Variety (Jul 1939)

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24 VARIETY PICTURES Wednesday, July 26, 19.19 Advance Production Chart iConilnucd from page 20) L. Simmons; pliotoeiiiphcd by Jcny Ash, Cast; Richard Ailcii, Andy | Deviiie, bevt-i iy Kuboi us, ■ Samuel is. Hinds, Liipila Tovur, Lou Mcrnll, , Leonard mudic. Noble Johnson, Adia Kuzncizuil', Charles Tiowonclte, | Aiilburn Slone, Georce Humeri, Frank Mitchell. j 'HAWAIIAN MGHTS' .as)39'40 release) musical comedy; produced by Max Golden; directed by Al Rogell; no.writinfi credits role;<scd; pholo- Uraphed by Stanley Coriez. Cast: Johnny Downs, Constance Moore, Mary Carlisle, tddie Quillan, Thurston Hall. Samuel S. Hinds, Etienne Oirardot, Robert Emmett Kcane, Matty Malneck and orchestra, ]• ranees Uobmson, Al Kikume, Chief Willow Bird, Princess Luana. ..»xi^ „p. 'LONDON BY MIDNIGHT.' formerly titled 'THEY CANT HANG ME, mystery meller; produced by Irving Starr; directed by Otis Garrett; .■screen play by Robertson White from novel by James Ronald; photographed by Arthur Martinclli. Cast: Edmund Lowe, Wendy Barne, Bruce Lister, Walter Kingstord, Forrester Harvey, J. M, Kerrigan, Barlowe Borland, .Vfcrnon Steele, Reginald Barlowe. . j u t u 'MODERN CINDERELLA,' produced and dnected by John M. Stahl, ■ original by James M. Cain; photographed by John Mescall. Cast: Irene Dunne, Charles Boyer, Nydia Wcstman, Frances Robinson Philip Tient Myrtis Crynley, Edward Enrle, Inez Courtney, Florence Lake, Doio.lhy Granger, Helen Lind, Mary Treen. Kitty McHugh. , 'THE UNDERPUP' 11939-40 release), produced by Joe. Pa.stcinacK, directed by Richard Wallace; screen play by Grovcr Jones; from story by I. A. R. Wylie; photographed by Hal Mohr. Cast: Glona Jean, Nan Grey, Robert Cummings. Virginia Weidler, Ann Gill s Ernest Tr^^^^^ •IN OLD OKLAHOMA,' formerly titled 'OUTLAWED MARSHAL (19J9- 40 release), western; produced-by Albert Ray; directed by Ford Bcebe, oriHinal screen play by Ford Beebe; photographed by Jerry Ash. Cast. Johnny Mack Brown, Bob Baker, Fuzzy Knight, Anne Gwynnc James Blaine. Lane Chandler. Horace Murphy, Robert Kortman, Lloyd Ingraham. Charles King, Anthony Warde, Joe Delacruze, Harry Tembrook, The lexas '''^DlfsPERATE TRAILS' (1039-40), western with songs; produced and di- rected by Albert Ray; original screen play by Andrew Dcnnison; photo- graphed by Jerry Ash. Cast: Johnny Mack Brown. Bob Baker Fuzzy Knight, Frances Robinson, Russell Simpson, Clarence Wilson, Ed Cassidy, ^*BAd'c'0MPANY,' formerly titled 'BRIGHT VICTORT' (1939-40 release), irama; produced by Burt Kelly; directed by Joseph Santley; no writing iredits released: photographed by Elwood Bredell. Cast: Jackie Coopcrj Freddie Bartholomew, Melville Cooper, Dorothy Peterson, J. M. Kerrigan. Universal Fix Now in ProducUon , < j 'FIRST LOVE,' drama with music; produced by Joe Pasternak; directed by Henry Koster; no writing credits released; photographed by Joseph Valentine. Cast: Deanna Durbin, Helen Parrish, Robert Stack, Eugene Pallette, Lewis Howard, Leatrice Joy, Marcia Mae Jones. Charles Coleman, ^athleen Howard, Samuel S. Hinds, Virginia Bnssac, Jack Mulhall, Mary •RIO' (1939-40 release), romantic drama with songs; no producer assigned: -directed by John Brahm; no writing credits released; photographed by Hal Mohr. Cast: Sigrid Curie, Basil Rathbone, Victor McLaglen, Robert Cum- mings, Leo Carrillo. ' . ..• j • j. •mSSING EVIDENCE' (1939-40 release), meller; no producer assigned, directed by Phil Rosen; no writing credits released; photographed by M"- ton Krasner. Cast: Preston Foster, Irene Hervey, Chick Chandler, Inez Courtney, Noel Madison, Joe Downing. , „ . , 'ONE HOUR TO LIVE' (1939-40 release), meller; produced by George Yohalem; directed by Harold Schuster; original screen play by Roy Chanslor; photographed by George Robinson. Cast: Dons Nolan, Charles Bickiord;. Samuel S. Hind.s, John Litel, Jack Carr, Robert Emmett Keane, Emory Parnell, John Gallaudet. Warners (1939-40) Now Balance to Now in BeFUced Stories In Shoot- Cuttinc Before. Prepars' Rooms Cameras lion U 24 Zt log i Number Number of Fix Com- promised pleted Total 48 1 Pictures iii the cutting rooms or awaiting previews are: 'SECRET ENEMY,' formerly titled 'ENEMY AGENT,' meller; produced by Bryan Foy; as.-iociate producer, Mark HelUnger; no writing credits; directed by Terry Moi-se; photographed by Sid Hickox. Cast: Boris Karloir, Margaret Lindsay. Holmes Herbert, Maria Wrixon, Bruce Lester, Leonard Mudie, Clarence Derwent . „ • » 'KID NIGHTINGALE' (1930-40 release) meller-wlth song; associate pro- aucer, Mark Hellinger for Bryan Foy; directed by George Amy; no writing THERE'S A BETTER SHOW AT THE ^-Ar MUSIC HALL "WINTER CARNIVAL" Spectacular Stags Productions Held OTcr! 2nd Wc«k] CAGNEY against RAFT "EACH DAWN I DIE" A ■Warner Bros. Hit STRAND B'na'r A 47th ■ Tn Perwin EDDY DUCHIS And HIh Orcli. SECOND WEKK "The Magnificent Fraud" A raramoDDt Plctur* nitb Akim Tamiroff. Bob Hope Wocdy Herman and Bund Jerry . Colonna PARAMOUNT TIMW SOVARK Alr-Condltloned H 4 Is Today on Screen "TAKZAN FIMOa A EON" On Stag* .JIKB>R1_ .... Htnny YeungnM £«rtrud« NlMU'RIti Rli Onh ■ Tomorrow "InvlUtlon to UaDPlnvNi" On Stae* Fats WaUer * HlR Onh. Otheni Alr-Condltioned 2nd Weekl The Lucky Seventh Hvdy Femlly Hit! 'ANDY HA SPRING I.«wlii • 6TONB A. Metre.Gotdwyr Alr-Condltloned llnuout frem 10 e.r . , 7rU«l, 35c to I p.m I■'•<» m4 4t«iM L,,, ,, ,„ Nl»hll) I iRobert Donat in M-G-M'sl GOODBYE MR. CHIPS IwKh «rc«r GaraoD • 3rd MONTh] credits rele.ised; photographed by Arlhiir Ede.<;on. Cast: John Payne, Jane Wyman, Walter Catlett, Edward Brophy, M,ax HoITnian, Jr., Charles Brown, John Hidgely, Jimmy O'Gatty, Charlft Sullivan, William Haade, Winifred Harris. -ii 'WATER FHONT,' produced by Bryan Foy; directed by Terry Morse; no writing credits rcleasad: shotographed by James Van Trees. Cast: Dennis Morgan, Gloria Dickson, Marie Wilson, Sheila Bromley, Ward Bond, Arthur Gardner, George Lloyd, Aldrich Bowker. 'NANCY DREW, TROUBLE SHOOTER,' produced by Bryan Foy; directed by William Clemens; from original by Caroline Kcene; photo- graphed by Lou O'Connell, Cast: Bonlta Granville, Frankie Thomas, John Litel, Charlotte Wynters, Aldrich Bowker, Edgar Edwards, Erville Al dersoh. •NO PL.\CE TO GO,' formerly titled 'OLD MAN MINICK,' formerly tilled 'NOT WANTED,' produced by Bryan Foy; directed by Terry Morse; .screen play by Lawrence Kimble and Fred Niblo, Jr.; adapted by Lee Katz fi-om play by Edna Ferber and George S. Kaufman; photographed by Arthur Edeson. Cast: Dennis Morgan, Fred Stone, Gloria Dickson, Sonny Bupp, Bernice Pilot, Greta Meyer, Christian Rub, Frank Faylen, Dennie Moore, Aldrich Bowker, Charles Halton. Georgia Caine, William Paw ley, Gary Owferi. •TORCHY PLATS WITH DYNAMITE,' formerly titled 'PLAYING WITH DYN.1MITE,' formerly titled 'DEAD OK ALIVE,; produced by Bryan Foy; directed by Noel Smith; screen play by Earle Snell and Charles Belden; from original story by Scott Littleton; ba.sed on characters created by Fred- erick Nebel; photographed by Arthur Todd. Cast: Jane Wyman, Allen Jenkins, Tom Kennedy, Joe Cunningham, Frank Shannon, George Guhl, Shclia Bromley, Eddie Gribbon, Eddie Marr, Edgar Dcaring, Aldrich Bowker, Vera Lewis, William Gould, Cliff Clark, Sidney Bracy, Ruth Rob- inson, John Harron. 'A CHILD IS BORN,' formerly titled 'GIVE ME A CHILD' (1939-40 re- lease), drama; executive producer, Hal B. Wallis; associate producer, Sam BischofT; directed by Lloyd Bacon; screen play by Robert Rossen; photo- graphed by Charles Rosher. Cast: Geraldine Fitzgerald. Jeffrey'Lynn. Gale Page, Eve Arden, Johnnie Davis, Gloria Holden, Spring Byington, Henry O'Neill, Jean Sharrbn, Nanette Fabares, John Litel. 'GANTRY. THE GREAT,' formerly titled 'STEEPLECHASE,' formerly titled 'GANTRY, THE GREAT*; produced by Bryan Foy; directed by Wil- liam McGann; no writing credits released; photographed by Ted McCord. Cast: Edith. Fellows, Jirrimy McCallion, Granville Bates, DeWolf Hopper, Frankie Burke, Fred Tozere. THE DEAD END KIDS AT MILITARY SCHOOL' (1939-40 release), comedy-drama; produced by Bryan- Foy; directed by William Clements, no writing credits released; photographed by Ai'thur Todd. Cost: Dead End Kids, Henry O'Neill, John Litel, Cissy Loftus, Frankie Thomas. 'THE RETURN OF DR. X' (1939-40 release), meller; produced by .Bryan Foy; directed by Vincent Sherman; no writing credits released; photo- graphed by .Sid Hickox.. Cist: Wayne Morris, Lya Lys, Humphrey Bogart, Dennis Morgan, Rosemary Lane, John Litel, Huntz Hall, Charley Wilson, Virginia Brissac, Spencer Charters. 'THE LADY AND THE KNIGHT,' formerly titled 'THE KNIGHT AND THE L.4DY' (Technicolor); executive producer. Hall B. Wallis; associate producer, Robert Lord; directed by Michael Curtiz; screen play by Norman Reilly Raine and Aeneas MacKenzie; from the play, 'Elizabeth the Queen,' by Maxwell Anderson; photographed by Sol Polite; associate photographer, W. Howard Greene. Cast: Bette Davis,. Errol Flyrin, Oliva de Havilland, Alan Hale, Vincent Price, Donald Crisp, ilenry Stephenson, Henry Daniell, Guy Bellis, Robert Warwick, Keith Kenneth,. Nanette Fabares, Rosella Towne, James Stephenson, John Sutton, Maris Wrixon. 'CAREER MAN' (1939^40 release), drama; Hal B. Wallis. executive pro- ducer;'associate'producer, Lou Edelman; directed by Lloyd Bacon; screen play by James Hilton, Warren DuiT and Frank Donoghue; adapted-by Robert Buckner from the Katherine Brush novel. 'Glitter'; photographed by Charles Rosher. Cast: Joel McCiea, Jeffry Lynn. Frank McHugh, Nana Bryant, Lionel Royce, Howard Hickman, Stanley Ridges, Martin Kosleck, Henry Victor, Willy Kaufman. John Hamilton. <THE ANGELS WASH THEIR FACES,' formerly titled 'B.\TTLE OF CITY. HALL,' comedy-drama; executive producer, Hal B. Wallis; associate producer. Max Siegel; directed by Hay Enright; no writing credits released; photographed by Arthur Todd. Cast: 'Dead End' Kids, Ronald Reagan, Ann Sheridan, Bonita Granville, Frankie Thomas. Berton Churchill, Edu- ardo Ciannelli, Franklin Pangborn, Bernard Nedell, Egon Breecher, Henry O'Neill, Minor Watson, Jackie Searle. Marjorie"Main, Sara Pndden. ' THE COWBOY QUARTERBACK,' formerly titled 'LIGHTHORSE HARRY,' comedy-drama; supervised by Mark Hellinger for Bryan Foy unit; directed by Noel Smith; no writing credits released; photographed by "Ted McCord. Cast: Bert Wheeler, Marie Wilson, Gloria Dickson, Eddie Foy, Jr., DeWolf Hopper, Jr., Charles Wilson, Trevor Bardete, William Demarist, .Don. Turner, Max Hoffman, Jr. 'NANCY DREW AND THE HIDDEN STAIRCASE,', produced by Bryan Foy; directed by William Clemens; screen play by Kenneth Gamet; based on the Nancy Drew stories by Carolyn Keene; photographed by L. William O'ConnelL Cast: Bonita Granville, Frankie Thomas, John Litel, Vera Lewis, Louise Carter, William Gould, Frank Orth, Renie Riano, Fred Tozere, Dick Elliott, John Rldgely, DeWolf Hopper, Creighton Hale, Frank Mayo. Don Rowan, George Guhl. •DUST. BE MY DESTINY'; executive producer, Hal B. Wallis; associate, Lou Edelman; directed by Lew Seller; no writing credit,<! released; photo- graphed by Arthur Edeson. Cast: John Garfield, Pat O'Brien. Allen Jen- kins, Jane Bryan, Billy Halop, Bobby Jordon, Stanley Ridges, Henry Armetta, Priscilla Lane, replacing Margo Stevenson, Arthur Aylsworth, Walter Miller, Charley Grapewin. . •INDIANAPOLIS SPEEDWAY,' formerly titled 'DEVIL ON WHEELS,' formerly titied •THE ROARING CROWD,' formerly titled 'THE ROARING ROAD'; executive producer, Hal B. Wallis; associate producer. Max Siegel; directed by LJoyd Bacon; no writing credits released; photographed by Sid Hickox. Cast: Pat O'Brien, ohn Payne, Gale Page, Ann Sheridan, Frank McHugh, Ronald Reagan, Granville Bates, Regis Toomcy. •THE OLD MAID,' drama; executive producer, Hal B. Wallis; associate producer, Henry Blanke; directed by Edmund Goulding; screen play by Casey Robinson from play by Zoe Akins; photographed by Tony Gaudio. Cast: Bette Davis, Miriam Hopkins, Humphrey Bogart, Jane Bryan, Cissy Loftus, Doiiald Crisp, Jerome Cowan, Frank Darien, •HOBBY FAMILY,' family drama; produced by Gordon Hollingshead for Bryan Foy imit; directed by William McGann; no writing credits released; photographed by Sid Hickox. Cast: Henry O'Neill, Gabriel Dell, Jean Sharon, Irene Rich, Fred Tozere, John Ridgeley, Aldrich Bowker, Jackie Moran, Larry Williams. Warner PIx Now In Production •ON YOUR TOES' (1939-40), musical; executive producer, Hal B. Wallis; associate producef, Robert Lord; directed by Ray Enrieht; from the Rod- gers and Hart musical; photographed by James Wong Howe. Cast: /.orin.i, Eddie Albert,'Gloria Dickson, Frank McHugh, Alan Hale, James Gli'r.son._ Queenie Smith, Leonid Kinsky, Erik Rhodes, Berton Churchill, Paul Hurst, Curt Bois, Gregory Gaye, Bert Hanlon, Eddie Conrad, Alex Mclesh. •SMASHING THE MONEY RING,' formerly titled 'QUEER MONEY' (1039-40 release), meller; produced by Williaim Jacobs for Bryan Foy unit; directed by Terry Morse; no writing credits released: photographed by Lou O'Connell. Cast: Ronald Reagan, Margot Stevenson, Eddie Roy, Jr., Joseph Downing, Elliott Sullivan, Max Hoffman, Jr. ■ "WE ARE NOT ALONE,' drama; executive producer. Hal B. Wallis; asso- ciate producer, Henry. Blanke; directed by Edmund Goulding; screen play by Milton Krims; from novel by James Hilton; photographed by Tony Gaudio. Cast: Paul Muni, Dolly Haas, Flora Robson, Una O'Connor, Ray- mond Severn. •20,000 YEARS IN SiNG SING,' meller; executive producer. Hal B. Wallis; associate producer, Samuel BischofT; directed by Anaiolc Litvak; screen play by Courtney Terrett and Robert Lord from a story by Warden Lewis E.'Liawes, Wilson Mlnzer and Brown Holmes: photographed by Arthur Edeson. Cast: John Garfield, Pat O'Brien. Ann Sheridan, Jerome Cowan, Willard Robertson, Robert Strange, Billy Wayne, Eddie Kane, Tommy Jackson, John Ridgely, Burgess Meredith. 'THE ROARING TWENTIES,' formerly titled 'THE WORLD MOVES ON'; executive producer, Hal B. Wallis; a.<:sociate prdducer, Samuel Bischoff; directed by Raoul Walsh: screen play by Earl Baldwin and Frank Donoghue from a story by Mark Hellinger; photographed by Ernie Haller. Cast: James Cagney, Priscilla Lane, Humphrey Bogart. Jeffrey Lynn, Frank McHugh, Joe Sawyer, Gladys George, Robert Elliott, Elisabeth Risdon. Joecha Heiletz In "They Shall Have Music" with Andrea I.ead»—Joel HcCrea— . Cken« ReymildA—^'alter BrennaB at 40th 6?. MIDNITC SHOWS ARTISTS IllVULl Doon Open e;3« A.M Schwartz's Film Mourice Schwartz's film production of 'Tevya,' Scholem Aleichem's stage hit of a dozen years ago, has gone into work at the BIo- graph studips, Bronx, N. Y. Schwartz is star, Miriam Riselle featured. Schwartz is also directing and did the screen script. Chant of Tobacco Auctioneer Also Good News for the B. 0.s Atlanta, July 2S. With watermelon and peach crop money jingling In his jeans, Georgia's John Q. Farmer this week begins to reap an even greater golden harvest as bumper crop of flue-cured tobacco moves to market. Today (Tuesday) the now familiar chant of the to- bacco auctioneer was. heard in S8 warehouses in IS key cities. Crop this year is estimated at 98,800.000 lbs.—6,000,000 pounds more than la.>!t year, when Georgia farmers got $18,818,763.95 for 92,533.931 pounds of leaf they produced, .^verago price In 1938 was 20.34c per lb., which. If approximated this year, will put close to $20.000,()00 into pockets of growers from sale of weed! Prosperity, or 'good times' as it is called down here, stems from the welfare of the rural population. When they have money, they spend It and pay their bills—and amuse- ment biz becomes generally good. By the same token, when crops aro bad or commodity prices low. it isn't long before boxofflces take Ihe rap. Tobacco, first grown in Georgia for commercial sale in 1917, has taken rank next to cotton as state''s" most valuable money crop. Auction sessions that started today will con- tinue five days per week until latter part of August. Celebrations, with carneys providing . amusements marked the opening o( the auctions in practically all of the key spots where warehouses are located, and money was being spent freely. Okltkhoma Looks Up Oklahoma City. July 2.'>. Better farm conditions, a moro economically operated state govern- ment than for many .years in tho past, and a hope of better business nationally are combining to bring the favorable outlook for fall and winter b.o. grosses in Oklahoma. After seven weeks of so-so figures at the boxofflce local busine:i'3 has" shown signs of pickup and exhibi* tors are looking forward to good fall business. The same holds good gen- erally for the entire state.. . .\ Roy Rogers Rolls High Bodgeteer at Republic Hollywood. July 2.'i. •Wall Street Cowboy,' first of tho higher budget sagebrushers tor Roy Rogers, Is rolling at Republic. West- ern star's future films will u£e up around $70,000 each. Rogers recently returned from eight weeks of pei'sonal appearances in the soothfast Bay Corrlgan PersoualinK Charlotte, N. C. July 2,V Ray Corrlgan—'Tucson' of tho 'Three Mesquiteers' horse operas— is in the Carolinas on a p.a. tour. Two musicians appear with him. This makes the fifth western play- er to take advantage of a picture reputation here in the textile towns where they pack a theatre to see a mustang film player. Others jmt ahead of Corrigan have been Smith Ballew, Ken Maynard, Bob Baker and. Roy Rogers. ; ' HerscherrGilbert's WB Song Suit Settled in L.A. Hollywood, July 25. Out-of-court settlement was made by Warners In the $50,000 damage suit brought by songwriters Louis Herscher and Robert Gilbert, charg- ing suppression of their song, 'Gar- den of the Moon.' Plaintiff named Warners, Harms, Music Publishers Holding Corp.. Al Dubln, Johnny Mercer, Harry War- ren and Jean Herbert in Federal court suit asserting their tune was (uppressed in' favor o' number by same title written by Dubin, Mer- cer, and Warren, and used in War- ners' 'Garden of the Moon.' 20TH-F0X'S H.O. REVAMP New home office quarters for 20th-Fox production and story de- partments will be set up ready for occupancy around Sept. 1, in the quarters occupied by the publicity department Latter now has its own building adjoining the old space. Private offices for Joe Moskowitz, Joe Schenck and Darryl Zanuck. when- ever latter two come east for con- ferences, will also be arranged. Story department under Franklyn Underwood is now' quartered »t Radio City.