Variety (Dec 1939)

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36 VARIETY RADIO Wednesday, Dccciiibor 6, 1939 All Five Daytime Only Starters on Texas Web Now Have Full Time San Antonio, Dec. 5. Willi KRRV, at Sherman-Denison eoing lo full time operation, the Texas State regional web has all of its 24 stations on full time schedules.- At the time the web was organized over a year ago five of the affiliate:, had licenses for daytime operation only. One by one they have re- ceived permission to add night time programs to their schedules. KRRV will boost its power from 250 watts to 1000 watts and shift its frequfincy from 1310 kilocycles to 8«0. f-t^t t t t m t *************** y * t t ********'************* f ********************* ** F. C. C's WASHINGTON DOCKET | MAJOR DECISIONS 'Homely Companion' San Antonio Dec. 5. The Women's Homely Companion,* ail early morning chin-up program, ii starting on KTSA. Lew Lacey, who comes here from KYA. San Fraacisco, is the com- panion^^ Culirtiniiit: I-'iD.-il nlxine was linndcd to Yuba-SuKor rtritadrnMf^r^. (i( .\laryavill«. on pica tor a new jilatlnn tu b(* ui>ci-atctl DM liii* rt'sioniil fip(|itcncy 1.120 kc with 250 wiui!» injwtr. (*i>inmldli ileclHlon aiul order whs precoded by the iipidl<-;int ilIiiiK cxf'oi^tlons to a previous ndverso niiditii; and uMkinK the roi;ul:ilin« tit 'currocr tltclr views or rooiicii thM imicpoJin^s. Too!e the slant lhat tho KCC wns at fniilt in JudtciiiK ilnunri:il evidrnre 'cunfuslriB and coniriLtllftory'— rmrtlruliuly when (lt:.9j0 In cai*h RlleRodly wns on dcpo.'»li foi- roiiHirurtioii of ihe proponi-ti trunsinlHer. Broadr'uxt cutnpauy iiho qunirelcd with the Coinnilsh over IX. rcliuko ro.Hpr<>ilnK appllr^inl's failure to prove that tlio use of a iDi'ril frcMuenry would not be ava-llnhle to render HL'V.vIco to • tlt4t Marysvllle arc.i. Complained that no notice wHJi fiirnlahf^d that this (iiicsllon wa« to be placed In l9.-»uo nnd that, for the (.'(iiiniilsli to raise the quentlon In Its pnipo.scil t1n<lin:;M. oonjirltittod taklnr; An unfair advantaee of the iipplloaut and denying It due prAro.*<s, Yuba-Sutter squawks were brusMuely replied to In the denial. ConoerntnK iJie reKlonal vs. local fretiuency con- tention. Cotninlsh stn (od: 'As the (ip|>liCHnt voluntarily ntloinpled to show that the of lui :i 1 /i'('>|ucnf^lfH would not be available, the appll- ciint and not thp i.'otuinlssion enlarged the leaucs to Include ihl.H cpicsi ion. a nd the con lent I on that the applicant was prejurtlccd thiuuKh the Commission's nndlngs on this subject is without merit.' Testinuiny resardlnj the allepcci cash deposit of the broad- cast contpiiiiy niHde It 'lmi>u»aible for the Commission to llnd, ns a deilnitp fact, that the applicant has to Its credit the HUtn of $m.j)jO or any other sum', C'ninmlsh reiterated. Applicant was t*epresenictl by Ben. S, FIshor, John W. Kendall and Charles Wayland. Intllunii: NVw .si at Ion for Vlncennrs received the go- ahead sli;nal over loud protestations of Samuel M. Emison, Intervenor, llrushioK aside complaints that the Communications Act would be violated Iht-uu^h an agreement between the appll- cant.and ihe trusiee. CoinmLih found 'substantial evidence In the record' upholdini; financial claims of Vlnccnnes News- pa tiers. Inc., t)ie applicant. Also, pointed out that con- Hlrucilon, opeiation and control of the proposed station would not be in the trustee or bondholders, as claimed by Bintson. Deal gives BtiRcne C, Pulllam. prexy of WIRE. Indian- apolis, another tran:>mltter to play with. Central News- papei's. Inc.,—parent company of the applicant—la a Pulllam orffanlzailon nnd the publisher-broadcaster also has a major- ity stock Interest In Vincenncs■ Newspapers, Inc. Accordinff to Emiaon, the major ilablllty (1163.000) of the applicant consists of a funded d.ebt represented by ^S*^ llrst niOrtgaRe bonds In connection with which the appli- cant did grant, bargain, sell, convey, assign, mortgage, pledge, transfer, net over and conlirm* to a trustee (American Na- Tiank at Vlncenne:^) all of ll.s property, rights and privileges. This arrangement, he protested, constUuled a viiplaiUin ilie l.tvv. I'oninil.ih contention was that types of transfers which S<'i'tlon :;I0 tbi was di^aignod lo pruhlbit iiro those InvolvhiK civiisiruciiMii, operation .or niiilnlcnnnce of the station or '('oiitrol of the ngtoratlons of a station by the transferee ot- any' pcr.soii other than the person who has been authorized by liio (.'uinnii}<sion for such purposes.' 'NoUIkt the foreKOliiK provision nor any other provision In Ihe Indenture would have this effect except In the event of (letaiili (in ibo bond-s,' Commlsh decreed, and 'the CoiiinilsHlon catinot asHMine that such default Is a lilcely contingency In the fare oC ii;* findings with respect to the aj>pllcant's piesput tlnnnrIn 1 corulllion.' No legal basis for the denial of ihe rc'incsi foi- a lOQ-waltcr on 1120 kc, It concluded. AiM>tlciint was represented by t^aul D. r. Spearman and Frank I', l-'lotcher, with Ellot C. Lovctt appearing on behalf of I'Jinlsnn. I.oulHiiinnn-TenneHHfe: Juice-Jumps for WJBO. Bnton Ituuge. and WAPO Chattanooga, received a toiitailve olioy on Kroun<ls of a greatly Improved aervico lo an Incruased populalion. While granting of both pleun will limit the Tiinnessfr» transmitter lo Its approximate 6.4 millivolt per meter cunt our at night, W'APO will benefit by an Increase of over population now served, Commlsh pointed out. and also will gain 3!t,G24 listeners within Its 10 m/v m nlght- tln.e contour.—or a boost of 41.2%. Daytime llstonor-in- creaso for W'.inO wus esllmaled at 4l,8C4, with an additional 2:t.:>0.H peritons added lo the niRhltlmo audience. Uaion Kouge .station will up power from 600 wall.-* to 1 kw. If the application Is finally okayed. Change In freciuency from ]4:'0 to l\20 (same ribbon as that occupied by W.IUO) was HsUed by WAPO. plus a boost fronfi 100 watts nights, 250 walls days, to GOO watts nights and 1 kw days. No objpciionahle Interference would rcHult to outside trans- millers (hrough llio proposed changes, declared. Karl A. Sniilh ai>prared for WJ110, wllh Hen S. Fisher, Charles V. Wayland and John W. Kendall pitching for ihe Chaitanoo^a station. WNcooHln: Ko-Juggling of slock Issues and board of directors of WJMS. Inc., has i>aved tho way for a station at Ashland to be handled by present licensee of WJMS, Iron- wood. ^rlch. t'pon granting of Its application, the corpora- tion will seek pcrmi.sylon to do business with the State of AVisconsin and furnish the Commlsh with proof of this authority and of Us ability to Issue tho proposed stock. Capital stuck Issue of 2600 shares of common stock at a par value of |10 per share was authorized under the original articles' "of Incorporation, with 188:; shares Issued and paid for. The charter has since been amended to provide for a capital stock authorization of 400 shares or an additional K.OO shares of tho common stock. Of the 2118 shares not yet Issued. IDOO have been subscribed and the subscription will be piild upon giant of the application. Other changes^ In the set-up Include provision for two additional n^emhor.H- to the board of directors and the upplng of N. C. Huddell.' formerly appointed general manager nnU assistant secretory, to \\\m post of vice president nnd g. m. "COME ON IN, MY PtIINDS, AND TEST THIS NEWEST SOUND THArS FAR THE BEST" ORTHACO\/$TIC — Sives transcribed program* that Live Talent Touch! **I can truthfully say that I have never heard a transcription with- any better quality than the new Thesaurus transcriptions" That's the way Merle Tucker, Man- ager of KSAL, Saltna, Kansas, de- scribed the new RCA-NBC Orth- acoustic Transcriptions recently sent to NBC Thesaurus subscribers. And you'll agree with Mr.Tucker when you hear these new Orth- acoustic Transcriptions. For they give every transcribed program a new "lift." Words sparklewithlife. Music takes on new warmth and color! Orthacoustic Transaiptions liter- ally sound like live broadcasts. Dis- tortion is reduced — background noise eliminated. ORTHACO\/5TIC TRANSCRIPTIONS You can give your recorded programs that Live Talent Touch by communi- cating with us today. When you hear these Orthacoustics you'll think you're right in the broadcast studio! What Other Users Think of New RCA-NBC Orthacoustic Transcriptions "as good as local studio pickup" "considerably above anything we have ever heard before". "complete absence of surface noise" "ORTHACOUSTIC records greatly in- crease the quality, brilliance and natural- ness of tone" "absolutely no distortion" "the NBC ORTHACOUSTIC Tran- saiptions are everything you promised" "the quality is so far superior... we are aiuc- ious to receive enough of them so we can use nothing but ORTHACOUSTIC "have met with very fine approval from out listeners" -thai II FLAMM, WED. ASKS FCC FO R 5KW Washineton, Dec. 9. Considerable head-scratching and political tugging in connection with recent application o£ WMCA, New York, for routine power jump to 5 kw. Because the plea was filed with the ink hardly dry on the FCC's thinly-veiled threat to conduct a 'general fitness' inquiry into the way the Donald Flamm transmitter has been operated over a period of years. The request in conformity with new regulations was docketed more than two weeks ago but still has not been passed on. One faction within the Commish which reluctantly dropped the show-cause proceedings in connection with the eaves-drop- ping on British and German war or- ders would like to use this as an excuse for an inquiry whether WMCA has been serving the public interest. Another bloc feels a hear- ing along such lines would be wholly unfair and prefers to scrutinize the station's record at a renewal license hearing. Pressure from politicians is re- ported being exerted on certain Commish figures so that the 5 kw request will go through. Similar re- ports were heard before the Com- mish dropped its revocation threat, with a warning to Flamm to toe the line from now on. . (Flamm has recently been holding talks with a view to a possible sale of WMCA to a retired millionaire interested in entering radio.) ElECTRICAl TRANSCRIPTION SERVICE • NATIONAL BROADCASTINO COMPANY A Radio Corporation of America Service RCA BIdg., Radio Cl»y, N. Y. • Marchandiu Mart, Chicago • Sun»t ft Vina, Hollywood Harold Peary doing a role on 'Fib- ber McGee and Molly' show from L, A. Question Bee Dies Uncle Jim's Question Bee, spon- sored by G. Washington cofTee on NBC, does its final broadcast Dec. 16. No renewal. Bill Slater, m.c, Joseph Bell, ref- eree, and Jack Costello, announcer, are affected. Podeyn,Wamboldt, Holmes Join Transcontinental; Adams Confirms Jan. Start Stations that have worked out at- filiation arrangements with the pro- posed new network, the Transconli"" Mental Broadcasting System, wer» advised'last week by John T. Adams the TBS chairman, that the contracts would become effective Jan. 1. The TBS last week also for the first time disclosed the names of some of its execs. George J. Podeyn, who was w ih NBC in the late 20's, will be general manager; M. P. Wamboldt, who did production for NBC and Ti-ansamerican in Chicago, has the title of 'head of the program unit,' while Roy H. Holmes, who was also with NBC, will have charge of trafCic. Adams letter read as follows: 'The contract between you and the Trans- continental Broadcasting System goes into effect upon Transcontinen- tal giving you 30 days' notice of Transcontinental's intention to com- mence operations. This is to notify you that Transcontinental intends to commence operations Jan. 1, 1940.' Transcontinental has not as yet disclosed its list of affiliated stations. No chang* in prognmming or policy. Beltn lervic* lo Met- ropolitan New York including lis 6,982,635 foreign citizans. 2^,,uu£^ Ufnywiii fill Mm MT M* Mn If DIIA TNI COOKIE BOWERS prepared with RADIO MATERIAL NEW VOICES-NEW CHARACTERS WITH SAME OLD SOCK —AT— LOEW'S STATE. NEW YORK WEEK BEGINNING DECEMBER 7, 1939 FOR CONTINUED PROGRAMS AND GUEST SHO TS—ALL RECO RDED OPEN FOR REPRESENTATION 60 West 87th St.. New York Phone: SC. 4-8343