project, won $500 award given by American Society of the Ancient Instruments for best mod- em composition written especially for ancient instruments. fans By Hoc« Speck Marion Daniels spotted at ABC. Rene Maison in on Manhattan. Marie Dul>as in from North Africa. Jean Sablon readying for return to America. Last "FoUes Bergere' revue off na- tion-wide tour. Arabella and Rich signing for Lon- don appearance. Alexander Kipnis in from America for French tour. Un Vral Paradis' ('Real Paradise') new Bal Tabarln revue open. Fritz Krelsler due for first Paris recital in two years at the opera, April 20. Jeff Musso to Italy to start 'Dern- iere Jeunesse,' starring Raimu and Jacqueline Delubac. Josette Day signed for femnie lead In Marcel lW>ol's next, as yet un- named. Pagnol doing scenario. Mady Sicovich took lead in 'Folies Bergere' as Jeanne . Aubert exited to head new Rip revue at Nouveautes. Edward Stirling in trom New York acclaiming 'Abe Lincoln in Illinois,' 'Here Cjome the Crowns' and 'Oscar Wilde.' Metro holding Marie Antoinette exposition at Galerles Lafayette at same time film is at nearby Para- mount Maurice Lehmann commenced filming 'Fric-Frac,' adapted from the Edouard Bourdet play. Fernandel heads cast - Elvire Popesoo and Claude Dau- phin to top Bernstein's new fall pro- duction, "Martyr,' at Theatre des Am- bassadeurs. Noele Norman, elected "Miss Cin- ema 39,' to be given two film trials, one by Maurice Cammage, other by Jacques Houssin. Lilian Harvey In from C^p d'An- tibes; enroute to London, saying shell make next film In France, with Jean Boyer directing. Iiisette ' Lanvin and Jean-Pierre Aumont to co-star in 'Face au Destin' ('Facing Destiny'), which Andre Berthomieu will direct Renee Saint-Cyr and Pierre Blan- char will top cast of "La Nuit de De- cembre' Cllie Night of D€ceml>er'), Kurt Bernhardt's next St Loois By Sam X. Horst The'Coliseum closed for season. Virginia Haskins, 20, will sing with the Chicago City Opera Co. next season. Barney Rosenthal, manager of Re- public Pictures, visiting brother, Jake, at Waterloo, la. Ralph Leon, former sports writer for defunct St Louis Times, is p. a. for Falrmount Jockey Club. Tryouts for the .92 places in the singing and dancing chorus for the Municipal opera will be held May 3. Applicants are restricted to natives. ' Thomas L. Williams, a native, copped a $100 prize for his group of one-act plays, entitled 'American Blues,' trom the Group Theatre, New York. 'King of Kings' was revived for special showing during Holy Week under the auspices of the Metropoli- tan Church Federation- at the Mis- souri theatre. Sydney By Eric Gorrkk Cooler weather upped film theatre biz. Larry Adler is succes^ully playing nal>es for the Hoyts. Cinesound running a talent school under Alec Kellaway. Jan Rublnl Into the Regent, Syd- ney, as guest canductor tor Hoyts. James McCully appointed manager of the Lilierty, Melbourne, for GUT. The LIl>erty, renovated film theatre known before as the Melba, has been reopened by GUT in Mel'joume. Si^ chorus girls with the Harry Howard 'Hollywood Hotel' revue have returned to tf e U. S. Local femmes replaced. John Evans, Roy Barmby and Teddy Lane are runnir" (Greater Union during absence of Norman B. Rydge, who's in the U. S. Biggest skidder here recently was M-G's 'Stand Up and Fight' 'Pyg- malion' (GB) is stiH pulling plenty for GUT here and In Melbourne. 'Suez' opened .to smash trade here. Looks as though ganpstier pictures again finding favor. 'Angels with Dirty Faces' (WB) had a good runi here and They Made Me a Crimi- naP (WB) also stands good chance ot repeating. George Foster, the agent passed 75th birthday. Albert being held over In Africa for another eight weeks. Tyrone Guthrie elected director of the Old Vic and Sadler's Wells thea- tres. Sam Barton to New York week of May 1 tor a Loew's State vaude date. Clifford and Marion may go Into a Big Bill Campbell vaudeville unit in August Edith Evans and Peggy Ashcrott will aopear in a new version of 'The Cherry Orchard.' Eric Boon, new English lightweight champ, signed for -seven weeks vaudeville tour for StoU. Stanley Scott writing .o friends in En{;Iand that he is building three new th'^itres in Australia. Maurice CoUeano ar A brother buying a trailer. In -which they in- tend to live during the summer. . Arthur Christensen, editor ot Daily Express, rumored slated for super- vising editorship of all Beaverbrook papers. Negotiaticms on for Emiyn Wil- liams to appear in his current play, 'The Com Is Green,' hi New York at conclusion of London run. - Henri Lartigue In trom Paris for talent. Has booked Georgie Hale girls for Les Ambassadeurs, Paris, as soon as they finish at Cafe de Paris and C^e Anglais. - 'Sons of Adam,' propaganda play by Beatrix Thomson, produced at the Arts Theatre Club, Is the story of the persecution of the Jews In a country named Varknd. It gives the players small chance to score. 'Here Comes the Bride,' new play by unknown author, will be aone in the West End, starring Naunton Wayne. Show wUl be sponsored by Charles L. Tucker, among others. No date set Eric Maschwitz- at Hazelmere, Surrey, to concratrate On play- writing. First he'll do sequel to 'Lilac Time,' to be dubbed Ulacs B^oon Again,' and then a new play, 'West One,' in collaboration with Fred Thompson. Edward Ayres, secretary of Para- mount here, has resigned after 23 years service with the company.' He will, however, remain a director of Paramount Film Service, Ltd.' Suc- ceeded by. P. D. (^-nwall, corpora- tion's chief accountant five-year contract with RKO as re- sult of Lasky search for talent Harry Sherman back to New York after booking musical comedy unit into Winnipeg and along west coast Closest Jeanette MacDonald gets to Minneapolis on her concert tour this month is Rochester, Minn., and Sioux Falls, S. D. W. A. Steffes, president Northwest Allied, oft to New York to work on arrangements for Allied States' na- tional convention here June 13-15. Final report ot Twin City Variety Club's $25,000 European refugees', re- lief fund drive shows it went over top ^'ith more than $200 to spare. Hollywood Literati (Continued from page 52) and the N.Y. American, died Thurs- day (6) after a short Illness. Katharine Fedden, novelist died Friday (7) In Beasin, Spain, of in- juries received In wreck of a Ma- drid-Paris train near that town on March 29. Writer's husband, Rom- Illy Fedden, was Instantly killed in the mishap. Mrs. Fedden author of a number of published novels, to- .gcther . with many translations. Daughter, two sons and two brothers survive. F. E. W. Brieht, 64, ex-city editor ot the Detroit Times and active on Detroit News staff until f^w weeks ago, died in Detroit April 3. Began with.Windsor (O'nt).Record, joined Dstrojt News and later worked on the short-lived United States Daily before joining the old Detroit Jour- nal; Col. Ernest Leroy Banrae, 56, edi- tor of the Salt Lake Telegram, died Friday (7) of a heart attack. Mcrritt Bond, 53, veteran news- paperman and editor, died Monday (10) In Phoenix, Ariz. He was form- erly city editor and managing editor ot the Philadelphia Evening Ledger, m. e. ot the New York Post m. e; of the Philly Public Ledger and editor ot the North American Newspaper Alliance. Widow and brother sur- vive. Des Moines Bill Brown back from a vacation in Arizona. Mrs. Paul 'Fine hospitalized at Iowa Methodist The A. H. Blanks back from a siesta at Hot Springs. Isadore Weiner now selling for Universal here. He was with Colum- bia in Omaha. Harold Fair back trom some deep- sea fishing off Florida, with a 'certi- fied' seven-foot shark. Lou Levy, of Grand National, Is reorganizing the Variety Club here, with headquarters at the Savery hotel. Iowa senate passed the bill to In- crease chain store taxes consider- ably, but did not include chain the- atres. ^ Pending remodeling, the Tri- States offices are scattered all over the Paramount building for a few weeks. Irving Grossman will run New Riverview park this summer. He will ahM continue to head WHO's Radio Enteprises. Kansas City By John Qnlim Jack Dempsey In town over the week-end to referee the rassling bouts. Allan Karf, Fox Midwest booker, hospitalized for a tonsilectomy past week. Barrett C. Klesline, Metro, in (own several days good-willing for his company. Joseph Meier nresented Passion Play' for week In the Music Hall of the city auditorium. Mike Cullen, Loew's district chief, spending few days with John Mc- Manus, of the Midland, lining. up spring policies. An.<!on Weeks and crew moved into the Terrace Grill Friday (7) with Liliane and Mario, dance team. Clyde McCoy moved out after two- week stand. By Les Bees Lawrence Welk's band Into Club C^inb. Harry Hlrsch (Gayety stock bur- lesque) confined to home by illness. Gene Meredith, ot Warner Bros., moving out to Lake Minnetonka home. Joe Fleldman, Universal salesman, in Asbury hospital recuperating from minor operation. Joseph Si^dy orchestra, with Har- ris and Shore, dancers, into Hotel Nicollet Minnesota Terrace. Katherlne Hohn, Twin Citylte, has NEW PEBIODICAL The American Liberal, monthly mag ot national affairs, published by the American Liberal Press. Louis Durant Edwards editor, with Gloss Edwards as associate ed. Pub has an editorial board consisting ot H. G. Murray, Harrison Grey Fiske, George L.' Markland, Jr., Elizabeth Fielding Elkins, and Ralph T. Young. CHATTEB Ellery Sedgwick to France. Ludwig Marcuse here, and. will he. come a U. S. citizen. Ford. Madox Ford has .changed publishers, going to Stokes. George G. Rosenberg and Jack T. Schwartz readying a new mag. Pierre Loving talks before the Book and Magazine Guild Friday (14). Fulton Oursler's boy. Will Charles Oursler, marries Adelaide Burr next month. Scott Hart of the Washington Post, has had a novel accepted by Derry- dale Press. J. EUis Thomsett Grell, ot F. W. Dodge Corp., the publishers, weds Ellen L. Rodenbach soon. Harper to bring out a volume ot Paul Green's plays this week under the title of 'Out of the South.' David Joseph Quirk, formerly pic- ture editor ot the Boston Daily Rec- ord, has joined the staff of Look. Ruddick C. Lawrence has quit American Boy staff to tep Fortune in Philly. Davis G. Kirby succeeds him. E. Phillips Oppenhelm, who pre- ferred those charges against Eric S. Pinker, has a new agent, Curtis Brown. Dr. Franklin R. Cawl has quit as promotion director of Philly Inquirer to take over same post with the Farm Journal. McNaught Syndicate Is looking for a cartoonist to draw the new Edgar Bergen-Mortimer Snerd newspaper strip, due .to start June 1. (>>untess Felicia Gizycka, who is Mrs. Eleanor Patterson's daughter and a novelist in her own right, feted by the N. Y. Newspaper Women's Club. Loren Carroll, city editor of the Paris edition of the N. Y. Herald Tribune, will have a book, 'Conver- sation. Please,' published this month by Bobbs-Mcrrill. New v/eekly tab, Hollywood Trib- une, makes its bow. April 28, issued each Friday, Editor is E. A. Dupont film director, brought here from Ger- many in 1925 by.C^l Laemmle. Moe Annenberg, publisher ot Phil- ly Inquirer, N. Y. Morning Tele- graph and string of mags, building a $2,000,000 hotel in Florida. Also said to be contemplating purchase of the E. T. Stotesbury estate In Philly for his own use. Harry Cohn hospitalized. Helen Broderick recuperating. Sam Woods back from England. Phil Berle to Washln^n on biz. Greer Garson back trbm London. Alice Faye to Ne\y York via Canal. Sophie. Stewart a visitor from Lon- don. Florence Roberts back from .Hono- lulu. Fanny Hatton suffered heart at- cack. Lew Ayres readying for European tour. George White flew In from Man- hattan. Edward Adams in hospital with asthma. Terry Brickley joined Associated Artists. Harry Rapt back from month's vacation. Richard Greene to hospital for ton- silectomy. Sam Katzman in from month's va- cash in N. Y. Kitty Kelly hospitalized with sprained back. Margaret Lindsay. motoring to Grand Canyon. Toscha Seidel in from personal appearance tour. Virginia Verrlll to Toronto for per- sonal appearance. Frank Morgan appointed to Geor- :a governor's staff. Claude Rains east to plow hia Pennsylvania farm. Howard Barnes here ganderlng for N. Y. Herald Tribune. Sid Rogel and bride to Honolulu tor delayed honeymoon. William Keighley and (lenevieve Tobin left for world tour. J. E. Benton Is new managing di- rector ot Ambassador hotel. Louis B. 'Mayer back at his desk after convalescence in desert Morton Lowry going to England after current chore at Warners. Joseph Bernhard. in from Man- hattan to confer with Jack Warner. Walter Wanger told Hollywood Chamber of Commerce about future of film biz. Republic studio broke out with a new house organ, 'Studio Insider,' edited by Sam X. Abarbanel. Robert Sinclair checked in at Metro after leave ot absence in east where he directed 'Philade'- phia Story' for Theatre Guild. By Hal Cohen ■ay Cafe Monday (17) for another long stay. (^arlie Washburn in on a quickie , three weeks ahead of the touring Luhts. Helen Ryman has joined the Play> house staff in charge of special pro- motion. Norman Porter signed for role in new Burnett Hershcy play, 'Brown Danube.' Ann Artis leavhig next month to •-> n hubby. Art Mix, with the Cole Bros.' ihow. Yiddish actress Mollv C^ohn in for week' of repertory at Lando theatre in HiU district Nelson Eddy and Lily Poos both signatured for May Beegle concert series next season. Harry Seeds' daughter has en- rolled for three-year course at West Penn Nursing School. Press reoorter John J. Kiigariff deluging Broadway revue producers with flock ot sketches. Abe Welners (he's the UA ex- change manager) back from belated honeymoon in Florida. G. Norman Rels author of libretto for comine Pitt Cm and Gown mu- sical, 'At Your Service.' Stanley Musician Frank Wilson now a gentleman farmer with acre- age in nearby Mars, Pa. Universal gang to.<»ed a farewell dinner for their chief. Joe Kauffman, transferred to Cleveland. Fred Kelly, brother of Gene ('One tor the Money') Kelly, stagine dances for Playhouse's "Meet Mv Sister.' The Harry Kalmiaes, John McGreeveys, Harry Foinstcin and Benny Amdur all in trom Florida vacations. Bemie Cummins featurin" ? tune ju«t turned out by Larry Rothmon, a local lad. It's 'Anyone L'.v-''y As You.' Walter Zivi completing a new play. Henry Markbrelts expect a.fnmily addition shorUy. Bon Air country club will be on WGN this summer. Sam Cole heading back to Key West for more sunshine. Jimmy Savage on the mend after having his appendix snatched. Frank Braucher, ot WOR. In for • some confabs with Harold Hig';ins, local office chief. Edith Griffith, back from .stay at Chez Paree, Omaha, readying for skip to Australia. NBC and Ruthrauff tt Ryan tossed a party for Tommy RIggs a,t the Mer- chandise Mart club. Irene CasUe gave a special .show- ing of "The Castles' flick at the Drake last week, but held down at- tendance to 300 on promise to RKO ' to limit number.