Variety (Apr 1939)

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Wednesday, April 19, 1939 PICTURE GROSSES VARIETY FRISCO EXPO KAYO FOR 6.0. Meriog' Hits Heights. $16,000, h Loop; Orrin Tucker New Aid To W 3% 2d:'Castles'17G 2d Chlcagi). April 18. Business continues aenerally good In the loop, with all the houses pre- aehting themselves In their best at- tire and with their best foot forward. Holdovers mark a good number of the houses, but they all Indicate rating such extended itays on the business they managed to corral the week before. Best of the h. o. spots Is the Chi- cago which is continuing 'Dodge City,' but which replaces last week's Mlscha Auer onstage with this week's p. a, of Orrin Tucker orchestra. New attraction figures to aid general strength of the holdover and wlU de- liver another proflable week for the- house which has come back strong In the past thtree sessions to. ride in more coin than the. Balaban & Katz flagship has seen in a long time. Another strong stayer u The Cas- tles' which remains in the Palace and evidences an ability to get coin over a lenf^y period. Without go- ing into any zoom brackets, picture Indicates a strong, and steady play. Of the same type of patronage comes the business for 'Grand Lluslon,' which is going into its second week in the Apollo. and figures to stick for several more in spite of the French dialog. And the fourth h. o. of the loop is 'Prison Without Bars,' which goes for a second week In the Garrick. Of the new pictures the best is •Wuthering Heights' for b.o. strength, getting great comment and loolcs like a real money-maker. ' Estimates for This Week Apelie (B&K) (1^00; 35-59-65-75) —'Illusion' (World) (2d week). Con- tinuing to fine $7,000 currently after taking down excellent $9,500 last CUcaco (B&K) (4,000; 35-55-75)— Dodge City' (WB) and Orrhi Tucker orchestra on stage. Second week for picture. Bonnie Baker, warbler with band, getting plenty of billing on previous click in this house. Headed for $33,000, splendid, after taldng lowie $42,000 last week with Mischa Auer in person. Garrick (B&K) (900; 36-55-85-75) ^-'Prison Bars' (UA) (2d week). With sensationalism in the ads man- aged solid $6,500 last week and indi- cates bang-up $4,500 currently. Oriental (Jones) (3,200; 25-40)— JiSdy and Mob' (Col) and 'Family NeKt Door' (U) and vaude. Bright take in the ofting at $13,000. Last week single bill of 'Boy Slaves' (RKO) and vaude took down hot $16,000. Palace (RKO) (2,500; 35-56-65-75) —'Castles' (RKO) and vaude. (2d week). Going along in fine shape and looks to gamer highly satisfy- ing $17,000 after managhig fine $22,- 000 last week. -.?«osev.elt (B&K) (1,500; 35-55-65- 75)—'Sgt. Madden' (M-G). Opened on Saturday (15) and is in line for around $10,000. not too solid a take. Last week, 'Missouri' (Par) wilted in midstream and went out after a single session at $10,500. fairish. State-Lake (B&K) (2,700; 25-40)— ^.t- Louis Blues' (Par) and vaude. ricture not much strength for this house, and vaude will have to sup- port entire boxoflfice load. Will grab around $13,000, okay. Last week, .Ti*J»*J''*'^' ^Par) snapped up a nifty fio,000. ,,^n'*«d Ariisia (B&k-UA) (1,700; 75;5':^5-75) — 'Wutherhig Heighte' (UA). Opened Saturday (15) and on to a fast getaway that evidences a solid initial session at $16,000. Last yeek 'Ice FoUies' (M-G), wound up second and final session to meek $8,- 'CastW Sturdy $7,000, Seattle; Beery N.G. 4G ~ ^ „ Seattie, April 18. "o^ge City,' in second week at Or- S™""™' again proving that show- g^fi* here like action stuff. It may v«. ""^^^ 'Story of frene and Avenue °* *® ^'"'^ Estimates for This Week Moose (Hamrick-Evergreen) 850; 32-37-42)—Three Smart Girls' Pw. j"^ 'Society Smugglers' (U). rl'wnged run from Paramount, third Zt^ looking for okay $2,500. Last v^^: 7i?,^« Affair' (RKO) and 'Man votes (RKO), dual, tiiird week, eight •■ays. good $3,000. «nlr°'i^'S™ <Hamrlck-Evergreen) (1,- rS: I JV^'^ToBPer' (UA) and 'St. l^uls' (Par), fiittlng for tail $2,400. Iiast week, 'Jesse James' (20th) and •Puis Honeymoon' (Par), aocko $3,- 900. Fifth Avenna (Hamrick-Evergreen) (2,349: 32-37-42)—'CasUes' (RKO) and 'Saint Strikes Back' (RKO). Big campaign; looks for good $7,000. Last week, 'Princess' (20th) and 'Fast Loose' (M-G), $6,300, good. MnsloboK (Hamrick - Evergreen) (850: 32-37-42)—'Daughter' (WB) (2d wk). Indicated slow $2,200. Last week, same film, big $4,600. Orphenm (Hamclck - Evergreen) (2,600; 32-37-42)—Dodge City* (WB) and 'Winner All' (20th) (2d wk). Anticipated big $6,200 and may hold third week. Last week, same films, Immense $10,000. Falomar (Sterling) (1,350; 16-27-37- 42)—'Last Warning^ (U) and'Crooked Mile'. (Pair), plus vaude. Look for fair $4,000. Last week, 'Gambling Ship' (U) and 'Cipher Bureau' (GN) and Bowes' unit, big $5,000. Paramount '(Hamrick-Evergreen) (3,030: 32-37-42)—"Madden' (M-G) and 'Everybody's Buddy' (SOth). Ex- pect only $4,000, poor. Last week. Three Smart Girls' (U) (2d wk). good $4,700.- Boesevelt (Sterling) (80O; 21-32)— 'Wings Navy' (WB) and 'King Un- derworld' (WB). Heading for fair $2,000. Last week, 'Off Record' (WB) and 'DevU's Island' (WB), $2,400, good. 7.000 TEACHERS HYPOimE GROSSES Louisville, AprU 18. With upwards of 7,000 school teachers in town for the annual Ken- tucky Education Ass'n- convention, first-run biz received a decided im- petus Friday and Saturday (14-16). Returns are pretty evenly divided, and none of the downtown houses are flirting with topflight figures. 'Wuthering* received the nod fropi critics as best pic of the week and b.o. is making good stiowing. H.O.S 'Dodge Ci^,' at Mary Ander- son, and 'Three Smart Girls,' on a dusil at Brown, a moveover from Rialto, will wind up with satisfac- tory grosses. Plenty of rainy weather lately, but a tossup whether an aid or a drawback to b.o.s. Estimates for This Week Brown (Loew's-Fourth Avenue) (1,500; 15-30-40)—'Three Smart Girls' (U) and 'Risky Business' (U). Copped a good share of the visiting teachers' patronage after moveover from Rialto. Looks like best biz house has garnered this year, sweet $3,000 in prospect. Last week, 'Midnight' (Par) and 'Sudden Money' (Par), mild $1,800 after moveover from Rialto. Kentucky (Switow) (900; 15-25)— 'Gunga Din' (RKO) and Tailspin' (20th). Pointing to fair $1,600. . Last week, 'Jesse James' (20th) and 'Swing Sifter' (U), forte $1,000. Loew's State (Loew's) (3,100; 15- 30-40)—'Wuthering Heights' (UA) and 'Kid Texas' (M-G). Reviewers fell for this one and customers are acting on wordrof-mouth to pile up a satisfactory figure, probably $8,000. Last week, 'Broadway Serenade' (M-G) and 'Whispering Enemies' (Col), average $6,000. Mary Anderson (Libson) (1,000; 15-30-40)—'Dodge City' (WB) (2d wk). Healthy holdover at $3,500. Last week, hearty $8,000. Ohio (Settos) (900; 15)—'Desert Gold' (Par) and .'Dr. Clitterhouse' (WB), split with 'Miss Broadway' (20th) and 'Always Goodbye' (20th). Average $1,100. Il.ast week, Sweet- heart' (U) and 'Slim' (WB), split with 'My Bill' (WB) and 'Going Rich' (20th), mild $900. Blalto (Fourth Avenue^ (3,000; 15- 30-40)—'From Missouri' (Par) and 'Moto' (20tti). Great $7,500. Last week, 'Three Smart Girls' (U) and 'Risky Business' (U), got bumper $7,500 and moveover. Strand (Fourth Avenue) (1,400; 15-30-40) — 'Fisherman's Wharf (RKO) and 'Beauty Asking' (RKO). Will get fairish $3,000. Last weeic 'Baskervilles' (20th) and 'Winner All' (20th), fair $3,200. COAST CUES N. Y. ON SHOW BIZ? It> Not Quito the Samo, but None the Lets, Starting with the Treasure Island .Fair, Fihns Haven't Been Doing Well CAFEiS, LEGIT DITTO San EYanclsco, April 18. Biz Is terrible here. Most houses ar^ doing |>etween 30 and 40% less than they did last year at this time. Fallotr in trade got underway dur- ing the Fiesta Week, which heralded the opening of the Golden Gate In- ternational Exposition. The' para- dox is that the Fair's none too hot right now, but just the same it's pull- ing away from the theatres. When the weather gets better and war scares abate—and the tourists really start coming in—the situation will ba' brighter, of course, or so it is hoped. ' Maybe the local Fair biz is some- thing the New York showmen might give more than casual attention to, now that Grover Whalen's big show is ready to preem. However, the elements are not quite the same. After all, Broadway isn't Market street. However, product on a whole is much better than the lineup of pic- tures playing here last year at this time, and biz was better than with poorer pictures. Last March the Or- pheum had Deanna Durbin's 'Mad AlMut Music' The Orpheum now has Durbin's new 'Three Smart Girls Grow Up,' generally conceded one of her best, and the gross on the Durbin picture In its second week at the Orpheum this year is $1,100 under the second week of 'Music' last year. The Warfleld hit a new low last week with Jeannette MacDonald's 'Broadway Serenade.' Ordinarily the MGM canary is hot stuff locally, but she is anything but that now. Night club biz is also way off. Most of the dine-and-dance spots had been in pretty bad shape for some time and had been holding off shuttering' until the Expo got under- way hopmg that things would pick up then. A number of them are now dark. Others are starting to cut down on the overhead by trimming their floor shows. Of the hotels, the St. Francis is doing sensational biz with Harry Owens' band, but the others are dying. Legit season here- has been prac- tically nil this year. There had l>een some talk of the revival of the legiti- mate theatre during 1939 in this for- mer theatrical stronghold, but noth- ing came of it Floppos of 'A Broom for the Bride' (Irene Rich), and 'Whlteoaks' (Ethel Barrymore), both of which were here a couple of weelcs ago, has the boys on Geary St wondering just what the Fair on Treasure Island will do to the legit this year. The legit season here dur- ing the Panama International Ex- position in 1015 laid an egg. Estimates for This Week Fox (F-WC) (5.000;, 35-55-75)— 'Dodge City' (WB) and 'Sudden Money' (Par) (2d wk). Errol Flyhn has a strong veliicle which would have been way up on the money if the war scare and the Fair hadn't k. o.'d things here; should garner $12,000, which is better than some pictures have been doing here of late during first week. Last week, 'Dodge' got off to a slow start but trade started to build and ended with sizable $20,000. Golden Gate (RKO) (2,850; 35-SS) —'Castles' (RKO) and vaudeville' (2d wk). Rogers-Astaire well liked, however biz is in the dumps all over town and will have to be satisfied with $13,000, which is big these days for a holdover. Jay Brbwer is front- ing a new band at the Gate. Group is far more versatile ' than former band and is going over big with audi- ence. Manager George Bole extended himself in lavish costumes for his 12-Iine girls this week. Last week, 'CasUes' got $16,000, which was un- der expectations for the picture, Orpheum (F&M) (2,440; 35-55)— •Three Smart Girls' (U) (3d wk). Had hopes of hanging up new rec- ords with this well-liked biU which slipped quite a bit during the second stanza after a big teeoff. However,. 'Girls' is showing sustainine; power (Continued on page 31) B way Rolliiig Up H^ Figures; He^hts' Smash $50,000. 'Hardys Good 28G. Tinn'-Garland Big The dollars are rolling ki merrily on Broadway this week, with hold- overs as well as new showa receiving more than average attention. A lift is looked for during the week, with kids getting time off due to the mid-term exams. They were out of school aU of last week, and. In-sev- eral instances, plied up business be- yond expectations for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (11-14). The week-end also was sturdy, in spite of the exhibition baseball games. Mightiest of the box office stal- warts, is 'Wuthering Heights.' It was given a special preem Thursday night (13) and is jockin:; through at the Rivoli, non-^tage show stand, for a splendid $50,000. Anuther straight fllmer, Capitol, though not approach- ing the Rlv flgure, is better than it has been in som6 weeks with 'Hardys Ride High.' A p<}ssible $28,000 Is in store here, a good proflt under the present policy. Picture will hold over. Still another fresh show that Is crashing forward for big coin is State's 'Huckleberry Fhm,' with Judy Garland and Joe Venuti orchestra on the stage. Prospects ars sanguine for $37,000, best gross in- several months. Matehing strides with the business- grabbers is the lately luckless Cri- terion, which is reviving 'Mutiny on the Bounty.' House ends its week today (Wed,) at $9,000 or close, away over average. The holdovers, two of them on third weeks, are all doing well. 'Castles,' ending its third week to- night (Wed.) at the Music Hall, will get about $83,000, after weeks of $108,000 and $100,000, for heavy proflt 'Dodge City,' with Guy tiombardo's orch, at the Strand, may' reach a fancy $35,000, while 'Alexander Gra- ham Bell' has a good chance to pick up the same amount of coin cur- rently. 'BeU,' now on its third week, will go a fourth, while 'Dodge' and Lombardo will essay a third (flnal) week for the Strand Friday (21). The 'Dodge'-Lombardo combi- nation got a strong lift from the kids during all of last week to finish the first' week' at $50,000, meeting fond- est expectetidns of management. Paramount soclced through on first week of 'Midnight' and Tommy Dorsey fot' a terrific $53,000 and on the second, ending last night (Tues,), has remained very strong for a total of $45,000, This show tees off on a third' (final) stanza today (Wed,). Globe is on a second weelc of 'Prison Without Bars' and also is holding again for a third. The cur- rent (2d) round will be $9,000 or bet- ter, very good, after an initial seven days of $13,800, smart profit 'Pyg- malion' is also good, the 19th week looking about $7,500. Rialto got $6,- 000 with 'Fhring Irishman' on week ending Monday night (17), only fair, and yesterdiay (Tues.) opened 'Eagle and the Hawk,' a reissue. Estimates for This Week Astor (1.012; 25-40-55-65)—'Pyg- malion' (M-G) (10th week). Still doing very well, about $7,500. Last week (16), Easter week hypo raised gross to $10,000. Capitol (4.520: 25-35-55-85-$1.25)— 'Hardys Ride High' (M-G), House recovers from several weeks of dis- appointing returns on a chance for $26,000, nice, and holds, 'Man of Conquest' (Rep) had been set for' opening tomorrow (Thurs), but is now set back to April 27. Last week here 'Broadway Serenade' (M-G), $14,000, poor. Criterion (1,682; 25-40-55)—'Mutiny on Bounty' (M-G) (reissue). A lot of people must have missed this one before, take looking $9,000 or near, good. Last week 'Within Law' (M- G), $7,000, only fair. Globe (1,274; 25-40-55)—'Prison Without Bars' (UA) (2d week). Draught excellent, $9,000, or over, indicated. First week was. $13,800, one of best figures attained tiere in years. Palace (1,700; 25-35-55)—'Love Af- fair' (RKO) and 'You Can't <3et Away With Murder' (WB), both 2d runs, dualed. Open today (Wed.). 'Oklahoma Kid' (WB) (2d run) and 'Women in Wind' (WB) (1st run) finished last night (Tues.) at $7,800. In ahead for six days, 'Darling Daughter' (WB) (2d run) and 'Win- ner Take All' (20th) (1st run), got only $8,000. Paramount (3,884; 25-35-55-85-09)— 'Midnight'. (Par) and Tommy Dorsey (3d-flnal week). Windup stanza starts today (Wed.) after second week's $45,000, and first seven days, $93,000, in both cases smash ma- zumma. On Wednesday (20) house brings in 1,ady's From Kentucky* and, on stage, Henry Busse's orch, Lanny Ross and Shirley Ross. Badlo City Hnaio ^aU (6,080; 40- 60-84-09-$1.65)—'Castie' (RKO) and stage show (3d-flnal weekX Main- tains excellent strength for washup lap of $83,000, after second week's biz of $108,000 and first seven days of $100,000 for very creamy totaL 'Dark 'Victory' (WB) opens tomor> row(Thurs,).' BUIto (750; 25-40-55)—'Eagle and Hawk' (Par) (reissue). Moved in here yesterday (Tues.) after week of 'Flying Irishman' (RKO) at only $6,000, somewhat disappointing. In ahead, 'On Trial' (WB), drew the same. BiTOll (2,002: 25-55-75-85-99)— 'Wuthering Heights' (UA). This pic- ture, drawing fine notices, will be one of the biggest for Riv ever at $50,000, or thereabouts. House id givmg it plenty of advertising back< up and solid run looks set 'Because of draugh, the 90c price is being maintained as a weekday top. The final (4th) week of "Three Smart Girls' (U) was $16,000, good. Boxy (5,836; 25-40-55-75)—'Bell' (20th) and stage show (3d week). Got the kids last week (2d) to push through to reported $47,000 and with a good past weekend under its belt, may get $35,000 currenUy (3d wk). As a result, picture is being held a fourth leg, with 'Cisco Kid' set back to April 28, State (3,450; 35-53-76) — 'Huck Finn' (M-G) (2d run) and Judy Gar- land, plus Joe 'Venuti's orchestra. Things are humming here to tune of possible $37,000, very big. Miss Gar- land drawing plenfy of kids. Last week,' 'Cafe Society' (Par) (2d run) and Joan Davis-Dave Apollon, pushed to $24,000, above house's re- cent average. Strand (2,787; 25-40-55-76-85-09)— Dodge City' (WB) and Guy Lom- bardo (2d week). Mildish notices on picture last week didn't stop gross from buildhig to smash $50,000, while this week (2d) the draught is very firm for a possible $35,000. Combo goes a third week easily. H.05L0ADK. C; TIEIGHTS' NICE Kansas City, April IB. Sky high figures of last week re« suited in a flood of holdovers cur- . rentiy. Five of the «ix firs', runs are continuing last week's bills, showing good films can get business, despite competition. Only new program Is the Mid- land's territorial premiere of 'Wuth- ering Heights,' double-billed, as usual. Situation gives this house clear sailing on the new biz. Current week will see a total gross considerably under that of last week, but encouraging, nevertheless. Estimates for This Week Esquire and Uptown (Fox Mid- west) (820 and 1,200; 10-25-40)— Three Smart Girls' (U) (2d wk). Returns heavy at the Uptown and fair at the Esquire, Holdover week will see $5,000 combo, a 60-40 prop- osition, with Uptown on the long end. Last week, pair of houses rang up $7,500, strong. Midland (Loew's) (3,573; 10-25-40) -'Wuthering Heights' (UA) and 'Kid from Texas' (M-G). Only new pix in town, and okay at $11,000. Last week 'Broadway Serenade' (M-G) and 'Blondie Boss' (Col), not up to expectations at $9,500. Newmin (Paramount) (1,900; 10- 25-40)—'Dodae City' (WB) (2d wk). Presently looks for $8,000, very good. First week's .$11,500 tremendous. Orpheum (RKO) (1,500; 10-25-40) —'Castles' (RKO) (2d wk). Another example of what a good film can do. Holding nicely at $5,500. Last week's $9,500 very bi'. Tower (Fox Midwe<it) (2,050; 10- 25-40)—'Bell' (20th) and 'Every- body's Baby' '(20th) (2d wk), 'Bell' not getting big money, but steady trade. Currently nearin? $5,000, okay alone with last week's S7.000,