Variety (Jul 1939)

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W»"dnefiJay' July 26, 1939 CHATTER VARIETY 53 Broadway Beryl Mercer critically ill on the Coast. J Parker Read, veteran producer, In town rrom Cuba. Boys prepping lor opening ol the Saratoga season. Jack Leventhal seriously ailing in Polyclinic hospital. Frances Welch torching at Jimmy Dwyer's Sawdust Trail. ITOA exhibs make whoopee up the Hudson tomorrow tThurs.). Jack Karr, of the Toronto Star. In town for star interviews. Jake Milstein may Atlantic Clip- per to Europa on Saturday. Hugh Huber, Hal Roach studio exec, in from Coast for 10 days. Skin-grafting operation on Lou Clayton's schnoz again failed to take. Leonard Harper out as producer of stage shows at the Harlem Apollo. Moe Siege! and George Sherman, of Republic, bqck to the Coast to- ""walter Gould planes for South America July 30 to look over U. A. exchanges. Ike Lisbon, Cincmnati theatre ope- .rator, in. for product contaBs with Jules Levy. Herb Forsler, head of Western Electric publicity, oil on a fishing trip in Canada. Edward Everett Hale, WPA con- tact for Equity, ordered to take two- week rest by doctor. Julia Marlowe, the oldtime legit- er, has been living in Cairo, Egypt, in quiet retirement. Lou Diamond retiurned from the Coast Monday (24) after 6gUng indie- made shorts that Par may reiease. Son of Ben Rubensi who is George (Red) McKay's brother, conducting the Sportman's bar and cafe at the Fair. ■ Marilyn Barry, wife of Parampunt's Jack Barry, is liaving her 6rst play tried out in summer stoclc at Litch- field, Conn, Earle Hammons finished fourth in the Larchmont yacht races, with plenty of boats tailing him in the competition. J. Cheever Cowdin, chairman of Universal, is due in from Europe to- I ^ay ; (Wednesday) after about a month abroad. John Root, the scene designer, and Margaret Mullen (Root), legit actress, back from a monthla stay at Cape Cod and Westport Joseph Bursty n (of Mayer & Bur- styn), foreign film distrlb, due back from Europe today (Wed.) after an eight-week buying trip. Barney Balaban, Joe Unger and AJec Moss leaving tomorrow for Niagara Falls to attend Famous Player.<;-Canadian meeting, ' . Lot of distributor and theatre men Slanning to go up to Gloversville, f, Y., for the Schine Bros, anniver- ■ sary shindig next week. Samuel Goldwyn says he's 'tickled' Fred Storm, former U. P. cor- respondent, is now 'on the other side of the fence' as his (Goldwyn's) p.a. Eddie Buzzell and Norman Krasna advanced their European. vacQsh sailing to yesterday iTue.s.), after a hectic 24 hours to rush through their pa.<^port.s. Jess DeAngelis is now in charge of the billposting^'icd'rhpdhy of her late husband', Ph'il, and -:has - closed a deal with 20th to handle papering on, 'Stanley and Livingstorie.' ASCAP imprints on its postal can- Kllation machine the legend, 'Jus- tice for Genius',/ as a constant mes- sage and remidaer of its legislative flphts for copyright protection. Billy Rose hasn't missed a trick at his Ai)uacade—audibly plugs Chcs- terfleld cigs (for a fee), shills for his Diamond Horseshoe nitery in town, sells souvenirs, etc. Biz terrific. Colleen Moore's doll house, play- ing repeat engagement at Macy's, promises to break attendance rec- ords for this type display. Word- 0-mouth by Fair visitors a reason. One of the i)ice.<;t foreign pavilion restaurants at the Fair i.s the Argen- tine, where Benito CoUada, boss of El Chico. in the Village, runs it for the Argentine government. They don't throw the lood at you as they do- In the- overly popular French pavilion,. which is getting a bad word-ot-mouth for that reason. York, named manager of the Ritz- Carlton here week. Jack Lexcy promoting a Jrfan Arthur Fan club at hi.s Broadway theatre, with org to hold moiithly meetings at the house. Ward Wheelock, prez of the ad agency ',iear;ng W.;, .-j,i;r.i;, puolic.ty chairman for Davis Cup challenge rot;nds at Merion Cricket club Sept. 2-4. Eugene Ormandy, Philly Orch con- ductor, must keep his baton-waver in a sling for eight weeks while re- cuping at Camden, Me., from recent operation. | Bill Fletcher, former director of the old Academy Players, is direct- ing Haubett theatre, strawhatSer at Newfoundland, Pa., where Mae Des- mond is doing the starring, Betty. Lee, Immaculata college grad, left for Saa' Francisco, where she will appear with Ger- trude Hoffman girls in Cliflord Fischer's 'Folies' at Treasure Island. Jack Greenberg, exhib and former secretary of the Film Board of Trade, recuping from an emergency appendectomy. London Blattner are leads in 'A Merchant of : Vonkers." being presented by Town I Square theatre. I Jane Miller, chorine at Municipal around theatre, wed to Jimmy Sorcnsen, non-pro. She will finish season at Bernard Merivale left $20,000, UnaWyte to Le Touquet, at Ca.-ino ; ar'fresco pTayhouse, " Lea Seidl o* diet, bent on taking Li'™,°'y ^"arris, .press agent at off 28 pbimds in two months, Jt"^^ . ''^s obtajiied commercial Carroll Levis on weekend fiying "i^J.^hcense. He obtained private trip, covering Torino and Cannes. | hceose several years ago. Hollywood Paris By Herb Golden Mario Villani agaiii directing mu- slt and entertainment at the Anchor- age. , Charley Tindel. of WCAU, has bought a 16-foot.boat. Jack Lynch flew to Chicago last week on a mystery errand. .Mort Goldstein, former rep in Singapore for .Columbia Pictures, in town. John Paul Weber, and Lee Vines doing a new nightly news-spoirts rouiidup on WIP. Mrs, Roscoe F. Fauncc, wife of Ocean City, N. J., exhib, convalesc- .'ng in a Philly hospital, ..Joe Dillon, WPEN. Night Club of Ajr spieler, combined birthday celebration Saturday with his eighth anni m radio, George S, Kovach, recently man- ager of Hotel 10 Park avenue. New Dorothy Parker in for vacation, Ina Souez, Colorado prima donna, in Paris. Jean Muirat, resting at Antibes be- tween pictures. Nayari Pearce, American singer and dancer, in from London, Charles Martinelli reelected presi- dent of the Union des Artistes. John McCormick, of Leiand Hay- ward office, back to New. York. Arobassadeiirs closed for the sea- son • (July 8). Reopens in Septeip- Michele Morgan and Jean Gabih, who teamed together in 'Quai des. Brumes,' will be seen in 'Remorques.' 'Confessions of a Nazi. Spy' (WB), plaj^iDC to full houses simultaneous- ly at the Max Linder, the Apollo and the Cesar. Viennese Operetta, 'The White Mountain,' by Robert Stolz, will be staged at the Chatelel next season by Maurice Lehroann. Jack Forrester back from London, where he reportedly got financial backing for his new film, 'Dedee d'Anver.s,' with Marlene Dietrich, French screen comic, Roland Tou- tain, seriously injured when auto he was riding in overturned just out- side of Antibes, Taken to Nice hos- pital. Lida Barova, Czech film actress, because of whom Goebliels received beating, is in town. Rumored she will go to Italy, where Vittorio Mus- solini has promised to star her. Grace Moore off to .Cannes for month's rest. Will sing at Geneva August 13 and then back to Paris for 'Louise' pic premiere in Sep- tember, followed by performance at the Paris Opera.. Sfaroudsburg, Pa. By John J> Barlhjalomew Eloise Bieber at Pocono Manor- Inn. Outdoor picture spots mushroom- ing. . Buck Hill Players to present Frank Vesper's "Love- from a Stranger' July 28. Russell Bro.<!.' 'third largest circus in U.S.' did only fair biz here last week (21). ; Director Joseph P. Doyle of the Shawnee Players, calling for ama- teurs' scripts. Gustave Blair (Charley Ross) stopped over enroute to N.Y. to con- tact publishers for forlhcom-ing book. •So Long, Goodbye.' original by Ruth and Lola Sunday, accepted by Landt Trio .for new music publish- ing venture. Kay Kimber may return here to star in West End show in the fall. Charles Urry out of Charles Tuck- er office and back with brother Len's agency. Jack Oliphant latest picture thea- tre owner. Has bought a sniallie in Brighton. ' Charles Woolf \;ent for. ah e.state in Newbury to house his entire staff in case of war, • Sam Wilson, local act; doing a ver- batim takeoff of George Givol and ipati getting bookings. I ' Louis Levy to Cannes for short I vacation, then comes back to do a coupla pictures at Pinewood. Before leaving for the Continent: Marlene Dietrich negotiated with: Metro to make a picture here. . Lew Stone's residence in the coun- try adjoins a golf course; he hasn't bought a golf ball in two years. Jack Forrester to Paris, but re- ttuning in a fortnight to resume ne- gotiations for Marlene Dietrich pic- ture, Ricihard Ainley in cast of Bernard Shaw's 'Major Barbara,' which Ga- briel Pascal is to inake for Charles Woolf. . Irving Asher has been notified by the Government to accommodate 30 children at his country house in case of war. Music Corp. of America wants Darmorra Ballet for New York show. Must sail Sept. 7, to open Sept. 30. Jack Harris not staying at London Casino; New band being negotiated for next show, .opening Aug. 7, but not yet set. Jack Duranjt having trial .swim from Westminster to Putney Bridge in training for his forthcoming Channel try. Alexander Korda interested in Germaine Oussey . for 'Manon Le- .<icaut, which is scheduled to folliow Thief of Bagdad.' Toy and Wing go into Charles Cochran's Trocadero cabaret in Sep.- tember and likely to stay till show closes next April. Tom Arnold making offer for Arts' Theatre Club, 3S0-seater, if he can get by the London County Council theatre buildings regulations. Nicholas Brodszky may go to Hol- lywood for Paramount as result of his work in 'French Without Tears' and 'Live and Let Live' for Par over here. Rumored ' London Hippodrome's second edition of current, revue^ •Black and Blue,' will be titled Black Velvet' and will have practically same cast. A number of film players gave their services free for the making of short National Service propaganda films, produced at Ealing Studios' by Michael Balcon. The residential club at Pinewood, with swimming pool, colored lights and all the trimmings, has been bought by Lloyd's to store its docu- ments in time of war. Jim Seymour, forijierly scripter for Warner' Bros,, a, private secretary to Joe Kennedy,"~Aj«ericfin Ambassador in Englarid. presentcd at Court to the King and Queen. Harry Lachmah over to direct 'They Came By Night' for 20th-Fox- Gainsborough, which stars Will Fyffe. Shooting starts July 27. Also likely to do film for Gaumont-British. Metro has rented spot at Watford, spending 810,000, to house entire staff in case of war evacuation order. A. E. Abrahams is moving his offices over to Teignmouth, Devonshire. Tommy Bostock and William Mol- lison off'to Blackpool to take a look at Jesse Matthews' show, "I Can Take It.' May be fixed up for Lon- don' run at His Majesty's -theatre. Preem of dance suite composed by Paul Nordoff and appearance of Nancy Hitch Fordyce, native singer, featured final concert of Little Sym- phony of St. Louis in quadrangle at George Washington U. Charles Bennatij manager for the Fi-isina circuit, Gillespie, 111., trans- ferred to Shelbyville, 111., replacing Randolph Pedrucci, who has been upped asst. booker for entire cir- cuit. Pio Pedrucci supplants Ben- Otterson's Co. Pittsburgh By Hal Cohen Mrs. Dick Fortune, wife; of Press critic, coming around all right after serious operation. Milt Golden, son of former WB theatre manager, putting together a dance band for the fall. Sheridan Square mahagcr Lyle Harding convalescing at Montefiore hosp after serious illness. George Pennington drum-beating Park H Martin's GOP candidacy for county commissionership. •Jack Bowman, dance instructor, has returned to Kcnnywood Park as manager of the ballroom, Post-Gazette city editor Joe Shu- man vacationing with his brother, Ike Shuman, at Bucks County, Pa- Charles Bl.nck; private secretary of ex-Senator Harris of theatre circuit bearing that name, was 82 last week. Harry Kalmine's chest all puffed out, the result of two big marlin ha landed at Ocean City. Md., last weak, ■ Mr.s. Eva Siinon has gone to Holly- wood to spend a. month with her son. S. Sylvan Simon, the Metro director. ,. . „ Ruth Willock, 'Miss We.'-tern Penn- sylvania,' at Atlantic City last year, picked to represent entire stale this summer. (Continued from page 23) radio equipment, phonographs and phonograph supplies, undor the new setiip wiU take the name of the par- ent company, being further identi- fied by the state in which they are located. For example. Wholesale Radio, Inc., of rfew York, becomes Radio Wiire Television, Inc., of New York. The 22 or more other units will be similarly renamed under the new alignment Wholesale Radio Service Is re- ported on substantial authority to have shown a profit of more than $3,000,^000 during the past fiscal year. Under the old s&tup, it had a whoUy owned subsid, Transformer Corp. of. America, which handles equipment for radio stations and public address systems. * Although not admitted officially, it is reported that one of the basic ideas behind the new vast merger is to have a wire network ready for television when and as it actually arrives. Radio Wire Television-Corp. has studios at 160 East 56th Street. Hal Herman to Wichita. Robert E. Sherwood in from New York. John McCormick back from Eu- rope, Monte Blue injured by falling horse. Johnny Singer joined Paul Savoys agency, Harold Lloyd returned from N. "Jf. biz trip. Rube Goldberg in town on biz and pleasure. Susan Hayward on ea.s-tern per- sonal tour. Mickey Bennett awarded solo fly- ing license. Ken Carpenter recovering from ap- pendectomy. Pat Shanley new assistant manager of Plaza hotel. Phil Selznick gives up operation of It Cafe, Aug. 1. Gov. Lloyd C. Stark of Missouri visiting Bob Burns. Martha Raye to Frisco for two weeks of personals. Frank Kelton back from Florida to represent Mills Music. Cai'l Laemmle improving alter at- tack of acute indifiesUon. Gerd Oswald lining up Hollywood talent for films in France. Jack Roper making believe he's a pugilist for Universal cameras. Johnny Mack Brown vacationing with family at Yellowstone Park. .Freddie Bartholomew goes to Frisco this week to address 15,000 Boy Scouts. Gabe Yorke appointed chairman of committee to plug Golden Jubilee of film industry. By bes Rces Philadelpbia An;le Philadelphia, July 25. Wire Broadcasting, Inc., has taken over Muse-Art Corp., of Philly, which supplies music by wire similarly to Muzak in New York. Wire Broadcasting, in fact, has sprung'up ais Muzak's principal com- petitor, and will shortly expand its activities to Newark, Elizabeth, Washington, Baltimore, Boston, Pittsburgh and other principal eastern cities. The new music piping outfit has also set up another subsidiary here, Tele-Programs, Inc., of Pennsyl- vania. Reason for this additional company was not revealed, but Max Ingber, executive v.p. of Muse-Art, said that experiments are under way lo determine the possibility of use of this network of leased wire for tele- vision broadcasts. It is ucUeved that Tele-Programs has been set up to handle this service when it is devel- oped. I System of sound broadcasting by ! wire, which the new organization | will use in supplying re.ttaurants,' hotels, clubs and other establish-; menls in Philly, was developed by Western Electric, Electrical Research Products, Inc., and Bell Laboratories. Wire Broadcasting is now serving the Federal government building and Gardens on Parade at the World's repertory, with weekly changes, pre sented by Barry O'Brien, has been avcraeini: S4;000 weekly. Contract extended, for entire month of Au- gust. Bert Hicks, husband of Adelaide 'Biuy the Dead' is U. of Minnesota theatre's final summer oflering. Joe Lacy, veteran advance man, back after two years in Hollywood. Ringling circus here Aug. 3 and 4 for first engagement iii-twd years. Jack LaRue laid off here three days prior to Minnesota's reopening. Bill Classen, .20th-Fox, recovered from hospital siege and back on job. W. M. Miller, Cloquet, Minn., ex- hibitor, pilots airplanes for amuse- ment. Joe Fieldman, Universar salesman 18 years, joined National Screen sales staff. Newest 'Folies Bergere' show booked into Orpheum Sept. 1 en route east from Coast. W. A. Stcffes installing new sound equipment in his World theatre, which will reopen .<!00n. ■ Roy Schlentz, Gopher theatre manager, brought his dad back from Forth Worth. Texas, for visit Molly McGuite, 16 years with Warner Brothers, office staff, resign- ing' to join family in California. ■ Harry Hirsch's Gayety burlesque season opens Aug. 25 with road- shows supplementing house-line. R. W. Wilson, formerly with Uni- versal in Canada, added to local sales staff to cover South Dakota. Ella Harrod back from New York as National Screen office manager, succeeding Kenneth Gray, resigned. Susan Hayward, 'Beau Gcste' feminine lead, here with Terry De ' Lapp, Paramount .studio publicity director, for invitation screening of film. Jack Thoma, Columbia txploileer, here from Chicago working on •Blondic Takes Vacation.' 'Clouds Over. Europe,' 'Golden Boy' and 'Good Girls Go to Paris.' Aostralia By EtU Gorrlck' . jjOndon ' Coliseum's new policy of Fair. When it has completed the buying of control and the setting up j on other music-piping companies in | principal cities, it plans to .send out all its programs from a central point in one of the cities. It uses the vcr- Hall, taking over the Florida Bottle tical hill and dale method of record- Club from (Captain Halsey. Will op- jng, " . erate spot on same lines as Cotton y,. BroadcastinK'i enBinoarini? Club. New York, and opens in Sep- wue Broadcastings entincaring temb^r *^ ' , staff consists of several men who The filming of "The Night of the were originally assigned to direct the Fire.' starring Ralph Richardson and directed b.y Brian Desmond Hurst, necessitated the building of one of the largest sots ever erected at Den- ham. In the supporting cast are Mary j Clare, Romney Brent, Henry Oscar.: SL Louis By Sam X. Hursl Fifl D'Or.eay currently at Brooklyn i club, cast side nitery. I Marguerite Gwynne, graduate of. ; Stephens College, Columbia, Mo., ' signed by Universal Pictures. I Ray McQuillen, of Loew's, ready- I ing for appendectomy after rccpvor- j ing from malaria. He's shed over 17 pounds. Harry Crawford, manager of Fan- ' chon 8i Marco's downtown dor. vacationing on his farm in New research work for the Bell System and Western Electric. Muse-Art has been in business here for a long time, but has very few customers. Muzak recently at- tempted to come into Philly, but gave up. It had already made a compromise with the Musicians Union, which in the tinal analysis controls the use of all such wire I .•.ervices here. Because of a city ordi- | nance that all privcte leaiied wires; must be approved by an act of coun- i cil, councilmen hesitate to go coun- I ter to the wishes of the musicians { and ' bring down .on themselves the i entire voting strength of organIzed'| labor in the city. ' ' Wire Broadcasting has eliminated j a portion of its difficulties in getting | an act through council by taking . over Muse-Art, which already con- '■ York State. . ^ ■ , , Albert Hohengarten and Mary' trols « quantity of leased.wires. Con.slance Worth writing Holly- wood memoirs. John GouLston, Greater Union, on biz trip to London, Tom Eslick plans to open his Lima Park venture in Brisbane this Sep- tember. .. i . Joe McElIigott has been placed in charge of exploitation of the State. Melbourne, for Greater Union. Charlotte Greenwood will do short season in Brisbane for Williamson- Tait in 'Leaning on Letly' prior to Sydney premiere. Hinted that any standard form contract set by the Films Commis- sion in New South Wales will not include any reduction in 25% right of rejection U. S. product Richard (brooks will do a seiason in South Africa oh completing Austra- lian tour.. Will be first visit Crooks- is currently meeting with success in Sydney for Williamson-Tait Condensed version of 'The Drunk- ard,' running 30 mins., will be spot- led into Capitol, Sydney, by Greater Union shortly. It's a new idea in presentation for a'oic house. That Hoyts-G. U. T. merger deal was felt here' almost immediately. A Republic pic. 'Woman Dootor,' was spotted into Embassy. Sydney, same week following confirmation-tieup. Although Emba's^ is still under the o'ld General Theatres' hookup, it's the first time that a Republic pic has gone in. Product is handled here by British Empire Film.<!. a unit con- nected with G. U. T, ~