Variety (Jul 1939)

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89 Warns of Growing Censorship Monlreal, July 25. Sir Hildebrand Harmsworth, managing director ol the continental Daily Mail, published in Paris, while here last week warned of gov- ernment control and censorship of press and radio which is threatei|n- ing and may become an accomplished fact even in free countries sooner than expected. Sir Hildebrand, nephew of two prominent British newspaper publishers, (late) Lord Northcliffe and Lord Rothcrmere, attacked proposed shackling of press and air and said that in case of war radio broadcasting of news would suffer not only from strict gov- ernment censorship but also from hostile countries who would try to blanket the air with static so as to kill propaganda broadcasts. The publisher stated that government control of the is grad- ually making itself felt everywhere and that there is a growing de- mand for a gag on the press in England. Every year legislation is submitted in the British House of Commons proposing more'stringent control of newspapers. Danger of press control at the present time, according to Sir Hilde- brand, is that with Europe at boiling point, a press gag might never be- removed if it is imposed. Attempted control of air and print, In Sir Hildetrand's view, is gravest menace to freedom CLirrently in democratic countries. LUX IN AUSTRAUA FORGETS mRlCK'TAG Sydney, June 29. Lever Brothers has ashcanned the phoney producer billing 'David Gar- rick' in connection with its Aus- tralian version of the Lux radio theatre. It was probably the first time an Australian radio program used a nom de kilocycle. Office name 'David Garrick' had previously been used by Levers in the states prior to the more recent bringing in of film director Cecil B. DeMille to take the bows—but not actually di- rect—as the show's producer from Hollywood. The world now may know that the producer of the Lux Radio theatre here is Harry Dearth. He used to be a spieler at 2 GB, Sydney. TO COVER GREAT BRITAIN You MUST Use ★ RADIO NORMANDY Full Particular* of Air Tinta and Talent from INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING COMPANY • LIMITED 37 Portland Place London, W.I. Watrous 50 Kw. Starting; W. S. Palcy Joins Salute Winnipeg, July 25. Canadian Broadcasting Corp. launches its new 50,000 watt los.ser at Watrou."!, Sask.. next Saturday (29)with a two and a half-hour puff. Station Was originally scheduled to be on the air about the time of the Royal Visit in latter part of May. Slated for speech-making on the inaugural are Leonard W. Brockington, chairman of the CBC, who will speak from London, Eng- land, where he and the general man- ager. Gladstone Murray, are visit- ing. Also to speak will be William S. Paley. prexy of Columbia; Hon. C. D. Howe, federal minister of Transport, and the premiers of the three western provinces. Bracken for Manitoba; Patterson for Saskatche- wan and Aberhart for Alberta. New station has been given letters of CBK with CBC explaining the 'K' as standing for Kelsey, first white man to see the prairies and Governor of the Hudson's Bay posts. Station will sound oft at 8 p. m., CST., with inaugural, in one form or another go- ing until 10:30 CST. Station will act principally as a relay point for CBC feeds, with local programs being confined to transcrip- tions and platters, there being no studios of any size at Watrous and no talent available. Site has been termed most ideal by American and Canadian engineers. Special direc- tional antenna has been mstalled so as not to interfere with KFYR, Bis- mark, as CBK is on 540 kc, the American on 550 kc. : In Austiraiia ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ MMM »» Henry Molllson to play 'Arrow- smilh' for Lux Radio Theatre. Jack Davey', formerly announcer on Macquarie Network, has now formed own advertising and produc- tion agency. Missouri Congressman Would Have FCC Legally Prevented From Ruling Program Content of Shortwave Praise given locally for recoplion and programs put out by W6XBE located at Treasure Island. San Francisco. i Washington, Jujy 25. i Although some industry ob.servers I taW prohibiting restrictions as to felt cheered, guesses were one-sided , the nature of programs aired by in- t*^^* Commish will stand pat , ■ , lor make only the smallest conccs- r„„. wTii^fw « ternalional stations may be pas.sed | jio,,. Looks as if the vo-e on the n~?r^!. Zl f^r, li^,,}^ T^^^ the FCC if the regulation alternative rule suggested by the may do one or two air shows for a . . »tat3 ju » <u • . , commercial following her return h^'P^'^lmg short-wave plants must; NAB-that the interna lonal opera- from Hollywood on vacation visit. promote international goodwill and ^"'^ required to render an I - * international service (with ■ no at- reflect culture is not ch-nged. Meas- Kraft Walker "Cheese spon.sorin-I ure giving DX-ers the protection ^^^P' '" in'terpret the last phrase) half-hour show scheduled for Sab-1 Ihey begged at recent hearings is ^""^ down by a top- bath airings commencing this month now before the House Interstate ^^''"^ '"'\V'-!'"J. ° Z, over Macquarie network. Phillip Commerce Committee. | Some possibility that in the public Mygatt, in charge of radio end for Although it is possible the Com- '".'"f*' ""yen'ence and necessity Thompson, setting talent layout to I mish wiU. modify the objectionable will be substituted for the culture- include Bert Howell's Band and Dor-1 requirement, Rep. John Cochran. SoodwiW requirements, but even such othy Foster from last year's Shell j Missouri Democrat, di.<!likes to leave !! compromise looks remote and a such an important matter to chance, i ''"'"°^!' ^°"'<^ surprising. Hence his bill providing that Rule' ."vision of the part 42.03 'shall not apply after the date; rule which prevenU domestic of the enactment of this act and no, P''°«"'"^ ''='"6 short-wavcd penally shall be imposed or prlvi-' ^f"^ "T"''* Probable than any legedeniedonaccountof any viola-P"^ «e^lnst which ardless I objections were registered. The Show. Wrigleys, another U. S. firm u.sin;; radio here, has 'Dad and Dave' four times weekly on 15 minutes' blocks. Kelloggs is using 'Howie Wing.' Politicians recently stated that ap- plicants seeking positions with Au- tion of such regulations rega of when it occurred.' Commish seemed to realize it had - , Besides seeking to insure short-' 5°"^/"'"^i"" desired in at stralian Broadcasting Commis.tion ! wavers against any ex post facto cen- ' tempting to force international plants should be gi<fen an examination. Say \ sorship; Cochran scek.^ to put a stop- '° '"''"'^er a unique type of service, that -nobtSdy should be appointed ' per on any similar regulations in the limitations are to be ex- simply because of social standing. | future. Under his proposal, Com- mish could not issue any rules which Ceorse Robey, Stanley Holloway ! had the effect 'of limiting broadcasts , and Mills Brothers, already_booked \ to service which will reflect the 1 by Frank Neil for Tivoli chain, ex- I culture of the United States or pro- pected to do some airings during ' mote international goodwill, under- their sojourns in Australia. • | standing, or cooperation.' _ , ~ I Decision on keeping or modifying, QUE, Sydney, by arrangament , the attacked policy is not expected with Greater Union Theatres, has j for several weeks. As soon as the' .^veral special broadcasts of Pcler ; hearing wound up last week, indica- Dawson. British baritone. j uons were the matter will drag along I until fall. Most of the members fled pected so that DX-ers will not b» satisfied to serve merely as echoes for transmitters covering U.S. audi- Jan Rubini has had his contract to vacation spots and nothing im- extendcd by Independent Oils. | portant will be tackled, according to f:?.tl"^„l°r,. J^"^: i P^«e"t Pl-s. until after Labor Day. Sydney, Sundays at 9:30 arrangement with Hoyts. p.m. by I . CJRC's Baseball TOM( . CHICAGO • OCTKOIT • SAN rHANCI&CC nadio Slalion HeproS9nlalivas Winnipeg, July 25. For the first time in several years listeners ar« to hear local baseball broadcasts. Station CJRC in this city is exercising its contract agree- ment with local ball park officials by making pickup of Northern League games. Has had agreement for sev- eral years, but failed to make of it, explanation being that games weren't worth bothering with from a broadcast sense. Rusty Young takes the mike for the play-by-play descriptions. Since E. J. Talt moved back as chair- ■ man Williamson-Tait, formerly Au- ; stralian - New Zealand Theatres. ] fewer legit players now permitted ' to do broadcasts for commercials. Marjorie Lawrence set a deal with Australian Broadcasting Com- mission for permission to air a cer- tain number of concerts in Mel- bourne and Sydney. Singer has just returned to her native land after clicking in U. S. British Radio Sets On View with Yaude Show A La Hollywood Bowl FRENCH SHORTWAVE SYSTEM LAUNCHED Mexican Radio Citv? • Mexico City, July 25. Nebulous project here may result in half a dozen radio stations in the national capital merging their studio facilities to create a centralized set- up to become a sort of Radio City a la New York. More clarification due by August. Paris, July 18. Accepting the challenge of totali- tarian countrie.s with their multi- language radio broadcasts, France has inaugurated a new radio .service in six languages. Although not com- paring with the I9-language brod- casts of the Italian stations, programs are now radiocast in the principal London, July 18. Reproduction in miniature of the Hollywood Bowl js to be a feature of this year's big Radiolympia show organized by Radio Manufacturers Ass'n. Annual event is thrown at Olympia. and is radio's biggest ex- position, oflering entertainment as well as a complete once-over of the new models. Jack Swinburne, who will be the variety producer, has devised an auditorium of 3,000 seats, served by a huge revolving stage, 60 feet in dimensions, and in make-up it will follow the lines of the Bowl. De- sign was partly Influenced by the fact many of the programs will not only be picked up by British Broad- casting Corp. for radio transmis- sions but also for telecasting, and that, supposedly for the first time in history, shows will have to b€ IN BALmORE £?w«D pinor A ca ON THE NBC REU NETWORK James' Long Vacash William G. James, Federal control- ler of Music for the Australian Broadcasting Commission, is visiting New York until mid-August. Then goes on to England and later to Rus- sia. He's taking one of generous down under leaves of absences—12 months. Due back in Sydney in Jan- uary. SlaKer Has Pari of CJRC Winnipeg. July 25. Station CJRC, Winnipeg, will change Canadian sales reps effect've after Sept. 1. Currently being repre- sented in Canada by the Joseph Hershey McGillvra office of New York this station will move over to the Jack Slatter (Dominion Broad- casting Co.) office on that date. It will continue to be represented in the U. S. by the McGillvra offices in New York, Chicago, and San Francisco. languagep. They are English, Ger- , man, Italian. Spanish, Serb-Croat i planned for simultaneous presenta- .nnd Arab, in addition to French. 3 paying audience and to Two 15-minute programs are given ! home listeners and viewers as well, nightly between 0:30 and 9:45 and I Expo will go from Aug. 23 to between 10:45 and 11:00 p.m. j Sept. 2. Each-language-program -is-broad-| "~ ' — '■ — — ; simultaneously over two or more stations, making it difficult for non-frlendly-nations-to ruin the pro- grams by emitting interference waves. German, Italian and Spanish programs are sent simultaneou.'^ly over five stations. The broadcasts are—English: Lille, Radio 37, Radio Cite and Radio Nor- '"^"''ii^^l'"";?"^ r.^'l P"">- i bettered condition in radio for India, rjes PTT Radio Stra.sbourg. Bor- U-his pamy jue to the organiza- deaux-Lafayette Limoges, Bordeaux ^^^^ ^y All-India Radio in coopera- Sud-Ouest and Radio Agcn. Italian: . . . _ ^ Eiffel Tower, Nice PTT, Grenobie, Radio Mediterranee, Post Parisien. Serb-Croat: Lyon PTT, Radio Lyons, m iM 0 N T R t /\ L RICHEST MARKET jBOMBAY, INDIA, CITES BETTER nSCAL TREND Bombay. July 1. Fiscal report for the period of January-March, inclusive, reveals a lion with the Postal Department of a ; campaign against piracy of sets and i non-payment of fees. Customs col- . r, • , , ,, lections rcpoHea were $178,000 and I Arab: Pans-Mondial and Marseilles ; li^jnjg f^^j $77,000 for the quarter : PTT. The 'majority , of people In iir¥vAitr Montrcttt— KhkIImIi AM» Frvm:!!— tune reKulnrly tn Cfe'CF for tlif Ir nKlIo «o(«rtAtnm«ut. It hits bec4}me a 20 ycur Imblt. Your liroHUmol hiI- v^rtlitJnB will rrui'li » blllnirunl mur- ket of 0%-er 1,000,000 people. CFCK can build Milen for yuu. CFCF and Short Wav« CFCX Owned and OiJeintcl l-y CANADIAN MARCONI COMPANY Tlcprc.senlativefl: <.4N.*0.4 All C>nid> Ridio Flcllllju Weed k. Conpany NnC ASIllute CKAC Man Leads Trailer frough translation into American j| i dollars) which is much better than. I the first quarter of 1938. I ■ I New.s broadcasts are now being' Show Into Far Country; centralized in India coming from the ; I capitol, Delhi, and being fed to re-;| ' gional stations. British supervise Montreal, July 25, Jean Lalonde, of station CKAC, i.s fu"' , i . »i. . .. the contcnts of the news programs with increasing care. taking a variety show into the wilds of Quebec in trailers. Will hit the north coast as far as the Lake SL John district. N«w Zealand government ha.i re- fii.sed to con.sider allowing control LlnUo aeency has renewed Its ; of radio to slip away from itg grasp. Sunday time for Cookeen Cooking ^ Overtures had been made .previously 11 , Fat on Radio Normandy for a fur- | for indie handling certain sections, ■ ther year. > but order was quickly tabled. CFCF BI-LINGIAL AUDIENCE 1,000.000