Variety (Jan 1940)

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Wednesday, January 3, 1940 Thirly.fourth— VARIETY—A 159 9 Rockefeller Plaza. New York Cables: Gilrellim, New York GILBERT MILLER St. James' Theatre, London Cables: Gilrellinn, London THE CRITICS' VERkllCT Judge for yourself!... FOR THE NEW PINS & NEEDLES "Admirable evening's enter- tainment." Wdlls-Hcrald Ti-ibiine "I've soon it through three cdi- "tions and call this 'Extra'." A iidcrxoii-Jourml American "Throe vears old iind prickly fun." Richard Locl;ridge-N. Y. "Dull moments are not to he found ill 'New Pins and Noodles'." 1 Villi) file - 1 VoiUl Tvlcg l a in "Fun." ISnvii^ MaulU -Daili/ Niics "A mori-v evening " Waldorf-Post "Liveliest musical show in town." I'oUuck-liruoldyti Eiiglu "Evoked rohust applause." CoUiiuiiL-Miiior "Harold J. Rome scores aRaiii and Joseph Schrank's playlets arc rich in humor and satire." Kelcy /t;;t)i-lVojucn'ii IVciir 'The new .show is belter put to- gether, better paced and bettor performed." . Time Magazine 'The most adult revue in town." Kobcrt Ii(„dtUjj-Ncw yorl<er "Bright and spontaneous." Claxloti-Ciic "No hotter ontertaiiinient buy on R'way." Vurivtn "As swell a show as anyone could want to sec." BilUwurd "Spirited, enthusiastic." Clirisliuii Science Motvilor "Enjoyable experience." Ricc-Moriiiiiii Telegraph "Improves with ap:e." I'rice—Brooldini Citizen "A great show." Holliju ood R< porter "Lilting lyrics, brilliant sketches." Bronx Home Neirs ••A good show." D,idlf!i-)VHN "Crannnod full of refioshintr joy." Slan-W/ilCA 9U'9Unewpins&needles "Ebullient spirit not preserved ... If not tempted to rest on its laurels, l.alior Stage knows how to put on a good show." doiilil-S'. y. TInux "Producers have felt 1he nood to spice the show-witli a dash of red-baiting . . . yot the fun gets under the skin." New Masi^en nnn for the DHU new pins & needles "Sour note is struck in 'Five Angels of Peace' when Stalin appears in the lineup with Chamberlain, Mussolini, a mili- t^irist Japanese and Hitler . . . 'New Pinsand N'eedlosHotlers." l/ailij li e/At/- Still at Movie Prices! NEW PINS AND NEEDLES Mmsic& Lyrics by Harold J. Rome Sketches hy Joseph Schraiik Stageii by Robert H. Gortian Sris by S. SyrjiiU WED. A SAT. AT 2:40 I EVENINGS AT 8:40 40^ 75< »|.00 I SSi *i.lO *l.65 WINDSOR THEATRE • 48th ST. EAST OF B'WAY • BR.—9-382* 1'heatre Parties ctiid Benefits Now Being Bookedfor the Next 6 Monihs OSCAR SERIIN preitnti Clarence Day's Made into a play by HOWARD LINDSAY and RUSSEL GROUSE Directed iy BRETAIGNE WINDUST ■ Setting and Costumes ty STEWABT CHANEY EMPIRE THEATRE BROADWAY 4. AOih STREET, NEW YORK PATRICIA BOWMAN PRIMA BALLERINA OF "THE BALLET THEATRE" OPENING CENTER THEATRE, NEW YORK, IAN, 11