Variety (Jul 1939)

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10 VARIETY PICTURE GROSSES Wednesday, July 5, 1939 Mpk Again TolK^gafls; USan' Slow m'Gorilla'Loob to Fair 21/2G Minneapolis, July 4. After a boom week, tor which Bob Hope was responsible, loop theatre trade has slid back into-the morass. The prosperity may have been short- livedj but it has given the rialto something it's stiU talkinB about— Hope's marvelous boxoflice power, Conslderin.? the slack season, ad- verse weather and the reneral biz drop, the nearIy-$lB,000 that the Orpneum copped with Hope never was thought to be in the cards. Thanks to a Major Bowes stage show, 'Susannah' and the Louls- Galento fight films, the Orpheum again leads the pack. The runnerup, 'Man About Town,' is well liked, but at $10,000 the gross will be light 'Juarez' has moved ovei- to the Century ■ after a fair week at the State. In for only six days, 'Gorilla' Is fcir at the Gopher, but here also the b.o. is dull. The Orpheum has no other stage show in orospect until the five-day Rudy Vallee engagement early next month. EsUmatcs for the Week Aster (Par-Singer) (900; 15-25)— Undercover Doctor' (Par) and '6,000 Enemies' (M-G), dual. St ould reach fair $1,200 in five days. Last week, "Hotel Imperial' (Par) and 'Jones Family in Hollywood' (20th), dual, spUt with 'Girl and Gambler' (RKO) and 'Nancy Drew' (WB), dual, lor mild $1,200. Century (Par-Sineer) (1;600; 25-. 85-40)—'Juarez' (WB) (2d week). Has excited critics' raves, but too many feminine fans apparently don't find it to their liking. Petering out to li^ht $3,000. Last week, 'Maisie' (M-G), $3,500, mild. Gopher (Par-Singer) (998; 25)— ■Gorilla' (20th). PenciUed In for only six days. Fair $2,600 indicated. Last week, 'Grade Allen' (Par), yanked after five days to poor $1,200.- - Gnuuula (Par) (900; 25-35)— Union Pacific' (Par) split with "Lucky Night' (M-G). First nabe showings. Big $2,500 indicated. t.ast week, 'Washington . Square'v (20th) split with 'Union Pacific' (Par), »2.800: Very big. Orpheom (Par-Singer) (2,300; 35 40-55)—'Susannah' (20th) plus Major Bowes' revue and Louis-Galento fight films. Plenty of entertainment for the price and each of three at- tractions bringing in clienteles of their own. However, only light $10,000 in sight Last week, "Ko- komo* (WB) and Bob Hope 'on stage, smash $18,600, with Hope particu- larly responsible 'for the results. State (Par-Singer) (2.300; 25-35 40)—'Man About Town' (Par). Much praise for this one, but they're not keeping the boxoRice' busy enough. Unless It builds substantially, only $5,000 will be seen. Last weeic, 'Juarez' (WB), $7,000, very disap pointing. nine (GUlman) (290; 25-35-40)— •Dark Rapture' (U). WeU exploited and In a good spot but only light $600 indicated. Last week. 'Life Dances On' (French) pulled after only four days to p' 'ir $250. TARMLUSn $10,000 IN CINCY $3,000. Last week, "Lincoln' (20th) (2d run), Ump $1,800,^ Keith's (Llbson) (1,500; 35-42)— •Maisie' (M-G). Excellent $6,500. Last week, 'Naughty but Nice' (WB), very good $5,500. ■ ■ Lyrlo (RKO) (1,400; 35-42)--'Five Came Back* (RKO). Fair $3 500. Ditto last week on 'Sun Sets' (U). Palace (RKO) (2,600; 35-42)—'In- vitaUon Happiness' , <Par);„Ntee $9,000. Last week, 'Chips' (M-G) (2d wk), an right $7,000 after big $14,000 in first seven days. Jack Benny Hefty $8,000 in L'viHe; miaiae' Cool 5G Cincinnati, July 4. Holiday tOt and one more fresh re* lease than last week are giving a fair degree of umph' to combined takes of ace stands currently. Loudest. b.o. echo Is from the-Albee on Tarzan Finds a Son,' with 'Invitation to Happiness,' at the Palace, a close second. Keith's is having a swell week with 'Maisie.' 'Five Came Back' Is In the Lyric's fair bracket . Summer racing meet at Latonia, Ky., opposite Cincy, started last week by inaugurating twilight sessions on days other than Saturday and holi- days. Slight additional draw being enjoyed by the track from its late- afternoon starting time is. far less damaging to cinema biz than night ball games of the Reds, which not only pack the home park, but keep many other thousands within earshot of radios. Estimates for This Week Albee (RKO) (3,300; 35-42)- Tarzan Fihds a Son' (M-G). Good $10,000. Last week, 'Kokomo' (WB), fair $8,800. Capitol (RKO) (2,000; 35-42)— "Chips' (M-G). Moveover after fort- night at Palace. A tussle for $2,500, poor. Last week, 'Juarez' (WB) (2d run) (2d wk). disappointing $2,300. Family (RKO) (1,000; 15-25)— •Winner All' (20th), 'Racketeers of Range* (RICO), 'Code of Secret Serv- ice' (WB), separate. Fair $1,800. Swie last week with 'Rookie Cop' (RKO), 'Mutiny Elsinore* (Indie), Vhtm' (20th), singly. Grand (RKO) . (1.140; 25-40)— •Naughty Nice' (WB) (2d run). Okay Louisville, July 4. •Man About Town,' dualled at the Rialto, is top b.o. winner of the weelc, reaping reward of newspaper and radio bally to push on for hefty $8,000. •Maisie,' dualled at Loew's State, will take second place honors. Usual summer let-down otherwise. Night baseball games and opening (3) of the Shubert's summer season of operettas at Iroquois Amphithea- tre with 'Student Prlncfe' are pulUng the crowds. Estimates for HiIs Week Brown (Loew's-Fourth Avenue) (1,000; 16-30-40) — "Tarzan' (M-G) and-'Missing Daughters' (Col). Doing all right after moveover from Loew s State; pacing for okay $2,000. Last week, 'San Francisco^ (M-G) (re- issue), wound up with fair $1,800. Kentucky (Swltow) (900; 15-22)-- Three Smart Girls! (U) and 'Castles' (RKO). Holding up nicely; fair $1,400 indicated. Last week, 'Dark Victory' (WB) and 'Man of Con. quest* (Rep:), daal, split with •Never Die* (Par) and 'Baskervilles' (20th), dual, medium $1,400. Loew's State (Loew's) (3,100: 15 30.40)_'Maisie* (M-G) and '6,000 Enemies' (M-G). Fair $5,000. Last week, Tarzan' (M-G) and 'Missing Daughters' (Col), got oft on the right foot and teUled oke $7,500. Mary Anderson (Libson) (1.000; 15-30-40) — "Naughty, Nice' (WB), Light suminer screen fare and no hefty takings in prospect Probably $i2,80O, light Last week, 'Kokomo' (WB), maintained strong pace to ring up fine $3,800. Bialt* (Fourth Avenuo) (3,000; 15- 30-40)—'Man About Town' (Par) and 'Drummond's Bride' (Par). Shaping up for the best takings In tOwn. Helped enormously by Jack Benny's airing from Waukegan and plenty of newspaper space to accelerate public interest Potent $8,000. Last week, 'Susannah' (20th) and 'Could Happen' (20th), not up to previous Templevples and windup fair $5,200. StraoA (Fourth Avenue) (1,400; 15-30-40)—'Man (Godfrey' (Par) (re- issue) and 'Dark House' (U) (re- issue). Brace of old-timers rather imexciting to current crop of pic patrons and b.o. pace slow. Aiming at mild $2,900. Last week. 'Five Came Back' (RKO) and 'Girl from Mexico' (RKO), fair $3,200. XHIPS' WORTH GOOD f5,000 IN OKLAHOMA C. Oklahoma City, July 4. 'Goodbye, Mr. Chips'.is doing well at the Criterion. Invitation to Hap- piness,' at Midwest, is getting aver- age biz. Estimates for This Week Criterion (Stan) (1,500; 25-35-40) —'Chips' (M-G). Probable $5,000. good. Last we6k.' Wonderful World' (M-G), okay $4,400. Liberty (Stan) (1,200; 15-20-25)— 'Cisco Kid* (20th') and Torchy Mayor* (WB), split with unset picr tures. Just average $2,500. Last week, 'Like It Hot' (Par) and "Mys- tery White Room' (U), split with 'Jane Arden' (WB) and 'Jones Fam- ily' (20th). $2,500. Major strength on first .pair. Midwest (Stan) (1,500; 25-35-40)— 'Invitation Happiness' (Par). Aver- age $4,000. Last week; Tarzan' (M-G), fair $3,100. Plaza (Sten) (750;. 25-35-40)— 'Tarzan' (M-G). Moveover from Midwest so-so $1,100. Last week, 'Captain Fury' (UA). $1,100. StiU) (Noble) (1,100; 15-20-35)— 'Can't Take If. (Col) plus Louis- Galento film. Bit over averai;e for $2,600. Last week. Tarzan and God- dess' (Indie) and 'Mexlcali Rose' (Rep), okay $2,500. Tower (Stan) (1.000: 25-35-40)— •Wonderful World'' (Par). Good $2,600. Last week, "Lincoln' (20th). $2,100. ...... *House* Reissue Hypoes <Kokomo* in Port, $5,300 . Portland, Ore., July 4. Parker's Broadway Is picking up some extra biz with exploitation of 'Old Dark House,' reissued because of the stellar caist which subse- quently has become boxoflice. It's coupled with 'K^d from Kokomo.' Estimates for This'Week Broadway (Parker) (%000; 30-35- 40) — 'Kokomo' (WB) and .'Dark House' (U) (reissue). Getting good $5,300. Last week, TSrzan' (M-G) and 'Secret Service' (WB) good $4,800 and moved to Mayfalr for sec- ond stanza. Mayfalr (Parker-Evergreen) (1,500; 30-35-40)—'Tarzan' (M-G) and 'Se-. cret Service' (WB), Nice $2,300. Last week, 'Mikado'.(U), following two good weeks at UA, average $1,800. Orpheum (H&mrick - Evergreen) (1,800; 30-35-40)—'Susannah' (20th) and 'Winner All' (20tb). Better than average $4,800. Last week, 'Lincoln' (20th) and 'Jones Family' (20th), closed fair second week at $3^00. Paramount (Hamrick - Everraeen). (3,000; 30-35-40 )-<-'Man About Town' (Par) and 'Bulldog Drummond' (Par). Nice $5,000. Last week, 'In- vitation Happiness* (RKO) and 'Blind Alley* (Col), strong $5^. Pix (Indie) (1,100; 20-25) 'Beach- comber' (Par) and Tardon Nerve' (20th) with vaude for three days. Good $1,500. Zast four' days, little Princess' . (20th) and 'Four Girls' (M-G), fair $800. United Artists (Parker) (1,000; 30- 35^)—'Maisie' (M-G) and '6,000 Enemies' (M-G). Good enough $4,500. Last week, 'Sun Sets' (U) and 'Ex- Champ' (U), scored strong $4,900.' - WASH. WAY OFF; miSIE'-AMS FAIR ISO Washington, July 4. Long: holiday weekend drained town of resident film shappers' and kept those who did stay hom6 giv- ing the play to the outdoor' attrac- tions. Plenty of tourists in, but they don't mean a thing at the maUnees and nights alone don't bring biz up to average. Four new shows are In, but with nothing outstanding the result is only fair proportionate split -with two vauders, which have biggest rubber- neck draw, out In front "Maisie' and Major Bowes' stage unit at Capitol is leading, while 'Good Girls Go to Paris' is second with - no-name re- vue. Estimates for lUs Week Capitol (Loew) (3.434; 25-35-40-66) —^'Maisie' (M-G) and vaude. Bowes' unit helping to get the visitors. liCad- ing town with fair $15,000. Last week, 'Susannah' (20th), light $13,000. ColnnbU (Loew) (1,234; 25-40)— •Wonderful World' (M-G) (2d run). Back downtown after average week at Capitol-and shooting at passable $3,800. Last week, 'Washington Square' (20th) (2d run), average $4,000. EarJe (Loew) (2,216: 29-35-40-66) —'Girls to Paris* (Col) and vaude. Fair $13,000. Last week, 'Naughty Nice' (WB) and vaude, light $12,000. Keith's (RKO) (1,830; 35-55) — 'Five Came Back* (RKO). Sock re views calling it another surprise hit bom a Class B and proving a Class A. Should see oke $8,000. Last week, 'Sim Sets' (U), satisfactory $7,500. Met (WB) (1,600; 25-40)—'Juarez* (WB) (2d run). Back on mainstein after two nice stanzas at Earle. L6ok' ing toward good $6,000. - Last week, 'Blind AUey* (Col), oke $4,200. Palace (Loew) (2,242; 39-55) — •Tarzan' (M-G). Below average in ace straight pic spot with $11,000. Last week, unvifatlon Happiness' (Par), light $10,500, Montreal Mediocre; Invitation* Tops, 6!/^G Montreal, July 4. The Palace will top the main stem in a mediocre week currently. 'Invi- tation to Happiness' being boosted by Louis-Galento fight pictures. Holiday depleted grosses all around. Estimates f«r This Week Palace (CT) (2.700; 25-45-55)—In- vitation' (Par). Plus Louis-Galento fight pictures liable to top' towii at $6,500, good. Last week, "Lincoln' (20th) .disapnointed at $5,000. Capitol (CT) (2,700; 25-45-55)— 'Su.sannah' (20th) and 'Jones Family* (20th), dual lightweight fare not likely to better $4,500, weak. Last week, 'Kokomo' (WB) and 'Naughty but Nice' (WB), dual, mlddlin' $4,000. Loew's (CT) (2,800; 30-40-60)— ■Juarez* (WB) (3d week). Promising fair $4,000 after nice $5,500 last week. Princess (CT) (2.300; 25-34-50)— 'Moonlight Sonata* (Brit) and 'Spirit Culver' (U). dual. Poor $2,500. Last ,wrec}c, IGorilla' (2011^), PtH ^Bqrowce Benny $10,000, Nifty in DuH Frisco; F-WC Houses Slash Admish 25% of Redwoods* (20th), dual, nice $3,' 500. Orpheum (CT) (1,100; 25-40-50)— •Captive of Nazi' (Indie) and 'Mote's Warning' (20th), dual. Not likely to be much ' over $1,600, poor. Last week,''Lady's from Kentucky' (Par) and 'Drummond's Police' (Par) poor $1,800. Cinema de Paris (France-Film) (600; 25-50)—'Femme du Boulanger* (3d week). Doing well for hot season with likely. fair $1,000 after good second stenza at $1,650. St Denis (Fraqce-FIhn) (2,300; 20- 34)—'L'Aflaire Xafargue' and lie Reserviste. Improvise,' duaL See' $3,000, good enough. Last week, 'Patriote' and 'Gaites de I'Expositlon' better than expected at $3,400. IHAISIE' PACES K. C WITH $11,500 Kansas City, July 4. . Early summer -finding flltn row short «if worthy product although current week looks up slightly -over last week. 'Maisie,' dualed at the Midland, Is easily out in front and showing surprising strength. Shirley Temple day-and-datlng at the Esquire and Uptown, started slowly, but was bolstered by Cra- lento-tiOuis fight pictures. Estimates for This Week Esqaire (Fox Midwest) (820; 10- 25-40) — 'Susannah' (20th) j>lus Louis-Galento fight films. Only average $3,000. Last week, 'Angels' (Col) (2d run) satisfactory $2,800. Midland (Loew's) (3.573; 10-25-40) —'Maisie' (M-G) and '6,000 Enemies' (M-G), dual.' 'Maisie' upholding advance notice as 'sleeper' and turn- ing in nice figure at $11,500. I«st week, 'Tarzan - (M-G) and 'Missing Daughters' (Col), dualled, played to heavy mat and kid trade but slacked oR week nights; $10,000, un- der expectations. Newman (Paramount) (1,900; 10- 25-40)—'Gracie Allen* (Par) and 'Mutiny on Bounty' (M-G) (reissue), dual. Unique pair, as Metro release a distinct oddity in this house. Holding to average $5,500. liast week, 'Invitation' (Par) (2d week) steady $6,000. Uptown (Fox Midwest) (1,200; 10- 25-40) — 'Susannah' (2bth) with Louis-Galento fight films. Extra name band shorts added after slow opening and aiding. Average at $3,300. Last week, '<^n in Reno' (20th) and 'Boy Friend' (20th-Fox), dual. Slow $2,700. mONO^-WHEELERNKE $9,500 IN QUIET INDPLS. Indianapolis, July 4. Biz downtown is just about aver- age. Circle has the lion's share of the coin with 'Man About Town' dualled with Undercover Doctor,' with former pic drawing. Lyric, In Its last week. Is doing olzay with Bert Wheeler headlining on stage and 'Kid from Kokomo' on. screen, but Loew's is' sagging with a holdover of 'Chips' and 'Tell No Tales.' Apollo, showing first-run films for the first time in several weelis. Is not doing so well with 'Five Came Back' and 'Girl-From Mexico,' but will manage to make the black. Estimates for This Week Apollo (Katz-Dolle) (1,100; 25-30- 40) 'Five Came Back* (RKO) and 'Girl Mexico' (RKO). First nms after several weeks of hold-overs and re- issues, but not making much of an impression with fairish S2,200. Last week, 'Star Midnight' (RKO) and 'Lost Patrol* (RKO). nice $2,900. Circle (Katz-Dolle) (2,600; 25-30- 40) 'Man About Town* (Par) and 'Undercover Doctor* (Rep). Taking top coin of the town; nifty $9,800. Last week. 'Susannah' (20th) and •Gracie Allen Murder (Par), okay $6,100. Loew's (Loew's) (2.400; 25-30-40) •Chips' (M-G) and Tell Tales' (M-G) (2d wk). Not up to expectations with fair $5,200. Last week, strong $0,200. ■ Lyric (Olson) (1,900: 25-30-40) "Kid Kokomo' (WB) and Bert Wheeler on stege. Satisfactory $0,500; Last week, Johnny Davis' orch on stage and 'Man Whq Dar«s* .(WB), .okay $9,100. San- Francisco, July 4. Jack Benny's 'Man About Town' at the Fox Is setting the pace currently. Admish at this slash spot, as well as other . first run Fox-West Coast houses on Market street, has been cut approximately 25%, Golden Gate, Orpheum and United Artists are still charging 65c at night which is ISc more than the F-WC houses. Estimates tor This Week Fox (F-WC) (5,000; 30-40)—'Man AI>out Town' (Par) and 'Grand Jury Secrets* (Par). Getting fine $16,000, which means plenty of customers at - current summer prices. Last week, 'Naughty But Nice* (WB) and 'Vnl dercover Doctor* (Par), was pulled after five days, poor $9,000. Golden Gate (RKO) (2,850; 35-55) —'Panama Lady* (RKO) and Louis- . Galento pic. Fight picture saving the Gate from -pretty terrible fate this week. Take for six days will be fairish $12,000. Last week. 'Big Town C^r* (U) and Kay Kyser's orch, got $36,000, a new house record. Clos- ing day's biz with Kyser established a new high. Sans stage show this week, Artie Shaw comes in Wed. (5). Orpheum (F & M) (2,440; 35-55)— •(Sood Glrla Paris* (Col) and 'Outside Walls*. (Col) (2nd wk). Short two days, of a full two weeks with tho final stretoh getting fairish $4,500. First week better at $7,500. Paramount (F-WC) (2,740; 30-40)— 'Could Happen* (20th) and *Boy Friend* (20th). Poor $8,000. week, 'Tarzan Finds Son' (M-G) and 'Jones Family' (20th) way off at $10,000. St Franels (F-WC) (1,470; 30-40)— 'Chips' (M-G) (2nd wk). Way ahead of anything in this house for some time. Admish first week for 'Chip.i' was 5Sc at night but St Francis had ' to join other F-WC in general price slashing. Second week will do nifty $9,000. Last week got exciting $11,000. United Artists (Cohen) (1,200; 35- 55-65)—'Captain Fury' (UA) (3d wk). Should hit fairish $5,000 in final week. Last week, $7,500, good. Warfleld (F-WC) (2,680; 30-40)— 'Maisie' (M-G) and 'Murder' (WB) - (2nd wk). Warfleld joined other F- WC houses in cutting admish. Hold- ' over of 'Maisie* weak $6,000. First stint got slim $10,000. miSIE^nCHT GOOD $8,000 IN OK DENVER Denver, July 4. In spite-of the weekend and holi- day combination, most first-runs are , doing above average. 'Young Mr. Uneoln* Is gOod enoueh at Denver to get a continued run at Aladdin. Estlmat«i for This Week Aladdin (Fox) (1,400; 25-40)—'Ea.ot Side Heaven' (U), following week at ■ Denver. Good $4,000. Last week, 'Juarez' (WB), after week at Den- ver, $5,300, well above average. Penham (CockriUX (1.750; 25-35.- 40)—'Hotel. Imperial' (Par). Poor . $4,000. Last week. Invitation Hap- piness* (Par), In second week, below average $4,500. Denver (Fox) (2,525: 25-35-40 )t- <Young' Mr. Lincoln' (20th). Strong $10,000. Last week, 'East Side Heaven* (U) and- stage show, good $14,000. Orpheum (RKO) (2,600; 25-35-40) —'Maisie' (M-G) and 'Stronger De- sire' (M-G). plus Louis-Galento fight Good $8,000 in six days. La.<st week, Tarzan' (M-G) and 'Almost Gentleman* (RKO), fair $6,500. . Parameunt (Fox) (2.200; 25-40)— •Captain Fury' (UA) and 'Zenobia' (UA). Nice $4,000. Last week, 'Kid Kokomo' .(FN) and 'With Murder* (FN), fine $4,500. BlaMo (Fox). (878; 25-40)—'Juare^ (WB), after a week'each at Denver and Aladdin, and •Sweepstakes Win- ner* (FN). Nice $2,000. Last week, •Angels Wings* (Col), after a week each at Denver and' Aladdin, and •Could Happen* (20th), good $2,000. Ralph Gmeses Bkpt X<o» Angeles, July C Ralph Graves, screen actor and writer, filed a bankruptey petition listing debts at $8,838 and assets at $4,501. His wife, Betty Flournoy, filed h«>r own plea, with liabilities at $9,227 and assets at $1,251. New U Stages Ready Hollywood, July 4. Universal finished its two sound- proof, air-conditioned stages three weeks ahead of schedule by employ- ing three daily shifts for the last month. First to be housed In the new structures will be •First Love,' star- ring Deanna Durbin, and 'Rio' with Sigrld Gurle.