Variety (Jul 1939)

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nCTURE CROSSES VAKIETr ijap Rnmpus, Plreparedness Moves lient London's West End; 'Chips' Big I "Nazi Spy Smash $25," I^ndon, June 23. Film business being slow at this tlme^f year. West End houses invar- libly unload a number of medlocrl- gfs o" revivals, keeping the best Sctures for the fall. However, pres- ?nt crop of pictures compares fa- vorably, and In many InsUnces even betters^ the usual fall output Still, west End business^Is not «ood. and there are plenty of aUbis. Sfain headache is the Japanese rum- Sus. which has caused further stag- Eation in the stock market, whOe other hefty reasons are the air raid precautions and the conscription. To counteract this three film moguls. Arthur Jarratt (Gaumont- Britlsh). Sam Eckman (Metro) and Oscar Deutsch (Odeon) seriously considered a scheme of extensive na- tional newspaper advcrtklng. laud- ing 'Jesse James.* 'Castle,' 'Chips,' end 'Stagecoach.' running concur- rently in the West End. But the whole thing blew up at the last min- ute. Estimates for This Week ($5 to the £> Academy—'Peter the Great* (Rus- «lan) (1st week). Will be lucky to eel $3,000. As picture is on guaran- tee, will linger for four weeks. Berkeley—'Femme du Bolanger* (French) (3d week). Steady $3,500, practicaUy capacity, as house only seats 380. Hduse operated by Elsie Cohen, who also' bosses the Acadsmv. Picture, easily good for three more weeks. Carlton (Par) — 'Union Pacific' (Par) (2d run). After two weeks at Paramount's ace house, the Plaza, •U.P.' replacing 'Louise' (French), which lingered fortnight to poor biz. Conon — 'Beethoven' (French). Should do trade on popularity of composer's works. Likely to top $4,000 on first stanza. In for tour Empire (Metro)-'Chips' (M-G) (2d week). Best of trio made in England, by Metro, but intake not as high as either 'Yank' or 'Citadel,' although other two played at more seasonal times. Taking everything In consideration, picture did exceed- ingly well to top $32,000 In first week, with second stanza likely to too that Good for four to five Gaament (GB) — 'Jesse James' (20th) (2d week). Disappointing 10.000 likely after $12,000 first sesh. vm stay a third, with 'I KlUed t^e Count' (GN-British) replacing f^r one week and 'BaskervUle' (20th) following. Leicester Square (WooU)—'Honest Man' (U) (2d week). First week .well below $10,000, and doomed for even lower intake for second stanza. *Sun Never Sets' (U) set to follow. London PaTlllon (U) — Trouble Brewing' (AB) (1st week). English picture, starring .George Fromby, biggest name in English pictures, 'but of no consequence among the so- phisticated West Enders. In mainly to comply with quota regulation. Not likely to excaed $7,000, with "Cap- tain Fury' (UA) scheduled to follow. Blarble Arch Pavilion (GB)—'3 Smart Girls' (U) (2d run) (1st week). After seven weeks at Leicester Square, doing nicely, and seems cer- tain to gross $7,000. Assured of at least second week. New Gallery (GB) — 'Ciastles' (RICO) (3d week). Picture attract- ing London's elite, and grossed $17.- 000 first week, with second stanza ■Just below $15,000. Third week un- likely to fall below that Expected to stay another fou weeks. . 'Mod- em Miracle' (20th) scheduled to fol- low. Odeon (Deutsch) — 'Stagecoach' (UA) (2d week). Picture expected to top everything in town after raves and tor that reason deemed disap- pointing at $22,000 for first week. Expected to do $18,000 in second Jtanza and is good for another week. "9 Planes' (Col-British) ready to re- place. Paris—'Hotel Du Nord' (French) (4th week). . Disappointing for this totest West End petU de luxer. First tew weeks averaged $3,700, but house can do $6,000. Likely to Unger tor another fortnight Ptota (Par)—'Invitation' (Par) (2d week). Clicked for $13,500 in Its first week, which qualified holdover. Man in Paris' (Plnebrook) down to replace. ^Becal (MaxweU) — 'Jamaica Inn* (Mayflower) (6th week). Manage- ment claims picture has done very well Never exceeded $18,000 and gst week's gross nearer $10,000. House has to gross $8,750 to break ev*i. 'Eastside Heaven' (U) replac- ing, making first time In a decade universal has shown lU product at this house. ^ Stndlo One (James)—House op- erating repertory season of foreign pictures, changing weekly. Current J? a■^'PP'^'^ryon,' expected to do profitable $3,000. 'La BeUe Equlpe' Wi Opened to capacity, and turning them away at night shews, with storming week end trade. Touched $25,000 first stanza, virtual capacity. Seems cinch to hold up this week, and good for many more. "Trade pre- dicting 12-week ^-un. BUFF. PICKS UP. BUT 'DESIRE' COLD 4G leplacing, .Warner fo^ '""/v <WB)—'Nazi Spy' (WB) (2d week). Has set 'em aU talking. BufTalo, July 4. After one of worst stanzas in years last week, boxoftices are looking up again currently. Everything depends on the weather. Estimate for this Week BnBalo (Shea) (3,500; 30-35-SS)— 'Man About Town' (Par). Getting strong returns, may go to $14,000. Last week, 'Naughty but Nice' (WB), poor $7,600. Centnry (Shea) (3.000; 25-35)— 'Hell's Kitchen' (WB) and 'Girl Gam- bler' (RKO). Okay at around $6,600. Last week, '6,000 Enemies' (M-G) and 'Panama Lady' (RKO), poor $3,400. 'Great Lakes (Shea) (3,000; 30-50) —'Five Came Back' (RKO). Fair $5,000. Last week, "Kid Kokomo' (WB) and 'On Trial' (WB), fair $5,000. Hipp (Shea) (2.100; 25-35) 'Stronger Desire' (M-G) and 'Secret Service' (WB). Poor $4,000. Last week, 'Godfrey' (U) and 'Dark House' (U), (reissues), poor $4,000. Lafayette (Hayman) (3,300; 25-35) —'Clouds Europe' (Col) and 'Blind Alley' (Col). Slow $5,000. Last week, 'Sun Sets' (U) and 'White Room' (U), okay $6,000. Seattle Holds Up; Benny's Town'Very Big $9,000 Seattle, July 4. Holiday isn't figured to make much difference at the b.o.s. Many out- siders came to town, oiTsetting those urbanites who had the wanderlust over the long holiday. Bain is also helping theatres. Colonial swings back Into first- runs, two changes weekly, along with the announcement of Sterling having signed up tor Warner pix for coming year. Estimates for This Week Blue Moose (Hamrlck-Evergreen) (850: 27-37-42)—'Malsie' (M-G) and '6.000 Enemies* (M-G). Moveover from Paramount headed for only $1,- 500. slow. Last week (2) 'Lincoln' (20th) and 'Sorority House' (RKO), six days, slow $1,700. Cnllsenm (Hamrick - Evergreen) (1,800; 21-27-32)—Broadway Sere- nade' (M-G) and 'Wuthering Heights' (UA) (2d run). Anticipate great $3,300 In six days. Last week 'Bell' (20th) and 'Society Lawyer' (M-G), n.R.h. at $2,200. Colonial (Sterling^ fOOO; 10-21)— Trouble Sundown' (RKO) and 'Son Is Criminal' (Col), split with Tone Raneer' (Ren) serial and 'Boy Trou- ble' (Par). Look for bie $2,000. Last week, second-runs. Fifth Avenue (Hamrlck-Evercreen) (2 349; 27-37-42)—'Tnvitation Hanpl- hess' (Par) and "i-Tever Die' (Par) (2d week). AnticipBte slow $2,300 In four days. Last week, same films. ^ LIbertWJ-vH) fl.650: 21-32-42)- 'Girl<! Go Paris' (Col) and 'Outside Walls' (Col). Paced for bis $6,000. Last week 'Clouds Europe* (Col> ond 'Lndy Mob' (ColV moderate $S.700. Music Box (Homrirk-Ever-n-een) (860; 27-37-42)—'Mr. Chips' (M-G). Biir ballvhoo sending this one to bi? $6,000. Last wpnk (2d). 'Ballerina' (Ind). slow $1,100. . „ ^ Orohenm (Hamnck - Evergreen) (2 600: 27-37-42)—'Susannah' (20th) and 'Made Her Soy' (RKO). S<»€ only *4 000. mild. Last week T^rzan' (M-G) and 'Ladies Kentucky' (Par), $4,600. okay. ITalomar (Sterling) (1. 50; 16-27- 37.42)—'Mountain Rhythm' (Rep) and Unmarried' (Par), dual plus vaude. Indicate bie $5,500. L'lst week 'Streets N. Y.' (Mono), plus vaude. fairish $4,100. Paramount (Hamri'-1--Ever!!reen) (3.030; 27-37-42)—'Man About Town' (Par) and 'With Murder' (FN). Ex- nect immense $9,000. Last week 'Malsie' (M-G) and 'BOOO Enemies' (M-G). second week. $4,300. good. RooseveU (Sterlin") (800: 21-27-32) —'Dark Victorv' (WB) and 'Cashes' 'RKO) (2d run). Look for big $2.- 700. Last week 'Conoi-esl' (Rep'> and 'Daughter* (WB) (2d week), four days, okay $1,100. First Rons od Broadway Week of July • fSubject to Change) Asto^-'Goodbye, Mr. Chips* (M-G) (8th wk.). Capitol—'On Borrowed Time' (M-G). (Retfieued In Current Issue) Criterion—'MlcRey the Kid* '(Rep) (5). (Reviewed In Vauety, June 23) Globe—'HeU's Kitchen' (WB) (2d wk.). Music Hall—'Bachelor Mother' (RKO) (2d wk.). Farahionnt-^'Man About Town' (Par) (2dwk.). R1 a 11 o—'Five Came Back' (RiKO) (4). (Reviewed, in VARrerv, Jujie 21) Koxy—'Second Fiddle* (20th) (2d wk.). Strand—'Daughters Courage- ous' tWB) (3d wk.). Week of July 13 Astor—'Cioodbye, Mr. Chips' (M-G) (9th wk.). Capitol—'Andy Hardy Gets Spring Fever" (M-G). Criterion—'Bulldog Drum- mond's Bride' (Par) (12). (RetHewed in Current Issue) Music Hall—"Man in Iron Mask' (UA). (Revleuied in Vabietv, Ju»ie 28) Paramonn t—"Man About Town' (Par) (3d wk.). Strand—'Indianapolis Speed- way' (WB) (14). . B way Stage Show Houses Lead B.O. Parade; Benny Fdm-Krupa-Andrews Big $M Ulor Mother lOOG Momo' Nice $3,000, "Maisie' $3,600, Lincoln Lincoln. July 4. Aided by the holiday, biz is better than a year ago at this time. 'Maisie' and 'Kokomo' are doing nicely. Estimates for This Week Colonial (NTI-Noble-Monroe) (750; 10-15)—'Across Plains' (Mono) and 'Big Shot' (RKO), dual, split with 'Everybody's Doing It' and 'Mountain Rhythm' (Rep), dual. Slow first halt, but doing well sec- ond, for $900 on the week. Last week, 'Smoke Tree Range' (U) and 'Annapolis Salute' (RKO), dual, solif with Trouble in Sundown' (RKO) and "Men Are Such Fools' (WB). dual. Fair $800. Lincoln (LTC-Cooper) (1.600; 10- 20-25)—'Gorilla' (20th). Fair $2,000. Last week, 'Prison Without Bars' (UA) and 'Sky Giant* (RKO). dual, split with 'Newsboys' Home' (Mono) and 'Secret Service of Air< (WB). dual. Bad $1,400. Nebraska (LTC-Cooper) (1.236: 10-25-40)—'Maisie' (M-G). Doing well, $3,600. Last week Invitation' (Par) got $3,200, surprisingly good after slow start. Stuart (LTC-Cooper) (1,900; 10- 25-35)—'Captain Fury' (UA). Cos- tumers don't go so well here, which is hurting some. Will probably fin- ish to light $2,900. Last week, •Susannah' (20th) didn't do well. $2 500 Varsity (NTI-Noble) (1.100; 10-20- 25)—'Kokomo' (WB). Nice $3,000. Last week, Tlsherman's Wharf (RKO) weakle $1,400. A four-day weekend tor most people, very favorable boxoftice weather, some strong shows and a heavy tourist invasion are combining to send Broadway's total away up the scale this week. Not all shows are profiting, however, proving once again that the mob ferrets out what it wants to see and will stand in line for two hours rather than go else- where. The majority of theatres got a good start this week, with business back to last Wednesday (28). when 'Man About Town' and Gene Krupa- Andrews Sisters opened powerfully at the Paramount, goinj along at a steady clip. The weekend play was unusually strong, some houses doing better on Saturday thian Sunday, others the reverse. On Monday (3), the first weekday out of school for the kids. Broadway was jammed at an early hour, and police had to be called to maintain order at several houses, notably the Paramount and State. A few houses juggled prices according to crowds pressing the b.o., but. generally, the usual Monday prices prevailed and the day no doubt goes down in history as the largest Monday, when not a holiday, that the big town has ever seen'. At 1 o'clock Monday (3) the Par had drawn 9,100 past its ticket win- dows. This is a record tor the house for all time. The State had 6.500 by 1. also tremendous. Mvslc Hall had the same figure at that hour. Heavy crowds were continuing to push the ticket cages yesterday (Tues.) for what appeared would te one of the biggest Fourth's ever. A new high will be cracked by the second-run State with Eddie Cantor's Camel Caravan show, plus 'Wonderful World.' Indications point to $47,000 or very close to that figure, Previous high was $44,468. scored by Rudy Vallee and 'Libeled Lady' Thanksgiving week In 1936. Close to that was the $44,387 set by Ed Sulli- van (columnist) and 'Captains Cour- ageous' Labor Day week in 1937. Cantor did five shows Sunday (2); every other day six. He's in at 50% of the gross. - Right behind the State though not cracking a record is the Paramount with 'Man About Town' and Krupa- Andrews. latter a strong jitteroo draw. House had the best Wednes- day opening since the first of the year excepting Washington's birth- day which fell on that day, doing $8,500. Getting a tremendous week- end push, the house last night (Tues.) figured to finish at over $60.- 000. This compares with the record of $60,000 set by 'Wells Fargo' and Fred Waring during New Year's week In 1937. the best week of any year, and at high New Year's eve prices. The highly regarded "Bachelor Mother' at the Music Hall Is soaring to a likely $100,000, with this house a natural for the Visiting firemen. Two remaining stage-show houses on Broadway, the Roxy and Strand, are cutting up the balance of the Fourth of July melon. 'Second Fiddle.' at the former, looks $40,000^. all right but not big. and by comparison the PhiDy Up; 'Chips' Strong $20,000, But mughty'-Vaude Weak $17,500 Philadelphia, July 4. Long holiday weekend plus clear and not overly-warm weather gave Philly deluxers—aided by some nice product—a boost. Two major films current, however, oddly enough, are. at the top and bottom of the scale. While 'Chips' at the Boyd is no surprise with tip-top gross. Jack Benny's 'Man About Town' is a dis- appointment 'Chips' is certain of two more weeks, winding up its initial stanza tonight (Tuesday). The Benny pic- ture hadn't completed its first day (Friday) before it was cancelled as a holdover possibility and arrange- ments were made to shoot another film in when It comoletes its teeofl canto on Thursday (6). The vaudfilm Fox. with a medium strong bill Is not highly gratifying, but will do. while the Earle, with '6.000 Enemies.' is being pushed into; the money by the Louis-Galento fight picture. Estimates for This Week Boyd (WB) (2.350; 32-42-57)— 'Chios' (M-G), Waddling In gold at $20,000 and assured of at least two more sessions. Last week 'Invita- tion' (Par) (2d week) pulled okay S8 600 Earie (WB) (2.758; 26-32-42)— '6.000 Enemies' (M-G) plus fight pic- tures. Cllckinc oft the best fi-jures In weeks at $7,000 and it's evidently not the feature that's doing it. Last week 'Kokomo* (WB) n.g. $5,500. 'Hell's Kitchen' In Friday (7). Fox (WB) (2,423; 32-37-42-57-88)— 'Naughty but Nice' (WB) with Bruce Cabot. Milt Britton orch and Bea Wain on stage. Okay layout but only mediocre at the b.o. with $17.- 500. Last week 'Susannah' (20th), with Tommy Riggs and Rachel Car- ley for the flesh draw, weak $17,000. 'Borrowed Time' and Clyde McCoy orch due Friday. Karlton (WB) (1.006; 32-42-57)— 'Invitation' (Par) (2d run). Getting an extra two days. Shallow $4,300 for session after 'Tarzan' (M-G) (2d run) was yanked following five days to DOOr $2,300. Palace (WB) (1,100; 26-42) — 'Juarez' (WB) (3d run). Doing well at $5,600 despite 33 prior days In town. Last week 'Washington Square' (20th) (3d run) also satis- factory at $5,500. Stanley (WB) (2,916; 32-42-57)— 'Man About Town' (Par). Surprise at near bed-rock $12,500 and certain of no second week with 'Daughters Courageous' (WB) already booked to open Friday (7). Last week 'Capt, Fury' (UA) got nine days tor medi- ocre $14,000. Stanton (WB) (1.457; 26-32-42)— •Capt. Fury' (UA) (2d run). Doing better here than' on the first gallop. $8,000. Last week 'Juarez' (WB) (2d week of 2d run) looked good at $4,800 with 26 days In town behind it. I Strand is better on its second lap of 'Daughters Courageous' and Sammy Kaye. Seating only 2,767 and unable to handle the big crowds other thea- tres can. Including that it doesn't have the lobby spacie to clear 'em off the street lines, the Strand is still unu.sually firm at around $35,000 on Its holdover. The managerial theory that t^ie visitors during the Fair and at other times search out the theatres having stage shows, again is confirmed by the figures. A notable exceotion is 'Mr. Chips,' at the bandbox Astor, which strongly increased pace to finish its seventh week Monday ni-'ht (3) at close to $ with- in a stone's throw of the Initial week's gross of $16,500. DisaDpointers in the straight pic- ture column , are headed by 'Stronger Than Desire.' Even with a holiday as hypo, it won't get the Capitol over $7,000. terrible. Criterion is also down with 'Grand Jury Secrets.' probably not over $5,000. but the Globe is doing all riftht with 'Hell's Kit-chen' at around $8,000. Galento-Louis fl(;ht oictures helped somewhat at both the second-run Palace and the Rialto but nothing sensational. Both houses moved in ' new pictures yesterday (Tues.) for the holiday, Rialto with "Five Came Back' and Palace with '.Tuarez' and 'Zero Hour' on a twin bill. Estimates for This Week A.stor (1.012; 25-40-55-65) —'Chips' (M-G) (8th week). Speeded up on the seventh week ending Monday night (3) to finish at close to $10,000, compared with $16,500 the very first week of the picture. Holiday yes- terday (Tues.) inaugurated the eighth week. Capitol (4,520; 25-35-S5-85-$1.25)— 'Stronger Than Desire' (M-G). They're passing this one up all around. $7,000 tops, bad. Last week, 'Malsie' (M-G) also very disappoint- ing, less than $12,000. Criterion (1.662; 25-40-55)—'Grand Jury Secrets' (Par). It takes mors than what this 'B' has to fight pres- ent competition; about $5,000 will be all. Last week. 'SOS, Tidal .Wave' (Rep), a little better but not enough, $5,500. Globe (1.274; 25-40-55) — 'Hell's Kitchen' (WB). Ideal type film for this secondary first riin and maybe $8,000, good. May hold. Last week, 'Black Limelight*^ (Alliance), $6,000, fair enough for the end of June. Palace (1,700; 25-35-55)—'Juarez* (WB) (2d run) and 'Zero Hour' (Rep) (1st run), coupled. Opened yesterday morning (Tues.). 'Lincohi' (20th) (2d run) and They Asked for It' (U) (1st run), dualed, with the fight pictures, went only five days at $7,500. Much of that gross attributed to the Galento-Louis fistic films. In afiead, 'Sun Never Sets' (U) (2d run) and 'Naughty, but Nice' (WB) (1st run), $7,000. Paramount (3,664; 25-35-55-85-99) —'Man About Town' (Par) and Crene Kruoa (2d week). Begins holdover today (Wed.) after socking through to more than $60,000 on the first seven days, immense. Record under the policy is $60,000, on a New Year's week two year^ back. Third week of 'Invitation to ' Happiness' (Par) and Harry James, plus Jane Froman, a good money-making show, was $25,000. Badio City Music Hall (5,980; 40- 60-84-99-$1.65) — 'Bachelor Mother' (RKO) and stage show (1st week). The Ginger Rogers starrer Is push- ing forward with great leaps to hit fine $100,000, and will hold over.' Plenty out-of-town trade being grabbed here. Last week 'Good Girls' (Col) finished at $84,000,- eood. Bialto (750; 25-40-56)—'Five Came Back' (RKO) opened iiere yesterday morning (Tues.) after a week of 'Girl and Gambler' (RKO), which had the fight films from Thursday on to help for $6,500. Behind that 'Kid Galahad' (WB) (revival) stayed only three days, getting a bare $2,000. Boxy (5.836; 25-40-55-75)—'Second Fiddle' (2Qth) and stage show. Might get to $40,000, okay but considerably under hopes tor a July 4 week. A broadcast on the picture four day^ in advance of the opening appar- ently didn't mean anything at the b.o. House is holding film although not a fast pnccr on the first week. Last week. 'Susannah' (20th) flound- ered, less than $25,000. . State (3,450: 35-65-75)—'Wonderful World' (M-G) (2d run) and Eddie Cantor revue. Will get $47,000 or close, a new high for the stand. Last - week here. 'Union Pacific' (Par) (2d run) and Bert Wheeler with Red Nichols, nearly $20,000, fair enough. Strand (2.767; 25-40-55-7S-85-09)— 'Daughters Courageous' - (WB) and. Sammy Kaye (2d week). Potent business-getter for the smallest of Broadway's stage-show houses and looks $^.000 or thereabouts this weelc, good. The Initial seven days was $45,000. very big for this time of the year. Current show goes a third week.