Variety (Jan 1940)

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tkt rrawma tor Um trwnmir Mm 4arlinc of Um Salurdar |o la wrilS^ that palmed < , ThU on* tInglM with •TO. Mm MM a Am faith In to (ii>h- On thr oOter M acainat tlM tnobbiah IranrKvd minoritT Half KMiUtMa aad a ttMdy tor TltempM MVlaMfd thit_ ac- i twmiy Cat ImC th* company ImmI rMhrr think thal tlwy mm —iHi* I W <1i i , HMsM ^ ika auaintanc* aa4 liM tart — » ^ ."VTT.' ^ I iIm tha Do^Mt M (far mi ■mi* Fa taata*4 «( Um LawiivlUa A Modcra <Unc* idioaa With Kaya it'i MaAillh - - ■ - w -TM. a aat. Imm utabto atyto: awaat. ■>■■• at MM Mrf HMMnM MMaa far tha MnaMatalta* jmm aa, MM wMMI 9tSr nT* MllMd Ital always war Mal e< |W|l^ ^ycl>ln< aa4 ituW—li f curraal at Idaa of tarkin (I) la attract (S> dubbUMl^tta valaaa mt la of tarkinr a acMai uauif tha luah-hraw i act 2tac aallirtara' Im.' mtlar. Daladiar. «4) amptoymf a LOU BREESE Brought back to the CHEZ PAREE. CHICAGO, for another extended run. The boys in the band and mys«lf wish to thank Mik* FrHwl and Joty NK. iMi rM, csr. - -.- - - _ . . , r I..-ployin» . -w - — .—^ S"*" '* *f*a <V WHB ; aaraoBauty KiMar Davl^ aa aarralaa. TaM ramily, thraa (tria an4 a hoy ' Oa Hm whalau tha alavy to aaciaaa- from Diiic. whoaa rrpartolr* ruifa ^ haabaaa «M arta^ hy ' ' iitiaa la ktllMIbr, aiavar. iiiaaiiaiii with varioM n& ■aaaa. h to calM -Tha af Htolory' Kadto aUtiaoa . - L''"'* May And It handy a»tar;al. eoMplata Kaya^ aawU cootrw* |„ (urtf tor tatactioa lata dipla- to (uaat vacala, —' — - tha —g*" **.** I Playara MaatiCad with *i 221 ^CS"'?t_JwJ?!?^fc?** aawa and draMatto vcac rw , I K W taan »a ya- tha ftrtt of a aariaa to ha paari adtraansa It t a< rh yHaa ' goiMd af Hialory .' Urn MiMhara ara^ inraa pr«f*rrnc» oiar %mA it k^^* ■kai«tu WBAL loek and tha TaM TmmMft \ Ution af -OU KlagCato^aroaa d Ikal, thaTi «w aart aMMiw tWy caa da-' "^Ka kaad^ partklpaOaa aaaackad' ■ •Mawhat of ovar-raptioaiag ntrrr'i th« Madlay Situation of tha WMfk^^^aaa^t Tgyriaw.'Ty' Bot That M^'w&tUmt aaSt ancawd in tha 'San< of Tomorrow^a rcfniniicmt of Guy Lombardo. and wlMja^ttia^o^w^captioaa Mlgrt aaiaaMa to thto ty*a at pratraai la dto aarly Wt. Kay* carrtoa planly of vocaliato ntlihlM aad ' THEO'NEILLS NOW RAD'O S MOST POPULAR fAMllv BRiNGS rOu '/ORE •'£R JeARS -^n. Hf^^"^ " thay M naaUy into tha nito foMraaata, tan* ar Indtrlduaay ar M MMtols af Cly4a Bltoa. . Kyaa. Jimmy Browa Mi Ckarito wn«on Aa far th* piu*. th* point lUII BMal ■traaaad to tha mvIm at tnm «■«• rt iat*aiT"liniaiMMjS*fc^j^r