Variety (Jan 1940)

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46 PICTURES Thirty-fourth VARIETY Anniversary Wednesday, January 3, 1940 1939 Hollwood Toppers .Continued from page 29_ big. Studios also had one from 1 slandbys. Laurel and Hardy, in one •Little Tough Guys' that was oKe ^^l^-^t^^t^t ^^ro^:::^^ well as bringing to the fore a couple ; bi,t couple of people on contract of kidlet stars, Baby Sandy and ' tor feaUire parls. John-Hubbard and Gloria Jean, whom it figures cashing I Victor Mature, with ••est employed in on during next couple years and ^ f'jom /■•^clanec Ile.d mostly and cou- before Durbin value subsides. . °' Studio has a fairly promising fea- ture contr.ict list with couple.of llic femmes and juves giving indications of development. For its stellar fea- ture players it contracted durinjj year with freelancers for indiviuu;M commitments and got some potent supporting strength to aid in box- office consumption. UNIVERSAL Stars DEANNA DURBIN IRENE DUNNE-CHAS. BOYER BING CROSBY DIETRICH-JAMES STEWART W. C. FIELDS-EDGAR BER- GEN DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, JR. BASIL RATHBONE - LUGOSI LITTLE TOUGH GUYS BABY SANDY GLORIA JEAN Featured Adolphe Menjon MIscha Auer Vincent Price Jackie Cooper Nan Grey Boris KarloB Barton MacLane William Lundlgan Preston Foster Hugh Herbert Richard Arlen Constance Moore Robert Cammings Joy Hodges John Mack Brown Frances Robinson William Gargan SIgrid Gnrie Barbara O'Neil Buster Crabbe. Juanita Quigley Irene Hervey Peggy Moran., Anne Gwynne James Craig Robert Stack Lewis Howard Andy Devine Fuzzy Knight Frank Jenks Dorothy Arnold Helen Parrlsh Sara S. Hinds Bob Baker Alice Eyiand John Sutton Jerry Marlowe 5 Producers Swelled United Artists List United Artists had five Cjast pro- ducers during 1939 with more vol- ume from here than ever in -the past. Sam Goldwyn's star mainstay was Gary Cooper, with Merle Obcron also getting equal billing and David Niven elevated to top rank toward end of the year. Laurence Olivier also got into star bracket as ('(d Jascha Hcifetz. Jon Hall was not used by his discoverer but farmed to Walter Wanger. The Goldwyn ace in feature roles is Walter Brenna'n, with Andrea ,Leeds also figuring in this division as well as Virginia Gil- more and Dana Andrews. Miss I^ceds got her release from Goldwyn recently; Wanger Shopped Wanger did shopping for his stars nnd individual commitments and in this way obtained Loretta Young, John Wayne and Claire Trevor. On loan from other studios he obtained Niven, Jon Hall, Maureen O'SuUi- van..and Ann Sheridan, elevating latter to stardom. His feature group were all from the freelance rank. Vivien Leigli, due to 'Wind,' heads the Selznick-Intcrnational star group, with Janet Gaynor the other S-I star also being used. Others that figured in the company output were free- lance and'loanouts, as were the sup- porting players for the S-I product. Edward Small, new addition this year to the UA group, used Louis Hayward, his own star discovery, in two pictures. He was co-stari-ed with Joan Bennett in one of them. Small had potent feature support in these pix. Likely that he will de- UNITED ARTISTS (Saimiel Goldwyn) Stars G.\RY COOPER MERLE OBERON DAVID NIVEN LAURENCE OLIVIER JASCHA HEIFETZ JON HALL Featured Walter Brcnnan .\ndrea Leeds Virginia Gilmore Dana Andrews (Walter Wanger) Stars LORETTA YOUNG-DAVID NIVEN JOHN WAYNE-CLAIRE TREVOR ANN SHERIDAN JON HALL-MAUREEN O'SULLIVAN Featured Thomas Mitchell John Carradine Hugh Herbert Billie Burke C. Aubrey Smith Raymond Walburn ZaSu Pitts George Bancroft Donald Meek Barton Churchill Broderick Crawford Osa Massen (Sclziiick-Internatioual) Stars VIVIEN LEIGH-GABLE CAROLE LOMBARD JAMES STEWART INGRID BERGMAN DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, JR. LESLIE HOWARD JANET GAYNOR Featured Paulette Goddard Joan Fontaine Alan Marshall Richard Carlson (Edward Small) Stars LOUIS HAYWARD JOAN BENNETT in the Columbia grouping. Studio had grovip of other stars for Indi- vidual commitments who enhanced draw value of their bigger budgeted pictures. Its stock is small in fea- ture players, Walter Connolly and Thomas Mitchell the oulstariders from the home lot. In 'Golden Boy' studio brought to the fore William Holden, whose con- tract it holds jointly with Paramount, which studio had not utilized him prior to the Columbia production. Company also has good team in renny Singleton and Arthur Lake, combo doing the 'Blohdic' series,, and also for the action fleld has Jack Holt and Charles Starrett. Willi ambitiovis plans being launched for 1940, likely Columbia will start Ih-j nucleus of a stock company that may bring number of players to im- portant stature in the feature ranks. COLUMBIA Stars JEAN ARTHUR JAMES STEWART CARY GRANT IRENE DUNNE BARBARA STANWYCK RANDOLPH SCOTT MELVYN DOUGLAS RALPH BELLAMY JOAN BLONDELL JACK HOLT EDITH FELLOWS ARTHUR LAKE PENNY SINGLETON CHARLES STARRETT Featured Walter Connelly — r Adolphe Menjou .Thomas Mitchell Warren William William Holden Three Stooges Rochelle Hudson Rita Hay worth Jacqueline Wells Robert Paige Dorothy Peterson Joan Perry Gene Autiy Jippee Boxoffice for Repub Gene Autry is the Tiffany for Re- public, and getting to proportions in sales value that Tom Mix held with Fox years ago. With his Wrigley broadcast chant; during 1940 he will no doubt strengthen his draw, power to spot himself in keys where here- tofore he was of little consequence or unknown.. Autry, too, is of great value to Republic outside of the do- mestic market. Another cowboy, Roy Rogers, is developing fast on this lot, with the John Wayne out- Featured Adolphe Menjou Warren William Joan Fontaine Tom Brown Richard Carlson Alan Curtis Dolores Costello Alan- Hale (Hal Roach) Stars LAUREL and HARDY CONSTANCE BENNETT JOAN BENNETT Featured Roland Young Brian Aherne Adolphe Menjou Victor McLaglcn Lon Chancy, Jr. Billie Burke Burgess Meredith Charles Bickford John Carradine . Douglas Dumbrille Paul Lukas June Lang Betty Field George Zucca Noah Beery, Jr. RomAn Bnhncn Virginia Field John Hubbard Victor Mature Columbia Keeps Its Jean Arthur Busy . Columbia's sole star, Jean Arthur, was plenty utilized on the year, hav- ing done both Capra pictures and , „ , , „ ■"'so in 'Only Angels Have Wings.' velop small stock group that wUl be ; This naturally gives her biggest star utilized in his and other UA pro-; value in company's calendar for ducer pjcs as they show promise. j period, James Stewart, though on Hal Roach used trio of stars for ; loanout from Metro, had spots in his output of five. He had his old ' both Capra pictures an ' can be listed REPUBLIC Stars GENE AUTRY ROY ROGERS JOHN WAYNE THREE GLEASONS THREE MESQUITEERS RICH'D DIX-GAIL PATRICK CHARLES BICKFORD BARTON MacLANE BRUCE CABOT PHIL REGAN WEAVER BROS, and ELVIRY RALPH BITRD Featured James Dunne Smiley Burnelte Rochelle Hudson Paul Kelly George Hayes Robert Armstrong Henry Wilcoxon Frieda Inescort Billy Gilbert Edward Ellis Helen Mack Jean Parker Tommy Ryan June Storey Donald Barry Otto Kruger Marie Wilson Harry Davenport ZaSu Pitts Doris May George Barbier Ralph Morgan Beverly Roberts Lyle Talbot Chick Chandler Anita Louise Mabel Todd Mary Carlisle Kay Sutton Frank Jenks Mary Hart Roscoe Turner Warren Hymer Harold Iluber Owen Davis, Jr. Charles Grapewin La Guardia Wants N. Y. to Take Part Of the Rap for Bad Pix, Lefty Thinks By Joe Laurie, Jr. New York, J.-in. 1. Dear Vic: • It's certainly been great to be here all this time seeing shows, meeting old friends and making new ones. It has done wonders for Aggie and Junior; he has grown so that soon we will have to start lying about his age on ti-ains and in picture shows. I sure agree with the guy that said 'New York is the world seen in samples.' It frightens a lot of guys and makes 'em feci like a lion in a den of Daniels, but me and Aggie love it and will be .sorry when we soon will have to leave to go back to Coolacrcs, which will be around Christmas time. By thon our fatigued bank account will be entirely dc-moneytized. Glad to hear you did such a swell job of exploitation on 'Golden Boy.' It's a good picture. Your idea of giving out small toy violins and boxing gloves as a souvenir to the customers was swell,- even though it cost you more than the picture drew. I realize you can't make money on every picture; even guys that sell French postcards lose money sometimes. But I do wish the producers would send us pictures once In a while would give our scats some exercise. We have some that haven't been turned down in a long time. I copied a blurb outside ot a 42d street picture house that you may be able to use sometime, especially for an extra bad picture. Here it is: 'A heart-gripping drama of an underworld ruler who ripped the White Way wide open with souls stripped bare; and a beautiful, voluptuous woman who betrayed her lover to his enemy to make room for another aspirant for her favors. This drama will sweep your emotions to fever pitch.' ' The • customers are usually in a fcyer pitch when they cpnie out after seeing the picture. So hide. Well, our Coolacres banker friend Flint is still doing the town with his chorus-girl friend. You wouldn't know the old buzzard; he has been re- stocking himself with new parts, from a suit with three belts in the ba"ck to a new .set of teeth that are a size too large for him. He sure is nuts about the dame, not only heartsick, but he doesn't feel so well in th* stomach either. He has been trying to be one of those 'life of the party boy.';' whose presence throughout the country has been so depressing, When a guy his age who has been raised on country air and counting hi» money towards him starts on a diet of gin symphonys, love, and bad night club air, he is practically setting up type for his obit. Abher's Philosophy—An EInstelner My brother-in-Jaw Abner Is still living on philosophy and. what few dollars he can borrow. He has lost half of his memory; he remember* what he lent, not what he borrows. Aggie has told him a dozen times that he'll never make money playing the horses; but all he scz is, 'If I'm not going to make money I'd rather not make it doing the things I like than not make it doing the things I don't like.' We both tried to flgger ttTat one out, but .so far the score is nothing-nothing. No doubt you've read about Mayor La Guardia of New York trying to get the producers to start making pictures in N. Y. I think it's a good Idea to .spread picture making all over the country and then one town won't be blamed for all the bad pictures. If the Mayor has his way it will soon be a case of an actor going 'Astoria' Instead of 'Hollywood.' I don't see v;hy they can't make pictures in New York as well as they can in Holly- wood. We have polo fields, racetracks, football, golf links and relation! in New York top. And you can look just as bad In a sweat shirt and dark, gla.sses in New York as you can in Hollywood. Well, we'll be seeing you soon. Give our regards to the wheat-bcndert back there scz Your Pal, UJtV- P. S.—J. C. Nugent sez, 'The greater part of men harm one anotlier for the sake of doing something.' put, especially since he hit the major field, very dominant in the draw. James, Lucille & Russell Gleason trio with their domestic series are going along in good shape, as are the combination of Bob Livingstone, Duncan Renaldo and Raymond Hat- Ion in 'The Mcsquiteers' series. Other feature stars outside ot Phil Regan were in on a couple of pic commitments, with Weaver Bros, and Elviry showing promise of value in the sticks for this outfit. Life Is Just a Flock Of Series Pix at Mono A check over the support or fea- ture list stacks up as a wlio's who of major screendom of a few years ago. All of these people have had mar- quee value in past and Republic in MONOGRAM Stars JACKIE COOPER BORIS KARLOFF "TEX RITTER JACK RANDALL FAY WRAY FRANKIE DARRO JOHN TRENT MARCIA MAE JONES MARJORIE REYNOLDS ROBERT KENT JACKIE MORAN MOVITA JOHN CARROLL Featured «Sidney Blackmcr Charles Bickford Ann Nagel Barton MacLane Grant Withers Warren Hull Marsha Hunt James Stephenson Shirley Deane Dorothy Tree James Newill Sally Blane Dick Purcell Iternardine Hayes William Pawley Louise Stanley casting them aims to cash in on this asset. Monogram has knit schedule with series by all of its Slavs out- side of single picture commitment of Jackie Cooper. Balance with ex- ception of Tex Ritter and Jack Ran- dall, who make eight, do four pics on the year. Top selling factors are Boris Karlolt and Tex Ritter next to Cooper, whose strength is his major past and also outside commit- ments at other studios. Dramas and outdoor product of this outfit fits in with the lone of patronage that is catered to prin- cipally by Mono. Though company has few featured players on its weekly ro.ster, the list shows that all of them have long experience in films and names that are adapt.nble to marquee illuminating to bring in trade. Besides listed as appearing in major and indie productions there are .several thousand players who fill the casts and get support billin.i;. but cannot be grouped in the feature contingent. A good proportion of those work an average of six to fif- teen weeks a year. Study 'Swiss' for Road Hollywood. Jan. 1. RKO is mulling a tour for the Towne-Baker production, 'Swiss Family Robinson,' a nine- reeler which cost about $1,000,000. Studio's other big production, 'Abe Lincoln,' is already on- the uppcd- pricc list. ' Lydon One of 'Em Hollywood, Jan. 1. Jimmy Lydon has been set for lop male role in Gene Towne and Graham Baker production of 'Little Men' «t RKO. Filming will start early in March. STORY BUYS Hollywood. .Ian. 1- 20th-Fox bought film rights to the James Oliver Curvvood novel, "Ine Hunted Woman'. , , Metro purchased 'Whitechapcl. by Leo Birinski and Kurt Siodmack.