Variety (Apr 1939)

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24 VARIETY Wednesday, April 19, 1939 The greatest exploitation PRE-SELLING THE GREATEST le route of the Cecil' all-star WW?- > 4- During thtpierlod, (Hst before ond ofteilthe^feas^^y ef the picture. C^li B« DeMiile and o greot number of famous iaramount stars, inellding Ray Milland. John Howaid. Potrieia H&Ison and Martlio R^r*' will malce a huge eoasf*to-|oast tour, hittlig 30 key cities enrlnte. on the great Cecil B. DeMile "Union Paclfii^eclal train. Leiding this train will be the fonfous old engine No. locomotile built In the late «0*s and used k the picture. Immediately followin| this will be the first of the greatlnew "Union Pacific" super |g«;^[j^^^K?'***«'«IP^ showing In one quick- glance 70 years of raffled progress. Behind this will come one of the first possenger codehWever built In the United States, an 1869 Cecil B. DeMille's UNION PA I H «I®d McCrea wuh XKlm Tamiro£f • Pr«u..d .,nd Di„.,.d b, CECIL B. De MILLE . S=,,.„ P.ay by O.L..„. C. Crdn.r 5.,ll.v.,„ J.