Variety (Jan 1940)

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11. UbliiyaiCnMiUr. SMl7&1Ufles'0kv$mN M 'IntrrmrTf HoMtnc I •JjJ rt»r*»-w««fc |M» rw Ml 17 on lh« mart •( ' ■ ■ H I' <Mk> ok*T M.M to am WMk at HJHk (OX) bli Im tkif - - *tine« tra4» Is glriM the Clitei«ik wMk tit* ^ STvlIh • Poiy n w r y MMiM vl* BiH7 ArntrtU Ml Um It—». ^la a ttvr OriMital l( kavtnc • fair H»uM' n Uperinc off tn pr*p»- ■ ■ - - paUry wHk ■ * 1 of TMir to SlMMlBUFF • MKi ii.a r/io' <UA) <M and Anal Hkl. H»M u> Am km Uat wMk MMMM iMnnw palVMMa*. MMl BSliir MIMH0I tmmwUir tH DTMrmiUr IN* AiMM' <WB> Km U raplar* Ml aMurtfay f»» ~ > •MKt («JW: »-l»-T>»— <Mlh t and «Uc* altow. G«t- •■(•llani pUy tnm Um after IWS) tui nrd ^^^^'^^^'^^ ■^W^^^BB^^F W^BPWBI^ ^^^W^Bi^P ^^^^•^ ll«jn. ■Mnkan ■■MiT wfcMi toeUr^ a ItttW Thai railed' <PBr> Utk ««*kt. HoM- |B§^g|g|igimg^ Ihrauck Sunda/^il). wtth hom» 1^^^ ^M^M ^^'rkxinc do«n fur two dart to prepat* ~ ^Si^^S^ *•» ««l>»»»">« Jan. n at Xlra^ ml m the A«tar • «aM al MUM. Wraih .J»«h> kau«e'a capacity at • |i ft^ wm aal Ba«r <tJM M H M TIf TIaWii* •Irked at the Capital hy lha w a l l—t <UA» aii4 atac* tliow Nat arowalM .h.»M. iir .d the |..unh week miicli lnlar»<t and luckjt U avM |U.- their rfMiinc Utt night iiim > was Mi. aattMV aato MM Mak. Ite VT' MA mtmrn aaMiatt a# "SMBta WmP Tri**)' hit in.OM or near to — " that at tha NaU and koMa avar. with aar.' hausbi tor Jan XI Hh the rul<l« laviaMt Stripef.' wH •o <IM^ttaaataHiiMlM«pM«dk< th but when aMad to «nt MMB iSr Jti K*ir ..( tMAoo loub kmmEk proAt on the lactBigM iMfc'^aaiM MM ■ M liltoai ^ J' r»vti» T><i "- rWr .^ ^-^ Mtt. aroun4 U4 0M ■wtar* aiv OTVtraMW .Vt^ < «F>i » , draucht. e«periallr among mm wtm^ Vk^^te f^MaBaH^ The nhow hold! a aeeuftd TtokUnc Wth due to hit another CM rwl T><li Utow La*t > u«t «»ou».^fo'?j^ii?thi,ai*^ M.-.a.t.r .«d..«tM,nj.paintl.-|2|irWt.ri.^^^ from It Hnld< over, with 'FigMlM Mth' (WB> due on FrMay (M>. Lari tui ned in % Loiiell* 1 MPt.4W _ iPwV TIMM Mli tMl ki l<v>p and aecettd aaartaa wkirh indicatai all rMM after taliafartory M.M* laal I. S»-3»-UV— Taw Wtvaa' «WBt. Dome mealy •■4 *aiM u» aroun4 >o» d •MjM. La«t week. Batotoika' <M-Ot and Red Skelton with Harry ace. aood tor mjm Ml a irt» ptiM (Mia«t (SMt i4 vaude. developed MMt or 17 7W. oka lUAIaa Mmrinc I* to abava aar nSi <MCOi. level with protMblv around Laat waek. 'invKible Stripe*' >WMy HARDrYAQDE HEAVY WASH. to Ma triH Ml ha NM OT with iha MOTuTtoka Atone iMlhi. 9tjm Laal waak. 'AcrMeat' KMal tll«M MMa laiCOl (IJM. a».S»^7>> »^fcachbark- iBKOi. CtwrawUv aai •talkie up a Uraag raa wkMi' n m ftortod on Chr nto waa nor. L ii k i tor ia*a»a«to (Haymai irk^ m tm tor Mi iMi aaaaa days. rate Haatom' <C 1^ Kavinc turka4 &WW9 a brOliant fUltM last week ■aaaaveM <MK) (IJM. U-M-«- l»—tftiUlvar' tPar) («lh aiU knal MatrkM ita rwa torea4 a Ml «a> ttrenfth il/hea) <1I00 »-M>—' iWBi and X'lty Slow pare indicalet lav ttMM Laat weak. -Geronima' t^) (Par). CitMble r .Mt to Ita rr«4H rd) and Son.' whirh the Par iiAKUl DOAUDl Im tmrtmt tritli wMk Hy OmO^: aM wM ka Miky to ■klKaatoa kaa kan^illin . (M) Tita Paramount today cWa4 ) airitchaa to a new ahow, coaaiatinf ol Btttor coM ton to iliMk 'and ViikiTTi»a t« 'Jmim Houae want four waeka " - - - - - - ver • Tra**!*. and. while not wi 9m Wkiilar m9 tka Ml Ipato. with ^SS- Now to Boatoa. Jaa IC lU tourth toMBa at tw tka toM kp a i gto. Tftoolrhka.' ,11) (Jioa 2S-SS> ■l'**^ *Swanee River Coli and -Beaal »tral«ht house Berlin' (POCt. Laat weak. 'Parti |' <Ul It or «U >. avar ascallaa* $HjM . pariad and aatra CiMau iDipaon-BaaU > —'Hunrhbark <KKO) I. HaMtog an wMh nic* ai Palnca >1*MM "Gulliver' had with It i th* Olan Grajr^orch. Jtoimy laea and (BMO a* X (WBt and rm jyiaaMa an ala#a artlkM aato aad •Mk laaks up to kSMflTJM JW> mtb. Lart waak. 'Datocthra' <Wl) anouch tlijMk. to iMkK-lf-Ol (i; nwmaClea' (UA). till. hwrfnjNMiltac Ikp' NU 126 (MAP) iiui. n- »»—•fcnrythmg Happen* tMtfel and ■~ - - irar>. " andl^ |tt.TM vauda. I ^MiM (Ijak- i%M jn ^ Hardy ttuff usually play* alone hera. mStUjSTl^ n^fw^M S - T .rrr. azr ^" . . Iraaaad into tog vMtda ipac along! JSand Tito j*^^* ^^^ t****** aama kal» ttmm Umrmtr Bak- with tka tovrt Chieaao M^i can thank foliai Crttorton «IJM: »-M-m-'Jndga with Infonnrtton Ptoaw* WiUwtoS ^ lSi'i2?~* '"^ """^ **■ '"-O'- fci pra- up three frama rtm at III.SM. akaT BaUmatea tar IMi Waak WUM. vtow today (Wed »toltowtaf weak of Second week dandy II7.MA iBKOi <13M; SS-».M»— '^Catamkto fLaaw) (IJM: »-«•>— t^ild to Bam' tWBl. at ftJM nai Mrtnaiman <M^i <oi (M waaki »>an iriMii tMM- Lart waak. lavMMa dldat latartofa kara. StrtoM' (WBl and 'Hanry ArtMnC I waek'i gross, andtog <M-G). gaad tMM. ■i.1. catna la ITIjMC ' BaMk Mamaitol iBKOi (Ukl: M. 1 MJM. Baltunore. Jan. Mi tUOl *U wkl. nte* IIMA af continued bad waatkcr fatiian tTm tMm > (I.ML loral douiga a hit but lome m i—'CwknttMnHBtot*'«>•(>•*•■><' (tJMt Jhe holiday momentum ukin* BaUlaikk' (99l dfl 'Nkk Cartor' '■at and Baby' (WBt ■ ■wo I rai ad at (towntown after adcaujle >Ui.7a at Ptcm Lart wack. 'Hunchback' »L1 'Gtriltr' lOrti Na dW. aaMy I MMi List »«>rk 'Street of Mining I vanda In* ■^ofnen* •i.oi> 9nfvu rr.nn $IMi "Wtod* llSAt iSfc 'fty killT an * I.7M. — 'Etrary packing 'am to avary °'*"s.*J??' ^ -fyti.!! .*?'!*L*M sloping on on the ma 1 It canl baat J""" .^'■SH "T Pourih waak'i laka wUl rr than bir 'Mthi <l<t run Huxled Tkk pair iiYmS «S2 ^^ZV m -tor Herkan' 5*5<»'"! P"'u Wy »o» ahoiw Si aaS^^^ iMwio MJM Lam week. Eluabatk and . agato and rtlght dip. noliced Waek. itraighlantog out rather (ly "'i-"in tka parade at rabla dinaii la tka M-G> <ld nMil. pcptrr U.Mt. Pay's ilitdie) iS.OM. ■wSaT' u wiiii I ilmtTH-' ftto fw ytin, by tocnl cria alio ^ ^.tTlT JM. M^ TW Skap Araond tka Car- 'SmS^ if^ Laawa Cantury to good re- r^S^WtrnT iWi 1^ .?^urr*S£l**^ W^n'Hk- lifik* fiSrty bal- i«» J«t*«'"ly at KMtks koMing a ioUd ^„ ,,„ .^^n t«.5gg day (l»». Bvaa if II _. ljUk vatk Everylhii.g Happens •"i* wttk Mrtpriiuiclv satisfactary (Laew*-UA!-(Mn- U- *^ •■arricadc (Mki. grand tcrart in sequel and hefty killv an iitreamlined version of putting up il.lT flght but Judge Hardv' for l>etter (13 SM |j«t week 'Virt • Pan »lid tu still solid tIS MM ■ellh^ iRKOi (|«M 35-SS>— tireen Heir (Ut Toaaad ;n Satur- day (III to aiaa two sack dav< be- wrack it on Mon- («|^, BO«ad.ves. itH ,„fc g^^,, • Col > ii.r _ M h •Taur' Wiva*- ' (Vi• ifl* ^Bi^ ( M-C>. trar y naad II Mkft S2l?^.^a.T^2 P^"""* »■ •*«ry ■ight. but matinca sida. km arttfc n Lam week. Eluabatk and ^1 ,».a.». it- • M run» and 'High ^'3^^?" r^^L ' » •l.t run. JgMA oka ^^"Xhing Happens (Mth) (ikM ZS U-SS-M M^ *»i r "fr i ' "N. «k«iad (Part. imbar the Nuhf (Part and Bob SSISJ^SL. *5?*25J!5l ?r band Bert Wheeler and the ^ "^mgy Opens today (Wad i tol. "iSL' ■Hunchback Owing tt aU to ,«nr» aiad layairt Mid •nc fachion with ptxsible ea Ml tn.aM L«8t week, teeond (fjaawl ( Dr. Klldare' iM-Ci and (UAL Nice re»p<>n»c prom (tJM isiag toMsa befl.t SI3IMW Lau waak, Mlilli'(Pftrl Drucck' Hjusakacpei' <V\' and -a. of Sheet' (Coli. fair tll.MO l"»ir,.: f„ur weeks a( x;ulllvar' fS^^f^"^* (tJM; M M M ■§> .MAi <ad mA\ m^, MiM ■•*»■ ' '^''•T «»'c>> Jimmy Savo -Iwtriilkli BUiaaa (WBi (cantto. •■KOI (kg arki. akajr mjm. ^ ^^.^ . ^g b«ia Pkr and rem and m* (WBl (IJM: »-M>-'Victar heme *noM followmg trceki of 'Vtoter CarakraT (VA* (M run I. In Herbert' <Par) (M rum In today uooM. MtM8 and M*Ma for Ane **>• f'"* <lMi^ aknk^ it fT.Mk Tueadayj Rrpliced 'N:ght of pr<>At Lot meek. tMMaar' (Part and ' altor four Jan Badto Cky Martr MaM (SMO to Neigkbors OMMr' <ftr) (M t ^ -W-(IA5i - Hu Cirl Friday 'a totra. i ilate (how. Hitting a gond P*"'.