Variety (Dec 1939)

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WedneBday, December 13, 1939 LEGITIMATE GROSSES VARIETY SI Chi Believes in Santa; W Hot 28G In Fmale; 'Children 30th Wt $12,000 Chicago, Dec. 12. Going Into pre-Xmas finds only Ihree houses operating, but with the coming of Christmas, the town will have plenty of legit The final week of 'Leave It to Me' wound up its three-week stay in the big Auditorium with its best take last week. Also getting, new life last week was the John Barrymore show, 'My Dear Children,'which climbed to an excellent gross.- Will stick past the first of the year and will give way to another Aldrich and Myers show, •Easy Virtue,' skeddcd for the Sel- wyii Jan. 8. 'Springtime for Henry' slipped a little at the Erlanger, but came up with a satisfying take. Will play till Christmas at the Erlanger and then shift to the Grand for another fort- night slay. Switches to make room for George White's 'Scandals.' •Outward Bound' slumped from its necbnd week at'the Harris. Will go one more session and. then blow, with No. 2 company of 'Man Who Came to Dinner' arriving Christmas Day, being figured for a long run at the house. EsUmalcs for Last Week 'Leave It to Me,' Auditorium (3d- final week) (4,000; $3.30). On finale notice, shot upwards an4 finished last of three good weeks to bright $28,000. Ballet Russe arrives at- houfe Dec. 26. staying till Jiln. 4. •My Dear Chliaren,' Sclwyn (30th week) (1.000; $2.75). Scampered up again last week and snagged bril- liant $12,000. Now set to close Chi run Jan. 6. •Outward Bound,' Harris (Sd week) tl.OOO; $2.75). With aid of Arnerican Theatre Society subscrip- tions, held to okay $9,000 last week. Sprlnetime for Henry,' Erlanger (4th week) 0,400; $2.75). Edward Everett Horton revival has caught on and did neat $12,000 last week. PHIUY SLOW; "TONlGHr SCANT $9,000, BUT H.O. Philadelphia, Dec. 12. After two weeks' of glowing legit biz, spurred by Thanksgiving and the Army-Navy football game, Phila- delphia lapsed last week and even the one house didn't do well. The final banning of 'Mulatto,' after B court hearing, nixed what appeared to be excellent chances for real coin at the Walnut following all the pub- licity. The Forre.'Jt and the Erlanger were both dark, which left only 'Tonight We Dance.' at the Locust, to repre- sent legit. The show got tepid notices with Ruth Chatterlon, the star, get- ting mo.>!t of the favorable attention. Up until mid-week, there was talk of cutting cnnagement down to a single week, but a Inst-minute de- cision held it for its allotted second week. Last night's newcomers were the Sremiere of 'John Henry,' with Paul obeson, at the Erlanger and George White's 'Scandals,' at the Forrest. 'Scandals' is in for two weeks with • not-too-inspiring advance. Estimate for Last Week TsDicbt Wc Dance,' Locust (l.>:t week) (1.500: $2.85). Notices EO-so except lor stor. and biz about the same, Sc:mt $9,000. ' 'Hot Mikado' Jives To $15,700 in Balto Baltimore, Dec. 12. In to good advance sale, 'Three After Three,' at Ford's, is first book- ing here this year to attempt a $3.30 Ibp. Last. week 'The Hot Mikado,' at the same house, attracted a steady, profitable gross at $2.22. On the calendar is George Ab- bott's pre-Broadway effort of Ayn Rand's drama; 'The Unconquered,' with Eugenie Leonlovich heading the cast, slated for the Maryland Dec. 25, and 'Outward Bound,' due at Ford's Jan. 1 as the third of six plays promised under the American Thea- tre Society-'Theatre Guild subscrip- tion system inaugurated here this year. Estimate for Last' Week 'Hot Mikado,' Ford's (1,900; $2,22). First musical to stop here in .some time attracted satisfactory $15,700. Built to sellout late in the week. LUNTSSOCKO lOOOINLA. Los Angeles, Dec. 12. Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontanne are pulling heavy trade with their version of "Tjie Taming of the Shrew' at the Biltmore in limited two-week engagement. Rim opened last week with a $5.50 premiere and virtual sellouts have marked each performance to date. Manager Peter Ermatinger had to add 40 chairs in the orchestra to take care of the boiled-shirt contingent at the open- ing. Clifford C. Fischer's 'Folies Bergere' wound up at El Capitan, Hollywod, Sunday (10) after six prosperous weeks, and heads for New York where the Shuberts are to present it. Repeat of 'Blossom Time' at Hollywood Playhouse is profiling.. Estlmate.B for Last Week 'Taminr et the Sbrew.' Biltmore (1st week) (1,700; $3.50). Swank opening piled up around $3,300 and rest brought take to $20,000, big. One more stanza to go. 'Folies Bercerc,' El Capitan. Holly- wood (6th-final week) (1,560: $1.10). Extra dav (10) added to final week for nifty $19,000. 'Bloasam Time,' Playhouse. Holly- wood (.Ul week) (1,130; $1.10). Re- peat of this operetta developing strength at boxoffice. First stan^.a of two weeks booking brought neat $2,000. Corrent Road Shows (Week of Dec. 11) 'Abe Lincoln In Illinois' (Raymond Massey)—Paramount, Toledo (11); Hanna, Cleveland (12-16). 'Blossom Time'—Playhouse, Holly- wood. Colbourne - Jones (Repertory)— Empress, Vancouver (11-14); Royal Victoria, Victoria (15'-16). Eva Le Gallienne (Repertory)— Civic Auditorium, Pasadena (11); White, Fresno (13); City Auditorium, Oakland (15); SUte. San Jose (16). 'Hot Mikado' (Bill Robinson)—Na- tional, Washington. 'I Married an Angel'-(Dennis King) —Texas, San Antonio (U-12); Plaza, El Paso (14); Rialto, Tucson (15); Orpheum, Phoenix (16). •John Henry'—Erlanger's, Phila- delphia. 'Kiss the Boys Goodbyie'—Nixon, Pittsburgh. •Leave It to Me' (William Gaxton, Victor Moore< Sophie Tucker)— English, Indianapolis (11-13); Hart- man, Columbus (14-16). •Mamba's Daughter s' (Ethel Waters)-Cass, Detroit. 'My Dear Children' (John Barry- more)—Selwyn, Chicago. 'No Time for Comedy' (Katharine Cornell)—Davidson, Milwaukee (10- 13); Parkway, Madison (14); Lyceum, Minneapolis (15-16). •Outward Bound' (Laurelte Taylor, Florence Reed)—Harris, Chicago. 'Red Bumble Bee' (Leo CarriUo)— Curran, San'Francisco. •Scandals' (Willie- and ' Eugene How-rd)—Forrest, Philadelphia. 'Seventh Heaven' (Charles Farrell) —Technical Highschool, Kingston, Ont. (11); His Majesty's, Montreal (12-16). 'Springtime for Henry' (Edward Everett Horton)—Erlanger, Chicago. •Taming of the ' Shrew' (Alfred Lunt, Lynn Fontanne)—Biltmore, Los Angeles. •Three After Tliree' (Simone Simon, Mary Brian, Milzi Green)— Ford's, Baltimore. 'Tobacco Road' (Slim Timblin)— Plymouth, Boston. "Tobacco Road' (John Barton)— Orpheum, Marion, HI. (11); Marlow, Herrin, 111. (12); Marlow. Murphys- boro, III. (13); Illinois, Centralia, III. (14); Granada, Mt. Vernon. 111. (15); Illinois, Jacksonville, 111. (16). 'Toniebt MVe Dance' (Ruth Chatter- ton)—Locust, Philadelphia. 'When. We Are Married' (Alison Skipworth)—Wilbur, Boston. John Barton 'Road* Co. Stronia: $6,500, Memphis Memphi.o, Dec. 12. Tobacco Ro:;d' comuany with John Barton gro.>:scd s'lrong $6,500 for six performances in lour days at local Orpheum, last week. Same troupe played there l:;sl ycr.r to less money, result of press criticism pointing to removal of naughty verbiage. With the works back this time, and the crix so saying, audience reaction at the b.o. had a proportional cITecl. San Carlo Op 6G, N. H. New Haven, Dec. 12. San Carlo Opera troupe stopped oflf at the Shubert for four weekend shows (8-10). doing four different operas to good shelf biz but only tepid lower-floor response. Perform- ances drew high critical praise and stand would probably have resulted m better gro.>:s had it not been for the usual pre-Xmas letdown. Estimate for Last Week „ ??" Carlo Opera Co„ Shubert .'1,600; $2.75). Four shows CAida,' Faust,' 'TraviaU,' 'Trovatore') gar- nered fair $6,000. 'KisB Boys' SYzG, Toronto ■ ^ Toronto, Dec. 12. M« '^ ^°y^ Goodbye' grossed Close Jo $9,500, very satisfactory, at wie Royal Alexandra, 1,541-seater. here last week. Top was $2.50. ETHEL WATERS-mMBA' NIFTY $16,000 IN prn Pitt-sburgh. Dec. 12. Ethel Walerj!' 'Mamba's Davighlers' returned the Nixon to its winning habits last week afler a disastrous session .with the Ruth Chattcrton show. 'Tonight We Dance.' Broad- way hit got away to slow start but after rave reviews for star's per- formance hit the streets, biz picked up sharply. House had two of llic biggest mats in some time, stiuidees even extending to gallery; Nixon has 'Kiss Boys Goodbye' currently, then darkens next week except for Mask and Wig Club (U. of Penn.) one-nighter. until Xmr.s night, when 'Hot Mikado' comes in. Set to follow are 'White Plume," 'Three After Three.' 'My Dear Chil- dren' and 'Tobacco Road' for 'stcenth lime. Estimate, (or I>aKt Week 'Mamba's Daughters.' Nixon (2.100: $2.75). Corking $16,000 for Ethel Waters show, very big here (or straight drama and particularly a colored show. CRIX, MAYOR'S RAVES UP 'ABF TO $25,800 IN DET. Detroit. Dec. 12. Dark for a week, Cass reopened here Dec. 4 wilh 'Abe Lincoln in Illinois' and did sellout business. With town only newly recovering from longest strike in automotive history, show could have done a big .second week with Raymond Massey. but future commitments nixed extra stay. Even the balcony was gone days in advance of the opening. Funny sidelight on play came out in Detroit's conservative mayor go- ing overboard for 'Abe' and recom- mending that everybody see the play, which includes Lincoln's ad- vocacy of rieht to strike. (Act III. Scene IX). Press raves also helped mishtily. "Mamba's Dautrhter.s' opened at the Cass night (Monday). EsUmate (or Last Week 'Abe Lincoln in Illlnoiii,' Ca.<^s (L.-iOO; $3.30). Big $25,800 for eight pc;fo)m<:nce.';.. 'Steed' Gallops To $12,500 in Capital Washington, Dec. 12. 'The While Steed,' backed up by American Theatre Society subscrib- ers, chalked up one ' of its best stanzas of its. post-Broadway tour la.'st week at the Cap's only legiler. but good notices and hefty bally on it as New 'Vork critics selection as last sea.son's best foreign-authored play, couldn't pull it into the really big coin. Current is 'Hot Mikado.' Hou.-^e goes dark next week and rclisshls Christmas night with 'The White Plume.' Estimate for Last Week •The While Steed.' National 11,698: $2.75). Approximately $12,500. Pemberton Enlarging iiiss Boys' Road Tour Pittsburgh, Dec. 12. Marry Klein, general manager for Brock Pcmbertnn, here ahead of ■l<is.«! Boys Goodbye' last week, snid producer might make an clVort to keep Clare Boot he comedy on the road all season. When .-^how has played the few key spots neither touring company visited year, he said 'Boys' nii.<{ht go to Chicago and try to get a run there at $1 top. No. 2 troupe was in Chicago for four months last .sea.son. For road dales in keys. 'Boy.'!' is getting $2 scale. Boston, Philadel- phia and Pittsburgh were the only three big cities show didn't ploy year ago. Present company is headed by Lucia Lull, as Cindy Lou. and has all but three members of the original Broadway cast. Klein also said Pemberton may hold up production of Paul Horgan's 'Death Mr. President' until wave of LIncolniana, which will get a new impetus by .screen version of 'Abe Lincoln in Jllinoi.s' (RKO) shortly, has subsided a bil. Th.nt probably moons 'Nutmeg Tree' will be his next .show, depending upon Gladys f!rnr;v'>; r'v.iilability. DuBarry Seen New B way Leader, First 6 Times $25,000; New W Looks Up, While Leaders Hold Pace 'DuBarry Was a Lady,* which opened at the 46th Street, last week, is Broadway's new gross leader, ac- cording to indications. It drew a strong press generally and in the first six performances takings were over $25,000. Estimated capacity of the house is $33,000. Demand for tickets in the agencies and the long boxoffice line point to big money. 'Tgio Many Girls' has been topping the list, approaching $30,000. New edition of 'Hcllzapoppin,' which opened Monday (11), figures t<j be well up in the going. Except 'DuBarry.' premieres of the past two weeks unfolded little suste- nance. 'Swingin' the Dream' was taken off Saturday (9) after showing less than two weeks at the Center. 'Foreigners' was yanked from the -Belasco after seven- times. .. !The Woman Brown' is rated having little chance at the Biltmore. Repeat date of 'Hamlet,' however, shows life at the 44th Street. It topped $13,000 its first week at $2.75 top and the ad- vance indicates much belter grosses for the five-week engagement. The legits got few breaks from the dual Thanksgiving but business did not decline as sharply as usual during the first week of December. The long stayers are mostly affected but there is n generous number 6£ attractions getting important money and the. leaders are not figured to drop materially. Top straight shows: 'Man Who Came to Dinnei-,' $19,500: 'Life with Father.' $18,500: '.Skylark. $18,000: 'Key Largo.' $17,000; 'Philadelphia Story.' $17,500: 'Margin for Error.' $15,000: 'Ladies and Gentlemen' (leaving after the holidays), $14,000; 'Little Foxes.' $10,500; 'Time of Your Life,' $11,000: 'Farm . of Three Echoes.' S8.500, and 'Morning's At Seven,' $8,000. No new shows this week. Next week: 'Billy Draws a Horse.' Play- house; 'Once Uoon a Time.' Labor Stage, and 'Steel,' Provincetown Playhouse. Estimates, for Last Week 'DuBarry Was a Lady,' 46th Street (2d week) (M-1,375; $4.40). Looks like Broadway's new ieader; over $25,000 in first six times; figured to top $30,000 this week and may belter that pace. 'Farm of Three Ecboies,' Cort (3d week) (CD-1,059; $3.30). Lagged for a time, then perked and turned in to $8,500 first full week; ap- pears to have moderate chances. 'Foreigners,' Belasco. Doubtful press; taken off Saturday (9) after seven performances. •Hcllzapoppin,' Winter Garden (65th week) (R-1.671; $3.30). New edition went on Monday (11) and fresh laughs ought to improve busi- ness, which has been holding to fine money; last week $24,000. 'Key Largo,' Barrymore (3d week) (D-1,096; $3.30). Lower-priced tickets sold out into February, indicating .that winter stay is likely; rated at $17,000 last week, plenty okay. 'Ladies and Gentlemen' Beck (9th week) (C-1,214; $3.30). Slated for road in January; business still profit- able though eased off in past four weeks- $14,000 • estimated. 'Life with Father,' Empire (6th week) (C-1.096; $3.30). Vies with best of new comedies and only size limits weekly takings from equaling gros.s of any straight show; $18,500; claims advance .sale over $83,000; average mail .orders quoted at 483 daily. 'Man Who Came to Dinner,' Music Bo:: (9lh week) (C-1.012: $3.30). Sock laugh f\mw is (he str.-iight play lender with around $19..'>00; Chicago comp.Tny. bein? readied, opens in BufTalo nc>:t week. •Margin for F.rror,' Plvmouth (7(h week) <D-1.0.36; $3.30). Definite stayer; appeal is not limited to sects and anti-Nazi laugh meller is flourishing; approached .^15.000; e;:- ccllont in prt-Xmas ofli-sh going. 'Mornlns's At Seven,' Longacrc (3d week) (C-1.019; $3.30). Another new laugh show sh3uld make the grade: helped by Theatre Guild sub.'-cription; over $8,000 last week, okay. 'See My Lawyer,' Adelphi (12lh week) (C-1.434: $1.10). Moved here from the Biltmore, and wilh top re- duced, got around $6,000. profitable; may stay through winter. •Skylark,' Morosco (9th week) (C-961; $3.30). Few shows sold out nil performances last week; but this hit drew solcndid takings not far from $18,000. •Streets of Pari.s;' Broadhnrst (2e:h week) (R-1.116: $4.40). Has been easini; nff along with most run at- tractions but .still turning an op- crating oroni: $19,000. 'Swingin' the Dream,' Center. Taken off Saturday (fl); played week and four days: full wee):,.around S12.000. resulted in decision to 'The Little Foxes.' National (44th week) (D-l.inS: S3.30). Not off as much i.s others Inst week: quoted at $10,500 and figured to stay well into the winter. •The Philadelphia Story,' Shubert (38th week) (C-1,367; $3.30). Ex- pected to play through winter; somewhat affected by newer suc- cesses but with $17,500 grossed last week, .still in big money. 'The Woman Brown,' Biltmore (2d week) (D-g91; $3.30). Opened Fri- day (8); drew heavy panning. •The World We Make,' GUild (4th week) (D-914; $3.30). Extra-space ads for drama, which has drawn mildly to date; around $8,000. 'Time of Your Life,' Booth (8th week) (CD-704; $3.30). Commands profitable . attendance, and likely to play irilo the spring; rated around $11,000. 'Tobacco Road,' . Forrest (314th week) -(C-1.107; $1.65). .-Record-run drama making slirti profit in New ■York but plenty on tour; Will Geer replaced .lames D. Barton as lead on Monday (11). 'Too Many Girls,' Imperial (8th, week) (M-lj468; $4.40). Has been' leading the list in gross; now has contender in 'Du Barry'; again quoted as approximating $30,000. 'Very Warm for May,' Alvinn (5th week) (M-1,355; $i.m.. SUrled sloSvly but management confident of belterment; rated bit over -$13,000; quite light for major musical. •Yokel Boy,' Majestic (24th week) (R-1.107; $3.30). Has been somewhat affected but still bettering even break with week's takings esti- mated at around $17,000. ADDED •Hanlet,' 44th Street, full length version back for five-week repeat; started fairly well; $13,000 at $2.75 top. •Pins and Needles,' Windsor {106th week) (R-96I; $1.65). Steadily profitable; costs little to operate and admission top is modest; should go right along into the spring; $7,000 and better. •She Gave Him All She Had,' Uncle Sam's Music Hall. , Cafe meller, burlesqued; hardly clashes with legit presentations. 'MA' Neat lOG, Sticks For Rud; Sknoiie Show OK $17,000, Paces Hob Boston, Dec. 12. 'Tob.icco Road,' originally booked for two weeks, will stay indefinitely, moving over from the Plymouth to the Majestic Christmas Night. 'Three After Three' shaped up as a better possibility during its second and final stanza here last week. Bob Alton has been called in to insert some new dance routines and the chorus is being augmented in Balti- more this week. 'When We Are Married' got cool press and a pallid gross on its ini- tial week here: Christmas Night will see three Hub openings:- "Tonight We Dance', with Ruth Chatlerton: 'Slrawhat Re- vue' (revised), with Phil Baker, and 'Mamba's Daughters', with Ethel Wiitcr.s. 'Young Man with a Horn' is penciled in for Jan. 22 opening at the Colonial. EsOmateii for Last Week •Three Afler Three', Shubert (2d- final v.'neb) (1,.W0; $3.30)—Improved sound equipment gives Simone Si- mon a chpnce to project, and re- vi.sions make this musical look much better th;'n on oDcnin:; night. Final week's 17.000 encouraging. 'Tobacco Road', Plymouth (3d week) (1.480; $1.65)—On a small nut this one looks like a winner. Word- of-mouth comment on .Slim Timblin, IcaUircd, is one reason, and the popular-priced .scale is another. Moves over to the Majestic Dec. 25, probably at $1.10 top. Third weak dandy $10,000. best relative biz in town. This is the second touring company of 'Road.' the other fea- turing John Barton. 'When We Are Married', Wilbur (1st week) 11.227; $2.75—Attracting Ihin patrona;(e after poor reception by the reviewers. Cast changes rumored. Around $5,000 for initial stanza. 'mm* GREAT 34G IN 6 MIDWEST STANDS Davenport. la.. Dec. 12. week's one nighters through the midwest for 'No Time for Comedy.' .starring Katharine Cornell and fc.ntiu-iny Franci? Lederer, drew n sma.' h $34,600. Show wound up at the Orpheum hero Saturday (9). Other .•■■nots plrycd were 'Tulsa, Wichita.>. CHy, Omaha r-^--. Det- Moines.