Variety (Apr 1939)

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Wednesday. April 26, 1939 LEGITIMATE GROSSES VARIETY 43 'Anger Up to Ufe Thrives At $yi)0 in Oii; FTP'OtfaeHo'Oby ■f- Chlcaeo, AprU 25. Legit was ctroQC here last week, esieSally for 'I Married An Aneel,' wnich quit the Grand to EelTout' on the bright side is 'What » lale,' at the Erlanger, which had been^n the verge of calUnK It quits several times, out held on long enough to catch on, WUl continue ind^^tely. On Sunday (24), 'Knickerbocker Holiday,' starring Walter Huston, opened at the Grand. Last night (Monday), 'Skylark' brought Ger* trnde I<awrence to town for the sec- ond time this season. She appeared earlier in "Su^ and God.' The Federal Theatre has a strong . winner in the current Shakespeare series, headed by Ian Keith. 'Othello,' the opener, is giving the Blackstone a fine play. Follow-ups will be 'Hamlet'.and 'As You Like It.' Due later is 'My Dear Children,' which Ijrlngs John Barrymore back to town after an absence of some 18 years. Estlmatea for Ijast Week . 1 Married an AnccI,' Grand (7th- final week) (1,300; $3.30). Finished seven solid weeks, finale being ex- cellent, slightly under $24,000. 'What » Life,' Erlanger (7th week) (1,400;-$1.69). Weekends are dyna- mite here. Profitable $6,800, WPA ■Biff Bl«w,' Great Northern. Re- §laced this week by 'Awake and Ing,' in Yiddish. 'Oihelle.' BUckstone. Getting ex- c^llent reaction. mOWN DANUBEVIN THE RED, PITT, 5G Pittsburgh, April 25, Reopening again after a couple of dark sessions, the Nixon ran into a cropper last week with tryout of The Brown Danube.' Anti-Nazi play collected sour notices and drew poorest trade here for a subscription offering In years. American Theatre Society auspices were all that saved new diow from complete washout Had around "$4,700 in the till prior to opening through season tickets. Nixon's regular season winds up this week ditto subscription series, with Lunts splitting ei^t perform- ances between 'Sea Gull' and 'Idiot's Delight' On May 1 annual Pitt Cap and Gown musical, 'At Your Serv- ice.' opens. Estimate for Last Week Utown Danube,' Nixon (2,100; $2.75). New shows sridom click here, this one less than usual. Got ■round $5,000, but all but about $300 of that came from ATS subscription. It was a last-minute booking for the Society, removing the necessity of making reftmds for the season. Hodier'Just a yiaby With $6,200 in Wadi Washington, April 25, Combination of circumstences $Iayed havoc last week with "The (other,*-starring Nazimova. Current' is Maurice Evans' uncut . 'Hamlet,' with Saturday's (29) two peitormances to be devoted to 'Henry IV.' 'I Married an Angel' arrives Monday (1) and closes house for the season. Estimate for Last Week The Mather,' NaUonal (1,698; $2.73 top). Heavy stuff for sudden hot^«ll and only-got approximately Dowling-Town' Click For Hartford, N. H. Lonts^ R^rtory Does $18,000 in Indpls^ Col. Indianapolis, April 25. Tb» EngUsh theatre, with the Lunts in two performances of 'Am- phitiTon 38.' on Monday (17) and Tuesday (18), and matinee and even- ing performance of 'Sea Gull' on Wednesday (20), turned in a satis- factory total, most of which was done on 'Anmbltryon.' EsUmato tor Last Week LuBts' Be p e itoiy , English; (1,500; $3.30). First two days accounted for most of the $9,0QD with 'Sea GuU' holding.down' the boxoflice. Lvnts 9G in Colnmbas (Columbus, April 25. Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontanae drew approximately $9,000 in four pertormances at the Hartmah here last Hiursday through Saturday (20- 22). Figure broughf their total gMss for the week to about $18,000. En- gagement was divided between 'Am- phitryon' and "The Sea Gull.' They're winding up their tour this week in Pittsburgh. HUST0N*$17,800 IN COLUMBUS, CINCY RUNS Cincinnati, April 25. ICnickerbocker Holiday,' starring Walter Huston, had a 'b.o. holiday last week. Drew ^fiOO in first half at the Bartman, Columbus, O., and $10,200 in last three days -at the C!ox here. Top was ^.30. Engagement closed Clncy's legit season. Show came in for rave by local cricks. Saturday matinee and night performances were sellouts. Jolm Barrymore's 1-Niters Net $15,000 Memphis. April 25. John Barrymore grossed just over $15,000 in a week of one-nighters with 'My Dear Children,' winding up Saturday 22) at the local Audi- torium. Takhigs .were considerably washed out during the week's heavy rains. Dates ' included the Bijou, KnoxviUe; Bijou, Cliattanooga; Er- langer, Atlanta; Temple, Blrming- liam; Ryman Auditorium, Nashville, and the Auditorium here. Show is at the American, St. Louis, this week. 6'/2G, New Haven, April 25. Nothing set here tor the balance of the year. Thursday to Saturday (20-22) the Wee McCoy production of 'Our Town,' sterring Eddie Dowl ing, did satisfactorily on top of i single show in Hartford, Wednesday (191. 'Rigoletto' comes into the Shubert, May 7, for one performance, with Jan Peerce, Estlnute for Last Week 'Our Town,' Shubert (1,600; $2.20) Pop prices drew okay $4,000 here, on top of $2,500 done Wednesday (19) in Hartford. %W $12,500, Balto; Hlaodida'f 10,800,4 Spots Baltimore, April 25. Playing of Gertrude Lawrence, in Skylark; -at Ford's last week, against three-day (four perform- ances) booldng of Cornelia Otis Skinner, in 'Candida,' at the Indie booked Maryland, closed local legit for the season, with. .b.o. refuse satisfactory for both attractions. Current season, exceptionally slim as to bookings, nevertheless drew steady biz. Total of 17 bookings for the en tire season of '38-39, three of which were return dates, compares with ■37-38 crop of 34. Estimates tor Last Week 'Skylark.' Ford's (1,900; $2.75). Stroqjg advance and window Interest counted up to nice $12,500 in spite of extra Tliursday matinee replacing Friday night afyow, omitted because of UUss Lawrence's radio commit ment. Candida,' Maryland (1,575; $2.75), Cornelia Otis Skinner revival at- tracted fair response, $5,000, i .i heels of terrific previous week of Kattia rine ComeU in 'No Time for Com. edy.' Skinner's 2G In Princeton Princeton, N. J., April 25. Cornelia Otis Sldnner concluded her tour in 'Candida' here Saturday night (22), grossing $2,000 at the McCarter. Seven-performance week included $5,000 for four perform- ances in Baltimore: $2,0(K> for i single showing in Bethlehem, Pa. and $1,600 for a single presentation in Wilmington. Total was $10,800. Actress will appear In 'Romance' at the . Mohawk Drama Festival, Schenectedy, N,. Y., and in Tova- rich' at Ogimquit, Me., this summer and will begin the fall season with a few weeks through the south in her one-woman show. Plans to ap. pear on Broadway next season in a new play, if she can . find a suitable one. 2 Coast Revivals San Francisco, April 25. Helen Gahagan, in Jerome Kern's Tlie Cat and the Fiddle,' and Charles Thomas, in Johann Strauss' The Gypsy Baron,' will be brought te the Curran here in June By Homer Curran. Engagements of each wUl be limited to one week. Thomas' Igst appearance here was in 'Blossom Time.' Miss Gahagan was starred in 'The Merry Widow at the Curran several years ago. 3d "Kiss Boys'$13,400 Wichita, April 25. "Kiss Boys Goodbye' (No. 3 com- pany) finished a week of one-night- ers Saturday (22) with about $13,400. Stands included the Melba, Dallas; Shrine Auditorium, Oldahoma City; Convention Hall, Tulsa, and the Ar cadia here. Troupe is continuing this week through Colorado and Arizona. 'Whiteoaks' $8,500 Vancouver, April 25. •Wbiteoaks,' with Ethel Barrymore, drew a little under $8,500 for six per- formances last week, ending Satur- day night (22) at the Strand here. Company played Monday (17) in Tacoma, traveled Tuesday (18), did i one-nighter Wednesday (19) at Vic torla and gave four performances here beginning Thursday (20). Show is continuing through Can ada this week. B'way Sees Fair yax Hel|iin& But Probably Not Until June; 'Come^' Near Lead wiA $21,000 TOWN* EXPANDS INLim; mcEiojioo Los Angeles, April 25, The BUtmore here and El Ci^itan, HoUywood, went daxk Saturday (22) after brief runs with 'Our .Town' and 'Of Mice and Men,' respectively. Former built well and second-final week progressed and finished with virtual sellout House reopens May 1 with ICiss Boys Goodbye,' in for two wedcs, with possibili^-of three. 'Of Mice and Men' wound up two and half profitable weeks at El C^pi- tan.' Federal Theatre FrojectTs three long-runners continne At the Holly- wood Playhouse, Mayan and Belaseo, Esttiaiates for Last Week 'Oar T«wD,' Blltmore (2d-final week) (1,654; $2.75). Finished, to strong $10,000. . Of Mice and Men,' El C:apltan, Hol^ood (3d-flnal week) (1300: $2.50). Held to good $9,000 on final seven days. WPA Hiuu Lil Chilian,' Mayan. Moves to Hollywood Playhouse'May 17 after more than six months -downtown. 'Two-a-Day,' Hollywood Playhouse. Engagement extended to May 14; 'High Tor,' Belaseo. Winds up middle of May. Itiss Boys' lOG, St Loo^ Dented by CircDS, Opera St Louis. April 25. 'Kiss Boys . Cioodbye,' only road show to remain in St Louis two weeks during the current season, quit Saturday (22) whb a fair take. The play during the last .week encoun- tered considerable opposition from the .annual police circus at the Arena, which played to virtually sellout biz, and two performances of grand opera, with New York Met Stan, sponsored by the recently or- St Louis Grand Opera Assn. John Barrymore, in 'My'bear Chil. dren,' opened yesterday (Monday) for a week. This winds np the local legit season. Estimate tor Last Week 'Kiss Boys Goodbye,' American (2d-final week) (1,707; $2J0. Topped $10,000. Yiddish Art Troupe 3G In Two Nights, Toronto Toronto, April 25. Headed by Jacob Ben-Ami and Samuel .(Oldenburg, the Yiddish Azt Co. junketed up from New York for a two-ni^t appearance at the Vic- toria here and did very nicely. At $1J0 top. H. Leivlck^ Wh<»J5 Who' grossed little more than $1,000 Friday night (21), and Clifford Odets' 'Awake and Sing' did excellently at $2,000 Saturday night (22). Both plays were done in Yiddish. Witii the Introduction of two dramas on Broadway this week, new production activities of the season will practically be washed up. Other than four musicals due between late May and July, the World's Fair of- ferings will consist mostly of those currently on the boards. - Only two or three straight shows otherwise are in sight With tew exceptions there was lit- tle change last week in the generally offish business that followed Easter, with the scarcity of visitors blamed. Starting Friday (28), the first in- flux for the Fair is due, for Sunday's debut The expo ttow will doubt- lessly receive. more attention than Broadway, and because of that show- men are skeptical about an upturn in legit attendance In the near fu- ture. It's assumed there will be some pick-up later, however, since the peak 'crowds for the Fair are not expected tmtil June, when schools are out and vacations be- gin. Last week saw the entrance of an apparent high grosser, 'No Time for Comedy,' ttt the Barrymore, which registered over $21,000 for its ini- tial week. ' It rated close to the top straight shows, "The Pliiladelphla Story/ with The Little Foxes' and 'Abe iJncoln' running behind .'Com- edy.' Mexlcana,' an import at the 46th Street, opened late in the week with Its chances not definite. New ediUon of 'Plpa and Needles,' Labor Stage, drew a strong press. First full week .of 'My Heart's in the High- lands,' Guild, very weak, t>eing rated under $2,000. Standing of the musicals still has ■Hellzapoppin' on top, with liCave It to Mei* \'Star8 in Your Eyes' and 'Boys From Syracuse' in that order. Downward revision of scales for two are slated -for next week. The American Way' continues to top all. No new shows due next week, when WPA's 'Swing Mikado' wiQ change to commercial management and moves from the New Yorker to the 44th Street EsOautM for'Lact Week 'Abe Lineeln in lUlnels,' Plymouth (2601 week) (D-1,036; $3.30). Tap- ered somewhat but still hefty with $18,500. <Boys From Syraeaic,' Alvin (23d week) (M-1,32S; $4.40). While un- der levels of first few months, mu- sical turning profit steadily; eased off to $18^000 last week and may re- vise ticket scale. Tamlly Portrait,' Morosco (8th week) (D-69I: $3.30). Under expec- tations, around $7,500. 'Gentle Peaple,' Belaseo (17th week) (C-1,107: $3JO). Missed one performance through illness of Franchot Tone; who was replaced by Leif Erickson on two other evenings; topped $7,000. ^Hellsapoppla,' Winter Garden (32d week) (11-1,671; $3.30). Remains in hi^ demand, wiOi capacity claimed right along; topped $33,000. •Hot Mikado,' Broadhurst (6th week) (M-1,116; $3.30). Steadily improving; white colored-cast musi cal can do considerably more, it's or slightly 'Road* Snares $13,800 In Four Wise. Towns Road company of Tobacco Road,' continuing Its course through Wis- consin last we^ ran up $13,800 in four whistle-stops. Stands Included Madison, Fond du Lac, Kenosha and Lafayette. - ' Troupe is shuttling back and forth over the Canadian border this week. Agents Sue NiyeD Hollywood, April 25.- Hawks-Volck agency is suing David Niven, EngUsh film actor, for $56,100 commissions. Charges Niven ran out on his con- tract D'Oyly Carte k Hub Mikado, $23,500; Evans OK $18,000, lomen' Repeat 12G Boston, April 25. The D'Oyly Carte Opera Co. mopped up in the opening week of its four-week run here, easily lead- ing other shows here. Maurice Evans continued to draw with his full-length 'Hamlet' and 'Heniy IV,' closing two successful weeks Satur- day (22). -The Women,' at the Opera House, along with Elissa Landl in 'Lady Has a Heart' which finished two dismal weeks at the Plymouth, Saturday (22), were in at $1.10 top. Latter was disappointing. Wee .and,^^£<»y brought in 'Our Town.' with Eddie Dowfing, yesterday (Monday) to re- place 'Lady.' This is another $1.10 of- fering. 'Women' was in on a repeat EsUmatca tor Last Wcf k D'Oyly Carte company. Colonial (1st week) (1,643; $3.30). Gilbert- Sullivan troupe came in with a big advance and rangup a smash $23,500. 'iOamlet' and 'Henry IV,' Shubert (2d-flnal week) (1,580; $2.75). Built on basis of excellent word-of-mouth and good press comments. Around $18,000, very good. The Women,' OoBia House (2,944r $1.10). Closed Saturday (22), al- though at least two weeks were hoped for at these prices. However, it did profitable $lli000. 'Lady Has a Heart' Plymouth. Never got to first base; finished with $4,000; played two weeks. profitable with $15,000 more. 1 Must Leve Someone,' Vanderbilt (12th week) (C-800; $3.80). Moved here from Longacre Monday (24); some improvement reported; $4,000. 'KIm Boys GMdbye.' Miller (31st week) <C-B44: ^.30). Around the same level as Easter week, $9,500; both road companies grossing more. 'Leave It to Me,' finperiS (25th week) (M-l,4e8; $4.40). Recovered unlike other musicals which went off during Blaster; quoted around ^6,500. Ibmba's Dawglrtera,' Empbre (47th week) (D-1,099; $3.30). SlighUy bet- ter than previous eight perform- ances; takings estimated over $11,000. Wy Heart'4 In Ike HUhlands.' GuUd (3d week) (D-OU; $2.20). Was placed on subscription beids, starting this wed:, by Theatre Guild after getting a couple of votes from N. Y. Critics Circle best play sesdon; very lean so far; less than .$2,000 last week. . 'No Time'ter Comedy,' Barrymore (2d week) ((H>-1,096; $3.30). Newest big grosset^ as anticipated; standees all performanoes after debut: quoted over $2LO0a 'One tor Uie Xeney,' Booth (12th week) (R-708; $3.85). Agency call developing and looks' like intimate revue will stay .Into supimer; $13,000. fOaoar wnae,' Fulton (2Bth week) (CD-013: $330). Armmd $8,000, prof- itable. 'Set to Mnle,' Music Box (ISth wedc) (H-1.000; $4.40). Some re- vision of operating costs helping; down around $13,000. 'Stars la Tour Eves,' Majestic (12th week) (M-1,717; $4.40). l&y advance claimed very strong; -$21,500 last week. Tb» Amerieaa Way,' (Tenter (14th week) (D'-3,438; $3J0). StUl head- inglist.with around:$87,000 leveL The UtUe Foxes,' National (11th week) (D.l,ie4; -$3:30). Many per- formances are sellouts; approached $19,000. The Mother,' Lyceum (1st week) (D-1,006; $3.30); Presented by Victor Payne-Jennings; adapted from for- eign original by Paul Selver and Miles Malleson; opened last night (Tuesday). Hie rUUadeliAia Story.' Shubert (5tb week) (C-1,367; $3.30). Front- running oomedy capacity at all per- formances, with takings more than $23,000. The FrimrMO Path,' Cort (17th week) (CD-1,050; $3.30). Doing mod- erately with last week's takings bet- tering $7,000, profiteble. The WbUe Steed.' Golden (lOth wiedc) (D-730;'$3J0). May perk up with critics award as best foreign play of the season; prolMbly turning small profit; around $ej000 again. Tobacco BMd.' Forrest (281st week) (D-1,107; $1.65). Expo visitors expected to keep long stayer In ac- tion; around $4,000 for low-cost drama. 'What ft Life,' Mansfield (54th week) (CM,050: $8.30). With parties and other cut rates, run comedy earning some profit; quoted over $4,000. 'Wathering Helfhts,' Longacre (1st week) (D-1,010; $3.30). Presented by Robert Henderson and Harry Young; adapted from Emily Bronte's novel by Randolph Carter; film verston current at RlvoU; opens tomorrow (Thursday) night . REVIVALS 'Awake and Slog,' Windsor. Closed Saturd^w (22) after three weeks; disappointed.' 'Ontward Bound,' Playhouse (10th week) (D-873; $3.30). Has passed run of original presentation; $8,000, profitable. ADDED ■Bleztcana,' 46th Street (2d week) (B-1,375; $3.30). Import from Mex- ico drew fair press at Friday (21) debut; chances may be Indicated this week. Tins and Needles,' Labor Stage (73d week). Unionists' intimate revue pepped up with new numbers, which drew press praise, and busi- ness should nick up from the $4,500 level, at which it is profitable. • The doiet CUy,' Bdasco. Taken off; may show next season after re- vision; played two out of five sched- uled Sundays. Frank Fay Show, 44th Street Closed last midweek; due to reopen at Shubert, Boston, Monday (1). WPA 'Slog tor Tour Sapper,' Adelphl. Opened Monday (24) after being in preparation more than one year. 'Swing Mikado,' New Yorker. Moves to 44th Street Monday (1) un- der commercial auspices. 'FInocohlo.' Eltz.