Variety (Aug 1939)

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S2 VARIETY RADIO Wednesday, Augii»l 2, 1939 LOG ALL MUSIC PLAYED, SEZ FCC t-4 4 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦♦♦♦♦♦-i. **- **♦-♦♦♦^ F. C. C's WASHINGTON DOCKET »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦<♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦■»♦♦♦♦4♦«♦♦«>♦>»»* »»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«<♦♦♦«»♦«♦>♦♦♦♦♦♦♦< Wasington, Aug. 1. Title o( each' number played in aity program made up of separate transcriptions must be shown in sta- tion log or appended document un- dor the new FCC rules going into ef- fect today (Tuesday). OfAcial in- terpretation of Section 3.90 (a) (2) oi the revised regulations—a head- ache particularly for small stalionr. —affords little . leeway for the Ipg- keepers. In response to inquiry from NAB. the Commlsh held Thursday (27) that it will be unnecessary to list the nam« of each tune on a 15-minute disc prepared as a complete trans- cribed program but that individual entries must be made on the station books in the. case of studio-built wax pro!{ram$, such as 'Musical Clock' features. In the case of such complete pro- grams as Studebaker and Chevrolet entertainments, requirements will, be complied with by making an entry of this kind: '5 to 5:15 p.m. Tran- scription, XYZ Musical Interlude, XYZ Corp., music,' according to statement by Acting Secretary Jack Reynolds. But more detailed info is needed to cover the other types of programs. Replying to NAB Counsel Andrew W. Bennett, the Commish spokesman said: 'Your remaining question has to do with the type of program in which individual records are played, inter- spersed with commercial announce- ments, and you ask whether an entry contaming the name of the program and an indication of the commercial announcements made will be suf- ficient, without listing separately the titles of each one of the musical numbers played. 'You are informed that the Com- mislson jWould not regard such an entry as incompliance with the rule, although it will permit such form of abbreviated entry from which the name of the particular record could be ascertained as broadcast stations may find it convenient to use. 'For example, it would be permis- sible to use a system of numbers cor responding to the names of the rec ords, as long as it is. possible to as certain on inquiry the names of the records to, which the; key numbers refer. Also it would be permissible as an alternative to simply incorpo rate in the log by reference, with copy atached, any list of continuities prspared by the station in advance, containing the names of the records, to which could be added the appro- priate time notation.' ■. ..^,■ •■• ••■'••V'^iVfdVffi^OTiV'.'vVlJ;. !. ^ (Prodigion.s work by the l''CC in llie last ciiflit niontlis lias wi|K'd ll'ie- shlc nearly clean of docket cases. Review last week .showed only. 54 mailers have not been settled by decision of some sort. Between Nov. 15 and July 27, the regulators closed 290 casc.«. The files still coni.^iin 35 which have been heard aiid argued, 12 of which cannot be acted upon because of circumstances beyond Coniniish control, such as conflicts with the Havana Treaty and court cases hanjiinf!; fire. De- cisions in preparation in 23 other unlinished cases, ! with 19 more still unready for action because final :stages h;ive. not been completed.) I Thayer Ridgeway Named G. M. by Carl Haymond Tacoma, Wash.; Aug. 1 Thayer Ridgeway, former general sales manager of the Mutual-Don Lee Broadcasting System, takes over to- day as general manager of the Pa cilic Broadcasting Co. ""■ He'll also be assistant to Carl Hay mond. prez of the 16-station unit in the D-L net. MAJOR DECISIONS Uncle Ezra's Fihn Hollywood, Aug. 1. Uncle Ezra (Pat Barrett) of the Alka-Seltzer ether show will be a top-liner in 'Comin' Round the Moun- tain* which William C. Thomas will produce at Paramount. 'Fall flicker will carry list of radio hillbilly names. ' Arthur Church's Telecasts Kansas City, Aug. 1. Arthur Church has applied to the FCC 'for a television license and hopes to be on the air this winter with some sky-pictures. Owner of KMBC does not plan a heavy tele- cast schedule but has the idea that a few programs good enough to command respect on quality are smarter than a wider but thinner service. Church, through a subsidiary, has been interested in television for years. ArkiiitMH: FMv/-f1oP of tlie roniniUh on (ho np|>ll(':t(lon of he Hut S]M'ln;;.s Bnmdi-nHlin;; Co.. iloi f^iirtiijcrfl. uniiounccd ast week.' l**ollowi))}7 conddlcfHlIon of n peiiilDii lo rcronsliler nnd Ki't^nt the plon,.hVC derided addlllona) Information Hied by tiio. applU'uni? was su'llciciuly- i-onvinchix for nn okay. Informed Clyde. K. Wilson and Howiird A. Shiini:tn'thru con- Rlruction couhl toe siarled on a iTew aitalon lu be oiieratt^d on 1310 ku with 100 wa:ta nlghtii, s:^0 watia (1iiy.». Cullfor'nln: (]) IMnna fur a new a(Hllpn ai M.-iryMvMIc bushed n the hend by t'ommlsh propo.oAl to deny the appllc.itlon of he'Ynha-Sutlcr Uroadcajtler;). Kapved (lie ttnanvlal setup of he orKiinlKnlliin. and qui>3tloneit the need for n re^lonnl frenucncy requ'^stoil by the company. Kvhlonre reintinp. lo he resourceq of the three proposed atoukhohlera of the cor- poration described ma *»b i'onfu^lhR. vague and Indeilnlte that In hnposHlblft nn iliia record to fliid that Iho iipplicnnt ia nnanolnlly quallMcd lo construct and operale the proposed station.' Yuba-Sntler icroup failed to eatabllxh tbut il^ proposed aei'Vtce could nut be rendered by the uha of h Ioch) fretiuency consistent with the I'ontmlMHion'a prexent. pltin nf allocation,' nstead of the 1:e30 kc ribbon reque.«ied. Trunsmltler "n'ould have been, operated wlih 2G0 \vaiiM. usintr -a directional antenna' nlR^htn. (2) Final approval given KSl.T, Fresno, for a povver-bonnce from 1 to 6 kw. Sitilloh, which operutew on. tMO ku. will In- Htall new eaulpmeni. and move Iransmliter locally. Owned by the llcClalchy Inierexiit.'' Ueorein: Final order granting tr.Tn»f«'r of W-^flA. Atlnnla^ from Iflberly BroRdcastlng. t^o.. to l.ihfriy firondr:iMilni; Corp. approved Thursday C^l). Station lu operaled on H&i) kc with ^ 500 waita nlghlfl. 1 kw days. - llllnolfl: n) Transfer of tontrol of WAAF, Chloaeo. from (he Corn Ileli Vubli^hers. Inc., to KhIpIi W. 1>Hw:ion. el al, okayed In a ('omn^i?«h d^clflion with ih^ erTi'dlvt^ d:ile set for Thursday (3;. Trun.-imliter opc-raiea on S20 kc. with i kw, "days only. (2) Final order In (he matter of Muiual Droadcustlng Sys- tem's ro'itiest for amhorliy lo irnnMmU pri>Kram)i (o broad- cast stations in Canada put lli'rouxh lust week. No exreptlonn filed or j)lens for argument following. Issuance of a proposed the Comnilsh June 2'.- (3) Order approving three-w.iy appUrallon of AVJBI*, Decatur, WJBc. Bloointnglon. and "WBOW. Torre Haute (Ind.), Issued Thurnday C27J. AVJBI^ will awli.-h from 1200 (d 1310 kc and boost day power to 2oO winta. W.roc. operated by Arthur Mnlrolm McGregor and l>ornihy Charlotte Mc- Gregor, wlll chanire from shnrln;< with W.IBl.. to unlimited on 1200 kc with 100 ^atta nighis. .Z.'tO wattja dnya. Indiana transmitter, llcenfied to Bankn uf the Wabanh, Inc., will move from 1310 to 1200 kc to accommodate lis colleagues. Original order wa^ modll^ed an follows: 'That the applica- tion of Arthur Xalcolm McGregor- and Dorothy f*hurlolte McGregor ... he granted flub.lei:i to the e:^press condition that Station \VJBI« bo licensed to operate upon the frequency of 1310 kc upon completion of con!>tructlnn an aulhorlMd In Docket 5:.*07, and the effective dale of the modlfled llcenae aulhorl'/,ed hereunder to Station 'WJBC. If and when Issued, shall be the same d,ite upon which Slaiion WJBL. I» licensed (0 operate on 1310 k<'.' (4) Commlsh la.^t week gava a npln to (he wheeln Involved In transfer of WJHJ. uee above) lu the ,Dei-.iiur Ni^WapHpera. Inc:—a case likely io eaiabllsh new precedent In newMpai>er ownerahip of brnad«^HnL stations. Anrmunred Iih dccliilun lo okay the appllcarion of charlefj R. Cook, transferor, for con- sent to transfer shares of the Commodore Broadcasting Co., Inc., licensee, to (he newspaper rliali). Broudcasting company will retain operation of the transmitter under con- trol of Decatur NewapaperH, Inc., which will supply needed financial aid tr> properly run the station.* . Control by the newspaper orpnni'/allon 'will be an Improve- ment ove,r that previously rendered.' t'ommlMh found. (6) New station for Hei-rin whs ronllrmRd In a decision throwing out another llllnoin applicntlon and hl:«>'(ing a l)ilrd request from KFVS, I'm pe Girardeau, Mo. —the lalter caaea denied without prejudice. Need e.\l.*<ts In Herrin for a stntion lo be operated on 1310 kc wlih 100 watts nif(hl.«. ifuO wiius dayM. Cummish decided In the case of an applii-aiion from Oi vllle w. l.y^rla. No necessity for \VRBO, Barrlsburg. 111., and KFVS, Cape Girardeau, lo nplit up their present ah^rliiK agreement to branch out for I heinfteU'es. Coverage of V/KOQ would be 'conaUlerably diminl.shed* If the de.sired switch from l;flO to 1310 kc. w^re Krnnted, Cummlah decided. Granting of the npplii-HtIon also would preclude an okay for the new transniKier at Herrin. Although admltiing a need exists for the operation of KFVS, (?ommlR)i defended lia decision nn niHklng available primary service (o.a city now wiihoni such service 'while a denial of the other two applli-a tions would not deprive those cities of the part time primary service now avnilnble from WKUQ nnd KFVS.' Commissioners T. A. M. Craven and Norman fl. Case dis- sented from the decision and Chairman McNIni-h and Com- missioner Thad H. Brown did not partU-Ipate—leaving three, commlBfllohera to hand down ihe opinion. Ittdlnnu: New station for Vlncennea reclVed preliminary okay on the request or VIncennes Newxpappi-H. Inc.. for & transmitter to oi>ernte on 14'.!0 kc with lOO wuiis. Applicant Is. legally, financially and otherwise quallfled to cnnjitf'uct and operale the plant. Commlsh found In a proposed finding ot fact and concluslrn. Michigan; (1) Daytime station for ronllac. to be operated with 1 kw on 1100 kc, approved in a local iug-o*-war which resulted In a dismissal wlih prejudhe for one applicant and designation for further hearing of a third plea from the a.tme town. Pontlau Broadcasting Co. was chosen by the Commlah, while George B. Siorer—asking 600 kc with 250 watts un- limited—was turned down with prejudice because his motion lo dismiss the plea was filed loo laie. Klng-Trendle Broadcoallng Corp.. also of Pontine, will be heard further on Its reViuest for operation on 1440.kc with 250 watts, because HUbsequent lo the henring on Its application Commlflh rules were amended. Pointed out that after Tues- day (1) stations using the requested 1440 kc fro'iucncy will be permitted to go to 6 kw nights. Fui'lher hearing will be automatically ordered on applications Involving night, opera- tion on regional freqiiencles, (2) New transmitter for Brown City, tentatively nixed by the Commlsh-on.grounds thst use of thn riMiuested regional frequency would not tend toward a fair nnd equitable dis- tribution of broadcast facilities and not lit in with Commlsh plan of allocation. . Disappointed candidate .was the Thumb Brortdrauting Co., renuesting a 'dr\ytlme station to operate on biO kc with 1 kw. MiaslsHli»i>i: Final order grantIng the application of John R. Poiipcr, Creanvltle, for a new.stnilon (•> be operated on i:;tO • kc wilh lO' O ' .ij^iCv j ' .:^htj; " ' -aSO watts dffys, adopted iv.».^**»«-*i*t '^'.'*"'*+***P^"'*'*r''*' ;W»4'J*harlnj:. bayis with "WJAC, ■ Johnstown. green-llk'hK'd tn.^t w.«..k with the adoption df « final order permitting Uiirestrhted use uf the 1310 kc frri|uency with 100 walls. .South Cnrollnu: Chnngo of hours of operation for WOT.S, Florence, from days (o unlimited, with 100 waits on 1200 kc. received a Unal .okay from (he Comnil.ili. Bcnewal of Jlcense also was ordered for the transin1((er. At the same lime ap- plication of the Pee Vce Ihoadcnsllng Civ. for a hew etation to bo operated on 1-00 kc with 100 watt» nights, 250 watts days, rpcci%-cil a, turndown. . TenneHtM*r: Now Ktatlon-' (Inally gi'anted M. It. Medley. Conkevllle. on his appllcallon fur i:tTO kv with 100 watts nlKhts. 250 wulia days.. Texna: Chnn(:e of asslgnmt^nt from d.iy operation on 1370 kc with 250 waits, (o unllmKed operutlon on the same froquehcy. using 100 walt.i nliclils. 2f.n walls days. Approved by Commlsh for KTE, Temple. Sluilon is operated by the -Bell Broadcasting Co. U'ltshlngton: I'ropuneil flndlng.s of the Commlsh promlaed an okay for KnSi*, .soutlle. un Its plea for a. power boost. Improved signal to the city and extension.- of good service would result from granting a bouot from 330 wa((a to 1 kw, Comntlsh .agreed. >omn tiw-rease hi Interference would occur nights to KRKD, and KSKG. I.os AnKet*'S. it wns admitted, but jirlmary . Si'rvic** areas of the CaliPonilii ti-nnsmlltcrs would not be affected. Thursday (27) by the Comnifsh. New Yurk: Proposal lo grant request of Nlttgara Falls QaRelle publishing Co.. Niagara Falls, released Thursday (27) by the FCC, Local service Is needed In (he locality of Niagara Falls. Commlsh decided, and no Interference to other transmitter would be expected from the proposed daytime station operating on ISCO kc with 1 kw. North Carolina: Final denial of frequency change and power boost for WQTM, 'Wilson, Issued last week after no exceptions were filed to Commlsh findings of fact entered June 21. Tran^mtller. operatad by WtlT.M, Tnc, Inst Us plea to change from 1240 to 1310 kc and boost power from 100. to .600 watts, days only. PennAylvnnlii: Unlimited operation for WFDG, AUoona. and MINOR DECISIONS Alitlittmu; WAn. Ahibnmn Piilylprltnlc Tn.sliinle. Unlvei'-. sity 6( Alubninu nnil Al:ib:iina <'ollei:e, ttli'ni(i);;hiiin. Rranted «jcten.Hlon of- ttpoi' nnlhuiiy.tillon lo npri'itto' unliiiiltcd on IMO kr M'lth & kw. >vi(li dit-eiMioiiul aiueiiiia syittctu' after auiisrt at Tiil.H.T. okla. .\li»flkii: KOHIT KolchMcHn.^ i»Kloniloi1 on temporary bnHia only to-Sppt. 1, pending deiennlodliun on renewal ap- plli'ntlon. .\rknna»i); KTH9. Hot Sprlntrn rb.intli.r of Conimfrce. Hot Sprlnea, granted .x'len.nion of speckil rxperhnenlal aulliorlty to operate on 1060 kc wllli 10 kw, slniull:ineuusly will) \V1IAI<, Dullhnore (nlao. ^ llccnjiL^ e\lonilr(1 lemiiorarlly' to Sept. 1, pendlnf; (tetcrinlhatlon on rvni'wnl AP|)lU-alion). Cnlirpmln: KHUll. .lulin 1'.' SitIppm. 'WniHonvlll., booat pow.r and time of oper.itlon fi-oin :!5() watLs. dnya only, to 100 watts nlKht.s, 2.'>0 watl.i diiy.s. unllniUod; KIKV. ('nnnon Sys- tem. Ltd.; (ficndale. granted 90-diiy liMnpin-ary renewal o£ -license (l^ommlSRloncr CrHveh vniing .Wo') . wlillo i'onim'lah probes differences between promised prosrain aervlco and service rendered. KROW, H. P. Drey. S. T,. Brevill. Tl. E. Morgan. Oliaiiea Martin, f. y. Khemeyer, hcting un llioir b>>ltHlf an^l na repre- sentatives -Of ow-nera of 97t% of atork of lOdiu-adonal liroad- casllng Corp.,'Oaklunfl, granted Hiilliorll-y lo transfer control of corporation to W'. J, Duniin. I'lilllp IJ. [..mli.v. Fred ,T.' Hart and Wallace R Ellloll: KTIIII. Thomas It. Mi-Tammany and William H. Bates.-Jr., Modoatn. llvenne temporarily extended to Sept. 1. pending dclermln; of renewal applli-alIon. ronnectlriitrWrlC. Hai-tfoi-rl. granted extension of special experimental auihorlty to operate simultaneously wlili KRT..D, Dallas, on 1040 kc wllb SO kw. DWowure: WILM. Wllmlngion. granlcd boos! In operation from simultnneous-dnys, sharliig-niKlus with WAZL, lluzle- ton. Pa., to unlimited. Florida: Tom M. Bryan. Fort T.andertlnle.-. granted new ala-. tlon to be operated on ]"70 kc willi lou. wails nights. 250 watts days; WSPB, Suriisot.n, granted new «l.illon to be operated on 1420 kc with lOn wnlis nli.-lil.i. 2^0 watts days. (ieorKin: Frank H. PUicock. Sr.. Moulirio. grnnicd new sta- tion to he operated on 1370 kc with 100 whus nights, 2C0 Walts days. Indiana: WIDC. Indlnnapoli.s. license exicndrd leniporarlly to Sept. 1. pendl;ig deterniliial Ion on renewal application; WFBM, Indianapolis I'owcr Ji: Light I'o.. Indl.-innpolls, granted voluntary assignment of iicensii In AVKR.M. Inc. Kansas: KAN.S, Charles ('. Tlieis. WIchiio. griintcM authority to-transfer'control of corporaiion (Kiin.tHs I'ti-oiidcasiing <'o.) to stockholders (Herb Holli.ster); KVi:i). Helen Twonaley, Crfat Bend, license extended temporarily to Sept. 1, pending determination on appilc;itIoh for ronewsl. Kentnrky: WCMf, .T. T. Nnrris and T1. F. Forgey. Ashland, granted application for transfer of i-onti-ol of AHhIiind llroml- castlng Company (WCMI) to Ullmore N. Niinn aiid J. Llnd- aay Nunn. J,«ulHlanii: KWKH. Shrevcporl. .grunted extension of speclat axperlniental authority'to opei-aiH on lion kc with 50 kw; Using directional antenna for nlgiit oiicialion. Maryland: 'WBAU Iinltiinore. gi-nnUMl extension of special authorization to operate slnnillitnciiiisiy wlih [KTMS. Hot Springs. Ark., on lOliO with 1(1 kw. irroin i; a.m. lo local sunset at Hot Springs, and lo operale syni-lironously wilh WJZ, New York, on 7i:o kc witii i'rj kw, using directional antenna from 9 p.m.. BST. >fl)MinchusrttN: 'WSl'll. Sprlnglleld. grnnli'd sssignnient of license to WSPR. Inc. Iiilso, pi-esetit license of WSI'K ex- tended temporarily to Sept. 1, pending dcterhiiiinlion on renewal application). Michigan: 'WXVZ. Delroil. sllornny for 'WXY/. allowed to Withdraw 'petition to dismiss withom prfjinliee or for leave to amend api>llcatlon fi»r power incre.Tse from I to 8 kw; WKAR, Miclligan State follege. K. l.Hnsiok-. license extended temporarily pending delcrmlnalioii on renewal appllcallon. Missouri: W1>AK, t;ity, granted motion lo accept amendment so that applli-silon will bu considered as a modl- ncation of license to Incresse night power to 5 kw; KWOC Dpn M. DIdenion and A. 1.. .\lirarih>. ri>pl:ir Bluff, granted voluntary a.lslgnment of lIceiiKa lo A. 1,. Mcrnrthy. O. A. Tedrick and J. H. Wolpers, doing business as Radio Station KWOO. NebrnHkn: 'W.TAa. Norfolk Daily News. Norfolk, granted re- newal of license on t'-nii>or;ti-y basis mtiy. sul>.lect to such action as Commisii may lake on pending application for re- newal. New Ynrk: 'WJX'AT. and W3N't.. Nallnnsl Broadcasting To.. New TorU, granted extension of spe<-lsi temporary autliorlty to transmit programs c<inslsting of Spanish news to be re- broadcast by I'uban stations rMX and fOf.V, throngh Sept. 27; Columbia Broadcasting Syslciii. Inc., New 'Vork. granted extension of authorliy to transmit prugrnms io t-'FRH and CKAC and other stations under control of csnadlan Broad- easting Corp.; NBC, New York, granted extension of authority to transmit programs to CMX. Huv:ino.-i'uba, via R(!A Com- munications, Inc., originating In NUCs New York studios, or any points In th. U. S.; WBSG. Cornell \ niveralt.v. granted renewal of license on a temporary liasis onb', auhject to Commlsh. nctfon on renowat appllcallon. Korth rnrollna: 'WOT.M. Ben Farmer, 'Wllgnn. granted trans- fer oC cont.-ol of WGT.M, Inc., licensee of station 'WaTiM, to H. W. Wlhiun, Charlotte Li. Burns and (<surge McDonald. Ohio: WAbR. Donald B. Wdedyard. Zsnesvllle, granted transfer of control of WALK Broadcasting Corp., licensee, to West Virginia Broadcasting Corp! Oklahoma: KOMB. Harry Schwaris. Tulsa, granted volun- tary assignment o( license from Harry Scliwaria to Capitol Sales Corp.' PennaylvMnla i WKST, New Caalle. granted Installation of new «i)ulpment and day power boost from 250 watia to 1 kw; WAZL, Hasletoii Bro.adcasting Service. Jiic. Hazletnn, granted change In time of operation from aimulianeoua days, sharing with wn,M, WJlmlngton. Del., nights, to unlimited. Puerto HIcot^k'KAQ. San Juan, grimed extension of special temporary authority'to rebroadcasi sustaining Jirograina re- ceived from Internalioiial broadcast stations WiXH and W3XAL" on a non-commercial eiperlmeiiliil baals only, to August 18 (action taken by Commissioner Thompson). ' Tenne«a«ei WOPI, Bristol, power from 100 watts to 200 watts, Install new eaulpment and vertical radiator. National Life- & Accident Insurance Co., Inc., Nashville, granted new facslmii. broadcast station on an exi>erlmental basis only, to be operated on 23260 kc with 1 kw. Tews: KRI/D, Dallas, granted exiensinn of special experi- mental authority to operate slinullaneously with WTIC Hart- ford, Conn., on 1040 kc wlih CO kw (also, granted iiiodinca- tlon of experimental authority lo Increase power from 10 to 60 kw, simultaneous with WT(C): KIILH, Clarence Schar- baiier. Midland, granlcd Inrreaie time of operation from days only to unlimited; A. >l. Uelo; Dallas, granted new facsimile broadcast station on an experimental basis, lo be operated on 26250 he with 1 kw; W. B. Dnnnia, Plalnvlew, granted new station to be operated on 1200 kc with 100 watts, daytime only. Utah: KEUB, Sam O. Weiss. Price, granted authority to transfer control ot^Kasiarn Vtah Broadcasting Co., licensee, to Jaok Richards and A. W. McKlnnnn. 6542 aharea of the Issued and outstanding common stock of licensee corporation for a conaideratlon of tO.SOo: AFRA SCALE DEDUCTIBLE AT NBC Right to collect cornmijsion.<! on minimum fee sustainer bookin<;s was last week won by NBC's arti.sls ser- vice. Matter was clisputed by the American Federation of Radio Artists and was decided by the American Arbitration Assn. Decision is -a vltial one to both the networK and-union, since it involves virtually all sustainer performer' contracts; ' Under the ruling, NBC will, resiime cbllectiori of the com- mission, which it discontinued when the AFRA sustaining contract went into effect. Figured the commis- sions involvetl will likely run into hundred of -thousanils of dollarran- nually, so the decisioiv is a setback to the union. Although the ruling wa.t handed down last Friday (28), AFRA offi- cials haven't had time to study it on account of their preoccupation with their, battle to resist jurisdic- tional invasion . by the stagehand.s. NBC executives consider the deci- sion a complete triumph, but iL Is believed that the union heads will insist on a clause in ne-x-t-year's pact outlawing any and all employer- agent setups. Such a clause is in tha present contract, but the arbitration ruling was on a matter of interpre- tation. CBS artist. bureau, which never charged commissions on sustainer biiokings, is not concerned wilh the matter. Gibbons-NBC N.Y. Fair Program Now Looks Cold Scheduled NBC prograrh bally- hooing the New York World's Fair looks cold. It was lo lave. started last Wednesday and didn't. Now doubtful altogether. Fair was reportodl.v unable to giet necessary support from the New York hotels. Larger ones were com- mitted to newspapers for all they felt they could afford, and smaller hotels claimed no bucks. Floyd Gibbons was to have spieled at cutrates. Other services were all to be on bargain basis. Even so the necessary coin couldn't be raised. RADIO TRAGEDY KILLS 3 Morgan. Wife and Child Dead In Fire Canton. O., Aug. 1. Paul F, Morgan, .41, manager of WHBC, Canton, from May ms, until he resigned last March, his wile Helen, and six-weeks old son, wera suffocated in'a Are which gutted their home in suburban Avondale near Canton, O., July 26. All three wer* dead when taken to a hospital. Morgan prior to assuming charge of the radio station had been a newspaper man. He was compelled to give up his radio post because of ill health. 998'^ Roy Durstine Albany, Aug, 1. Roy S. Durstine, Inc., flled papers here last week. New advertising agency founded by the former part- ner of Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborn reports stock division of 998 shares to Durstine and one shara each to thti other Incorporators, at- torneys Harold Bowan and William Graham. . No par value. Tim Doolittle Injured Detroit, Aug. 1. Bruce Myers, known, on WJR as Tim Doolittle (and His Gang) is re- cuping in an Ann Arbor hospital frorh injuries received last week when his car left the road and hit a liik. His orchestra was returning from an engagement at Pleasant Lake, Mich. Suffered a broken ankle and seivere cuts on head and arms. ' WCKY Operating at Se Kw. Cincinnati, Aug. 1. Without fanfare WCKY slipped in- to 50,000 watts operation last week. Due to go CBS In October. L. B. Wilson, gave out souvenir neckties which, ordered soma time ago, had NBC colors.