Variety (Jul 1939)

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WedncBdaf, July'5, 1939 VARIETY 29 RADIO BlAGIKETT^'AlIF£E*HinaiEIIT, IT^O. AOVERnSIND an aona u mtUM ■ ■ttesumofSTOamfC lORD 9i THOMAS Aovnnwma BnraoN 4c BoWus, In a 44«llAIHaOIf ATS^KKWTOBKOlrt. \o. 5113 ADVAHIIBUIO Batten, Barton, Duistine Osbom ■ P4M *«••••• j8 J Miai»B ATciwt, New Yoik OCT 3 1 193S to iIm order of Tarloty U4 fcit 46tb Stiwt N«wVn»Bir Oetober 81 Loit0 & Thomas vb- i.*^^^ ERWINoWASEVfi? CX)MPANY.LTD. u*^* A nL4ltf%.5^ q»l ll>l lll l « LHUIIOI»»MWfl—T CB f — I M en Barton, Durstine e/ Osbom jSj M«)i«on Aftnue. N«w York ^ OCtZ 8 1938 ir-ft'**'"'' '''''i CHICAOOi.^ J. WALTER THaMfiBON COMPANY AOVERTISlNO ,«i^|i|<)iaptlln pur ■H^-.aiihijil lARSCHALK and PRATT niNa w^Mtvegrwirw senvicc N? 5660 Lennen &. Mitchell. Ins. G : Mot. I' I? EAST «ik STUET NSW»I CENTRAL HANOVn BANK AND-nUSr OOkWAMT ^ «jrfmitTATUAOaaHAVIMO u» Nlwnw.>l.T. imww-aReMO-RiMa-iMitAiNnea-iMiiiMai-Miii-iaiMM JL mLTER THOMPSON COMPANV C60507 Word Wheelock Company Advertising lMBERT & FEASLEY ! ore.. » NEW YORK- flapUito er; INC. INC M.. ^ iNo,iNe " >. No, York THc UICS8CL compnnv DONAHUE ft COE, iN& ADVimwMs lOGKiraLLHfl CVNYln l«FO MnM AVBOm Framklin bruck Advertising Corporation JiJlJ^- •"•"•Nc A teeummOMm no. 1530'i . .._i»1 hBBTC0ia WY ■ 10.00 MICWTORK. letobw J5,l»38 N? 50838 TarUty Inc. iR^^H ,^^:^;Uy!BiArmQnd S. Weill C9,inc A>|M»Nm«. ■ate—^ X>Sm AAARKS CO. AOVHTISINO MARSCHALX and PRATT WcCANN BUCKSON booNnM . 8470 tlOO WAMOIAN aUIUHNa •• I -i maukktino wo Aovmnsma siiivicK W 600 I l«iwYoi»_^e44i£-i4_w YOONOl THE BLAOKSTONB CO. AP VMmBIW O Ka. 8048 .Dol HAnoMjg^niATTl BOBEST S. NICHOLS adverhsixo a<ib\cv UOTB m-iuiL\<i wjmvm.. 4 Henri, Hurst & McDonald inc. \df)ertising UatsMac Borland & Gompamv NO. 20163 AovwTwtNo AoKNCY. Inc. OCT 7 1 ST.UMJIS.MO. uita_ nnr.MHX ootobor 10, isje sa. 22995 ■ -"^^^^^sH^^di nKrTO KciTT «w« I Ho""*" » Vott .>«w«/«>rx N9 5471 ' ■— • _aU,0(L_ X.-. cinTuir (oitoia* . MUvAVKii I. M. KOIN « COMrANT, INK ™ lut w«uiar triicr ■ir<^-jZ^ ^e^IgS^ ffilHllUniR MTnuKAvnnm ARB »» 0. * 4457? • (.00 •VNAOIMB, N. V. 0CL&ZM8W» RAYMOND R. MORGAN CO. ADVERTISING • •Mt HOUTMOeO IIVD, Uri M.MATHES. iNeeapoiuTiai AOVEKtlSllilC" ' l*ISA*T4«.oS1BCBt MBW'(Dini.ll.« nmr «<w C«>|>Mgr .r Nw>M. FIM, AtooaoM M* SmM, NowYUi AVKII MKwvUo, Wit tOctebor it. GARDNER ADVERTISING COMPANY 11381 V Saint Iamjis. sont ». w» m*T NATIONAL MNK m OT. UMJI*, HO. MewVomi. . •u.o , UO ANSgUO BAN PRANCiaCQ LOB ANOCLCB, ■ >MPANv...*. I ! ! I ; I .».6»Q0. if IMiCInk k in ftyntn ^ iha Mioirlng iwourn OnAior Idr, Ci « Raotofollor lUM GARDNER ADVERTISING COMPANY N? 11469 TO PHMT NATIONAL BANK Saint Louis, OC^:^- j 9 [1 iB ■ *'*•'■— •— • " •. —^ I AOPTtWT. j CAM—ft I TTtff* [ON FROM BUSY ADVERTISING MEN