Variety (Apr 1939)

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Vednesday, Aprtt 19, 1939 Piiy Slows Ui», but Heujhts,' $15,000, ExceUent; M Very Quiet $111 PICTURE GROSSES VARJETY 11 Philadelphia, April 18. ^ith a couple of exceptions, notably -Wutherlng Heights,' b.o.'s ara almost back to their lethargic ««>.Vjister gait Heights' opened iSSSd^ night (12) to a blare of SSSr^and will get sweU il5,000. Tiold over for probably two '"K'^cV' to Ite second lap at the Stanley, doing fairly weU. nitfsest disappolnter in a long time •ff^lScMderJGraham BeU.' at the jSovA Getting only poor $12,000 and KingTepltced by 'Hardys Ride High' (Thursday (m ' Estimates for This Week' Ald£e (WB) (1,303; 32-42-57) — Tftithering Heights' (UA), A sietup for this house, which coidd do con- siderably more than the current fine ilB.000 if it had more seats. Last w6Sr(3d), "Mldni^f (Par), satis- &ctory $6,000 in five and half days. S»^7WB) (2.360: 32-42-57) — ■ <Bell' (20tb). .-Suflertng fi;om both competlsh and weak reviews. Sad m,m for the turn, with hopes of a holdover n.g. Last week, 'Broadway Serenade' (M-G) was given an extra day but managed onbr poor $13,000. Bwle (WB) (2,768; 26-32-42) — •Honest Man' (U) (3d run). Cutting nice choice of flicks on the late run, this big house seems t6'be' hitting a fairly even keel at $7,000. Same last with 'Oklahoma Kid' (WB). *m (WB) (2,423: 32-37-42-57-68)— Society Lawyer' (M-G) and Chick Webb's orch and Ella Fitzgerald on stage. Quality here, but gross is uur healthy $20,000. Last week, 'East Side Heaven' (U) with Shirley Ross, Jud^ Canova and Charlie Barnet's . orch on stage, profitable $24,000. Katlton (WB^ (1.066; 32-42-57) — 'taidnight'.(Par) (2d run). Getting an extra day because 'Heights' book- ing at the Aldine pushed it out of there' on first rim before its week was up; $6,000 for the sesh, v.g. Last Vtek, "iSaskerviUes' (20th) (2d run), $4,500 for six days, nice. TlSelHi's (WB) (1,870; 32-42-57) — Ojvadway Serenade' (M-G) (2d run). About par at $4,500. Last wedc, 'Smart Girls' (U) (2d run), pretty good $4,800. , ^ Palaee (WB) (1,100; 26-42)—'With- to Law*.(M-G) and 'Crisis,' a news- reel compilation of European events, pUed together with'shorts to provide « three-hour show here under the new policy. Talk of shifting it to fi)e Earle because small capacity and low prices make it hardly profitable, although $5,000 this week good. Last week/T^ever Die' (Par), so-so $4,500. Stu4ey (WB) (2,916; 32-42-57)— Dodge City* (WB) (2d wk). Fairly good $14,000 for the stanza, although wavering and its future undeter- mined. May go out this weekend ■without completing two weeks or may stay a few extra days to get house back on midweek openings, as this unveiled on a Saturday. liast week, $23,000, excellent. ^Stanton (WB) (1,457; 26-32-42) — •Women Wind' (WB). Not blowing hard enough at $4,000 to be very sat- isfactory. Same ^ue last week with •Winner Take All' (20th) at a simi- lar figure. 'Castles/ $6^00, 'Heights,* i $6,000, Healthy in Port. Portland, Ore., April 18. "Wutherlng Heights,' at Broadway and 'Story of Irene and 'Vernon Cas- tle,' at Orpheum, are the two big b.o. winners this weelc. Each has a different type of customer appeal, out scoring heavily. Dodge City,' in second stanza at me big Paramount, is one of the strongest blz-getters house has had in some time. Estimates for This Week ^A?'*i5S^y (Parker) (2.000; 30-35- «)—"Wuthering Heights' (UA) and Tung Turf (UA). WeU exploited and answering for good $6,000. Last week, 'East Side Heaven' (U) and 'Culver' (U), good $5,200. Maytalr (Parker-Evergreen) (1,- MO; 30-35-40)—'East Side Heaven' JU) and 'Culver' (U). Okay at $2,- roo. Ust week 'Pygmalion'^ (M-G). 5>ded four-week run with fair $2,200 for fourth week. rt^ni''*''"' (Hamrick - Evergreen) a,80p; 30-35-40)—'Castles' (RKO) jfto 'Secret Service' (WB). Putting mi» house over in great style for ?» ^W.500. Last week 'Missouri' jjMJ) and 'Ambush' (Par), poor /«^JS*»»unt (Hamrick - Evergreen) S'TO 30-35-40)—'Dodge City' (WB) W 'Flying . &ishroai)L-(RK Q) (2 d m.. * *»S*<»>e $4,500. First week great $7,200. IWyoU (Indie) (1,100; 20-25)- ^de Winds' (UA) and "Thanks IvISf^'^loS' (Par) (revivals). Nice W.800. Last week 'Dr. KQdare' (M- $1,5^ "^^"8 (M-G), fair *!^^!l'*^J*'*'»»s (Parker) (1,000; 30 «;4p)—Three Smart Girls' (U) an< Key City Grosses Estimated Total Gross This Week $1,554,9N (Based on 25 cities, 166 fhea- tres, chie/Iy first runs, fncludinff w.r.) Total Gross Same Week Last Tear ....$l,e62,SM (Based on 23 cities, 164 theatres) 'MIDNIGHT' AT $12,000 CHEERS CINCY Cincinnati, April 18. Flicker trade currently is dipping only slightly below Easter Week's b.o. surge, deroite weekend deluge which jumped Ohio river and nelgn- boring streams to fiood proportions. Lack of patronage from natives Sat- urday (15) and Sunday (16) was made up by flock of out-of-town baseball fans, who swarmed upon theatres when exhibition games oe- tween the Cincy Reds and Detroit Tigers were washed out This week's ace tugger is 'Mid night,' which is doing aU right by the Albee. 'Stagecoacfi,' at the Pal- ace, also is rolling along In okay fashion. Keith's has a no-dicer in 'Society Lawyer/ and the Lyric jerked Twelve Crowded Hours' at close of first day, shoving in 'Eagle and Hawk' (reiSSu*) for rest of week. Holdovers 'Dodge City' and 'Castles' are fetching above par re- turns for the Capitol and Shubert, Estimates for This Week ■ Albee (RKO) (3.300; 35-42)—'Mid- night' (Par). Nifty $12,000. Last week. 'Dodge City' (WB), biggest in months, $17,500. Capitol (RKO) (2.000; 35-42)— 'Dodge City' (WB). Moveover from Albee for second week. Socko $6,- 500. Last week. Three Smart Girls' (U) (2d run) (2d wk), fair $3,800. FamUy (RKO) (1.000; 20-30)- 'Criminal' (Col) and 'Comet Broad way' (WB), split with 'Wong' (Mono) and 'Fisherman's Wharf (RKO). Normal $2,200. Same last week on Trouble Sundown' (RKO) and "BMrs- tery Plane' (Mono), split •with 'Let Live' (Col) and 'Mexicall Rose' ^^G?2iid (RKO) (1.200; 25;40) Three Smart Girls' (U). Transferred from Capitol for third run and fourth week. MUd $2,400. Last week, 'Wife, Husband' (20th) (2d run), ^°Keltt's°"(Llbson) (1,500: 35-42)- 'Society Lawyer* (M-G). wej^f?i- 500. Last week, 'Madden' (M-G), disappointing $4,000. Lyfic (RKO) (1,400;^ 35-42)— 'Crowded Hours' (RKO), yanked after first day. /Eagle and Hawk (Par) (reissue), shoved In to fill out week. Sorry $2,800. PaUce (RKO)^ (2,600; 35-42)— 'Stagecoach' (UA). Okay $10,500. Last week, 'Broadway Serenade •Rli ■ Bushiess' ■(Ur(2d"wk)'.' Good First week great $5,800. (M"G) very'poor $7,000. Shobert (RKO) (2.150; 'Castles' (RKO) (2d wk). 500. Last week, fine $9,500. 35-42)— Nice $5,- McCOY HYPOES mVER' TO $11,500 IN DENVER Denver, April 18. With Clyde McCoy's band on me stage doing most of the draw. Spirit of Culver' is easily topping the town currently. . AU but one of the other houses have moveovers or h.o.'s. ^ EsUmates for This Week Aladdin (Fox) (1,400; 25-40)-- 'Princess' (20th), after a week at Denver. Good $3,800. Last week, 'Honest Man' (U), strong $4,000 after ''^^nSlm"(clckrm) (1,750; 25-35- 40)—'Missouri' (Par) (2d wk). Great $7,000. Last week, a big $9,000. _ Denver (Fox) (2,525; 25-40)-'Cul- ver' (U) and Clyde McCoy's band on sUee. Big $11,500. Last week, 'Princess' (20th), nice $9,000. Orpheum (RKO) (2,600; 25-35-40) —'Castles' (RKO) (2d wk") and Tisb- erman's Wharf (RKO). Good f7,500 indicated. Last week. 'Castles' and 'Marry' (RKO), big $12,000. _ liSmount (Fox) (2.2Qfl;. 26J.O)-^ •BlacfcweU' (WB) and 'Boy ^fouble'^ (Par). <3ood $4,500. Last wisek, 'King Turf (UA) and 'Romance Redwoods ^SSliitf (F^xf°?878; 25-40)-'Honest Man' (U), after a week at each fte Denver and Aladdin, and 'Krst Of- fenders' (Col). Good $2,000. Last week, 'Daughter' (WB), after week at each the Denver and Aladdin, and 'Society Smugglers' (U), strong $2,300. B'KLYN SPOTTY •Midnight' Dual Good $21,000, but 'Femes' N. O. 16G Brooklyn,- April 18. Bright biz at the Paramount, which is showing 'Midnight' and 'Lady and Mob,' and Albee, with "Love Affair' and 'Inside Story.' Other downto'wn deluxers are do- ing tolerably well. Estimates tor lUa Week Albee (3,274; 25-35-50)-'Love Af- faif (RKO) and 'Inside Story' (20th). AttracUve $17,600. Last week 'Prin- cess' (20th) and 'Winne.- AU' (20th), okay $16,600. Fox (4,089: 26-35-50)-'Awur with Murder' (WB) »nd 'Wife's RelaUves' (Rep), Drop to mUd $13,000. Last week 'Missouri' (Par) and "Women Wind' '(WB), good $16,000. Met (3318; 25-35-50)—Ice FoUles' (MG) and 'White Room' (U). Down to $16,000. Last week 'Stagecoach' (UA) and 'Aisky- Business' (U), ex- ceUent $18,000. Paramowit (4426; ;.5-35-50)—'Mid- night' (Par) and "Lady Mob' (Col). SweU $21,000. Last week'BlackweU' (WB) and 'Boy Trouble' (Par) (2d wk), dandy $19,000. Strand (2,870; 25-35-40)—'Convict's Code' (Mono) and 'Special Inspector' (U). Okay $6,000. Last week 'Star Reporter' (Mono) and "Secret PoUce' (Par), EO-so $5,000. 'AFFAE' $12,000, TEPID IN Pin L A NG with Only 2 New Pix; 'Serenade' Sour $18,500, Tagle Reissue OK 15G,H.0,s Hold Up Broadway Grosses Estlm»te4 Total Gross This Week.... $362,3M (Based on 12 tlieatres) - Total Grew Same Week Last Tear. $331,6M (Based on 12 theatres)' Pittsburgh, AprU 18. Weather currently is reacting both ways. While heavy rains slugged openings on Friday (14) generally, they had opposite effect over week- end. Deluge of near-flood propor- tions kept people in town, and result was one of biggest Saturday-Sunday periods in several 'weeks. Great week, particularly, for the holdovers, and there are three of them current 'Dodge City,' at War- ner, is leading the trio by wide margin and heading for the hand- somest gross this spot has witnessed in almost a year. Dead cinch for another week, and may even stick t>eyond that Fred Waring, at Stan- ley, got toughest break from weather, getting hit at getaway and unable to cash in on account of stageless Sun- day, and with 'Sergeant Madden' won't come close to his previous grosses here. However,, that's been true aU year of every name band at- traction at this spot, Also getting the works is TjOvo Affair,' at Penn, de- spite raves from every source. "Three Smart Girls Grow Up,' at Alvin, and 'East Side of Heaven,' at Fulton, doing nicely in second weeks, and reissue of 'Magnificent Obses- sion,' dualed with 'Moto on Dangei^ Island,'at Senator, bettering average. Estimates for This Week AlvIn (Harris) (1,850; 25-35-50)— 'Three Smart Girls' (U). Getting by nicely and for eight days, of h.o. should better $6,000, not bad at aU on top of tKtter than $12,500 opening stanza. House gets back to regular Thursday getaway (20) with 'Alex- ander BeU' (20th). , ^ Fulton (Shea-Hyde) (1.750; 25-40) —'East Side Heaven' (U) (2d wk). Should have Uttle trouble hovering around the $5,000 mark on the h.o. Over $7,000 last week, very good. Switch in bookings brings in 'Zeno- bia' (UA) after 'Heaven) instead of 'King of Turf (UA) latter being shelved for time being. Penn (Loew's-UA) (3,300; 25-35- 50) "Love Affair' (RKO). This one's rated having everything, but just isii't coming through. Notices were aU raves, customers are going out talking and Boyer-Dunne are names to reckon with. However, film isn't delivering as expected. WiU be lucky to crack $12,000 and that's just average biz here. Last week, 'Dodge City' (WB), sweU $22,000. Senator (Harris) (1,800; 25-40)— 'Magnificent Obsession' (U) (reis- sue) and 'Moto' (20th). Combo heading for around $2,300, which isn't bad here. Last week, 'Snow White' (RKO), pretty sluggish $2,100. SUnley (WB) (3,600; 25-35-60) — 'Madden' (M-G) and Fred Waring's orch. Flicker generaUy rapped and whatever biz tnere is here can be credited to Waring. Looks like around $23,000, just fair and not within several grand of what Penn- sylvanlans are usually good for at tills spot Last week, 'BlackweU' (WB) and Tony Martin in person, poor $16,000, around $10,000 less than Martin did - on his last visit here ye&fvgo. "— Warner (WB) (2,000; 25-35-50) 'Dodge City* (WB). Moved here after big week at Penn and saiUng along beautifully. Sunday (16) was house's best Sunday since seven-day week began in this state and flicker looks headed for $10,000, or better, which should mean another h.o. Last week, 'Huck Finn' (M-G), also moved here after Penn engagement, good $5,400. MIFF. BLOOMS; COLBERT FINE $17,000 Buffalo, AprU 18. Extraordinary high grosses are be- ing registered at the downtown box- offices here this week. Final figures wiU put at least four of the wickets into top brackets. 'Midnight' gets the palm for the week's high, but 'The Story of Ifene and 'Vernon Castle' is close behind. Esttmates for This Week Buffalo (Shea) (3.500; 30-35-55)— •Midnight' (Par). Fine $17,000 indi- cated. Last weeic, 'Society Lawyer" (M-G) and PhU Spitalny's femme orch, exceUent $18,300. Centnry (Shea) (3,000; 25-35)— 'BlackweU' (WB) and "Moto' (20th). Good $7,500. Last week, ICing Turf (UA) and 'Flying Irishman' (RKO), poor $4,000. Great Lakes (Shea) (3,000; 30-50)— 'Crastles' (RKO) and 'Crowded Hours' (RKO). Looks like very nice $13,- 000. Last week, 'Dodge City' (WB) and 'Sudden Money' (Par),, sweU $14,000. . BIpp (Shea) (2,100; 26-40)—'Dodge City*^ (WB) (2d run) and 'Sudden Monfey' (Par). StiU strong and looks to land fine $10,000. Last week, 'Prin- cess' (20th) (2d run), fair $5,500. Lafayette (Ind.) (3,300; 25-35)— 'Smart Girls' (U) and 'Homicide Ba reau' (Col) (2d wk). Looks like an- other banner figure. Probably over $0,600. Last week, skyrocketed to big $14,000. "Stagecoach' Big $9^00 As Top Pix, Low Temp., Hypo All Omaha B.O.S Omaha, AprU 18. Good entertainment and contina ing chilly weather are whirling the b.o. wickets here this week, tate arriving 'Stegecoach,' dualed, Is get- tine a smash reception at the Omaha, with $9,300 in the offing. •The Story of Irene and "Vernon Castle' is holding up well in second week at the Brandeis. Estimates for This Week Avenue - Military - Dundee (Gold- berg) (950-810-650; 10-25) — 'Gunga Ditf (RKO) and 'Made Me Crimi- nal' (WB) split with 'OH Record' (WB), 'Arizona WUdcat' (20th) and 'Thanks Everything' (20th), tripler, $2,200. good. Last week. 'Idiot' (M-G) and 'Dark Journey' (UA), first-runs, spUt with 'Dark Rapture' (UA), 'Lady Vanishes' (20th) and TUegal Traffic' (Par),, tripler, $2,200, good. Brandeis (Singer-RKO) (1,250; 10- 25-35-40)—'Castles' (RKO) (2d wk.). Good $4,200. Last week, smash $7,500. Omaha (Blank) (2,000; 10-25-40)— 'Stagecoach' (UA) and 'Pardon Nerve' (20th). Smash $9,300. Last week, 'Midnight' (Par) and 'Woman Doctor' (Rep), very good $8,300. Orphenm (Blank) (3.000; 10-25-40) —'Wife. Husband' (20th) and Top- oer' (UA). Good $9,200. Last week, 'Princess' (20th) and 'Boy Trouble' (Par), $10,000, very good. Town ((Goldberg) (1,250: 10-20-26) —'Rough Riders' (Rep), 'Crime Lon- don' (GB), both first-runs, and 'Thanks Everything' (20th), tripler, split with 'Honor West' (U), 'Pirates Skies' (U), both first-runs, and 'Gunga Din' (RKO). Good $2,000. Last week, 'Dark Journey' (UA). ■Gambling Ship' (U), first-runs, and 'Jesse James' (20th), tripler, spUt with 'North Yukon' (C!ol),'Spy Ring' (Col) and Fisherman's Wharf (RKO), tripler, $1,800, good. Stone Ducks 'Wave' HoUywood, AprU 18. George Barbler replaced Fred Stone In Tidal Wave,* now' In pro ductlon at Republic-with John Auer directing. Stone asked to be reUeved of the assignment Los Angeles, AprU 18. With five houses having holdovers, and two customary moveovers, cur- rent week does sot hold out any great prospects for startling grosses. Only houses with new f^« are the day-date State and Chinese, where Metro's "Broadway Serenade' Is cou- pled with 20th'3 "Everybody's Baby,' and the Paramount, where reissue "Eagle and the Hawk' (Par) was rushed In two days ahead of sched- ule. War yam vnO. be held for nine days, with similar run scheduled for "Lady's from Kentucky,' <H>enlng (20), aUowlng house'to open wlth^nlon Pacific' (29). . Principal holdovers are 'Dodge CIW,' at the Warner Downtown and Hollywood, and 'Castl^' at RKO and Pantages. EsUmates for This Week Ohliiese (Grauman-F-WC) (2,024: 30-40-S5-76), ''Broadway Serenade' (M-G) and "Everybody's Baby' (20th). dual. Two red weeks in row for this Hollywood blvd. acer. Not very encouraging at $8,500. Last week, 'Huck Finn' (M-G) and 'O'Connor' (MtG), very poor $7,000. Downtown (WB) (1,800; 30-40-55- 65), 'Dodge City' (WB) (2d week). Continues to hit exceUent pace on second-final stanza with big $ir,000 in prospect First week big $16,400. Four Star (F-WC-UA) (900; 40-55). 'Prison Bars' (UA) (2d week). Sec- ond stanza moderate $2^200, after first seven days just about broke even with $3,200. Holds untU AprU 25. HoUywood (WB) (2,756; 30-40-55- 65), 'Dodge City' (WB) (2d week). Doing okay on holdover for big $10,- 000. First week very big $15,100.. - Pantages (Pan) (2,812; 30-40-55). 'Castles' (RKO) (2nd week), and 'Peck's Bad Boy' (RKO), dual. Off about 45% on second week, for very food $7,500. First seven days big 14,000. 'Castles' wiU hold third week, with 'Society Smugglers' (U) as second feature. Paramount (Par) (3.596; 30-40-55) —'Eagle and Hawk' (Par) (reissue) and ^tage show. WIU be held nine days to. get house back on regular Thursday opening, with okay $15,000. in sight Last week (5 days'). 'Mis- souri^ (Par), brutal $6,900. BKO .(2,872; 30-40-55) —'Castles' (RKO) (2nd week) and 'Peck's Bad. Boy' (RKO) dual. Headed for sweet $7,000 on holdover after first week's very profitable $13,000. 'Castles' 'wiU go third week, with 'Sodely Smug- glers' (U) second feature. State (Loew-Fox) (2.414: 30-40- 55-75)—'Broadway Serenade' (M-G) and "Everybody's Baby' (20th). Veiy ordinary $10,000. Last week 'Huck Finn' (M-G) and 'O'Connor* (M-G) dipoed to $11,300, poor. United ArtlsU (F-WC) (2,100; 30- 40-55). — 'Huck Finn' (M-G) and 'O'Connor' (M-G). Another com- plete bust on moveover, with $2,700 best In sight Last week 'Tailspln'. (20th) and 'Musketeers' (20th), poor $2,200. Wllshire (F-WC) (2.296; 30-40-55- 65)—'Huck Finn' (M-G) and 'O'Con- nor* (M-G). dual. Poor on move- over, $3,400. Last week Tailspln' (20th) and 'Musketeers' (20th), very bad $3,300. DODGE/ $6,000, RIDES iilGH IN OKLAHOMA C Oklahoma City, April 18. 'Dodge City' is set for nice $6,000. with posslbUity of more if weather remains okay. Other films are stick- ing around average fieures only. EsUmates for This Week Criterion (Stan> 0.500: ?.5-35-40)— 'Dodge CItv' (WB). Well received for excellent $6,000. T.qfjt week, 'MidnlKht' (Par), nice $5,200. Liberty (Stan) (1,200: 5!0-25)—'Per- .sons HWIno' (Par) and Troub!". Sun- down' fRKO). snllt with 'Nancy Drew' fFN) and Third Nation' (Par). Good for averaoe S2,600. Last week, 'Say French' fPar)- and 'Newsboys Home' (U). snllt with 'Family Door» (U) and 'King Chinatown' (Par). falrLsh $2,400. Midwest (StaD> (1.500: 25-35-40)— Ice PoUle.s' (M-G). Fair $4,000. Last week. 'Princess' (20ih); pood S4.200. Plaza f.«?i»n) (750: 25-35-40) — 'Princess' (20th). Moveover from Midwest: $1,400 bit over average. Last week, 'Ppris Honeymoon' (Par), moveover. *1.300.'falr. -State---(Nob'ci—(1,100: . 20-28)=- 'Home Prairie' (Rep) and 'Barefoot Boy' (Mono). Averaee $2,500. Last week, 'Blnndle Boss' fCol) with 'Ro- mance Redwoods' (Col), fairish $2200 Tower (Stan) (1.000: 25-35-40)— •Mldnleht' (Par). Moveover from Criterion. Good for 112,600. Last week, "Fast' (M-G), full-week after previous three-day run, $2,60" good.