Variety (Jan 1940)

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11. OfEitati«llGFiwSLLE] U» foe tiM Hurtk 9m. ML Ml M kr rirruH tm it Ntrk Mi4 C^sffftf In ttw In4l Aflrr \h» SUto't •I «» trial af Om aw- la «Mrti Ntrk arwl hii aMt ClWte A W4 wMh havtfic htblon III IMT. At lha Ant trial thr ran* wM •IjrMM wIkh a )uror Ulka4 «• • law • MMtM • iMNT MM to liniii^SfMN' iM. M. a cMtrart la tai 1W Bay* From SyraruM* at •la4io If dirkrrmf with Lrry aw ■ W vaa '■*. aa4 wtw« • proap arlt ira Ymm mH > t h*i k*M yramiaad roia !• VMi (W MMft ifhltawaahtiic Ona a( tha rhwr mtnrMn (or tlM «l «( a (iMla a( that aa Orl !«. IM Bra4y waa hanM fl«4M !■ caah at a Soath St L«uia bank a« Ow wmm 4mf ttel Hwti mkarf a waaa pMl Iw Miwliri a( Lacal Na l«S M «M «M aHla. X)B «M «w Nick ■Mi— mill I IttH Palka niai Cary, waa »a«ia4 tr«a^ urrr of Maoagraaa Ptrturrt at Hm lattar'i boar4 maaUnf U«t waak. Ma era«4a Laoci rromkau. wka ra- kM a al ratha ikia yrkitkic [gOkiiriiTedvOfWilhTPii, 15Eicbifes;42Hbif«'#4 At tha prrartit ailual oprra- ttaaa la Ika lakoratonr. prtati^ a«4 iMkMaa ara carrM aa ky TMt coin. Inrhidinc a haaMijr aa4 melon ruttinf. hai Sataia'afNM^altor lUII aa Patka aaaMaai Sitfd Rctans TtCiHlAflcr M. i. aapi VMS •« B^M^ Ml kjp trala tar Ika Ckaal fVMar (tS) aicM aftar arvaral aa ak i af aaa- (aba »ith Hrrbart Yalat aii4 atkar Nrw York txrct o( tha rnaiaaay. g^gJ^yj^^{Jj^^^|^J|j|j^ aMvat bark to t>M fanaral lataa ipat, ^MMI W Is SMnvl la pMll VmII Wrhr «a Ika a< Ika MaryUad thaatra. aa4 alMaa, aaraar ct a ckaia "Stress ^ —ay ki Mi Wahrvnbrrg. Brady dickarad wMk tha tbaair* ownars* w%t0 roaualtlaa tar ■ month and mm aaa acc ai taa iMwIag a b«M a< *a aa a i Arli I la • la£f"a««r Mm mShSL sMb^ Ijr «Mribula4. hr ON ara laa a M% Ua aa M« la all trpaa a« a an ta» ta a SM»- IM'aslislMSB ^ mtnmtaalan. Tkia atay ba ^ after tha romp any baromaa batto k »M ta kava Itttla poaalkilWy I wt a bl i ^ad. Idwarda said Ikm II waa ta«ad tola tha • caaaali4aiiaa af mm vaart la Irrrrti la Ml Ika ilBit wawM fallicl Vinraat. former GN tha ua aitd raaaM la municipalitie. t">»«^l^ f];^* • .P— Ikair thara t>ued on populalwm But '"f P ^HT^^ „ that radurad thair fatas ky 19^ fraMi aiBBa at arark la !•» cwu aT'lheir raaNy^UsaTtfiaa tkay would probably km in bu»tnoaa haaaiM a( Ika tocraaaad Us. OmI- ■um nc noNEot. _ \ti tha with I at kMwiiw la wkaai H « kai ot aala* an tha retaaua. la ai la i tiirlij tha laafth af 'i IMai aaid that aMv money ha Ml niMak yau.' la aMaUtaiad the da i aui H f In tha Bute's caaa. Judaa Bowa declared two iaaaattili laefciac mi tha ra<« waia tha Mkwa af tha 2§A'fci ll iminti piE la tka and la tialed to ba ta ll^*OrtLMb' M tha Bar aMiiatiaa ytaiaBi with r>ti«pk Oirl and tha Cowboy * which tha atudKj »W1 make. SMgel Mid Bea' Harry N Martin. TT, lo borrow Aaa Bkart- aa a »hirh tha ilMdia kaa laalai katwaaa U and St applicaato. Laalkar- lothaito. »hrn >«lactad. will ba kaadad tha aMaihaCt Bak Bata^ afttf ' Bia yaar TWy alar Boy BagM^ aad Gone Autrjr. Lancfurd «ai < a rata Ml VM I rtaaa* »»* «ra to i h aw any aabataalial tkraat atadc by Nick." Tha Jitdaa «a>d the C*.-«*a M ir a ada. Br ai l M aa. who „ , •ntraaaon wouU aiiitiially apply to ^^^JJJbT iSr^'inat'lla ta iSSir^ WtM WKIVf Lffft Circuit Attorney calad whathar ha will Attaay. Jaa. ML a aiatkiS a< Ikrkw tmwm iMsaali a I today •TueMlayl |» I her % in. Koraa III I fotwcr itar. , JiMlica rraara> Berfan ruled the .hal. I reau.' The L«n« Shot' and I PaUol' Oikar two tur which 0l, ner made a deal »>(h tha ' dirtilkMllaa ara I^fm al a« *a aM a« rrMay <ttl tha Uhwaa at kk kaaM aear Baraaota. fla. An aa»» of tha lata ThoiMaa | •"*^ A. Kdiaon. he held away paleaU and Oat ta OM rfei augkt paaalMltty aaiata tha* FA ^ a c an tra tar dia U lkM «l a« tta mt akatit M 9*» Isr OH. K Dicfcaon. ka whtrh waa tha ■rat for pro)e< tim A» pretident of the B.o(r«pli Com- paay ha_sava a^ay prominent !(' a w. ml ka h ncoc ^f* I praductiaa activity frwa tha GN M. ■P* what* ha hM warfcad far the part M tea ^"kw Sff^^Bi**-^'^^'*' -'^^ I montht lo BKO-Pathe BKO awtk. Daial^^Oki^^SaafSsiSSkflM " " '"'"iMBl^iBrSa ttiidiaa waa atop a MMl York. ofAce buiMh^ aM, ia Ua« ml atodern wund itaaaa, MHlSi MMal af the pmdurtiona upaB B SnBhar- aame rav*lvln( ataaa. ■ara ki Jardaa. N. Y. Marvia paa- al aa af %tMaaBhiMa ka a»iBta4 ki Haw Tark Cltj^ Brat _ _ Many of hit later Sim ia»aa- ttaaa, daviaed in colUboratlon witk MMa w«ra lacarporated Into tha Matfaa Hclara Patent! Co, which «f m» to a .a. aaarutive aid *« haa been In Nrw Yoilt abo«d a WMk aidina Bdwai i .nandiag Waraar ■ Imwd A^V ftaai IteCaaat tar Ik. Jak Tt^^J^^J^ll^jL M'"*" Yaariiat.- ^ 4Maia ttiakaafc »«* k5rSU«lVIM»MllW9^^ bw^aTMINSriai^CtaSh ** *'*'^* Ktoaaa Baw- Deal has been aixnatured by BKO M vs. WanMTB Settled Suit of Sylvia Cowane against the callinf (or the rrleaae by this d a Aha to tie mi a4 Akaar <Chcstci OaCJC air aun. paay of a kka to be mada rtarrkw Waraar brothers individually and Ma aad Akaar (Chester ~ ' Pictures. Inc. was dis- Hr>l1ywn<vl. Jaa. ML Tu.nklr Tmnklr Little aatUed aat af Ike Maw rulM at Mh-Pos yesterday < BfaNar Laag d«rcc<iiw a caal by Uada DaraalL Ci to wea^ iMi the are liikcelhcart flf Find Drive Set L<oa Aasriea. Jsn. IC AnU-lalaatila paralyaia artva hi aun Ktt oiLsncK HaOywaaC laa. H