Variety (Apr 1939)

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Wednesday, April 19, 1939 VARIETY IT SHORT PRODUCT The policy of producing its own short subjects, under the supervision of Truman Talley has evoked sUch a gratifying exhibitor response that 20th Century-Fox will continue it this season. Quality will again guide thfe planning of these one-reel featurettes. 6 IjOWEIX THOMAS' MAGIC CARPET OF MOVIETONE Incomparably the finest in its field, narrated by the greatest \roice of screen or radio. A subject whose breath-takingly beautiful photography and interesting subject matter has made jt a "must" for all the better theatres. 4 ADVENTURES OE A NEWSREEL CAMERAMAN To be individually produced—not compiled as in the past-^ thus heightening the amazing thrill and suspenise that, have made this series one of your_surest-fire attractions.. 6 ED THORGERSEN^S SPORTS REVIEWS Already, in one season, an established success. Its unique ^"inside story" slant on outstanding sports activides accounts for its great popularly. Narrated by the man who knows.. and knows how to tell it.- O DRIRRLE-PUSS PARADES The absurdities, peculiarities and laughs in life are. shown; on the screen while America's No. 1 funny man. Lew Lehr, convulses you with his cock-eyed comment.. 4 VYVYAN DONNER FASHION FORECASTS In TECHNICOLOR. A jsubjectlwidi sensational femimne appeal that has taken the men by storm. The tops in smart* ness, beau^ and audience'pulL^^S^ith spariding comment by Ilka Chase that would, in itself, made this series as ontstaading. .— and — 26 TERRYTOONS Paul Terry's organization wUl have^'/m subjects in TECHNI- COLOR this season—five of which wUl be delivered before January 1, marking anotheHb^ward. stride in this company's live-wire production schedule^ MOVIETONE NEW§» J^robably never before in this country's life has the public^been soJiitensely interested in news the world over...making it a matter of utmost iinportancelthat'your theatre show.the finest in newsreels., Movietone News' farflung international organizationvrtthe morale.of its tameramen who snatch scoops in the very midst of peril...the unequalled, speed with?'whicfa it rushes the news to your, screen .-..''its incomparable corps of.editorial specialists... alLmake it unchallenged No. l in newsreels^ Issued, twice.each week. TRUMAN TALLEY Vice-Preside and Produeet J.OWELL THOMAS •News Commentator RUSSELL MUTH European Director J.EW LEHR flewseties'" HARRY LAWRENSbN .Foreign Editor' lED THORGERSEN Sports Commentatoi EDMUND KEEK General Maiiager yYVYAN.DdJJNER.da/ HELEN CLAIRE J?aibimtattdjfbe Feminine World JOSEPH M. SCHENCK Chairman of the Board) FO Sn)NEY R..KENT PresidenJ