Variety (Jul 1939)

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Wednesday, July 19, 1939 VARIETY 39 Variety Bills NEXT WEEK (July 21) -THIS WEEK (July 14) Numeral* In eonneetien with bill* below indicate opening day of •hew, whether full or epiit week Loew KEW TORK CITS Tocopl". p«bonalra 0«rtrude Nl««»n H<nn7. Tounsinan B'lta Bio Oro WASHIKOTON Capitol (21) I«eB Ch«Bt6rflelda Florence & Roblns'n MannlnK & Mltzl Marjorle Onlnaw'tb Johnny Burke Paramoant DEW TORK riTX 'ParaaioiiDt (19) Woofly-Herman Ore Bob Hope Jerry Colonna _ I'RnyihmDitle Kga Bl'FFAXO Krw York (21) Oula Nelmn Oro Harriet Hllllard Ixtrralne A Rognan Obezzla rmcAoo Cbleairo (Zl) Fortunello * C - TIebor Co ■ Steve Bvana WlBOM (tl'Zt) Ualor Bowee Co RKO MEW TORK OITT . Moide HaU (M) Jan Feerce O ft J Dnrmonde Norma Glllo Barl Llppy Corps de Ballet Rockettea Erno Rapes Sympb Warner KEW YORK CITY Stnad (21) fddle Ducbin Ore Lrnn, Royce A V Bob Dupont (H) Clyde McCoy Oro Tip-Tap St Toe George Martin FHII.ADEI.PHIA Fox (21) Buster Shaver Co 3 Stooge* Gloria Blake- Glenn Pope (14) Lewie & Van Bert Labr Hlldegarde J & :M Mulcay Del Rloa VASHINOTON Earl« (21) Hotter & Savlf Wynn, Broch & A Whltey A Ford Texaa Jim I^vrta Gae Foster OIs (14) Ted Mexa George Byron Gloria Blake M (^ark Dick Salter Brunet & Joly .Ionia * Margo Gae Foster Ola World's Fair KEW YORK Aquacade Eleanor Holm Jobnny Welssmuller Morton Downey Gertrude Bderle Frances Wllllama Marshall Wayne Stubby Krueger F Waring Glee Club Corky Kellum Willie, West A U Pete DesJardlns _ Crya<al PaUce Roalta- Royce Wllma Josle Artbur Elmer Menle Raginnd Vlng Merlin Ore Daganham Pipers Albertlna Rascb Co KInga'Horses Russell Bradshaw touls Topps Co Harry. Fetterer Old New York Marlon Eddy Ann Pennington Amy Revere Marlon Weeke Tommy Frlvett Harry Spear Fred Ardatb ISI Jack Conway i" Ralpb Deino Jack Howard Sam Kramer Jack GoMIe Harry Pollard Hans Schweng Chester Hale Ola e Tiny Rosebuda CoDgrcM of Beaaty Faith Bacon Delia Carroll Tvette Dare Barbara May Jerry Kruger Bert Shaw Dave Schooler Oro Independent NEW YORK CITY Roxy- (18) Jimmy Hodreas Wbltoy & Ed Ford Betty Ray Stan Cavanaugb Paul Ash Or« ATLANTIC CITY Steel Pier (23) 21c Hyde Pansy « Oraya John Bolea Andrews Sis UUUoa Dollar Pier _ (S3) Campbell Co Emmelt Oldfleld Sylvia A Christian BALTIMORR <2S-2*) Mrd A Seed <n^* * I-ee Rev (One to nil) glo * Rita' ?•>" Zelaya • OeCardOB Mn.WACKRE Blvenlde (14) Bill Carlsen Oro Gil Autzer Paul Skinner Zilch Bro Texas Tommy Natalie & Howard B & J Severin PRii^nET.pniA Connaa (2S-27) Paul Bauer Co (2 to flll) 7 DeCardos (21-24) Doris & Primrose Morton & Dennlson Broadway Brevities PITMAN ' Broadway (22 only) Ward & King I-arry Collins .I^rd & Peed Stone & Lee Rev mr-Mw OHov willow Orove (23 only) Ward A King Rio Rita (2 to flll) 7 DeCardos London Aonidero Rest gS"y Welchman Oliver Wakefleld vantu . O 4 p Simpson Dominion Michael Moore Herschel Heolere "HI Carr Co BEDFORD _ Graoada Bryan Michle Co CASIDEN TOWN aaamont Week of July 17 7 Elliotts Reeding A (JranI BBC Singer Cr.APHAM Granada Frank O'Brlan Jackie Rex Roper A M EART HAM Ornniula Peter Fanjian r^nn A KIkl Bobby Howell Ore 6 Fhantoma Premier Lucille Benstead Alec Halls A P Exquisite 3 CRBENWIcn tiranada Peter Fannaa S Phantoma Leon A KIkl BoMy Howell Ore UAMHEBSMITB ' Gaamont - Macarl Ore HOLLOWAY (Saamont 4 Spallas Thelmlna Verek A Hoir ISLINGTON Blue Hall Anne Teaman Co 6 Acromltea LEWIBHAM Caouont Raya S A DollnotI Renara Cycling Astons SBEPB'DS BVBH . Paellloli Macarl Ore BTMATFORD Broadway Lucille Benstead Alec Halle A P lOzqulslte 3 TOOTING Granada Frank O'Brien Jackie Rex Roper AM ABERDEEN TlvoU Montana 61s I^'s Karsovas Conrad'a Pigeons OIntaro KImberly A Page EDINBURGH Royal Jack Radcllffe Neller A Clare Norman A Curnot 4 Smith Bro Henderson 2 A R Kellaway A Alvis Hugh McKenna 11 Loretta GIs GC.ASGOW Pavilion Tommy Morgan ■ Tommy Torke 5 Sherry Bro Lucy Loupe Lilian Gay Ina Harrle Joe NIcoH Jack Beattle 12 Mbrganatles Herbert Cave MVEEPWOI. Shakespeaio Jimmy O'Dea Harry O'Ponovan Lalla Podd Jim Johnson Jimmy Wlldman Michael Ryan O'Connor A Creegan Jack Maguire Vernon Hayden Tom Dunn May Tipple Josle Day OPENING JULY 29TH Copacabana Rio do Janeiro 3 WIERE BROS. Tia: MARK J. LEDDY Cabaret Bills NEW TOKK CITT Glen Island Casino Glen Miller Ore Tex Cenol'.o Marlon Button Ray Bberle Havana-Madrid Nana Rodrlgo Ore Juanlto Sannbrla O Ralph Torres El Caney 6 Koalta Ortega Htckory HooM WIngy Manone Hazel Scott Hotel Ambassador Ramon Ramos Ore William Adier James Lo^lpo Milton Saunders Hotel Astor Root Ben Bernle Oro Grade Barrle Amea A Arno Baron A Blair Bud Hughes Co Col M Prnger Bailey SIs.- Donald Saxon H'tel Belmont-Plaia Ernie' Hoist Oro 4 Squires Stardusters Florla Vestoft Rose Perfect Gelmont IJailadee'* Hotel Blltmoro Horace Heldt Ore Frankle Carle . Bob Knight r.vsheth Hughes Larry Cotton Bob McCoy Fred Lowery Henry Russell lied Ferrlngton 4 Heidt-LlKhts Hotel Edison' Little Jack LUtle O Hotel Essex House (Casino on the F'k) Frankle Masters Or Marian Frances Jay Matthews Buss Dillon Hotel Hnir -Moon (Coney Isbnd) Horry lto;rers Ore Terrace Trio Slargle Mae Freddie Leech Jack I'alAzro Hotel Lexington Ray Kinney Ore Meymo Holt Hotel Lincoln Jan Savitt Oro Hotel .licAlpIn J Messner Oro Jeanne U'Arcy Hotel N'rn Vnrher (Ico Terrace) Shop Fields Oro Douglas Duffy May Judels Du Relne Fiirley Ronny Roberts (Manhattan Room) Peter Kent Ore Ross MacLean Jane Claire Carter A Bowie Mltzl O'Neill Bin BcrtolotU'e Angelo'a Rb'mba Bd Lynn A Marlon Madalyn White BlU'a Gay M'a Florence Wyman Stuart Toung Billy L«rralne Bernard Grauer Charles Strickland Spike Harrison Harry Donnelly Harold Wlllard Tex O'Nell Ruby Norton aob 18 Jack White Pal Harrington Jane Reynolds Ruth Clayton Wllma Kovak Gaye Dixon Frankle Hyera Leila Gaynes Beale St Boys G Andrews. Ore Club Oaarho Consuelo Solorzann Maria Del Rosarlo Maria Del Carmen Los Trohadores Opellta A Garcia Coq Bongo TIadale Trio a Bterney Oro Cotton CiDb Cab Calloway Ore Bill Robinson Sister TJiarpa Tanya Katharine Perry Bea'*h combers Chocolateers Ruby Hill Son A Ronny Myra Johnson Vodery Choir Cuban Casino Aug Sanabrlo Ore Quart Marcann Ore Dolores A Rod'guez Don (^asanova Consuelo Moreno Diamond Horseshoe Nobis SIssle Ore Don McGrane Ore Fritzl S'-heff Buddy Doyle Margol Rrander Frank LIbuse Tom Patrlcola Joe Howard Clyde Hager Maneean Tr Lucille Johnson Emma Francia Lulu Bates Willie Solar Harry Armstrong Elizabeth Murray El Cliico Tereslta Osta Hermlnio nimenez Maria Lulsa Lopez Julian Huarte Oro Famous Door Count Basle Ore Jimmy Rushing Helen Humes Hotel Park dential (Cocoanot Grove) Larry Clinton Oro Bnrica A Novella < Mary Dugan Hotel FennsylTaala Tommy Dorsey Occ Jack Leonard Edytbe Wright Skeeta Herturt 3 Esquires E A J Leacb Art Barker 3 Hotel Roosevelt Wayne King Oro Hotel Savoy-PIaia Emile FettI Oro Hotel St. Cieorge Dave Martin Oro Dee Wllllapi- Hotel St. Horlta Jack Sberr Oro Angela Velez Omar Kayan (Sky Gardens) Basil Fomeen Oro Collette A Barry Yvonne Bouvler 3 Idlers Peggy Adams Hotel St. Regis (Viennese Roof) Freddy Steele ' Joe RInes Oro . Jules Lands Oro Lucille La Marr ^larle De Forest Barbara McLean Bernlece Stewart Eddie Singer Mary Parker Billy Daniels Nora Gale Harold Richards Joe RInes Oro Hotel Taft Enoch Light Oro Peggy Mann George Mines Smith Howsrd - Light Brigade Hotel' Waldorf- Astoria (StarUcht Roof) Ouy Lombardo Ore Beauvel A Tova -. (Bert Boom) Xavler Cugat Oro Georges A Jalna George Shelley Hotel Warwick 3 Marahalls Paul Sparr Ore International Casino Herman Hydo Thelma Lee Honey Fam Milton Berle Lillian Carmen Allen Roth Ore Ranny Weeks Ore Paul Ren:os Co Jansleys 4 Femlnlns Notes K Parsons-A Sweet Jinny Kelly's Joe Capello Oro Inga Borg Gladys Kayo Princess Aloma Mary Lane Tanya Lee Leslie Carter A Sebaub Tarry - Shannon Peggy de la Plante Montmartro Boya Danny HIgglns 8ld Hawkins Vaugh Comfort Gonz'lea A Christine John Rockwood Gene Walters Kit Kat Clob -Ray Durant Ore Dorothy Sanltera Lorenzo Roberaon Teddy- Hale Velma MIddleton Dotty Rhodes Connie Harris Hotcha Drew Etsy Cooper Conway A Parka Pearl Balna Ln Conga Felipe De Flores MacLovIa Ruiz Carlos A Carlta Trio .MIxleco Dlosa Costello Denl Arnax Oro Laroo Eddie Davis Oro Joseph Smitb Ore Lo Coq Bongo Geo fltemey Oro TIsdals 3 Larry Murphy Looa A Eddle'a Lou Martin Oro Gloria Cook Bob Conrad Col Jay C Fllppen Marjorle Galnsw'tb Miami Room Jerry Livingston t> Ted Rodriguez Ore Owens A Parker Ramon A Annette Hon Paris CbarUo Murray Ore Mary Cohan Jimmy Rogers Onyx Club John KIrby Ore Maxlne Sullivan Paradleo Richard HImber Or Stuurt Allen Jack Waldron Janis Andre Gil A B Mason Vera Ellen Buddy A B Brunei I Rob Parker VIckl Allen Barry McKlnley ^alya Valentines Rex Weber Les Ghezzis Co Place Elcganto Ted Qulnn Ore Bill Farrell lien Kaufman Tommy Mills Irve Harria Rex Gavltte Plaatailon Club Skeets Tolbert Ore Bafrlngton Guy . Sally Gooding Ross Collins Joyce Besaley Rene A Estela Lillian Fitzgerald Al A Freddie Harris A Scott - Rubberneck Holmes Christina Stevena Oneen Mary Joe Ellis Ore Cohsuelo Flowerton Rita Bell Jean Walters Corlles A Palmer Roberta Welch Radio Frank's Clnb Dorothy Whitney Fred Whitney Fred Bishop Ethel Gilbert Gus WIcke Joe Gallagher Balabow Grin Barry Wlnton Ore Marlynn A MIcnael Rainbow Room Ai Donahue Oro Aarons A Olancs Urion Chantry Paula Kelly Nita Carol Eddie Le Baron Ore Riviera (Ft. Lee, N. J.) Ted Flo RUo Ore Howard Laliy Ore Joe B Lewla Raye A Kaldl Frazee Sisters < Jitterbugs Miss Trixle Chester Hale Co Ross Fenton Farm (Aebnry Pb, N.J.) Dick Gasparre Ore Ramon A Renlta Terry Lawlor Eleanor French Bnsslaa Kretcfama Nadia MIrova Nastia Pollakova Simeon Karavaeff Michel MIchon Bbow Bar (Foieet Hllla) Bobby Day Oro Margollta Martha Wrenshall Sklppy Burna Slim Tanner Stork Clab Sonny Kendls Ore Monchlto Oro Tbo Trae Bobby Hacket Ore Adrian Rolllnl 3 Boogle-Woogles Pete Johnson Meade Lux Lewla Albert Ammona Tersalllcs Nlcbolaa d'AmIco O Irene Beasley Panehlto Ore Village Bars Howard Woods Ore Gwen Williams Freda Sullivan Polly Jenklna Co Noll A Nolan Lou Valero Walter Donahue Billy Burna Co Whirling Top Geo Morris Oro Irene Stanley G A C Herbert Russell Drnrken Margaret Scott Sally Payne Ya<<bt Clnb Al Shayne Playboya Tvonne Omar Phyllla Colt Gllrone A Siarr Tom Ctarlstlan Ore LOS ANGELES BUtnwro Bowl Hacker A SIdell Woody Wilson Jeanne Darrell The Fredrlcoa James Bvana Pinky Tomlln Oro . Cafe Callento Chuy A Mario Diana Castillo Julio Cervantes Luz Vasquez Psncho Eddie Agullar Ore Cafe I-a Maze Martha Tllton Bobby Sherwood O Club Ball George Tount Bruz Fletcher Cocoanot GroTO Paul Draper Alec Templeton Clyde Lucas Oro Earl Carroll Ken Stevens 3 Lovely Sis 3 Nonchalants Bd Angulardo Ore .S'Iraka Three Swifts Johnny Woods Four Hot Shots' l^la Moore Susan .Miller Beryl Wallace Reginald Craig Igor A Tanya Archie Bleyer Ore Florentine Garden BUI Roberts Ore Grace Hayes Lodge Grace Hayes LInd UayeB Joe Frisco Charlie Foy Nick Cochran Oro Hawaiian Paradise Mabel Kenloha Sol Hoopll Ore Indigo Cafo Sid Brown Jimmy Ellard Jack Frost Val Harris La Conga Jerry Galllan Spike Featherstone Uttio Glob Jane Jones Paul Kendall Grace Palmer IJttIo Hungary Valeseo CO Marcel's VI Bradley Darryl HariKr Ore Hareus Daly The Top Hatters Novllle Fleesoa's -Uandeluy Neville Fleeson Joe Ortiz Palomar Lionel K&ye Paul Gordon The Keen Twins Carl A Marjorle Artlo Sbaw Ore Parte Ina Dominie ' (•ertrude FIsber Helen Golden Avov A F Dennis Marg'rite A M'rtlnez Ken Henr>'son Eric Massey Henry Monet Heleu Miller Chuck Henry Ore Pbll Belsnlch'a 'It* Mauri Vaughn Kay Lee Bill Lankin Wally Burke Seven Bca* Danny Kaanna Hawk Shaw Mel Peterson Lillian Gibson Al Mclntyre ; B Bush Quartette ' Slapsy Haxic'a -Maxle Roienbloom Joe PlotskI ' Andy Sorrelll Cully Richards Al Norman. Moore A Lewis Rita Carrol Tommy Rellly Ore Soaseraet Honse ' Jack Owens Gordon Smith Kay Gregory ,'HarTy RIngland Don A Beverly Tommy Blake Oro Bnraanee laa Cllir Richie Jr. Juanelda Carter Eddie Beal Topsy's Ruth Deni)lng Dale Waltz Wally Milam Mao Pepper Karee A Le Baron G Redman Oro Troeadero . Emil Coleman Oro Tito Swingteito Ed South Oro Victor Hage . Pbll Obman Oro CHICAGO Ambassador Hotel (Pomp Room) H McCreery Oro Retty Bryant ' Don A Audrey LeM (Tlio Bntteiy) Cleo Brown LeMaIre Rhumbs O Bismarck Hotel (Walont Boom) Virginia Gibson Gloria Lee Radley GIs Bill Baird Paunne Swana U«!'.y Grey Herby Walsh Red Flelda Patricia Long Phil Levant Ore Blaekbawk Johnny Davis Oro Bill Anson Don Pedro Ore Billy Owen BernI A Jovanna < Eddie Barron Blackatono Hotel (Kaiineeo Itm) Jean Loach Pedro D'Leon' Oro Bon Air Benny Flelda Mario A Florla Georgle Tapps Dean Murphy Parnell Grina The NIghtbawbs Marine 4 Harriet Smith Ola Herb Foote 885 aob Keith Beecher Ore Paul Roslnl Belva White Fbmons Door Esther Wblttlngton Bryan Wolf Terry O'Toole Al Robinson Oro Itaako's Caslne Marlon Pord Easter A Hazelton ,Blllle Rogers Buddy KIrblo Rocko Ellsworth Bob TIaslsy Oro Cay 8«'a ' Dick Buckley Peppy Otis Ginger Woods Sandy CrelghtoD Petite Carroll Lew King Bob Danders Jr Or Gmcaere Hotel (Glaaa Hooso Rm) Toaatv Pall Oro Carl iBock Nonnle Morrlaon Woody La Ruob Lorraine Voss TYLER MASON . NOW ASSOCIATED WITH EDDIE SMITH OFFICE Acts Known to Me Commnnlcato 22 W. 48th St., New York City Enric Madrlguera O Rose Girls Brevoort Hotel (Crystal Room) Florence Bcbuberl Charles Baldwin Grace Katrol Norma Ballard Broadmoa* Lydia Harris George Moore Mickey Dunn Margie Laoey Dolly Peppin Renee Martin Winifred Charles Jack Torrenee Oro Ches Bnchler Bernle Green Deone Page Mllllcent DeWItt Sam Barl Ralph LIndgren Or Clnb Al Sylvia Tucker Sam Sweet Gladya Bcauvlllo Ruth Dean Hinder Ore Clnb AUbaa Ann Suter Dadle Mooro Bee Haven Paullette La Pierre Dave Unell Ore. Dorothy Dale Eddie Rolh Ore Clnb Hlnaet Sherry Wynne Yvonne Nova Dolly Mars ■ Phyllis Nolles Del Estes Cocoanot Grove Dave Malcolm Marlon Ford Galante A Leonardo Harvey A Hoxton Uetty Jerome Lee Francia Oro Coloslnioo Willis Shore Roberta Jonay Roth A Berdun Dawn Sla Helen Wehrle Frank Quatrell Oro Pronapb Ola Club Dellsa .Mary Dixon Tarza Blllle A Billy Z>|la Smith Wesley Long Patsy Styles only Eckstein Rhythm Willie Charlea Isom Partslls nis Rsd Ssundsrs Ore Congress Hotel (Glass Hat Km) Johnny Ranga Ore (Peacock Bm) Joe vera (Pompellaa Hm) Irving MargraS Dnteh'a Ralph Cook Dolly Dolino Collette Marten A Dawn Dot King Knowlan Oro Edgewater Ucacb Hotel (Beach Walk) Lawrence Welk Or Klagg A Arnold Mildred Stanley Walter Bloom Hickory lu Kay Dare - Joan A Eddio Tom Oarvey Gondoliers Oro HI Hat Dolly Kay Callahan Sis Dolly Wahl Guy Cherney Tony Marks Sid X.aog Oro Ivaaboo Dolores Doner 'Eddie Rice Helen Sumer Kay Becker Vera Garrett Den Cbleata Ore L'AIgloa Mary W KllpatHeb Buaeblo Conclaldl Spyroa Stamos Don Quixote Ore Ennio Bnlngnlnl Or Hotel La Ballo <BIbo EVoat Room! Milt Herth Oro Dorothy Convers Uberty Ian Pinky Tracy Marge Dale Joan Dixon Benee Hartman Evelyn Watera Jlmmle O'Nelt Dorlce Waters Billy Hill Earl Wiley Ore Umebonse Bob Tank Ore ,UeLaoghlln'a Deone" Page Ruth McAllister Sunny Gillian Russell Carroll Bob Marcband Morrison Hotel (Boston Oyster Honse) Manfred Gnttbelt Stan RItolT Oro June St Claire Namelese mini Trio Myrtle Jordan Evelyn Peterson Eddie I.eon Lauretta De Boer Nappo Gardena Angelica June St Clair Bobettes Henry Castalano Lois Hallan Marlene. Dell Rita Rosek Genevieve Jacyna Old Heidelberg Old Heidelberg Co Octet Robert Kessler Franz A Fritz Swiss Hill Billies Rsoul Kantrow Hsrbis Oro Palmer Hooso (Emplra Boom) Joe Relchman Ore TI OpI Gordon 4 Bob Rlpa Oxford 3 Staples A Cemey . Abbott Dancers Pbll Dooley Ore Sborman Hotel (Celtk Cafe) Gene Kerwin Ore Jaros Bla (Dome) Jamea Hamilton Empire Boys Hon Nlles Jack A Jill Warner Jerry Glldden (Panther Room) Bunny Berlgaii Ore Wendy Bishop Muggsy Spaoler Or 8 Jltterbugo Carl Marx Rose Bowl Bernard A Henrle Kddle Collea Martin A Margo Dorothy Johnson Lea .'Spencer Tom Ferris Oro BllboneHo Clnb Princess Red Rock Joan Baylor Jane Conway Joey Conrad's Ore. BUver Cload Eleanor Daniels Bdltb Princlpla Roy Stelbers Oro Olga Antonik Vivian Stewart Dean A Evelyn Francea Kay Bllver IVoUca Harry Harris June Hamilton Fay Waltaeo Art Freeman ' 8M Clnb Billy Carr . ' Margret Faber GIs Dagmar Madelon MacKenzle Dolly Reckleaa Jean Williams Connie Faaesaw Dolores Green Juan Woods Taylor A Allan Flo Ash Jane Daro Don A Betty Lynne Jessie Rosalia Dolly Sterling Sol I.aka Ora TrlpoU I Shyloa Jack Russell Ore. Bobway Ginger Dtx Gladys George Gypsy Zena Mary Loo Frances Thomaa Billy Kent Henry Sax Oro Tbompaoa's IS Clnb Ray Reynelda Kay Norre Gall Lawrence Dorle' Davis Dolores Page Peggy Lynne Jeanne Barre Bea Jonea Marah McCurdy Sammy Frlaco Ore rhrco Deacca Baby Dodds Charles .McBrldo Gladys Palmer Lonnle Johnson Tower' Ian Sam Haaa Inez Gonan Mary Grant June Glory Lee GIs KaomI Wayne Bros t Hawallana Frank Davla Ore Town Clob Slay ds Flll Margie Dale Frankle Donia Blolse I.and Kathleen Kay Byron A Willis Bob White Joe XlttI Oro VUla Modem* Carlos Mollnas Ora 'Tony Cabot Oro Luvia Garcia Villa Vcalca Ishaip Jonea Ore Vanessa Amon Chandra Kaly RIch'ds A Adrlean* Charlotte Claira Orlando Rlcaldo De Quincey A O ' ^Vlnona ^Oa^cirt Jimmy Ames Pat Allen Virginia Gilbert Lucille Johnson Frances West NIU La Tour Hazel Gregg Frank Snyder Or* FHILASELPHIA Aacboiiac* NItza A Ravel Hazel Haiea Mildred King ' John Leary Roger Kent Oro' Bellevno-Blratford (Main Dining B'm) Meyer bavis Ora Cadlllae Tavera Bddle Thomaa Buck A Bubbles Henrique A Adr'nne Billy Hayes Oro Cafe Uoroney Judith Jobneoa Bddle Peoples Joe Campo I.ollto May McLaughlin Hal Pfatt Oro Tessle Nelson Isabelle Daniels Cedarwood Cabla (Malaga. M. J.) Danny Roonsy Jerry Tapps Walt Temple Oro Clnb Moriecca Wlllard Johnson Mary Ellen Pepper Oarrat Valdao A Yuell* Mike Jallreo Charlie Gains Oro llntkln'a RalhskeOes Frank PontI ° Gray A Arden Bill Robinson, Jr Princess Tvette Marie La. Tell Irving Braalow Ore Embassy Ponchlta Villa Cells Villa Betty Brodell Virginia Renault Jimmy Parrlsb Pedre Blanco <iro Ooergo Cllltord IStS Clab Swing King Oro Beth ChaUls Bihellnd Terry Mlldnd Gllson Virginia LIndsley 3llarlon LIndsley Beverly Fisher Dolores Merrill Lorene Rhoda Gay 00a Charlie - Ray Carol Tates Juanlta Johnson Pearl Bailey Billy Brown Chle Williams Ore Marrte Tavers Alabama Corlnno Bobby Lyons Greta LaMarr Betty Thomas Hildebrand'a Harry Holly Billy Brill Phyliss La Rue DottI A N Paige ' Ida Vernon Bobby Ors Hotel Adelphks (Hawaiian Roof) Frank Fisher Pau: Valencia SuDi Lauvl Blaflafl Moml-Kal Princess Kuulel r.^1 NanI f.ddle Valencia Ore' I.elna Ala Aloha Kalml Jaeb Lyarh'e (H Walton Root) Vincent RIsao Ore Harney Zsemsn Chu Franklin Clamour OIs (12) Helene Heath Noll A Nolan Mirth A Mack Janice Wllllanxs Jimmy Blake Joe Frasetto Oro I«xlngtoo Casla* Murry Wood Clifford A Jacksoa Dot Bettlnger Elaine A- Elaine Crawford A Jam'oa Artie Nelson Bobby White Doe Dougherty Oro Claahle Costello Lexington 4 . IJdo Venice Jack Orinin Sandra Lydel Peggy Martin Ln Rue Sis Lillian Stewart Jamboree Ore Uttlo RathabalM Roy Sedley 4 Ink Spots Dorothy Henry Condos Bros Corday A TrIlloB Jerry WItherle Victor Hugo Ore Leonard Cook Deanne Roehello Bleanora Landy Leslie Bis Paul A Pbyllsa Norton Bros 3 .Dervlsnes Billy Gates Ora Peacock Oardena Sylvan Herman O Ann Reed Pnrpio Derbr Jimmy Evans Bill Dtms Frankle Dumont Betty Brooke Don Anton Ora MAR Mealey Anna White Jean Lamar Balabow'Teiiaea (Strafford, Pa.) Leo Zello Ora Mildred Rogen .Ralph Eastwood Blamp'e Cat* Bert Lemlsh Ora Jack Hutchlnsoa Johnny Welsh Hy Sands Lloyd A Willie La Fens Ann Whitney BUver Lab* las (ClementMi) Miekey Pamllaal <K Alice Lucey Doryce A P Drew Jane Patterson Katharine King Music Hall Gla Lillian Husso Barbara Joan Marie Uolz George Reed ISM Cafe Camille Rober'.j Margie Frame Nan Roberts Venico CrOI* Joe Rellly Ada Reynolds George MarchettI O Vfklnr Car* Murray Parker Marty Burke Oro Bonnis Stewart Marcella Marscboa Peggy Martin Wagoa Wheel Al Wilson Henry Kramer Joe O'Shea Al Bastlan Oro Wober's Hot Bras (Camden) Use Hart Rudy Rruder Julea Flaceo Ore Muslo Hall Boys Sally Joy Novelle Bros Vespers BIdoradlan* Yacht Clab Jimmy Bailey Klli> Helmllug Or* IHLWAUKEE Athlello aab Kal Munro Oro Chet A Marcia Bert PbnUp'a Imp Pep Babler O Ethel Seldel Blats' Palm Gardes Don Pedro Ore ' Cardinal Clob lay Burt Oro Chateau Club Stan Jacflbseo Ore (Continuet] on page 44)