Variety (Apr 1939)

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S6 VARIETY Wednesday, April 26» I939 Variety Bills NEXT WEEK (April 28) THIS WEEK (April 21) Numeral! In connection with bills below indicate opening day of •how, whether full or split week Loew >EW TOBK CITX State (»)' Ttt&n S Bradley Martia FraAdB Faye IiewlB & Ames Eleanor Powell J(ORFOLK State (es) Rhythm Rocketa Amea & Arno Pearl Roblna Norma Gallo Dora Bros & M PanI Nolan Catherine 'WeatfleM VTASHINOTOH- . ' Oapttel (Zt) Al Gordon Co Carroll & Howe Jessica Drasonette Saul Orauman Co KRW YORK rrrr Paramoant <26) Henry Busse Ore Xanny Ross Billy Gilbert ' Shirley Ross Hal T^Roy ATLANTA Paramoiint (tS) Beml Tlcl Co BIBMINOHAM Pamnoant <t»-l). Dave Apollon Co CHICAGO ObhmKO (SB) Clyde McCoy Ore Billy Reyes GeoTKle Tappa Knight SIk m KEW TOBK CITY Hnsle HaU <S7> Jan Peerce. Harry Leech A B Evelyn Duerler Bockettes Corps de Ballet Erno Ranne Sympb BOSTON Keith <27-M) Hudson Wonders Johnny Woods Vli«nlans Iis Vere- & Ware Stafford d» Lodlse ' ' ORIOAflO ' .Palare (28) Roxyettes Petch ft Deauvllls Gaud smiths UoEtn Bla ' I>on Rice ■ (41) Roxyettes Franlcs Paria Randall Sis Peggy Taylor Co Brown ft -A^ies CLEVELAND Palaev (28) 4 Novas John Payne nilm Tlmblln Red Norvo & B Troy &• Lynn « (!1) Jimmy Dorsey Oro Rnthle Barnes Frank ft G Hubert Don Rice COLCMBrS ■ Palace. (21) Joan Sayls Co Warner NEW TOBK CITY Strand. (28) . .Fred Waring Oro (21) Guy Lombardo Ore Gene Slieldon Co' Doris Rhodes FBnAADFXPHIA' . Fox (28) Tony Martin Oro Gene Sheldon ■ Charlie Carrer Dale WInthrop (21) Virginia Verrlll Gae Foster Gls Lambertqns Ben Blue Co Bob Rlpa 4 Jays BEADmO Astor (28-29) Floyd Ray Oro WASHINGTON Earie (28) Shayne ft Armstr'g Ifarlon Talley Wm ft Joe Mandel Iris Wayne (21) Vincent Lopez Oro Betty Hntton Danny Drayson Abbott ft Cnstello Patricia Bills Independent . NEW TOBK CITX Boxy (28) Art Jarret Dick, Don ft D Frank Paria Freddie Craig Jr Dawn , ft Darrow ' . ATLANTA _ . Boxy (21) Helen Morgan White ft Manny Frank Payne Pansy the Horse BALTnrOBB' State (S»-2) Swan, Dunn ft H MllbVne (3irlst'ph'r Bun-Bay Rev ' (!7-2») Frank ft' Alma Billy Sands Spring Time Revels Hippodrome (28) BIttmorettes Ttorralne' ft Rognan Prank John Boles MILWAUKFE Blventde (St) Onudschmldt Bros Gil Lamb Tomm^ Paiiford Knight Sis Charles Masters Belva White PATBBSON MaJeatle (28-M) Mikado V PHILAnET.rHIA Cannaa (28-28) Nellie Amaut Co Mack, Wllkey ft D (Two to flin Fay's (27) Jack Leonard Mathea Merryfleld Sally Keith Amy Fong S Elglns . Bob Roltner Allen ft Irving Lonergan Gls pmwaN B*>ray (2Mh only) Swan; Dynn ft H Marcelle ft Wllll'nis Mllb'me Chrlst'pn'r Sun-Ray Rev PBPVIDKXGE Fay's (28) Abbott ft .Robey Masters ft .Rollins Ming ft Toy . Jean Hammond Herbert Renard 3 t Jordans London Week of April 24 Astoria Rhodes ft Lane Domlnloa ■ 4 Wllkys Max Co CAHDBN TOWN aananont Marg'rlte ft Ch'rles 5 Musketeers Beams Co CLAPHAU flranads Hon NIcht at, 7 EAST HAllI Pmaler 4 Playboya Jackie OKKBNWICH ' Oranaila Bemardi Co BAHMRRAMim ' OhnmoBt. Gautler Co Perel ft Mary H, ISLINGTON . Blue HaU Peter Brough Rhodes & Lane LBWISHAM Oaumont Billy Cotton Oro BHEPH'Rnn Bl'SB Pnvillori Fred Sylvester Co Lovelle Reggie Redoline . BTBATFORD. Broadway 4 Playboys ' Jackie Co teOTlNO Oranaila Hnghle Greene Oio Provmciai Week of April 24 ABERDEEN TlveU ProffItt' ft. Evans Maskelyne Co Falrweather'ft L ' Mandos Sis. EDINBrilOH Boyal Jack Anthony Hilda Meacham Tommy Graham Renara Jay Marelle Desmonds ft Clair Douglas Rex ft L Bond Rowelt Annette Schultz. Co Stanley. King Nora ft Peg at John Eric Palmer GLASGOW Pavilion Levante Co Al ft Bob Harvey LIVERPOOL Shakespeara Frank Randle Maudle Edwarda : Kerns ft Mary Lou Wlnton ft Hill Cabaret Bills Angna Enters Georges & Jalna Coblna Wright. Jr Hotel White Lou Lang Oro Charlie Macy Peggy Brown DeTl O'Dell Jimmy Kelly's Joe Capello Oro Inga Borg Gladys Faye Princess Aloma Mary Lane Tanya Lee Leslie Gerrl White Carter ft Schaub Terry Shannon Peggy de la Plante Montmartre Boys Danny HIgglns Sid Hawkins Vaugh Comfort Gonz'les ft Christine John Rockwood Gene Walters Kit Kat Clab Ray Durant Oro Dorothy Salter Dflorea Browa Lorenzo-Rotierson . T4ddy Hale Velma.' Mlddleton Monte Carlo Ted Slraeler Oro Bob Knight Oro Dick Smart Blaine Dassett Peggy Healey Anita Colby Evelyn Kelly Uosanne Murray Nick's Mike Riley Oro Sharkey Bananas Or Larry ft Eddie Onyx Club John Ivlrby Ors Lee Wiley Paradise. Richard HImber Or Jack Waldron Janls Andre Buddy & B Brunell Bob. Parker Rex Weber Pepper Pot Jce D'Andrea Oro Bob Matzl Oro Amedeo Al Ferguson Iris Rays Prince Singh . Plaee Blegaai* Leo Lazaro Oro HEW TORE dTT ArmaiMo's Buddy- Clark* Oro Marie Bpaulding . pat Kennedy ■ Bamey OallaDi'B ' Frank McFarland Nellie Paley Bersch ft Dnckery Bill Bkriolottl'a Angelo's Rh'.mba Bd Elaine Spencer Letty'Kemble Annette Ouerlalne Moya Olfford BlU's Cay 9V» Bmlly Stevenson Jim Phillips Florence Herbert Billy Lorraine John Paater J.ohii BUot Spike- Harrison Rudy Madison Bill Quentmeyer 'Steven Isles Bernle Grauer George. Tonak Harry Donnelly Arthur Benan Harold Wlllard Don Cortez Cafe Bavlnl Melvin Pahl Hay wood.ft Allen - Casa Hanana Ozzle Nelson Oro Willie ft B Howard James Barion Don Barclay Charles King Tola GrIII Harry-Stocbwell Jack Cole Co Debonairs Allen ft Kent Capt TIebor's Seals Jack Johnson Juvelys TacopI Tr Berry Bros Kay Parsons Sylvia ft Christian Art Lafleur Chatcaa Hodeme Paul Bass Oro Jill Roy Gabriel Lynn Russell Marian Farrar George Rlxon CInb IB Jack White Pat Harrington Jerry Kruger Judy Rudle Prankle Hyera Leila Oaynea ■ Beale St Boys O Andrews- Ore Clab Gaucfao Choa Macnin Oro Panrhlta Villa Tarrant A Daclta Trlnl Plaza- Slnda La Marlta Pedro Vain Felicia Fibres Maria Del Carmen 3 Ganchot CottoB CInb Cab' Calloway Ore BUI Robliw>n ' Sister Tharpe Tanya Katharine Perry Beachcombers - Olenn ft. Jenkins Ruby' Hill Son ft Sonny , i Myrs- Johnson i Vodery Choir Diamond' Horaeshor Noble SiBsre Oro - Don McOrane Oro Pritzl Scheff < Buddy Doyle MargAt nrander Frank LIbuse Tom Patflcola Joe Howard Clyde Hager Mangean 'Tr Delia LInd Emma Francis Lulu Bates Willie Solar Harry Armstrong Elizabeth Murray El Chico Elllseo Grenet Oro Fantasia Novla Joylta ft Maravllla Romero Gomez Paqulta Dnmlnguez Dorlta ft Valero El H»ro<*eo Val Ernie* Ore Fansons Door Teddy Wilson Oro Frances Faye - Qreenwleh Village .Casino Doris Reed Billy DeWoKe 3 Musical Maniacs Olorla Gerard Eve Arden Leonore Sola Molly Pearson Marian Baxter Gertrude Pershing Alice Anderson Vera Teatom Havana-Madrid Nano Rodrlgo Ore Juanlto San'bria Or Roslta Ortega Castllla 2 Raul ft Eva Reyes Hickory Honae Jo* Maraala Oro Hotel Ambasaader Dick Gasparre Oro Vincent Brsgnle Ore Rosalean & Seville irtel Delmont-Plaza Ernie Hoist Oro 3 Smoothies Jane Claire Belmont- Bnlladee-^ Adrian Rolllnl t Hotel Blltm6re Horace Held! Oro Larry Cotton Bob McCoy Lysbeth Hughes Art Carney Red FerrlngtOB Henry Dick Jean Farnsy Hotel Commodore Sammy Kaye Oro Hotel EdlsOB Blue Barron -Oro 3 Blue Notes Ernie Straub Russ Carlyle Ronnie' Snyder Hotel Essex House N Brsndwynne Ore Dale Sherman Hotel Gov. CUatoB Eddy Mayehoff Oro Betty Gale Hotel Lexington Ray'Kinney Oro Bather Shaw . Hotel Lincoln Jan Savttt Oro Milt Herth ( Hotel UcAlpIn J Messner Ore Raolmo 8 Hotel New YoAer Jan Garber Oro Vera Hmba • Nathan Walley Edith Dustman Douglas .Duffy . Hotel Park Central Will Osborne' Oro Dick Rogers Lynn Davis 3 Peppers .Enrico ft Novello Hotel Park Lane Freddie -Starr Oro Bob Lido Al Harria Hqtel Pennsylvania Kay Kyser Oro Hotel Plasn Jack Marshard Ore N D'Amlco Oro Maurice ft Cordoba Sheila Barrett Oil Phelan Hotel RoMevett' Frankle Master* Or Hotel Savoy-risza' Gerry Morton Ore Hotel St, Uo'iila Basil Fomeen Ore Juqe Forrest Zanette ft Darrel Dell O'Dell Cnte de la Falx Horacto Zlto Ore Collette ft Barry Cassandra Angela Velez Christina LInd Hotel St. BegIs (Irldlnm Boom) Charles Baum Ore Sam Jarvis Brie Relter Don Marion Oro Simpson Sle Dorothy I.«wIb Hotel Tatt Enoch Light Ore Peggy Mann Oeorce Hines Bmltb Howard Light Brigade Hotel tvaldorr- Astorla (Empire Roomi Hal Ksmp Oro Maxine Gray (Serl Boom) Don Ravel Oro Bmll Coleman Ore 4 JAMES BOYS FOX, PHILADELPHIA NOW Personal llanagementt EDDIE BHITH 2t West 48tb Btnet, New Tork Edith King Flash ft Dash Connie Barria Hotcha Drew Etsy Cooper - La Cengs Pancho Oro Deal Amaz' Oro Dlosa Costello Pancho ft Dolores Martinez ft Atonltia La Uarqnlae Bill Palermo 6r« Gloria Whitney Harold Leonard Frances Connelly Nino Nonno . larne Bddle Davis Ore Joseph Smith Oro Le Coq Bouge Geo Sterney Oro Anne Franclne Tlodale 3 Le Mirage Nina Allen Byrnes ft Swansea Barl, Cal ft Doug Le Baban. Blen Herbert Jacoby .Hope Emerson Marie Eve Elsie Houston Grazlella Parraga Leon & Eddie's Lou Martin Oro Bddle Davis Iris Adrian Ting Pin Sou s Royal Wblrlwlnda Lucky Sis 2 High Spots Susan ft Christine Jerri WIthee James Keogan ^ ' Ann Bronte - Wally Wanger ( Jark Ostermnn's Little CInb Roger Steele Oro Rita -Renaud Virginia Curtta Rite White Betty Weaver' Jeanne Hanser Olorla Grayson ■Scats' Powell. Jack Osterman' Meyer's Cellar (Uobohen) Howard Blajn* Rosaline Lewis- Martha Kovaoa Gypsy Lopez Barbara Byton Lydia Bhrenberg Hon Paris Charlie Murray Ore Mary Cohan Jimmy Rogera Bill Farrell Tommy Mills Ben Kau( Irve Harris Rex Gavltts Queen Hary Joe Ellis' Oro : Consuelo Flowerton Katharine Tate Carolyn Bell Patricia Ryan HalBbow-Orilt Barry Wlnton Oro Marlynn A MIcnael BalabowBoom Ruby Newman Ore John Hoysradt Gower ft Jeanne Bddle Le Baron Ore Joan Cartler Boaslan Kretchraa Tash'a Nlkagosov Nastla Pollakova Daria Blrse Marusia Ssva Hermlne Michel Claudia Capellova Benia KaravaeS Michel Mlchon Serge Ignatenke VolodiR Katov Oenla Pobedlna Show Bar (Forest Hllla) Sheila Warren Carol Horton Bill Hansen Patricia Cornell (Bermuda Boom) Johnny Ringer tire Bornlce Manning Jack Oray Antolne ft DuBarry Martha Wrenshell Stork CInb Sonny Kendls Oro .Jose Lopez Oro Versalllea M Bergere Oro Mltzl Green Panchlto Oro . D'AvaloS Dancera TUIage Bam Howard Woods Ore Owen Williams Freda Sullivan Zeke & Elmer Polly Jenkins Co Noll ft Nolan Lou Valero Walter Donahue Billy Buma Co Whirling Toy Geo Morris Oro Paloma Irene Stanley I'atrlcia March Russell Dracken ROXY, NEW YORK Week April 28«lt DICE ON INAH Via: MARK J. LEDDY Beverly WUshIra Bray Sla Howard Oerrard Harry Owens Ore Cafe Callcnte Pancho Diana Castillo Julio Gervante c IjOO Luz Oaequez- Bddle Agullar Orr Cafe La Maze Park Are. Boya Martha Mears Malty Malneck Ore Club Ball George Tount Bruz Fletcher Club Versailles Jerry Lester Gloria King ' Theodores Chlcco Oro Earl Carroll Paul Gerrlte Arren ft Broderlrh A Robins,. Igor A Tanya- Vivien Pay Susan Miller Beryl Wallace 3 SophlsUcaled Gls Dorothy Gerron Reginald Craig Archie Bleyer Ore Bd Ounut Oro lOS ANGELES. Florenlihe Garden Maurice Kosloff Co Bmll Basso Ore - Frank HeboHllon's Cabanola Bduardo Cbenez Joe Barrls Ore tirace Uayea Lodge Jackie roglen Grace Hayes LInd Hayes Joe Frisco Charlie Foy Lou Sailee Oro Hawaiian Paradiw Loretia Walker Princess Loanna Joe Sullivan Oro Indigo Cafe Bid- Brown Jimmy Eilard Jack Frost Val Harris It Cafe Cabaneros 'Don Rudolf Oro Jerry's Uandalay Marguerite- Paduia Geo Surprenant Ji Neville Fleesoa - Nonle Mitchell Hal Chancellor Ore Jimmy Kerr ft Boys La Conga Don JsrI . Splk* Featberstoa* Evelyn Steels Jerry Galian ' LaC'nga Rb'mba Dd Utile Club Jane Jones Paul Kendall Walter Dyson Uttle Hnagary Valeseo'B Gypslsa Uarrel'a Leonard Keller Ore Uarcos Daly Kay Grsgory Joey Lee, Oro Omar's Dome Lillian Gibson Charles Earl* Hal Brown Ted Wells Oro Paloroar Imogene Coca Tanner Sis Gloria Monroe Kirk Allen MMsaY-JL-Mlller Jerry Mumson Jimmy Brierly Qeorg* Olsen Paris Inn Dominie Blane ft Blaine Ginger Weldon Katherlne Skldmore Lillian Gilbert . Eric Massey Henry Monett Marguerite ft U Ken Henryson Chuck Henry Oro beven Seas Danny Kawarina Kay Silver Lillian Gibson Al Molntyre Bddle Bush 4 Blapsy Hazle's Slapsy Mnzle Jack Waldron Joe Plotksi Andy Sorrelll Virginia Mathews Moors A I-^wis Tommy Ren,/ Ore Somerset Bonse Harry RIngland Art Tatum Jack Owens Stag* 'I' Cafe Wally Vernon Billy Toung Henry GalantI Sbemp Howard 4 Squires Swnaee Inn Eddie Beal Oladya Bentley Topsy's Elmer Arlett Jon Taras ft Mastsra -Nichols ft Lucas The Blercer Bros Dorothy Brandon Chuck Foster Oro Victor Bogs Joaquin Oaray Rklnnay Ennis Ore Carmine CHICAGO Ambaasador Hotel (I'amp Room) H McCreery Oro Betty Brj-ant Ball BaU Ralph Cook Kay Armin Roy Deltrlch Sally Osmon- Jlmpile Green Oro Dlsmnrek Hotel (Walnut Boom) Virginia .Glbsoa' Gloria Lee Hadley Ola Patricia Long Phil Levant Ors Blackhawk Bob. .Crosby. Ore Ray Bauduo Bddle Miller Marlon Mann Dorothy Claire Oil Rodin Don Pedro Oro Orrin ft Betty Blaekatone Hotel (Uailnese Km) Margr'et English Pllner ft Barl Ore .Bine Ooose Evelyn Watera Al Lane Melody King Buck Hiint . 4 HiU A a Miss Brevoort Hotel (Crystal Boom) Florence Schubert Charles Baldwin Orace Katrol t^orma Ballard ' BroadmoBt Herb Rudolph Oro Sandra Oinger Wood GeorKle La Reaa Jlmmle Reid Sylvia Tucker Henry Simon 4 Londoneers Chez Buckley Dick Buckley Marltta Ryan Oiga Anton Sam Barl Ralph LIndgren Or Ches Paree Cross ft Dunn Adelaide Moffett Mary.Raye ft N Jack Durant Janice Williams Russ Morgan Oro Don Orlando Ore Bvans Adbrablaa CiDb Al Jack Spangler Paula Tymea Amelia Margie Moore - Oliver Harris Ore CInk Abbam Dorothy DeHoghton Evelyn Nesblt Harriet Norrla Sadie Moor* Jack. Irving Pavlette LaPlerre Allen Cole ■IBe Burton BernI* Adier Dorothy Dale Dare Unells Ore Chalk Robinson Ore Bddle Roth Ore CInb Bspana Harry Hynda Bob Durfre* Dick Hauss Joe Hardy nee Jones' Russ LIndgren Ore Colony CInb Tacht Club Boys Jose Mshzanares ot Lew FIdler Oro Coloalmos Ads Leonard Roy Rogera Bill Baird Natalie ft How Betty Robin Harry Rose, Lllka Kadlmova Pronaph Gls Hollywood 4 Henri Gendron Ori CInb Dellsa Sam Robinson - Henrlene Barker SmItty ft Black Lorraine Brown Wesley Long Albert Sears Connie Morrow Chippie Hill Brown ft Brown Ethele Wllnon Rhythm Willie Charles Isnm Partello Gls Red Baundere Ore CoDgress Hotel (Glass Hat Bm) Johnny Banga Ore (Peacock Bm) Joe Vera . (Pompellan Um) Irvibg Vitrgraa Diiake Hotel (Gold Coast Boom) Ted Weenis Oro Marvel Maxwell Elmo Tanner Perry Como Parker Glbba Red Ingle County Washburae Dntdi's John Elliott Carlos it Dolores ' Betty Jerome Bvelyh Harria Lolita . Uort tinnd Oro .Edgewater Beaoh Hotel (Harlne Bosm) Ray Herbeck Oro De Mar ft Denies Betty Benson Kirby Brooks Marine 4 Harriet Smith Gla - 8SS Clab Eddie Varzos Ore Lucio Garcia Johnny Howard Rider Sis Orace McCarthy El Dnmpo Laurene No Vol Bemie Green Gloria Fay Marie Paul Whlrly Ola 3 Loose Screws. Rsy Stlebers Ore Sam Badls Famous Door Esther Whittington Bryan Wolf Eunice Hill Dave. Malcom Belle Baker Ftorlne Mannera NIkl NIrhols Terry O'Toole Al Robinson Ore Fknnke's Casino Wilt ilartin Honors ft Gladlce Zerelle Betty' Story Jean Moore S Wood bridge Billie Rogers Buddy. Kirhie Rooks Ellswortb Bob Tinsley Ore Oay SO'e Jlmmle Amea Lew King Colleen Joan Rogers June Jackson Vanstte Gls Pat Otis .Bobby Danders Ore Gay Paree Lulu LInd Elinor Johnson Alice Hanson Oblden Spot Sid Schapps Charlene Baker Hal Barber Irene Fortes Nick ft V Collins Lea Andrea Chester LeRoy Ore Grand Terrace Tondelaya ft Lopez Ted Smith Gladys Madden Dot Adams Buck ft Bubbles Geo D Washington Jean Starr Barl HInes Oro Dusty Fletcher Leonard -Reed Ola Graemere Hotel (Glass House Bm) Toasty Pall Oro Carl Bock Ted ft Mary Taft Woody La Rush Lorraine Vosa Harryra N T Cab'ret Jerry Bergren Roberta Jonay Dorothy Dennis Emma Caider Galente'ft Leonanin Rankin Gls Chas Bneels Oro Art Bucklsy Al Wagner Blllle Myers Lee Berling illekory Inn Kay- Dare Joan A Bddle Tom Oarvey Gondoliers Ore HI Hat Jackie Heller Joan Abbott 3Iarle Ballero Lois Harper Kretlow Gls Sid Lang Oro Ivanfaoe Helen Irwin 'lice Munson 4 Hawallans Keith Beecher' Ore L'Alglon Mary W Kilpatrl'uk BMSeblo Conrlatdl Spyros Stamos Don Quixote Oro Enoio Bolognlnl Or Hotel La 6alle (Blee Front Boom) VIbra Stuff Smith Oro Gladys Madden Jonah Jones Liberty laa Dick Hugos Helen Durfree June West Billy Hill Fritzl Bey Barbra Bow- Rlta Manning Jimitile O'Neil Barl Wiley Ore Umehoose Bob Tank Oro Utile aeb Tanua Tsmara- Richard Denzlcr 'Roland ft Franclne Joe KIsh Ore UcGrawa Marlon Oliver Jack Tllson Violet Sternberg Chuck Andrews Oeorge West L^ixls Dee Phil Cblnsrd McLaaghlla's Nell Clark Nadja Mickey Dunn Ann Helm Bromberg Bd Melody Win Tiny Hill Oro Allan DeWltt. Harold Osborne HUIstene Ann Millstone Flo Whitman Oa:* Lawrence Betty- MarrW Delia Bartell Jack Roland Ore Nyn Leu Muriel Joseph Slssle Robbins Patsy Du Brae Sharone Ulnoel CInb Dee Downey Renee Villon Gale Lawrence Jacqueline Alien Art Fishers Oro Morrison Hotel (Ba.iton Oyster HoBse) Manfred Gotthelf Naneleaa Cafe Manclnl Oro Ona Mayo Owen Paul Pinky Tracey Margie Strong Evelyn Reed - Bd Leon Nappe- Gardens Natasha' Jean Stone Ray Conlln Oro Kay Moore Honey Lee Sally Bharratt Old BeldelbcrK Old Heidelberg Co Octet Robert Keaaier Franz ft Fritz Swiss Hill Billies Raoul Kantrbw Herbfe Oro Paddock CInb lone O'Donnell Ruth Deane Ilo NUea Irv Doernfleld Diane Raye Jay Hill Lee Francis Oro Palmer Hoose (Empire Boom) Bddle DUchIn Oro Ruts Davia .. Dick Baratow Anderson & Allen Burette Alexander Abbott Dancera Phil Dpoley Ore Parody CInb Flash Evans Ida Brown Dolores Shaw Kaytherlne Atkin Chlo Banders Ore Play hoose' Helen Hart Johnny Morrlasey Jean Cook- Charlene Baker Barry Hodges Oro Hose Bowl Willie Shore Freddie Fishers Or Selbys 2 Gladys Palmar Lillian Barnes Glenda Hope Sol Wagner Oro Boyal FroUca Dolly Kay Eddie White 4 Wluon Bros Anthony, A ft H Al Trurh Ore Mark Fisher Ore Jack Hilliard Frolica Ens Sherman Hotel (Celllc Cafe) pane Oro (Dome) James Hamilton Empire Boys Pedro de Leon 4 Jerry Gildden Keller sis Del Ohrel (Panther Boon) Gene Krupa Ore Irene Daye 8 Jitterbugs Carl Marx Silhouette Larry Forbes Mildred Parr Bddle Dandera Joan Baylor Joey Conral Ore Silver Cloud Ray Stiles Mortimer ft B Amelia Morales Clark ft Janice Johnny Morrison Eleanor Daniels Joan Costello Hazel Zaius Nerd RiehardsoB Johnny MoKaii Ore surer Frolics' Harry Harris Blaine Rabey Tony ft oene Fay Wallace Art Freeman eoe oiab' Billy Carr Sunny Carter Connie Faseiiaw Boots Burns - Jean Rochelle Dolores Del Ra* Marg Fsber Gls Joel ft Annstl* Dletrlchs Insz Scott Alohia Jessls. Rosella Dogmar Doily Sterling Patricia- Perrr Collette Carmen 'Sol Lak* Oro- Trlpoll t Sky Bock*t Marjorie Whitney Dictatora Mathews A Shaw 4 Kings Stevens Betel (CoDtlBeatal Booa) Rhythm Boys Ors Bernhardt ft O Byton Gls. Stratosphere Clab Princes Red Rock Frank Barbor Subway Ginger Dlx Lueille Carroll Gladys Oeorge Gypsy Zona Betty Lynne Jackie- Richard Frances Thomas Billy Kent Henry Sax Oro Saal-4 Bernle Green Saxon Sis Cherl Jules Scott Sam Barl Verne Wilson Ore Thompson's 16 CInb Ray.Rsynolds Althea Allen Prank ft Lola Ruth Nix.on Frank Donla Patsy 'Thomas Dot Keith OlS Marsh McCurdy Sammy Frisco Ore Ihree DoBcee Baby Dodds Charles McBrtde Llll Armstrong Lonnie Johnson (Otr Beat Boob) Anita O'Day Wingy Mannone Tramp Bd . Lennie. Bsterdall Jimmy MePartland Tower Inn Mollle Manner Sam Haas Inez Oonan Betty Story Lee Gls 3 Hawallans Frank Davis; Ore Town CInb Chet Boswell Joe Hadden Janet Miller Kay Marcey Marjory Lane Wayne Bros Enid Phillips S Chicagoans Frankle Quatrel Ore VUla Moderae Tony Cabot Oro Wlaona Gardens Glgl Rsns Le* Harmon Pat Allen MIta La Tour Virginia Gilbert Lucille Johnson Frances West NIta La Tour -Hazel Gregg _ Frank Snyder Ore pmi.A'nTiT.PITTA Anchorage Jack Curtia Tera Davis Nitza ft Ravel Del Rio Ore Edna Thompson Bellerae-^Stratford (Main Dining B'm) Meyer Davis Ore (Bnrgandy Room) Frank Jusle Oro Ben Franklin Hotel (Uarden Terrace) Red Norvo Terry Allen Benny the Bum's Larry Vincent RlmaCa- Chlqulta Conchlta ~!hariey Boy Bart Hernandez Browning Lane Inn (Bellmawr, N.J.) Mary Joyce Vince Norman Oro Cadlllae Taven Helen Doyle Henrique ft Adrien Dean Edwarda . LUllan - Stewart Mary Clark Dolores Lakro Marcelia Marchand Darlene Jonrs Bddls Thomas Jack Newlon Sunny Ray H Reynolds Ors Club IB Johnny Toung Ore Beverly Fisher Bee Larry Jimmy Lackore Nanette Lee Vaughn Cafe Uoroney Scarey Gavin Al Cubler _ Joe Famllant Ore Joan ft Dolly Peggy Gas * J«' Llllle Maye Doris O'Shea Isabelle Daniels Lorralns Wiley Virginia Gane Clab Horor Phil Kaye 3 Carltons Jewell Bllo Mike Jnftree Allen Shaw Charlie Gains Oro