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42 PICTURES LEO BERGERE HUDDLES N.Y;S MAYOR A new developement in Mayor LaGuardia's eastern production move came to light Friday (29) when Leo Bergere visited the Mayor to talk over things with him.' Nothing authentic could be ascer- tained as to what the producer and the Mayor discussed, but by piecing together the various rumors circu- lating the Mayor's o/Tice it appears that Hizzoner has ilot been success- ful in getting major production heads interested in producing -films in the east. The Mayor was also un- able to get anywhere with inde- pendent production, as many indies who might have been willing to produce here, found if impossible, due to lack of releasing arrange- ments. Bergere has been prominent in Grand National's reorganization moves the past three weeks. His background is Metro in Europe. Should Bergere be able to swing the Grand National deal to a successful conclusion, he will bo ready to put up $1,000,000 for production for that company, or so he has informed referee Peter B. Olncy Jr. in N. Y. federal court. ON has a good exchange setup but it is dubious that Bergere can sup- ply sufficient 'A' films to keep these exchanges going. Should he be able to work out a deal with the Mayor, he may produce all but the GN westerns in N. Y., and the Mayor in return might use his influence that GN handle independent pix produced by others in the east. MARTHA RAYE DECIDES ON JOLSON'S LEGHER FILM B OOKIN G CHART (For iniormation of theutre and film exchange bookers Variety presciils a complete chort oJUature releam o) all the /Itnericoii distribiihiio componics for the ciirrciit quarterlv period. Date oj rcfietos as a'wen in VAniETV oiid the runnina ti?»c o/ prints are iiicluoed.; <'<)l>VKIIiilT. I»;I9. 11* VABIKT*. INC. Al.l. BI<;ilTS RESBBVKI* WEEK OF RELEASE TITLE AND CO-MPANI TYPE TALENT R. T. BEWAKC SI'UOKS (Col) BAD Ll'lTLE GIKL (M-G) MUTLNY IN BIG HOUSE (Mono) DANGER FLIGHT (Mono) DISPUTED PASSAGE (Par) SUED FOR LIBEL (RKO) 20,000 MEN A YEAR (20tll) HOUSEKEEPER'S DAUGHTER (UA) LITTLE ACCIDENT (U) THE ROARING TWENTIES (WB) JEEPERS CREEPERS (Rep) BLONDIE BRINGS UP BABY (Col) STKANGEK FROM TEXAS (Col) NINOrCIiKA (M-G) OVERLAND MAIL (Mono) FIGHTING MEN (Mono) THE FLYING DEUCES (RKO) MARSHALL OF MESA CITY (RKO) HEAVEN BARBED WIRE FENCiE (20lh) LEGION OF LOST FLYERS (U) CALL A MESSENGER (U) KID NIGHTINGALE (WB) REMEMBER? (M-G) HEROES iN BLUE (Mono) CAT AND CANARY (Par) MAIN STREET LAWYER (Rep) ALLEGHENY UPRISING (RKO) DRUMS ALONG MOHAWK (20tb) FIRST LOVE (U) ONE HOUR TO LIVE (U) ELIZ.\BETH AND ESSEX (WB) 11/17/39 11/15 ANOTHER THIN MAN (M-G) . - 11/15 THE PHANTOM STRIKES (Mono) RAIDERS OVCB ENGLAND (Mono) 9/20 RULERS OF THE SEA (Par) 11/22 TOWER OF LONDON (U) 11/15 THE COVERED TRAILER (Rep) 10/18 MEET DR. CHRISTIAN (RKO) 11/1 TOO BUSY TO WORK (20tb) 11/1 ON DRESS PARADE (WB) C u D U RO U I) C CD D CD C W CD W l> C w CI> M M C D D M M D D RD M D' RD M D >D M C D C M J. E. Brown-M. Carlisle 6.S V. Weidler-G. Keynolds-K. Owen 77 C. Bickford-B. MacLane 84 J. Trent-M. Reynolds-M. Stone SI Lamour-TamtroiT-Howard 89 K. Tay lor-L. Haycs-R. Laiie 6S R. Scott-P. Foster-M. Lindsay 83 J. Bennett-A. Menjou-W. Garican 80 H. Herbert-B. Sandy-F. '' Ice 6i 3. Cagney-H. Koeart-P. Lane 106 Weaver Bros.-K. Roeers 69 P. Sinf;le(on-.\. Luke-L. Sims 67 C. SlarrcU-L. Gruy-D. Curtis S4 G. Garbo-M. Douclas-I. Cluire 111 Jack Randall 57 J. Newill-S. Blanc S. Laurcl-O. Ilurdy-J. Parker 65 George O'Brien 61 3. ROgers-R. W»Iburn-M. Rainbrau 61 R. Arlen-.\. Nagcl-A. Dcviiie 63 U. Ilalop-H. Hall-M. Carlisle 64 J. Payne-J. Wyman 58 R. Taylor-G. Garson-L. Aycrs 82 D. Purcell- B. Hayes 60 B. Ilopc-Paiilcltc Goddard-J. Real *2 E. EIlis-.A. Louise-K. Baldwin 72 J. Wayne-C. Trevor-C. Sanders 98 C. Colbert-H. Fonda-EIIM. Oliver 103 D. Durbin-R. Stack 84 D. Nolan-C. Blckford-J. Litcl 61 "IB. Davis-E. Flynn 106 101 58 M. Loy-W. Powcll-C. A. Smith W. Law.son-S. Hale No Cast D. Fairbanks, Jr.-M. Lockwood 96 B. Rathbone-B. KarlofT 92 J. Gleason-L. Gleason-T. Ryan 63 J. Hersholl-D. LoveU-P. Lee 63 J. Prouty-S. BylnRton-K. Howell 64 Dead End Kids-J. Litel 62 11/24/39 AMAZING MR. WILLIAMS (Col) 11/22 SECRET OF DR. KILDARE (M-G) 12/20 ROLL, WAGONS, ROLL (Mono) 11/8 OUR NEIGHBORS (Par) 11/22 THAT'S BIGHT. YOU'RE WRONG (BKO) 11/15 DAY-TIME WIFE (20th) 11/29 BIG GUY (U) 11/15 WE ARE NOT ALONE (WB) 12/1/39 Pittsburgh, Jan. 1. Of all Broadway, musicals for which she's already been mentioned, the only one Martha Raye is consid- ering, singing comedienne said here last week, is show Al Jolson will do for Vinton Freedley in spring. Fur- thermore, it's the lone legit future that would fit in with her. current schedule, since her unit's bookings extend into March. Although at present not under con- tract to any studio. Miss Raye said she's had offers from both 20th-Fox and U, but in future would consider only one-picture deals and no star billing. Gal attributes much of her professional unhappiness in Holly- wood the last couple of years to quick stardom she originally fought against and still doesn't want. 12/8/39 12/6 12. 6 11/29 12/13 11/22 10/25 12/20 _ll/_29_ 11/15 A CALL ON THE PRESIDENT (M-G) CAFE HOSTESS (Col) GENTLEMAN FROM ARIZONA (Mono) YUKON FLIGHT (Mono) COWBOYS FROM TEXAS (Rep) NIGHT OF NIGHTS (Par) RENO (RKO) CITY IN DARKNESS (20ih) INSP. HORNLEIGH ON HOLIDAY (2eth) LAUGH IT OFF (U) RETURN OF DR. X (WB) 12/13 12/13 12/6 FUGITIVE AT LARGE (Col) TAMING OF THE WEST (Col) HENRY GOES ARIZONA (M-G) LUCKY TEXAN (Mono) THE LLANO KID (Par) TWO THOROUGHBREDS (RKO) B.'VRRICADE iiO.h) MAN FROM MONTREAL (U) PRIVATE DETECTIVE (WB) 12/15/39 Henigson In Exec Post With Roosevelt Outfit Hollywood, Jan. 1. Henry Henisson, onetime general manager of Univer.sal .itudio and later producer nt Metro, joins James Roosevelt's Globe Productions as v. p. and associate producer. Fir.st job is to line up production personnel for tlic new outfit. Roo.sevelt has .■ilated his first picture for April 1 start. John.LcRoy John.ston, p. a. for Walter Wahgcr, has been named to handle similar job for the Roosevelt production \-,nit. He'll do double duty temporarily. Roosevelt bought 'Storm in Para- dise' as his second Globe produc- tion. First is "The Bat.' Hcnigson named Guy Trcsper, story editor,; D. Izzard, general production manager, and Henri Verstappen, production assistant. U.S. Nabs RKO House Man The long arm of the law after four months reached out to nab Gerard S'loane, who was at the RKO Up- to\vn theatre, New York, until he left without notice, taking $264 of the house's money with him. He was arrested in New Orle.ias during the past week and is,held there by Federal • authorities. ' The arrest was made by Federal in.spec- tors a.s result of another theft by Sloaiic which involved one of the mail.";. 12/13 11/22 12/13 12/20 11/22 NICK CARTER, DETECTIVE (M-G) THE SECRET FOUR (Mono) WESTBOUND STAGE (Mono) ALL WOAIEN HAVE SECRETS (Par) SOUTH OF THE BORDER (Rep) THE HONEYMOON'S OVER (20lh) MISSING EVIDENCE (U) c D W CD MU CD D _ D CD CD W D W CD D M M C ^M M ■ " W CD W W D CD D M_ M D W RD, W D M I) CD CD CD CD RD M BD CD MU ' MU D W D RD W M CD W C J. Blondell-M. Douglas 80 L. Ayres-L. Barrymore-L. Day 83 Tex Bitter 58 F. Bainter-F. Craven-E. Lowe 83 K. Kyser-.\. Menjon-E. E. Horlon 91 T. Power-L. Darnell-W. William 71 v. McLaglen-J. Cooper 78 P. Munl-J. Bryan-F. Kobson 112 A. Solhern-W. Gargan-L. Stone 69 P. Fost«r-A. Dvorak C. Beynolds-J. King 71 .r. Newlll-L. Slanley-D. O'Brien R. Livings(on-R, Ilatton-D. Rrn:ildo .li P. O'Brien-O. Bradna-R. Young 8.*; R.'Dix-G. Patrlck-A. Loul.se 73 S. Toler-L. Barl-R. Clarke 72 G. Ilarkcr-A. Sim-L. Travcrs 90 J. Downs-C. Moore 64 _ILBogart-J. LHcNR^Lane 60 J. Holt-P! Eilis Bill Elliott F. Morgan-V. Weidler-G. KIbbee John Wayne T. Guizar-A. Dun'n-A. Mowbray 69 J. Lydon-J. Kerrigan Alice Faye-W. Baxter-.\. Treacher 70 R. Arlen-A. Devlne J. Wyman-D. Foran 57 66 1, 26 40 LONG WOLF STRIKES (Col)"" LAMBETH WALK (M-G) PIONEER DAYS (Mono) SANTA FE MARSHAL (Par) .SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON (RKO) HIGH SCHOOL (20th) GREEN HELL lU) FIGHTING SIXTY-NINTH BD W BD C BD CD M W BD W M M D _C M C M M BD RD C W M ^M M C W w D C D D W. Pidgeon-R. Johnson-H. Hull F. Lawton-II. Sinclalr-A. Lee Tex Ritler J. Allen, Jr.-J. Cagney-V. Dale 39 G. Autry-S. Burnette-J. Storey' S. Erwin-M. Wcaver-P. Knowles 69 P. Fosier-I. Hervey 64 RI. Novara-L. Atwill-C. Nagel C. Grant-R."Russeil' L. Stone-M. Rooney-C. Parker 88 Cartoon 75 .T. Gleason-L. Glcuson-T. Ryan 60 S. Ilenie-R. Milland-R. Cummings 76 E. Bergen-R. Cummings 78 Lane-Sis(ers-G. Page-E. Albert 110 It/l'erry-B. Crawford-E. Arnold N. Eddy-I. Masscy-C. Ruggles i02" M. Martin-A. Jone.«-W. Connolly 84 C. Bickford-O. Davis, Jr.-D. Day" R. Rogers-G, Ilayes-D. Barry " 63 C. Laughlon-M. O'llara 115 C. Romero-M, Weaver-C. P. Martin 73 M. Dle(rich-J, Slcwar(-M. Aucr 90 G. Rnf(-J. Bryan P:_Ni_vcn-A. de Ilavill and-D. Dig gts 70 C. Starre'tt-L Meredith R. Montgoniery-E, Arnold-R. Owen* W. Henry-L. Campbell-R. Denning G. O'Brien-V. Vale D. AmechcrA, Leeds-A. Jolson -85 C. Moore-F. Albertson-R, Armstrong G. Fitzgerald-J. Lynn M. Sullavan-J. Stewart-F. Morgan- J. Newill P. Foster-E. Drew-A. Devine 89 L. Velci-D. Woods-L. Errol 67 R. Livlngston-B. Hatton-P. L. Par.sons L. Barl-C. Aubrey Smlth-D. Woods V. Price-N. Grey-J. Sutton B. Meredlth-B. Field-L. Chancy, Jr. J. Bryan-P. Lane Film Reviews __ Continued Ironi page 40 cases and in the provinces. It will certainly rate abroad it It doesn't incur the censor's wrath, for cutting will make it as flat as champagne without the pop. Plot is not Muich in originality but the ensemble puts the pic across. Atmosphere of Choz Maxim's, where most of the iictioii takes place; the beautiful, h an d s o m e 1 y gowned remmcs who live just over the borderline of respectability, the dia- log and amu.siuK sequences—they're all exploited to the fullest by Maurice Wolf, who has transposed "Ifves Mirande's and Gusiavc Quinson's play with considerable adroitness. It moves alonji at a fiist, .smooth clip, with lapses few and inconsequential! The cutting mi;.;ht have been more judicious. Bach portrays Julien. as he did in the stiigc version at the Palais Royale years a^o. His is the name draw, but paradoxically chough, he contributes little cl.so, being carried along by the pic's action. He still holds audience appeal, however, by capitalizing on a rep made years ago. After years at Maxim's, where, nightly, he greets cuslomer.s and does a thousand and one little chores, the 'doorman is tired of Maxim's am- biance and hcartsorc at suddenly learning that his mistress, played by Genevieve Callix. one of the girls of the house, has been unfaithful to him with n customer (Roger "Tre- villc). Latter abandons her just about this time upon inheriting a title and fortune, and falls for a youngster. Bach's daughter. The rest of the yarn hinges on (he compli- cations that result. Marcel Carpcntier. as the Abbot, lops the cast. Fat. .gluttonous, but spiritual and. glibly quoting the scriptures, his performance is superb. Treville and Miss Callix turn in , sophisticated p c r f o r hi a n c e s. All I minor characters are topnoteh. Pho- tography is nioslly bad but the genuine atmosphere contributes con- siderably to (he pic's sincerity and conviction. ■ Rnt;o. ABUNA MESSIAS ('CARDINAL MESSIAS') (ITALIAN-MADE) Uoine. Dec. 18. noilcriiIi;lllp ri-li>:i..!|. iif It. K. [<\-Tjlll|tl Olft. ctiM prtMliii-llnii. .S(:ii-..i ('.■tinlllii rilolU), ffa- Ilirf.H Mnrlo I-'i'ri-.-irl, IniMtllio sllvcntrl, Kn- rlro GInil. Dhv. '.i 'l (.MfTivilo AlPiwn- • h-liil. <'iinior;i. .Miln TudU. I>cI Fnite nnd rii.vsnll. At 1110 11:1^11.11111. It.iiiio. t';i.'*l: (^:iniltlti I'llnu.i. .\1.ii-lu Porrnrl. Tp- p,)IIln Sllvr-Hlrl, 1-;itrli'it r.Iorl. «*orrn<lo Hor- (•.>, l.*r;uii*Psfft ^:<\:i, .Vliii'ih^i) Ttolirrlft I'nsoiii. itor. lio I'.i.-lo. Mi.ika, .*bel- ol-rrb. Iliiiiiiliii,- lliiir. U.', .MIN.S. Winner of (he Muss;)lini Cup as the best Italian uroduction of the year. 'Abuna Mcssias' is not going to cop any ■ cups abroad. Prize donors evidently had size and scope of production iii mind when they doled out (ho liouors, for pic is one of the biggest things over tried here. It should ■ have fair returns domes- tically, but would be classed as run- of-the-mill abroad. Yarn is liistorical, concerning Ethiopia, its Menclik and the Fran- ciscan monks' allcmpt to spread Christianity among (he natives. Mes- sias was one of the latter, gaining the conOdcnce of Menclik because of the work he had done in the coun- try. Jealous of Mcssias' power, Abuna Ataiiasio. head of the native Coptic church, demands that. Menc- lik expel Me.ssias. When Mcnelik retu.sed, Atanasio look the matter to Negus Johannes, who was persuaded to make war on Menclik. Pic is based mostly on the Mc.s- .sias character, the intrigue within the Coptic church and finally the war. B'irst (wo nhascs are con- vincing enough, with .some fine act- ing by Camilld Pilollii as Mos.sias, Ippolito Silvcstri as Johannes and Mario Ferrari. Atanasio. Enrico Glori, as Menclik. is on the short side. Shorter .still is the war. Excellent mob scenes show the gathering of the clans, with .some 250.000 natives being used.- And oven though some good clashes .ire .shown, there is no mcan.s of distinguishing who is who and the outcome of the battle is only known through tlie word oi mouth and not by action. Too, some of the horsemen riding to the fray .smell of Hollywood's froiilior-men chasing Indians. Photography is good but cutting is spotty. Hugo. T. Martin-R. Hayworth-E. Fellows A. Sothern-J. Carroll-R. Johnson Boris Karlofl Frankic Darro B. Slanwyck-F. MacMurray-B. Bondi A. Marshall-B. Read-P. Knowles J. McCrea-N. Kelly-R. Young J. M. Brown-B. Boker-F. Knight L. Olivler-J. Fontalne-J. Anderson M. Lindsay-B. KarloiT W. William-.T. Perry L. Lane-S. Gray.-S. Hicks Jack Randall W. Boyd-R. Hayden-B. Haves T. MItchell-E. Best-F. Bartholomew .T. Wilhers-L. Brown, Jr.-C. Edwards D. Fairbanks, Jr.-J. Bennett J. Cagney-P. O'Brien Eddy Renews at M-G Hollywood, Jan. 1. Nelson Eddy inked a new contract with Metro to take effect at the dose of his concert tour, which begins next month. . " Fir.st picture under (he new pact is 'I Married an Angel.' PAYNE'S 'TWINKLE' Hollywood, Jan. 1. John Payne gets the male lead spot opposite Linda Darnell in 'Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star,' at 20th-Fox. Mary llealy is a.ssigned to • tured role in the film.