Variety (Jan 1940)

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RADIO STAGE miETY 2S^ rM MIk Mr***. N«« Twk. H T . %r V•r*^*r. Aa •MM I HH Mfcw tt. IM*. •! Ik* rasi OMtr* ■! Mrm 1 MR. iM«k n «4BiBrr. i«c. au. «r«i. M. r. — if MIW TOtt. WmiHDAY, JANUAn 17, IMI •I Pi NEW LAZY STAGE HABITS : Spa«ai21«lliPhyiil» mm CiMr*a T*e*ipU tor IIM k.TtlM. leavlM • pi^ tl II.4MJMM for t»M iffaa- mt% vtuck l«clii<« rkurrhm. n i t lir trataraal ihIiUm «• • Frifkl MtUfwod, Jml It. WalM. Uk« it fTMn tiM •fitUk CMMors. Over thm • •im ptajrt a kMvy pMl II Srti« int bjr m !• I. Br wimiM ^ir Srst NaUonal Lra(u« pmnaia ItM Red* rteaikrd up a |iror4 gaU lor th* •Maori. Waailwrtjr MMt wtuto Um $»c- LA.COPSMAK mOUGHFOR ttal ih« avcract roal par Cm BItn patron war Mr, ti «c tor Um kM«» 9Uf*t. IB Hi • wtfiM dqr. wvat hM im4* a Mart la thai 4ir*c<tai •n4 ptrkrd on—Irmaio Uwp rra oaa tori Tboar during U aaaaqucrada pro(r>»onally inual ■ubmit to a ickarartar analyM ai b now making baak on vturti Um Tumi tricphon* call JttUaa n- •■I ol hU long ra> tirvment to a r ta pt an engagrmcnt at th« Rmdni'oua. Hollywood quau- nilrrjr. Dtingr waa lorc«4 to autaul to the quest ion tng fca t ara ha WM grastad a parsMi la wark. Wmmmm tt BMIUlEi l£l£L IT mmm CM Simgrnn With Appmmv Ml llT.F«HHi'tiheCwf«F«c| Cmw^ GftsM Tdb SkowHi ml faaUtgM hahaviar. la partktiiar tha muairtana rafuM to don graaia point. Vrry ofton girl •ing«n with surh l>and* work in a irhootciri akirt This • way IhaMalvaa, haag aaar Iha hal- ea«y raU. But M ia aAaa crtUciaai at Iha night iliawt. whan aduM palronago a>k what ha* happened to girdle*, tight* and theat/tral lea a^ Mai. •Mi ml la waffli hi Iha aye glatie* that pitk w» tha glara ha- stde* adding Mtla to peraonality. Thu prartica haa hcwi partly da- •n th^ thaory IhM Uayd mm MAIf JURY SETS Muato Oaf*. a« waa aa a a a c w U aa akto al Kxpo, ir\u« With Row* aqua l M Sieia. howavar, lar rrlaa* agilM Ito ' » tot acif or r Jii feet of a (Miron More xerbolrnt will laal aa Um aaaral ^ Baglaa. Satk. Jan U — ^Atsris:::^- lutr.ruTi Itotion muvhinomcd to IJM in im. Zarima. biUii « %waa a«*aM Nudut*.' triad hara la Carporatioa murt Wednesday (I* i belora a Jury ml aia men. was freed in riartly !• ■Uautes after tha )ury got the raw WUilaaa tton'i 1 Dicfcay. gm. for the top kho« tha Fair, uader Ctb>on who Grevrr Whalen aa 1 kwhMai aMcwUva, IH. T. availaMa aa aa atlractiaa. the to go to Iha Caaadiaa GovernaMal r>Mnmi>slon. the Dtoautes and others. Rractton from Canada, both r>ffiri4l and it hll Taw's . Duriiv Om Irial^UM I waaa aikad to ^ow Jury haw Zoriaia d a nced, but re- aa grounds that It would hurt their backs. 7.orima teslided that thu was the seroad tune ^ has hi Paviliaa however, that this would be aanlhar •lap al the aiidway. stocc it < III ihr Court at NaUaaa fioni the aNtalllM IT. of IS years for the mur daa mt his tmo rtMaun> and Utnaha Ihaalncal hu assacialcs. Harry Failure of two other rcpancnlt ml nudum. acYuted of mderenl eiposure at the Nite Spot here, to appear in court the same day resulted in the forfeiture of lhair haada. Thajr are Baaalaal La again aa poal A warrant was The Philly't rata aaeiatF. M Ba lireii^ revoked Friday (lli bjr the SUto Ltquor Baard aa the char*M Btineri (amblers, p roapectors Taf Mid W tofc CTM aaaa athen went in by dag toaai. leaai, kai • Mtfl tfV till. ml aiato Harry wmt AWaraay Caaaral Walter JalMi> ■aa favored his freedom, and Co%-- cmor R L Cochran, the diuenter. said he (rli a |uds> wha gav* haa onlv IS >rar> for ■ RHiBW W laaMal Maslca City. Jaa. Id •vamdhig ml Iha beard's ihaddii to be heard Jan. M. Maimilian J. Klincer roundel far thr Emba»y. offered the unique ar« guatent to Um baard that the ciMb !^ iTSL STaTMl^if'ttw'bJMIIe toto hTwir Sll4Mint''8SSSS ^SSSTISuhlZ h!!rt!Mfe iVVjiliia i?7wJ^ ^ •Ml a( Mm bastilte lato to Nil n. m ImM m i the board l-ipped lime or (^i, ml Mm awe < aitlae and Herb Smiler. operator of the a^M AavalMMSBvitfi M. T. vara *** mmmmm^mm g^to aaiBtaM wMB arttsUc director ml the ritow. Open- hi« been packing the place «ith Mm Laa Holu al Wm AaMlaNaai' Bachman went min thr Nebr^<k.i ii t |ni| ingB nig|—Mjr Ml III Maj 1 Main Line and Chaetaul Hill aH by N Y- ^, ailentiary on Fcti 13. I»J1. Th<-^ The fair Ii ftalurmg dabWaa with itoging and tolaal ia his door sho»s