Variety (Jan 1940)

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FILM SHOWMANSHIP 1 Whm )i>u tm ii Scrip U ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ PlI tffcB n jrvart. iKrr* romn • iMn^lKm to «H dowa l>t<iU4r)phia. Jan I* 9t mtkt sutr ><>ral r»l«W. Mrial* Mhc pdiiirw. rt wtm will M- < Htl l< <>t I. wrtttiic romm M ■ nnall hotol waHlag wM "•JU^JJJjJf TM ' • <»*««■ """^ th^*"^* m»na«»T. fo, txtry *^ «houtin» aU 4a) Ne\»r inin4 ala-a ^ MMiA Um mmw <rf Um town lt'> )Hrt Uk« • liMn4rrd othrr* iHm« Tir* Murybai' U Mim^ mt wWiriil illllin |i how thf 1 kr<l Ut« ftlm. thrrclt | kam k« •utl»rinl ^y**" ^^J^^^l^^^^ kaew-what-l-iMaii.' 'Jj^'J^^JJJJl^^lJIj | Tkb I* My ttM Mr hi IMN Mi MM*. aMMi^ I !■( tiM jiin Im Tkt tt»4 It fynn- »"«•«»"»•»>>* p»t»u«4« lh» mMMIw !• ••ratf ky Um Junior Ltmu* and »ill Um ^tcturw It ua«4 to b* that all w« M I* 4m •a it* tu*>i »r honor a local arw to Mil 'mm. Now »• lwv« to wll 'tm aai IMV I abawt IM* Awatfc t r la • (Tim* 4aaaa1 pay any wa w M )nb lUwn't (rrfi aajT •( Um atlww aa^ Uto aahibiior. but I kMw la ulKnmm ha froM tha tNlaa. TM M* ' ki llMMnlVM ■MN OtM laakMl and dr««wd Ilka aatlvw. Thar* wart ttorin about autotnobilv talaaNtaw. rti iiati aptMli; actMol trarher* rutora dud ta wfc* w*«< w««l im4 Into eowtiflr*. Wt BMOT knvtf Mwi d or Palaod. H m lor I itinc unit of ika War will b* ariancnl ,n m tkroiithout Um «9«Hli Wamaf^ •w «M JaN M to h«<4ii^ with aa4 Ca\ &m will bo nM IS C u trn'omTa-^y^' j' r«K »^•VJV'^**' J nmr tr too* itoit niAt i^t€iun» la CMcat*. Jaa. M. I. York gitii« lha dalaa tm Aftrr dral had bem fot>»>d«ra< ika aa« mIm m4 collaction dri>r Nrrt to H la a auld. Gon* With thr Wind' will go mrmo to aa hack to Sprinfftrld and rr-o^U that Ma Ika Kuanrx Wood* da)p-a»4- raa aaaaaat kaaavaa tka laial lor M Ma vMk th* (Mrtura at Ow Jaaat, aaiv ttV iMPMflk UM* ji^^kckaatar^ Ory al.^^ Tka , ikgil iia»ill<M^ll T SC'lMHSlr, Slirfakalwr, Ta)"''* •pt'tW from th« •nti'i advrrtUInc haad fglt Apalla. Iitul prouft of MMna (our-<-«lor ad\rrtii Woodt will run tuo-a-dar at II Sd ptrtwro* whirli appoared in Lifr Salurday Eirninf Poat top whilo ih* OrwnUi will da twa aad Um fan majuiin'* thi> month although I hajifirft parfarwMKM at ISc a^, to kM« Ikat Ika pMiMa kaii« kaaatod waat Ma Ika YiHjth.' »hirh wm tunvljr wkan H Va«'d think nothing wa« hap^vning any mora kl ntry by lookmi at i>Klu>r> lum tr too* iTMT auM k Ifta a M al aMMnt Itaw't a kr BM to IBM MjaM IkM *vtaf *a I c ■aia iia yaan kav*a kaas as fatfaval av atoto aaUaC tort toa rva aavM yal aa«« a foad TatiaT pMl bawaiMl bora la>t miihl for lom* aid buiH an addition to hi« (iiiiniuir lactory, aM Ika kaad ' af Ika unlaa actrd aa t»i»twaal*r Of laiw w I 4aa1' !SX U'Vaa^Tto'^llII? J!7 2m to , ««g aaa Ma aa > aC My and Pal O'Brwti. » ha • ill da a from tha aim •^ a Irolura if Ilk pragram oa Fri. will ba I hm IJN Mala. Ortaatal! ara firfl al Mka wKa ara good riaht along in tkatr own way, dome the boat th*jr ran. and kavtog a lot of lun al tha aaaM tim« U w« had a riMjla af r*lao*oa wtik iM-la-dM- minut* itoriof about kama Mka. I'd hav« n^traWkto §rttin| rfatr* OMf mtmt to HaUjrwoad laat Ika anijr ana Ikal «• to Ml ' Oinaha. Jaa t« Hava bean ailttot llMki Mil of tha window Tka PaiaawMl IkaaUa kafa wiU aM wilrkiag iMjp— MH^ M awar IkaruMUM tok Ml Pit «M ka fhawn on ttaaa-, kaalnataf Oh Mitoaa to Ika r a r a ar drwc atafa. and al He and tl lor hmU* haV MaM pta«r Mad aaltoc plarw. Tha ihaaUa and II and II M rvming*. Ilchia art an. anneunriaff twa Matra Uma on a douMa Tri-Suir< Jht^iTT' H Jl haadWad- bill vancc and wiU man Um haaat trm^ i wa. juat lhinkin< what argumml I ran um to art tom* ul our atufl dated Tha thratra it brhind on twa FINNISH ROJEF FUND nUP aNWENHQl' CL'll«ka. haaa praltjr tough, to- _ alaad. you plug aln^ awd kapa Om power* that ba wll' a«o a little lifht angaal bark to earth with entcrtoto- axiit foi the Ameiir^ maaaaa I Mi rinaMi akawing. tit Mara Ikan double a m aua d 'of voluntary cantribuliaaa af Mf ncwapaper >.. countiy, MB I. a. Follow ing nrgotiaUamt with Itetra on -Guirf^ With the Wiad' for hia. fnidwritrm territory, J H Cooper, r^r.'mount partner in Netoraaha. OkUhnMa aM Caliradi. laft lor *a Ii to at tha Par k« win ke aoae twa waafca, via- aad Oklahoma City of the rimiit. WklW two men wrrc pul on in the aoulh l< irprr-« r<l Metro in eaploi- taUaa af tieaa With lha WiM.' Wil- B. Pmmbm a« *a Mai w>i ■nmoFSWTiic Pirat Dilary hM af a Mm la a k aoul^ m taUai wiiihawaMal OraaMTlM K. T, Jaa U. GaaM Autry. Rep'a gun-loting itor. wUI pUy hoii to the aaaemMad preaa and other gueru aitd Mayor LaCaardia wM «na a a iM ll Idk ■ t RkIi It. Lawla. Jan. !«. ■amuel MUtord. 41. aa iaktoltor al Mi INT ens SPBOALUAnPtl »tk-P»a ti giving UtUa OM New York' a aperial pramiaaa al lha ' ' ' afl iaikMal af aalra HaiMa ara at premiere to raiM lional funda. Paper 9utrkly BottiM up cterily angle and hai been gotoS on picture all wrrk wiS ■iiruwe m,-9rk % ilk MM. anIeM dale* pfla M ta itm ■MM where M-G'» awn BMn caal ■HMIe the volunne Ifatro mair'.:.u.> a total of n e«- ploitrcr> wctkljr in a> many «a- I SpaiMrs (Mm fifs Cfikc lid 'fJttm W4 Preen In Hallywoad. iaik M. Matra'a TauM Mr. Bdiaaa rmc Mirfcay Raoney. grii H in Port Huron. Mich. w hcra \entor ipeat kia boyhoad. U aa«M Itow to Pahruary ka when he gaaa to trial on a charge of displaying an ob«<Yn« pirture When Millard'a plea tar an tojune- Sckeick ■ N. Y. Fir Pr Trl-St«iea T^atre> which operate* two Cist-run hou<e» here ia ipon- aurmg Keith WiNon. Omaha World- llrrald critic, t n an ktxemtxn 'film columo' over t'lC nrwapaper't radio KOWH. wlwta Fwiter lUf es Up Haalignment nf the ad\-erti<lng and public information drfMrlmenl- <>( Electrical Rcararch Prndurt^ Inr and WiMrn BleciMr Co. tri ttut araak kgr P. L. Thomaan, director of a4> al a private prrvMw. MiHaa tained an order calling on tW eir to raii<< why an inhmr tion ahauld not be laaurd la \the Millard (Witched af tke pto fraaa The Tr«« of Ufe* mm beran the ikaddid rm. Two plauiclalhcs Man purchaaad ticket*. MW the atoi. Mad* tka pinck and -. - — World premiere* of two Wlh-PoB pirtiiit-« Maurice Maetrrlinrk'> The Blue Bird' m Techniculor. at the Hollywood theatre on Jan 11 and Tha Crape* of Wrath.' al the Btvoli krtog to Maar Ta*k a dia- map af diractora af WraMT haakad into lha Bi^wli l*« a Ja*. M piilM. Unitad ArtMt* i* (till aceking a hou«« for Hal Roack'i flimiution of the ">irf S't iii( n.j\el Of Mice and Mm ll a(>pear> certain for the ll<')iy hul fur at leaat Mvaral day* I 'Grapea' epe n a. Hw paal nf advertising Man ag er fnr both corpori:ion«, while W. A Wolff. aMartklng chief. takM tha paailian at by Porrter bookings, mmr. »lh-Po« eperal*< will get Ite OA pirture. while Riw K by UA. wdi get tha In tha parW win ka Oanryl P Canudk JoaepfK M. Srhencfc. Gana Marfcey. axaociate >(odurer of Tha Blue Bird' and hii w"He Hedy La- mart: Jane Darwell. whb^playa Ma to TW Grapes af ItoUpMaad. JMb ML the aMiiiM«IMf MSSftr al Ito " Tlili r ttoiMar g » «i gi a«i i l with •Ceron lmu ' <Par) Way' helped the r'o » while the Injun Johnri> Rii« t il >» ho plii»> the role chief rr> ofwxl .writ in r^io. person- <>' Tyliyl. Shirley Tenipte* brethar aK kt f lull i.nd . iher ga(s Fiploi- >" The Bhie Bird*; - - — toiMM Mclutlad contest w Poal in- who ha* Uw rate af to the Monday night giaMaick rr> PriediMn'i ad ropy reads: MM Tk-i ii month other arfcea the ihorlt department from the r;i>t next y <ll». Managers froM M far M Ohm were present, hosted by 4.1 and Gaal tMiyar. ■Miaiiallat Unitod Artiato. wiU ka ky C a i daa waaaalMr . afa Durato and maettog tha chief hack-' actaaa ptoy stage were the awarda. p* a<M Ct i an XZrapas' and Irving Bar- A downlt.wn parade, making the lin, producer of muiical productions mayor a 'chirr and gmng on the air for Twenlirlh Cenlury Fui already ^ kp Bddte|ara m Maw Yark and wiM atlrM tka Or . OA i* atteMpting , screenings ol tkli type a* piaslhli in the belief that a particular type of h;<r>dl iig •* ra-