Variety (Jul 1939)

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28 VARIETY Wedneaday, July 5^ 1939 SPENDERS OF 72% OF ERWIN. WASEY ft CO. or TH( PAcmc eonMT IM yoHTaowiwT ■rant PAY TO THE ORDER or t'^^^^.ctjfc . SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF ^ . 12079' «« '">'"• 0CL 3119 3 a" WILLIAM ESTV AMD COMPAHV Min.n *10 J" ' i ' -■ LENNEN & MiTCHEll IT iMT «* mar •■••OMlllT. RtOTHRAUPP & RYAN./n*. ERWIN.WASEY© COMPANY, INC. « TW«lt»ltW«IMOU>IIOTWI«TCOIIWWYOri«wWTO>K t-tM raTTOiHieiisaier |{ JL WALTER THOMPSON COMPANy t un HOiurvooe Kva rORTY AHb 00/100 MMONCMmLANOTm N. W Ayer & SoN,i.K«f— Advertising No.. 10943 CH1CA00.1U, _Oet<>b.r Mii.MW —_ pe£ar*ryan, J VationaIi nouLevAHD iianu NIW fOII • ■ CIIVIIAH* •ANKUW TWnr COMTANT nfiN 4MWH «T (ma MIA- MIW VOWt, N. V. - CUVtLAlA, OHIO—1UIL2 12 TimBC^IOJhOOCg. ▼•rl*t7, lira.I Ibw Toifc, W.T. KENyON * ECKHAKDT INC. t4T rAlK AVI...NIW VOIK Chemical Bank & Trust Company i-o HCWTfHM tantwTOH 4viMua *t 4*ni ivattt r fay 10 the r*rl*t7 orier 0/ IM ^rt 4Sth Stnat ■•» loik, I. I t^-^ .^-^ir .. . J TBAOY • LOCKS mwa^ Pay Tl THE BUn , . t tOCKIfllliil HAIA 'iKis- 9/ie Pm jmn Mttwlptleli I ■RiwTMt Stpt. 19. 19)0 BANKERS TRUSI HfWYO**' VARIETY COMMANDS REAL ATTENl