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42 VARIETY MUSIC—DANCE BANDS Wednesday, July 26, 1939 BANDS and ORCHESTRAS Week of July 28 Permanent address of bands and orchestras is published without oat charse. While every effort Is made to Insure accuracy in thb department, -cooperation In notlfyine errors will reduce mistakes to a minimum. Key to abbreviations: B—ballroom, C—cafe, CC—country club, H— Hotel, N—Night Club, R—restaurant, T—Theatre. Booking Agencies: CBA, Consolidated Radio Artists, 1250 Sixth Ave., N.y.C; FB, Frederick Bros., 1270 Sixth Ave., N.T.C.; MCA, Music Corp. of America, 145 Fifth Ave., N.T.C.; Rockwell Amns., 1270 Sixth Ave., N.T.C.; WillUm Morris Aeey-, »270 Sixth Ave.. N.T.C. Agnew, Chnrlle, Cnatle Farms. CIncj-. Alexander, Von. Murniy'e. Tucknhoe, N.T. Alinerico, Tony, Chez l>.iree, N., New Crlcana. AmbRuadon, Royale, Congress H., Cnl. Androiri. Cordon, Club III N.. rNTC. ArmslronE, Louis, Coliseum B-.. SI. Poul. Asb, I'aul, nuiy T. NIC, . Baker, Bub, c/o Wm. Slorrls Uurnet, Charley, Meadowbrook, Cedar Drove, N, J. Barnetl, Jimmy, c/o PB, B.irr6n, Blue. CRA, NYC. Hasle. Count, Famous Door. NYC. Bium, Charles. !it. negls II.. NTC. Bucker, Bubbles,. Tolem Lodge, Averlll Park. N. Y. nerlgnn. Bunny, STiorman H., Chi. Bernard, Art. Club Plantation, H'wood. Be.rnle. Ben. Asior, H., NYC. Bestor. Don, c/o Wm. Morris. Blanco. Pedro, Embassy C Phlla.lelphla. Rlauth, Henry. New Penn Club, Pitt's. Bleyer, Archie; Earl Carroll's R.. H'nood. Bolognlnl, Ennio, L'Alglon R„ Cbt Brandt. E*ly. Stevens H.. Chi. Breeae, Lou, c/o CRA. . Bragale, Vincent, c/o MCA. Brlgode. Ace. Chlnpewa Uike Park. O. Brown, I.ea. Brlchton Beach, B'klyn, N.Y. Bruce.. Roger. Joylgnd Casino, Lexington, Ky. Bundy, Rudy, New Colonial, II., Lake Mnnltou, Rochester. Ind. Burton, Paul, BUI Green's Casino, Plita. -Calloway, Cab. Cotton Club, NYC. CandullB, Horry. Mt. Hotel. Chattanooga Chernlavsky^ Jo?et, WLW. Cincinnati. Chlcco. Louis. Versailles 0.. H'wood. Chlesta, Don, Ivanhoc Carrtena, N. Chi. Clinton, Lorry, Rockwell G. A., N. Y. Coburn. Johnny, President H., AtUinllc City. N. J. d Coleman. Emll, Trocodero C H'wood. Cook, Ted. While City B.. Chi. Coatello, Charles. Commodt're Club, Del. Cnstello. Dlopa. La Conga. N.Y.C. Courtney. Tel. Rear Mountain. N.. N. T Cummins, Bernle, Modernistic B,. Mil- ^'aukee. Cutler. Ben. Nicollet H., Mpls. Tavla, Eddie. Larue R.. NTC. Pavis. Johnny. Blackhnwk R.. Chi. Day, Bobby, Show Bar, Forest Hills, L. De Longe, Eddls Adolphus H., Dallas. ■ De La Rosa, Oscar. Co W'm. Morris. . Uell. Eddy, & Imugene. Trout House. Casino, Hague. N. V. Denny, .lack, c/o Wm. Morris. Dixon, Lee. TantiUa Gardens, Richmond. Va. _ Dooley. Phil, Palmer H.. Chi. Doriey. Jimmy, c/o Rockwell. Donsev. Tommy. H. Pcfinsylvanla, N.T.C. Duchl'n. liJdy. Strand T.. N.Y.C. Eldrldge. Roy. Arcadia B.. N.T.C. Ellington. Duke. RItz-Curlton H.. Boston. Ellis. Joe. Queen .Mary R.. NYC. Ellis, Segar, Surt Beach Club, Va. Beach, Va. Knnls, Sklnnay, Beacon T., Vancouver, B.C. Hayinoa, Dlik, LItilo F.v.i. H'wood, Honry, Chuck, Paris Inn. L.A. HerbecK. Hay. Kuclld Beach I'ark. rieve, >lermnn. Woody, Puronunint '1'.. NYC, Horth. Mill, La Sollo H. Clil. Hill. Teddy. Savoy U.. World's ^alt NYC. Hill. Tiny, MeloJy Mill U.. Chi. Hlnes. ICarl. tirsnd Terrace. Chi. HIte. Les. Omnr a Dome C, I.. C. Tlongland. liverott, Jonkhiaon's ravllion, Point riiaannt .N.. .N". J.- Hoftnian. i:nrl. Mcdlnah Club. N.. Chi, Hohengarten, Carl. CIIS, Clil Iliilmrs. Jjerble. The .Mansion. Toungs- town. (>. Hoist. Ernie. llelmont-PlB7» 11.. NTC. Hunt. Urad. Rugglfs Uoach. O. Jacobs. Hunard. Wm. Morris Atencf. NYC fahns. AI. Provldence-Illltmors H.. P'roT. James. Hurry, itosclnnti B., N.V.C. Jrtmes. Sonny, r/o t'll.V, Jones. Isham. Fairyland Park. K.C.. Mo. Jurgens, Dick, Ar.'won B.. Chi. Kaln, Paul, Wardman Park H., Wash,, D.C- Kavelln, Al. Ennn J^'ltlck Pk., Auburn, N. y. Knye. Sommy, Burt T.. BURalo. N.T. Kemii, tliil. .MCA. N. T. Kendls, Sonny, Stork Club, NTC. Kent, Peter, H. New Yorker, NYC. ' Kerr. Jimmy. Jerry's Mandalay N., Hol- lywood.' King, Henry, Falrmount H., .San Fran- clarrt. King. Ted 'v Southern Tavern.. Clave. King's Jesters, Broadmoor CC, Colo. SjlKS., Colo. Kinney. Rav. Lexington H., NTC. Kogen. Harry; NBC. (Thl. Kvupa, Gene, Paramount T.. N.T.C. Kyaer. Kay, Golden Gate I::xi)osltlon, San ! Francisco. Owens, Hari'y, Broadmoor H.. Colo. Springs, Colo, Panchlto, Versalllea R., NTC. I'ancho, Baker II., Dullaa. I'ark Ave. Boys, Cafo Laniaze, H'wood. Parks, Ilnbby, c/o I'.ockwell Aiima. Paul, I'Mdle, Manltou Beach, Manlluu Mich. Paul, Toasty Grahnicre H., Chi. Pedro, Don, lllacklmwk C. <'hl. Pendarvis, I'aul, Muehlebach H., K.C. Benny Goodman Going American Record; MCA Tiff Report Again ■ V K.C, Mo. IMaylioys. Town HousQ II Powell, Teddy, Donahue's, I N. J. i * I Raeburn, Boyd, JIuchlebach H , Jlo. Ramona. Rockwell G.A., N.T. I Ramos. Rnmon, H. Ambnasador. NTC.- Itavazza. Carl. Rio del .Mar. Aptos. Calif. I Ravel, Don, Greenwich Vlllaga Casino, , NYC. • Redman, George, Topsy's N., Southgnte, Cal. I Relchman. Joe. Palmer House H.. Chi. Rsnard, Jacgues. Cocoanui Gi-ovs N., { Boston. Relamnn. Leo, Palmer House, Chi, niley, Mike: c/n CRA. RInea. Joe. St. Regla H.. N.Y.C. Rio, Rita, Ferhbrook Park, Wllkes-Bnrre, Pa. Roberta, Bill, Sir Francis Drake H., Ban V. . Hodrlgo, Nano. Havana-Madrid N,. NTC, Rogers^ Buddy. Cavalier H., Va. Beach, Vn. I H. New Torker. NTC. Uen Marden'a Riviera, Ft. Fields. Shep. Florlto, Ted, Lee, N. J. Fraselto, Joe, Jack Lynch'a Walton Root, Philadelphia. Fidler. Lou. Colony Club. Chi. Fields, Irving, Lake Tarlton CC. Pike, N. 11. Flahei. Buddy. Bryn Mawr CC, Chi. Fisher, Freddie, Old Vienna. Cincy, Fitzgcr. Id. Ella. Savoy B.. N.Y.C. Fomeen. Basil. ."St. Morltz H., N.Y'. Foster, Chuck, Del Mar Club, Santa Mon- ica. Cal. Fninklln, Morton. Netherlond-Plaza H., Clncy. Frederics. Jan, Boulevard Tavern, Elm- hurst. N.T Fulton, Jack, c/o MCA.. Carr. Glen, Weslwood Supper Club, Blch- nimul. ^'a. Gillette. Jack, o/o CRA. Golden, Nell, Sluyvesant H., Buffalo. Golly. Cecil, c/o KU. Goodman. I'.enny, Golden Gale E.tposltlon, .San Francisco. Gordon. Gray, Weatchesler, CC, N. T. Grant. Bob. c/o ^Vin. Morris.- Grenot, F.llsco, El Chlco. NTC. Gumln, Joe, Chateau Club, Mllwaukea. H Hall, Geo.. Palisades Park. Ft. Lee. N.J. Hamilton. Hub, Majestic B., Long Beach. Calll. Hannon, Bob, Stevens H., Chi. Baring. Bob. c/o R-O'K. Ilarkncas, Dole, Henry. H., Pitts., Pa. Harris, Phil, Roosevelt H.. New Orleans. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ me GREAKST SCORE Of THH season! "THE WIZARD OF OZ" * OVER THE RAINBOW THE MERRY 010 UNO OF 01 ★ DlNG-DOKGim WITCH IS OEM * WE'RE OFF TO SEeVhE WIZARD * If I ONLY HAD A BRAIN Five Unforgettable Songs t, LY. HRRBURC and HAROLD RRltN Lowson. Doc. c/o Rockwell Amus,, N.T. Lang. Bid, Hl-Hat Club. Chicago. La Baroa, Eddie, Rainbow Room N.V'NTC. Levant. Phil, nismark II.. Chi, Light. Enoch Tad H.. NTC. Little.Mttle Jack. Edison H., N.T.C- Lombordo, Guy, Waldorf-Astoria H., NYC. Lopez, Vincent, Clarldge H.. Memphis, Lopez, Phil, Club Plantation, H'wood. Lorch, Carl, Glen Echo Park, Washing- ton. 1). C. Lovcland. Ardile. Olympic H., Seattle, Wash. .. Lowe, Louie, West Lake Terrace, Indpla. Lucas, Clyde, c.'o MC.\, Beverly Hills, Cal. t Luncefnrd, . .Jimmy. Harold' Oxley, 10 E. 40th St.. NYC. Lyman, Abe.. MCA. N. T. ♦ M . Madrlguera. Enrlc. Bon Air C.C. Chi. Malneck. .Matty, c/o MCA, H'wood. ifanznnares. Jose. Colony Club. Chicago. Maraala. Joe, Itcade's Casino, Asbury P:irk, N, J. Marshall. Bill. Willows. PUIS. Marshard, Jack, H. Plaza. NYC. Martin. Freddie. Calalinu l.'«land; Calif. Martin. I.nu, I.eon & Eddie's .N., NTC. Masters. Fronkie. Kspox House. N.Y.C Meyers. Cus. Longahore Beach, CC, 'West- port, Conn. McCreery. H., Ambassador Tl., Chl. McGune. PInylnnd. Rye. N.Y. McFarland Twins. Walled Lake -Park, Wnlled I.nke. Mich. McPartllnd. Jack. S Deuces C. Chi. Afellen. Earl. Riviera. N., Puts., J*o. Miller. Glenn, Glen Island Casino. N.Y. Mills'Jav. Lowrv H.. St. I'nul. Mintz, Herble, Oriental Gardens B., Chi. Mitchell, Don, Long Beach II., Gloucester, Mas.s. Xlollnns. Carlos, Villa Mnderne C, Chi. Morgan,. Ruas r/o CRA. N.Y. Uurray, Charles. Mon Paris N., NTC. N. • Newman. Ruby, Rainbow Boom. NTC. No>»le, I.elghton. RIre H.. Houston. Tex. Noble, Ray, Brown-Palaco II., Denver, Ohmnn. Phil, Victor Hugo's. H'wood. Olman, Val, Win. Morris. N.Y. Olsen. Geo., MCA. N.V. Osboi ne, Will, Paloinar, B., L. A, Roland, Don. Catallna Island. Calif, Rolllnl, Adrian. Piccadilly H., NYC, Russell, Jack, Skylon C, Chi. S Sannbrla. Junnlto, Havana-Madrid, NTC. Savltt. Jnn, Lincoln II., NYt.;. Schllllnger, Wlllard, The Inn, Buck Hill Falls. Pa. Shanks. Charles, c/o CRA. Shaw, Artie, c/o U-O'K, H'wood, Shelley, Lee, Pines. Pitts. Pherr, Jack. St. Morltz H., N.T.C Sherwood. Bobby, Lamaze C, L. A, Ghlelda, Roy, NBC, Chi. BIssI*. Noble, Paramount H., NTC. Souaa. John Philip. Ill, Wm. Morris, N.T, South, Eddie, Trocodero H., H'wood. Spanler, Muggsy. Sherman II., Chi. Spltalny, Phil, Park Central, N. T. Fqulres, Four, .Town House, H'wood. Stanley, Arthur, Mounds Club, Wil- loughby, O. .Stabile. Pick, MCA, N. T. S'locffler.'Wally. CnbnnnsClub. Urhana. O. Strong, Benny. Lookout House, Coving- ton. Ky. Stuart. Roy, Park Casino, N.. Chi. Eiranaon. Billy, c/o CRA, Teagorden, Jack, r/o MCA. Theia. Ilenrj', c/o H-O'K. N.T. Tito's Swingtelle. Trocodero C. H'wood. Tolbort, Skeets, Plantation Club. N.y.C. Tomlln. Pinky, Bill more Bowl. L. A. Top Hatters. Morcus Daly It., Beverly Hills. Calif. Trace, Al. Twin Lakes B., Twin Lakes, Wise. Tucker. Orrin, Ambnssador H.. T,. A. Turk, Al, Royals Frolics N., Chi. V Vagabond, Chas., Ambassador. IT., Chi. Van, Garwood, Casino Gardens, Ocean- Park, Cal. Vnllee. Rudy, Aalor H.. N. T. Venull. Joe, Rockwell O. A.. N. w Wallace, Don, Chanticleer, N., Madison, Wis. Waller, Fats, Loew's Slate. N.Y.C. Wardlow, Jack, Atlantic Beocii, Morelieod Clly, N. C. Websr, Henry, 'n'ON, Chi, Weber, Marek, NBC, Chi. Weeks. Anson, c/o MCA. Hollywood. Weeks. Ranny. Int'l Casino. N.'V'.C. Welk, Lawrence, Edgcwaier Beech H., Chi. Whiteman, Paul, 17 E. 4:ilh St., NYC Wilde. Ranny, Sir Francis Drake II., San Francisco. Williams. Griff, Trianon B., Chi. WInton, Barry, Rainbow Grill, NTC. TVlttlch, Dorlas, Tar R., Clil. Wood, Barry, Cloremont lim, N.T.C, Neeotiations for the shift of Benny Gooijman's orchestra from RCA Vic- M^intalnviow. ! recortjs to the American Record ' label will probably be completed this week. Meeting is to iron out final details which almost put the chill on the switch several times in the past tew weeks. However, . the most im- portant points have been smoothed and it's expected an initial recording date will be designated at the sign- 'P8. . - . WJiat American will do with Good- man it doesn't know itself. He will not, however, be used on a 75c plat- ter. Tentative plans have variously had him, if and when, being pressed onto either a new 35c label or a special Columbia platter Eit 50c. It was again reported during the past week that Goodman would also seek to change his management, .dis- 1 entangling himself from Music Corp. ' of America. It's known that he's been having sciuabbles with the book- ing oulHt lately. Joe Higgins, another American exec flew to the Coast Monday (24) to look in on Kay Kyser and Orrin Tucker, ARC artists also out west. SCHIRMER MUSIC MAN FATALLY SHOT DOWN Four bullets from the guns of un- known assailants, who shot him down early yesterday morning (Tuesday) in The Bronx, N. Y., as he w^s on his way to his downtown office, proved fatal shortly before noon I yesterday for Irving Penn, 42, manager of the royalty depart- ment at (3. Schiirmer, Inc. He had been with Schirmer's 22 years. Penn had left his home only a few minutes earlier when the shoot- ing occurred. The assassins, who fired from an automobile, then sped away. Penn was taken to Ford- ham hospital, where he succumbed. No motive could be established for the slaying, with police and as- sociates alike completely mystified as to the cause. Mistaken . identity is the best explanation so far. His widow and two daughters survive. Woods, Howard, Vlllaga Barn, NTC z '■ Turke. Bob, c/o Wm. Morris. Bwerllng. Ruby. Stat* T.. NTC. ZIto. Horaclo. St. Morltx IL, NTC. WOAOWAY, N. Y. HARRY UNK, Gen. Prof. Mgr. From "The Starmaker" a Paramount Picture Featuring BING CROSBY Two swell Johnny Burke and Jimmy Monaco songs: A GORGEOUS BALLAD A MAN AND HIS DREAM A PEACH OF A NOVELTY AN APPLE FOR THE TEACHER We gave you "Music Goes Round" and "Three Little Fishies" and NOW this WOW! THE MAN WITH THE MANDOLIN Horace recorded it, Guy recorded it, Glenn recorded it and so did Wayne and Frances and Barry and Chick SANTLY-JOY-SELECT, Inc. 1619 BROADWAY. NEW YORK Chicago • Hollywood • Boston • Pittsburgh • Philadelphia • Cincinnati • San Francisco