Variety (Dec 1939)

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14 VARIETY PICTURES Wednesdaj, December 27, 1939 Advance Productioii Chart Holljyii'obd, Dc'c.-2C, Studios coiilijme «i"cr(if;e prociuc.fioii levels, iKinii!) 33 piclurcs'lJO/ore t/ie 0/ Dec. 22, (o assure hired help a better (."/ii'islDins. Goiitg (liroiipli (d'e odiliiip mill ciirreiUlu nr«.e8 ieuUires and 180 Jinre nlrt'ddi) bffii relonsi'rf or picrieiocd (otcnrds « (oinl promise 0/ 944 piclures /or tilt' si'ijsoii. . . ■ . Columbia Features AVesterns Serials .. Totals ' Number Numher «f I'ix . Com- rromisril 40 IC 4 pleted R 4 0 Now Shool- inff 3 0 0 Now Ilalancr to ill ' ne Placed Stories in CiidiiiR Before Prcpara- Ruunis Cameras tion (i 23 2.1 4 8 8 0 i A 60 12 10 35 35 Piclures now in (he culling roomy or nwailing release arc: 'CRIMINAL CVRGO,' formerly tilled 'MUTINY ON THE SEAS,' formerly titled 'ILLICIT CARGO,' drama; produced by Barry Darmour; directed by Lewis-.D. Collins; screen play by Eric Taylor and Albert DeMond from oriRinal by Eric Taylor; pholo(;raphed by James Brown, Jr. Cast: Jack Holt, Eduardo Ciannelli. Dick Purcell, Harry Carey, Donald Briggs, Sifi Bumann, Irene Ware, Kathleen Howard, Eddie Kane, Paul Fix. 'HIS GIRL FRID.\Y,' romantic comedy produced and directed by How- ard Hawks; no writing credits released; photographed by Joe Walker. Cast: Cary Grant. Rosalind Rus.sell. Ralph Bellamy, Helen Mack, Ernest Trucx, Abner Biberman. Frank Jenks, Roscoe Karns, John Qualen, Frank Orth, Clarence Kolb, Porter Hall, Isabel Withers, Pal Fcirr. 'BLAZING SIX SHOOTERS,' western with songs; produced by Jack Ficr for'the Irving Bri.<;kin unit; directed by Joe Lewis; no writing credits re- leased; photographed by George Mcehan. Cast; Charles Starrett, Iris Meredith, Sons of the Pioneers, Henry Hall, George Cleveland, Dick Curtis, Al Bridges, Bruce Bennett. 'CONVICTED WOMAN,' formerly titled 'DAVGHTERS OF TODAY,' meller; produced by Ralph Cohn for the Irvine Briskin linit; directed by Nick Gridine; no writing credits released; photographed by Benjamin Kline. Cast: Rochelle Hudson, Glenn Ford, Lola Lane, Frieda Insecort, June Lang. 'THE LONE WOLF STRIKES,' formerly titled 'DOUBLE IN. DIA- MONDS,' mystery meller; produced by Fred Kohlmar; directed by Sidney Salkow; no writing credits released; photographed by Henry Freulich. Cast: Warren William, Joan Perry, Alan Baxter, Astrid Allwyn, Robert Wilcox,. Eric Blpre, .Montagu Love, Fred Kelsey. 'TEXAS EXPItESS,' western with songs; produced by Leon Barsha; di- rected by Joe Lewis; no writing credits released; photographed by George Meehan. Cast: Charles Starrett, Iris Meredith. Ed Le Saint, Dick Curtis, Bob Nolan, Sons of the Pioneers, Kenneth MacDonald, Harry Cording, Francis Walker, Lillian I,awrence. 'MUSIC IN MY HEART,' formerly titled 'PASSPORT TO HAPPINESS,' musical comedy, produced by Irving Starr; director, Joseph Santley; no writing credits released; photographed by John Stumar. Cast: Tony Mar- tin, Rita Hayworth, Andre Kostelanetz, Edith Fellows, Alan Mowbray, Eric Blore, George Tobias, George Humbert. 'BULLETS FOB RUSTLERS,' western; produced by Jack Fier'for the Irving Briskin unit; directed by Sam Nelson; no writing credits released; photographed by George Meehan. Cast: Charles Starrett, Lorna Gray, Bob Nolan. Sons of the Pioneers, Dick Curtis. Jack Rockwell, Ed Le Saint, Kenneth McDonald, Lee Prather, Francis Walker, Hal Taliaferro,. Eddy LaugMon, Tim Spencer. 'PIONEERS" OF TfifE FRONTIER,'for^ titled "'GUN LORD OF THE FRONTIER,' western, produced by Leon Barsha; director, Sam Nelson; protographed by George Meehan. Cast: Linda Winters, Bill Elliott, Dick Curtis, Richard Fiske, Stanley Brown. 'CAFE HOSTESS,' formerly titled 'STREET OF MISSING WOMEN,' meller; producer, Irving Briskin; associate producer. Jack Fier; director, Sidney Salkow; no writing credits released: photographed by Ben Kline Cast: Preston Foster; Ann Dvorak. Bruce Bennett, Don Beddoe Wynne ?• , Fowley. Peggy Shannon, Lorna Gray, Betty Compson, Linda Winters, Beatrice Blinn. . j f • Columbia Fix Now in Frodnclion B^JF^""^^ PEPPERS AT HOME,' formerly titled FIVE LITTLE FEPFEES MIDWAY,' family drama; produced by Jack Fier for the Irving firiskm unit; directed by Charles" Barton; no writing-credits" released; photographed by Allen Siegler. Cast: Edith Fellows, Clarence Kolb. Ron- ald Sinclair, Dorothy Ann Seese, Charles Peck ,Tommy Bond, Rex Evans, Dorothy Peterson. Kv'^wSMiJ^Li""*"*^".^'' ro"'?.nt>c-comedy; produced and directed w,ii;f. writing crediu released; photographed by Joseph Walker. Cast: Jean Arthur .Melvyn Douglas, Fred MacMurray, Harry Davenport, Sam McDaniel, Walter Sondering ^ 5"?P"'' '^"'''y comedy; produced by Robert Sparks, d reeled by Fran'tc H. Slrayer; no writing credits released; photographed by Henry Freulich. Cast: Penny Singleton. Arthur Lake, Larry Sims, Daisy (canine), Danny Mummert, Rita Havworth, Don Beddoe Walton. Andrt'w Pona, Tony Guerrero, Lawrence Porter,,Lumsden Hare, John Mellon, Olaf Olssoii. 'CONGO TVIAISIK,' comedy; produced by J. Waller Ruben; directed by H. C. Poller; iio wi-iling crodils released; photographed by Charles Lawton, Jr. Cast: Aim Sothern, John Carroll, Rita Johnson, Sheppard Slrudwick, J. M. Kerrigan, Eily Malyon, E. E. Olive, 'THE SHOP . AROUND THE CORNER,' comedy-drama; no production credit; directed by Ernst Lubitsch; adapted by Sampson Raphaelson fi-om the Hungarian .stage play by Nickalaus Laszlo; photograplied by William Daniel. Cast: Margaret SuUavan, James Stevvart, Joseph Schildkiaut, Frank Morgan, Sarah Haden, Felix Bressart; Inez Courtney, William Tracy. Metro Pix Now In Production 'FLORIAN,' romantic-drama; produced by Winfleld Sheehan; directed by Edwin L. Marine original novel by Felix Salten; photographed by Karl Freund. Cast: Robert Young, Helen Gilbert, Reginald Owen, Rand Brooks, Lee Bowman, Irina Baronova, Lucille Watson, Joe Yule. 'NEW MOON,' Siginund Romberg operetta; produced by Robert Z. Leon- ard; directed by W. S. Van Dyke H; no writing credits released; photo- graphed by Oliver Marsh, Cast: Jeanette MacDonald, Nelson Eddy, Billie Burke, Bunty Culler, Buster Kcaton, Nat Pendleton, Mary B.oland, Richard Purcell, John Miljan, Grant Mitchell, Claude King. 'YOUNG TOM EDISON,' biography; produced by John W. Considine, Jr.; directed by Norman Taurog; adaptation by Dore Schary and Hugo Butler; photographed by Sid Wagner. Cast: Mickey Rooney, Gene. Reynolds, Virginia Weidler, Fay Bainler, George Bancroft, Bobby Jordon, Victor Kilian, Eily Malyon, Lloyd Corrigan, Clern Bevans. 'AROUSE AND BEWARE,' historical adventure; produced by Edward Chodorov; directed by Leslie Fenton; original novel by MacKinley Kantor; photographed by Ray June. Cast: Wallace Beery. Dolores Del Rio, John Howard, John Wray, H. B. Warner, Victor Varconi. Mondgram Metro Number Number of Pix Com- promised 51 1 pleled 20 1 Now Shool- inf 4 0 Now Balance lo in Be Plac'cd' Stories in Cutting Before Prepara' Rooms Cameras ^ tion 8 19 19 0 0 0 52 21 19 - in.the .cutting rooms or .awaiting .preview.s are: 19 •HENRY GOES ARIZONA,' comedy-drama; produced t> Harry Rapf; directed by Edwin L Marin; ba.sed on the W. C. Tuttle Argosy magazine yarns; photographed by Les White. Cast: Frank Morgan.-Glorge Murphy, ^"'S'u"'^ Weidler, Guy Kibbee. Slim Summerville, Robert Emmett Keane, Chester Conklin, Tennen Holtz, Jim Thorpe, Robert "^"H?"^ °^ '""'*'cal: produced by Jack Cummings diiected by Norman Taurog; no writing credits released; photographed by Ohver Marsh. Cast: Fred Astaire, Eleanor Powell, George Murphy, Anh ^Z"^-Jj^l'^^J^°f^?"- 0*", Carver, Gladys Blake, Florence Rice, Herman Bing, Joe Yule. • !Fm?*' CHICAGO,' comedy; producer, Victor Saville- director Rich- w't'itcredits released; photographed by Ray jSne Cast' Robert Montgomery ^;dward. Arnold, Reginald Owen, EdmuncrGwenn Wade B?teler. Sinclair, John BullerV Barbara Srd: 'I TAKE THIS WOMAN,' formerly titled 'NEW YORK CIMnPRPiiA produced by Lawrence Weingarten;'^directed by F^ank sJ^rage o^^^^^^^^ |tory by Charles MacArthur; photographed by Charles LTw?on Cast Spencer Tracy, Hedy Lamarr, Walter Pidgeon -Thurston Hall Car o^Val dez, Leonard Penn, In« Claire, Marjorie Main, LoSiShern Lana Turne^^^ Mne%mes'*" ^"""^ ^"""^ Pu6"a. Ad"' 'STRANGE CARGO,' formerly titled 'NOT TOO NARROW NOT TOO DEEP," drama; produced by Joseph Manciewicz; director Frank Borzaee- no writing credits released; photographed by Robert Planck. Cast: Joan Crawford, Clark Gable, Melvyn Douglas, Paul Lucas, J. Edward Bromberg, Albert Van Dekker, Sara Haden, John Arledge, Eduardo Ciannelli Peter Lorre, Paul Fix, Francis MacDonald, Betty Compton, Bernard Nedel'l Jack Mulhall. 'NORTHWEST PASSAGE' (Technicolor), hisforical drama; produced by Hunt Stromberg; directed • by King Vidor; no writing credits released- photographed by Sid Wagner. Cast: Spencer Tracy, Robert Young, Walter Brennan, Laraine Day, Donald McBride, Truman Bradley, Isabel Jewell Helen MacKellar. Regis Toomey, Hugh Sothern, Addison Richards, Douglas Now Balance lo in Re placed Stories in Cutting Before Prepara- Rooms Cameras tion 4 24 24 2 IS 13 37 37 Pictures in the cutting room: 'YUKON FLIGHT,' meller, produced by Phil Kra.sne; director, Ralph Staub, photographed by Mack Stengler; dtsV. James Newill, Louise Stahley, Dave O'Brien, Carl Hackett, Warren Hull. WESTBOUND STAGE,' formerly titled 'UNDER WESTERN SKIES,' musical western; produced by Edward Finney; directed by Spencer Ben nett; screen play by Robert Emmett from story by John Foster; photo- graphed by Marcel LePicard. Cast: Tex Ritter, Nelson McDowell, Murial Evans, Nolan Willi^, Steve Clark, Tom London, Reed Howes, Frank Ellis, (^hick Hannan, Kenneth Duncan, Frank LaRue, •MR. WONG AT AeaDQUARTERS,* meller, (1938-39 release) produced by William. T. Lacl^y; directed by William Nigh; screen play by Scott Darling; story by J.oseph West; based on the James Lee Wong stories by Hugh Wiley; photographed by. Harry Neumann. Cast: Boris KarlofT, Grant Withers, Marjorie Reynolds, Charles Trowbridge, John Hamilton, Craig Reynolds, Jack Kennedy; Lita Cheveret, Frank Puglia, Stanford JoUey, Jason Robards, Pauline Drake. 'FRONT PAGE LADY,' meller; produced by T. R. Williams; directed by Howard Bretherton; screen play by C. B. Williams and Marion Orth; photographed by Harry Neumann. Warren Hull, Kay Linaker, Wil- liam von Brincken, George Cleveland, Fern Emmett, Willy Costello, Vince Rush, Ed Keane, Hans Wollenberger. 'PIONEER DAYS,' western; produced and directed by Harry Webb; screen play by Bennett Cohen; photographed by Edwin KuU. Cast: Jack Randall, June Wilkins, Frank Yaconelli, Nelson McDowell, Ted Adams, Glenn Strange. - -^CHASING TROUBLE,'-my.stery-comedyt-produced- by Grant Withers; directed by Howard- Bretherton; screen play by Mary McCarthy; photo- graphed by Harry Neumann. Cast: Frankie Darro, Marjorie Reynolds, Mantan Moreland, Milburn Stone, Lillian Elliott, Alex Callam. Paramount Now Balance to ...■^Pictitres no'w'in the cutting rooms or awaiting release are: 'ALL WOMEN HAVE SECRETS,' formerly tilled 'CAMPUS WIVES.' drama; associate producer, Edward T. Lowe; director, Kurt Newmann; screen play by Agnes Christine Johnston, based on story by Dale Eunson; photographed by Theodore Sparkuhl. Cast: Joseph Allen, Jean Cagney, Virginia Dale, Peter Hayes. Betty Moran, John Arledge. Joyce Matthews, Audrey Haynard. Wanda McKay, Kitty Kelly, Janet Waldo, Lawrence Gro.'ssmilh. Una O'Connor, George Meeker, Dick Elliott,. Lambert Roger.s, Phyllis Adair, Fay Cotton, Barbara Denny, Gwen Kenyon. Marjorie Boll, Margaret Roach, Mildred Shay, Constance Keene, Fay McKehzie, Loraine Miller, Lorraine Krueger. 'OPENED BY MISTAKE,! drama, produced by GMO; a.s!!Ocialc pro ducer, Stuart Walker; director, George Archinbaud; .screen play by Stuart Palmer and Garnett We.ston; based on a story by Hal Hudson and Kenneth Earl; photography by Theodor Sparkuhl. Cast; Charles Ruggle.':. Janice Logan, Robert Paige, William Frawley, Florence Shirley, Byron Foulger, Cy Kendall. Sam Ash, C. L. Sherwood, Walter Soderling. John Hartley. Lawrence Gro.ssmith. James Burke, George McKay, Lloyd Corrigan. Al Stewart, James T. Mack. Jack Norton, Edward-Marr, Scolty Groves Kay Deslys, John Gallaudet, Dick Rush, Douglas Kennedy, 'DR. CYCLOPS' (Technicolor), meller; produced by Dale Van Every directed by Ernest B. Schoedsack; original screen play by Tom Kilpatrick, photographed by Henry Sharp. Cast:. Albert Dekker, Janice Logan, Thomas Coley, Charles Hallon,. Victor Kilian, Frank 'Vaconelli. 'ADVENTURE IN DIAMONDS,' formerly tiUed 'DIAMONDS ARE DANGEROUS,' GMO production; directed by George Fitzmaurice; screen play by Leonard Lee and Franz Schulz; based on .story by Frank O'Connor; photographed by Charles Lang. Cast: George Brent. Isa Miranda, John Loder, Nigel Bruce, Elizabeth Patterson, Matthew Boul- ton. Rex Evans, David Glyde, Rex Downing, Douglas Gordon, Harry Stubbs, Norman Ainsley, Guy Bellis, Nikolayeva, Hi Roberts, Walter Kingsford, Ralph Forbes, Gerald Rogers, Janet Waldo, Major Sam Harris Roger Gray, Tony, Ed Gargan, Bobby Hale, Vera Lewis, E, E. Clive Keith Kenneth, Wilfred Roberts, Susan Paley, Jack M. Lee, Ernest Truex, Charles Irwin, Charles Bennett, John Ward. 'UNTAMED' (Technicolor); produced by Paul Jones; directed bv George Archainbaud; screen play by Frederick Hazlitt Brennan and Frank Butler; based on 'Mantrap' by Sinclair Lewis; photographed by Leo Tover. Cast: Ray Milland. Patricia Morison, Akim TamirofT, William Frawley. Eily Malyon, J. M. Kerrigan, Esther Dale, Jane Darwell, Bahe Denetdeel, Charlene Wyatt, Gertrude Hoffman, J. Farrell MacDonald, Sibyl Harris, Clem Bevans, Fay Helm, Darryl Hickman, Roscoe Atcs. •REMEMBER THE NIGH'T,' drama; GMO production; directed by Mitchell Leisen; original .screen play by Preston Sturges; photographed by Ted Tetzlaff. Cast: Barbara Stanwyck, Fred MacMurray, Beulah Bondi $260,000 PAID FOR 4 SCRIPTS splurge of story buying since the outbreak of the European war and the drop In foreign markpl* was marked last week by the ex. penditure of $260,000 by three com- panies for two books and two Broad- way legit plays. Putting up the coin were Paramount, Metro and RKO. Largest single deal of the lot was Metro's purchase yesterday iTik's- day), of 'The World We Make,' Sid- ney Kingsley's drama at the Guild theatre, N. Y. Price is $100,000 and the release data of the picture is next July 1. Sale was negotiated by the ' author, who personally cont;ictcd story editors of the various film com- panies to refute earlier reports that Warners had acquired the .screen rights. Angle of the transaction is that WB bankrolled the production and was therefore figured to have the in.vide track in the bidding. However, Metro topped the oiler. Under.'ilood there is a phase of the deal by which Kingslcy will take over War- ners' share In the production, but just how that will be worked out isn't revealed. Likewise not known how the maniageriai share of the pur-, chase price will be split between Kingsley (who Is producer as well as author), and Warners. King.sley will get the regular author's. 60 "^b share, but must split that with Milton Brand, from whose 'Outward Room" he adapted the play. 'World' it Kingsley's third picture .sale, his •Men in White' and 'Dead End' hay- ing previously been filmed. Par followed on expenditures, pay- ing $85,000 for 'Skylark,' legiler by Samson Raphaelson, currently .in Its 11th week at the Morosco, N. Y. Play had been spoken of as. a possible film vehicle for Its star, Gertrude Law- rence, in an eastern-made picture. John Golden, who produced the legit version, had been confabbing, with Mayor LaGuardia on possible film- Ization of the play in New York, but the idea has now been scrapped. Par will star Claudette Colbert in th« picture. Third big buy of tlie week ivas of the best-selling novel, 'Kilty Foyle,' by RKO for $50,000. Par was interested In this, making the first offer for it, but was unwilling to pay the steep price demanded. Duting the negotiations RKO stepped In arid copped it. Metro had an eye on it, too. Christopher Mor- ley wrote it, Metro purchase, for $25,000. wasof an as yet uhpublished ndveT. 'Bfolh-""" er. Here's a Man,' by Kim Bealtie, an officer in the Canadian army. Macmillan brings it out in February, tinderstood that vehicle is for Spen- cer Tracy. T'weiitielh-Fox wa.-; iiiler- e.sted in it at first. Max Becker ne- gotiated the deal. Other Story Buys Deal by which Metro purchased screen rights to 'Escape,' best-selling, -novel, on a" sliding sciij.e. bsisi.":, has- been called off. Studio will pay a flat fee of about $60,000. Original plan was to pay $35,000 and $2,000 additional for each 10,000 copies sold, with the maximum $70,000 in 18 months. This was the first deal of this lypo ever made. It fizzled because of dis- agreement over the tabulation sys- tem. Involved were- reprinlf, for- eign rights, etc., although it appeared certain Jhnt, on. virually any bo^is,. Metro would have paid near the maximum.' Original deal wa.s nego- tiated in October by Monica McCaU, then of the Curtis Brown agency, and the new one by Allen Collins, of the same office. (Continued on page 16) lfemp.stcad's. KIckoff Hollywood, Dec. 26. First production lor David Hemp- stead under his hew contract with RKO is 'Kitty Foyle.' Hempstead Jt due in Hollywood Jan. 2 lo put scripters on the job. Keighley's Disraeli Film Hollywood, Dec. 2fl. William Keighley's next pilot in job at Warners Is 'Prime Minister,' based on the life of Disraeli. He had been tentatively a.^signed to 'Torrid Zone,' Bette Davis Back at WB Hollywood, Deo. 26. Bette Davis, on vacation for tev- eral months, returns to the Warner lot Jan, 2 to start on 'All This Heaven, Too.' Actual shooting starts Jan. 19 un- der Anatole Lltvak's direction.