Variety (May 1939)

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48 VARIETY Wednesday, May 31, 1939 TALENT and Variety's Third Annual Radio Directory ALL BUT 10 ARE WORKING! — 01 the scores of radio artists, producers, cmnouncers, band-leaders end sustainers whose professional announcements appeared in last year's Variety's Radio Directory —ONLY 10 ARE MISSING FROM THE LISTS OF CURRENTLY EMPLOYED. —^There must be a reason why so great a percentage of artists have - maintained and improved fheir status. —Some have shifted affiliations as many as three and four times during the p<ist 12 months. —^But always they have been busy, their services always in demand! —Radio's diversified fields of professional activity are as unlimited as the scope of the industry itseU. —Radio consumes as it rewcads, but versatility, talent and escperienced ability cement the artist and producer to the air-lanes. —Sponsors experiment with what is new and originaL —^Agencies strive to create ix>P^^^ values by new combinations of tested falenL —^In q. search which is never ending, always feverish under the whip of competition. Variety's Radio Directory has; proved the indispensable hand-book and record. —^Its pages are studied for new idecct, new «ntertaiiunent suggestions. —^The value of its advertising pajes has been demonstrated. —Of the scores of artists whose records appeared in paid advertising in last year's issue, —ONLY 10 ARE NOT NOW WORKING i —Variety's Third Annucd Radio Directory, containing information of the industry in all its multiple phases, is a reference library to sponsors, agencies, producers, program directors and talent scouts.. It is in its final stages of editing. Advertising forms are closing soon. Copy may be left at thd following Variety offices: NEW YORK 154 W. 46th SL HOLLYWOOD 1708 No. Tine SL CHICAGO 54 W. Randolph St. , mail the coupon for immediate space reservation. LONDON 8 SL Martin's PL Trafalgar Sq. Date. VARIETY, INC. 154 m'^6th St., New York City You are authorized to print my advertisement in the 1939-40 Edition of VARIETY RADIO DIRECTORY to occupy of space. For this I agree io pay dollars net. Payment to be made within 30 days after publication. Name of Advertiser. Address '. By Advertising Rates 1939r40 Edition 1 Page $175 V2 Page $90 Va, Page $50 Color, per page, for color, extra.. $25 Bleed, per page, extra $25 These prices are net, and not «ub> ject to agency or other discounts.