Variety (Jan 1940)

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11* mwrnsmm a S. Wa^ Fist Cnck at Biol Ok iFUIIliM NST gSJWTglUylAOrtcrPfiiiH m dbdiui •fftcteb IMT* waat to DMrirt Omtt i iliiii i mmt ^QflHaU potato^ wit thai H wm ilM-'r whcr* a tfafcndani ii wNk BMr* Utaa on* rrim* - - - ' - ,1 ; Will** BioC b ■lag to 4m0 um o( th« tort to pull alrii^ curtain with a 'jmUtwmmmA toik g«««l«« L' ctaw MmmV its*OMMBHt Haa tar hu raturn to IlUnota al u ady hrm tifnad by Cov< Itaary Macn*i an4 la n^v ^ la NM waa aitljr M Mm* to pai4 ■ taa of llOSIt. It ctaMaa4 toal hi* actual $njna^ Mi Ittat ht 6etr»v CaMf^MM af ft_MIM urm. f torga Tto hMM far ll«T. TW toilrtnat ■ Mto ff JM aii4 UmIIm mM • tos IMl TW CavanMMat iMMi ■M WlHWa lalM far M» «■ nUERRAPS kr Oa«. «to imMiaitlaiiai tor tito ratiini «( ta larva Uia rtaitindar M a h h.i tutcmmt. tha (OvanMT *» Ual -tha ba*t inUiaaU •! ■■itoM^tilra tkM ha «houl4 to i*. ^ rouM Mt hoU la *irw * »• tact that tha Maadaal la ?* »•§ convictad in niinou hai not aarvcd hu »an- tWi tha dateAdaal hun- nit M Mtialactanr es- m to wkjr ttoa Mk W aaM to toil thai BMf I* a hMvy ItaWltty to rraft< in prrami pratficaaaMi amd thay ara all tar him dr«^ gjng^toto tha *atowi unUI it bit thM If • Ii aurcaaaful. Joh wtll to Marar I>*»u. Am*ri- ran f*4aratioa af Labor Inter- national rrp nwn '4t4i rtLMs iBi^lwr thaa avar hafara. with Ughtaniac up lavaraijr mm to load procraau bayMtf what thay thcfnirlvc* Maka. ar, to framing a M>aM»n i •rraaaad tor wito v( forhduy sm mmMm. COSISEIAI mm wm tor Mailnc nita Aataricaa War.' Harry M. Caatx. wh« will |»roduca K to uaociation with Mai Goidon. 4a- rlarad Miaiiy (II). Ha aaid pr*- toMttoa iMl «rM k« to liaa with tha mm _^ Waraar ^ hav* baaa activa to attiatp to M Ii CMtoMtoaal apaa ahliiaiin ra- to Tha Phi laaaa prt«r, to tha praAuctlon ot tha J*^ ' " ' ' " pirtura or pttturM, it i> predicted that aot ona-laalh a< tha tlnu which ■ ■ra haii^ diM«aai4 lar tha cominc ^?^'22r''«kto*?L^'MS' ^o^l)' ''^*> M*^ to IHI4M tHMfetoto Mlto »•■> tnctoto to •vtotohto. hat ilMMit alwaya aaly U ^* J^"*2l!S! I a Mkaior promiaa* to dwUibula tha Haptoira. rtar of 'Uniahad product, and partly o« tha ' fact that virtually avary tha AMMnill iaaira if to HoUywaad. Kar«a. • •waar a( UA. haa i «tato pia ia Kaflaad. Ma aastaaa to prodvaa to R ii waa activa la _ wito Paacal to tha toltor far hiai in raaa tha *~t"-h ' if IVada rafaaii ta ha mada in EafUnd. U lhaa ra '^Waady HOIar. wha wha had toadi will vary poMihly hava tha parti in tha aim. CoaU aaid. Oaat* and Cordoa ara curi aa tha acraan-play Twiil. wha ia doin< the tor ■t- wlUrii Oaato. Oardea aad Twial will lihaly ad- laura lo tha Coaat lor poliUiing pra- y to iprinf production Aatl- an(l« in the play will t>a wrM- TMa la atoaaal alwaya tha caaa aa- whara tha a»a>or diatributor aid* in tha anancing when releaaa become* • matter basically of pro- lacting tha coaipaay'a awn invaal- iL r«r tha rurraat tina-tol »ary Mtto PiM-al . un ad prida i tiaa will litwa aaMi ••riB. The Doctor'! OatoTi Oucipto- ami H wtll to ■toil Apnl 1. wMh aiUy • aa tha lot. a wUI la«rtd Bari tha H'wood PrsM Growa tMl IM ■ a a pragraia af M toaiarar tort aaljr aiakat M of thaaa itielf. (eltiM tha halanca froai tha outMda. ct perMaarnt rtudta Hollywood. Jaa. Id f f^'V'* *' l-*** »' atudio preaa corriipaadiaU. 1* ■ * accradited by tha Will Hayi aCica. • •JJJ'JJ**! tocraawd mmtm lhaa la Ihi tort Ii m aa aat accardiM to GaMwya). Wi Waa«ar. Sal Laaaar. Knut ■tfward Small Hal Koach to addition to tCnaiiawid aa Mt I LaMMh Mtd OmM •evaM av Tr««a Mark KaalMwa roi Mii.i> nr aias aiLrKnaas to •*aiBT». Ia> MINORITIES BITE BACK Maalj bill, outlatkinc blu«-k boukine of fiimt. and llir I . < lovrriiiiiriit t i\il action untie r MMi-tniM U«i a)•ain^t the major nioiii.n |>ii- twr* cow|towii I Bi«d indrpradrnl Ihrairr t ir- ctuU, arc arrioiM thmla agSMtot the fcln in- dmirjr. M prrantly orgaaiMd. Upoatbeoal* cMM «l HMat tm iaaMS Hm wfcrft falwv mnc oprralnri tWry arr klill g*tutK to neti gnod filiiii. If |>rr«ciil uMiii-fs arc Koing to \>e di»- |K>»sfssrd, and thr Uw <.f ilir land ko read*, tlirn it niu>t l>r a&r>umrd llul l>v tome hocti*- ^ociM^th^M^-M^ hcu4Mlactaril>- cnwfcaH|li|Mi. I ctaMa i: '•tarnad acalMt htoi in J^,«t«ie» laal waalL Authoritiet ? *1!'(h«o wart a« tht opiaioa that Z^^*f>wrt wW ba ahto to ••• Om i« ail aUrmpt lo rreulale btiMimt prar- licfi, wliuli liayc evolved ilirouj;h a quarter of a rmtury of dodi.ptiirnt, by the force of let;- iaUtion. lite other is legal pro>erulion for al lc§|ii vtsbtioiia of anli-lruat and rcalnuat <>i trait MaltHca. Bolk arc wcapoMiltMcrn ment w hick, if tmecmtUL m tknr Mipa^will duNgc cutMplrtdy Ike alvMlMv al Wm Ma ia- How cunie that llie iadnslry kiiddenly i< co«frn«te4 by ihi* daai twigmm of Kcdy' bill and Dc^MtMCM of jH»tirc proaccntkNi?' No Iiigfc-fncc4 icw (if law vera it needed to anpfily tlic Mtonvr. The bnaMcaa—that b lo say tlw men «-ho run it—ha« brought ii» trowhlei om itself. .Ml thai it ha|>tK-nin(; no\« i> a crystal- ii(iii(; oi nionili> an<l \rar> of nr|;iei't lo protect Minorities vviiliiti iIk' iiidii>lry. who have ju»t aa nach cUim to life, liberty and the p «l fha jialwai aa the 4mmkmm — ) nrt ljr Aa f<»r the ami Irn^t »uil. avowed intrntioii of «thirh ii lo dixorce ownerkhip and operation The Mofiii ha* turned. an<l unlr^s there ii -ome fast and Uiifty action, tome Kuod ctmi- I inoa aenac reatoninf and plaaMig, llw iaiaa-|l trr tmn ot er aba Aai M aa* iMMra I •«M i»« *t altar Mi; 4 Nicht Cluhi.. .Micht Cluh ■ Otoluary .. ., Picturaa M