Variety (Jan 1940)

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1kikrt'fl7mt¥12(;fllr Ike'Speaky. Rest iiDoyniiis 17. Ifit It. Drtivfr. J*n All trti runt, ricvptlnc tw runninc «mi sbot^-av tT^>—-HunrhlMrk' <IIKO» Virlor Hrrbnt.' UtnuMf la liJH al rmh A*e for third tb« Dmham. rates • 'lappeK'-Wd-MiMvilch m llpk:1lakrt'9G.AMIiKB« tmifwm from rinh A\r. for third tkc •wlwniL ttar^ ton- (M-G> and -Wit- an,ttrn VanKhrt' iU> tM wkL MM*. Dr^tr] 'Dr«tr)r at tha (o-xl for tiK <Ur> _ dualM at lh« itmmWtmi$mit9m^\w^ Tur|w' m-a*. our MJm mmm art ^^^^ ^ Hiil^ 'Oiremia' tPar), wMh gr- . «.ipmoaaU by Chia* TlMM4ar Cla«d — mm: mmmmn tf^ ■ «• .n^ »i«ity «f baiivw imd -mmtu wii— riMi ■« «» AMIfW •■aUUIkt- .rtnirfc iRKOT 4uaL l«. fwwl '^'^ • MM afwr a liravy Ar>t urrli and I Palaasr tSlMltnc) <IJM; 11-27 I Mm WMkli •ui tor -Rulan al Ika r tKrt. Lm« wMk. Roenay ttamr tfM a umi tt-Mi. ••y« •WBl <t3a»: a-4I-»TV— -Shop' iM-<^i KiiKi traalmaat traai Kgaadrrm i«nt haipioM muctl. ly a (air tl»JM tor aigkl 4ay«. Will b* pulM Tktiratey tar_tWe lM«a •WB> <tTtt: »-4S-r4i>- •BmI Cliica«o- <M-GI Thif i iwity HIM a kr^ht $iajn. LmI ■PMtojr «UTlMft ■» bar Bra<- rM* wttk a limy fi.lM tM MMkar twa. 'wIM' unvailt w« rrtfnr <l»i rw («•» <t.«B: • ISm tM Mi MMii tan wMh • -^"^ (IjMfc 1 0h4 )k.lM after n« aTSM B^rX tejvMi IMM tar • nrsi «ijm: ■NMk Cartar* (M-0» (M wk>. Unt. mmi tw Ave tfaya. TS ■ tfiilMcV <M»: »■»)- TInl Lav*' (U) IJttle ArcMtnrt* «U> <M rwi>. May cat tt MO okay LmI wmk <n-4lv—iBvlalble SUipae'^ (WB) (M wk>. tS.m atoy- Wtttm Oar«»a tMaHkMi iMt: imt Sunday partarmanrv* Mat plana M tin prtcn at %.o hopmc M fat It cevita wvakday malt and Vl.M Mr ■tgkta and S unday at carry Ima Ikat ptt will atiUrrty»«aet^ ^ an Braadway. lillMlii tar ma Week 41^: »-»-M>— <M-Oi and triHr Darlii Quiet Mjm. Laat week, t:har*ie McCar^ «U) and '■mm' <RKO> " > — Tmm laipaMa la jair. week. aMttCni 2S-S5-M) — -Mavaa- tiimi ~ •CoclulUt il.lW; «•>—-Vtrtnr Hrrbrrt- rParl. Takinc a flne WJM and holdinc Latt ■Gulli«^' <Par» dM a nice |7, Ms Uwttf araak. ■ W I M <PW> Dwtry* iV iRXO) <!«•: iM-Oi lh-»r' I Par) BriKhl lltO *Vftcteff Mev%art* (1 88» *^ (4.UM: •nd xriara KM* In VI i » n-«ti--MMtr tCell and Elite EapreM* k JMUM. UM «**. UU> > tfna SMtf Mi Acct > c ) and -On T«ea' Oatttnc a pappy IS.OM Lart mjm Men- (Ml) aM -Ltttto lent* <UI vMTe ntaa at Ma traa) «»•;»-«•>- I, aftar a M Haatf* tCal). Omt t. 'Etc tte L«wrenr* 'iSfc'a arrtir.tij 2X Borah Ml nn lMll-a HariMMra 2 call.' la puttinc Ika Oipkiaw aMM front a«ata In Hm kn a eO i e tM? •Bverythina H appim' la the Sim. lB it Minneaota. hy ^uitcrW N vaMdHIm aperalii^ da laae htiue railed 1 ■jiflL- *«» Mart at Ike 8u«v ii ra^ attmlion > jlin «M adxrrtiil^ t«* a( «M and '4 ■t tha World a'«1 tivrly. havr lM>rn ^itiiib Mult enlartaimnml' 4 tfire Him. ' an. II M. naad (Par-Sinaerl IIJM: ttlU» tM Pittakurfh. Jaa. M. ttua week tiavoat the y a( the Stanley IWy'ra grakMnd aC pniMaaBr ^1 •»MM«>arlrtiaaa' mm la ba«* WMl Wind.' which «aa Mia. wMkjH|r nc and nick* Ml VBlUi Indianapolii. Jan !• With tha town (1111 In the grip of rold urath«r and now hamparlnf traflk. no orta la tha downtown area If. grabbing big la Uking top rotn of pic «lth -Shop Arouftd Comer* Tltrh Carter ' Former pit It fivan an the braaka la biniag. wMi L iM WMk played aver atari in aih Prtday iM) CliTit la next w Ik - Htrkiif and 'AR W< al CNM.' Big ladlani la fclTiw^^ ■M» a -a»at from Ahrin tkiri. It hoMtng up \*r^ Is tag k f y^^praa to kli ru n. Bi^ <animan) iJM SS'4t>^ tPrenchi I4th »kl. ^'^^^j^ playing a pan cuatonteri lially ult anUilain •vangiy aa adult anlniamnwnC ZmtmTm Mdtealad. Laal week. Nigki^ . after two Nlghtt* tPar). light Km m M i»lh> •Call. Mathing here M heart twinner being arrival •Bar ptndi^ arrival of aowia nrw A' Ml -T pridwct Laafca like around B.M la' wtth I ita dayt. If that. Moves out W tdn as \ MImm MeaicMi ■pttAra' ! on utiay aide. at Indiana taadyiag M - a Wi MM an* INhM Baaff <Oai). jaettad kt' *f" •aattla. JaiL IC ' fiLTl^ tSTw'^S^^ !• '..g— *fB'a»aak. tMUvar* <Par> and Thar-lSflf* JgLjgl iii^tiii*' tBBO). taR the kai IntetUMwa.' ApoKo. mg e%rr 'Hunriikack' after Snt If (IT) FhMl «eck m4 (.rar-«tasarl iSJI^R^ re o( -Green head! • Loew'a-FMirth Avenuet • M-<2> Raarick ith Whtd.' haokMl Into Flflk ■ue at nap roadshow price*—ate at BMUMet and ll.u evening*. sailing at mding Mair praest ^ satog to Pinnlsh Mi.and-hlood partara HHit Loi<t weak, ii t iafaf -Snanae aaniaiad HaadhM tm 5S.akay MBlm Set waak.^aaMl Kit fl4 Sfwl BWflft ira RaacaV Pirtiire and lUi Vi4» <Shea-Hrda) <I.TW: S»-4k> and TsMqr Danay an stage, tit —-Son*' iRKOl and Day Bookies good. Wept- (RKOI. Around tlitt. pretty i Mate (Par-Singer) iSJtt: tt-tt-tt) dull side. Spot reverU to,—'Victor Herhart' iPart. Piiiiaia row ilT) with ' of Mlaat^lit child tkfw. liiiaaae • Part. Last week. -Secret Larson, hi aaal aMi la laaal inlartat iM-Gt got two and a half Pretty aaa* IMM Mdltiiil LaM days af a accoad wach and pretty week. IbMcMMck' fV>, tUjMt. \-ery Uir tl.Mt big iLoew'».UA) iSJtt: »-3S-M> t'ptowa <f>sr) (l.ltt: S-S) — at-a»-4t) - "Victor --HouMkerper* lUA). Iptcy advance That's RifM* fRKOI. aplM with . fMeraen iPar) and Women SccreU f^V^ fa« this ana a« U tying iilifthi' OI-OI. tnogr* <U) and Tirst Love' -* ' aii~tra«iklt TMT^Ilak -Swane*.' nualad with wythy Urn Medaratad ^ Aroand JI..! Bvidence' la the bg noise. . ^ ^f^JT-LESBS^ JTfr taaplM lawn at the Plfth Ave with Js'^^i'iS'Vt.!"^-' BMht* fWB) and -BritMi ff>tt. daapite Hamrick-Evergioen'i 52? ' •WBl. IMar parHJM '^1 PoMiiLoew'».UA) iSJtt: »-3S-M> rptowa <f>sr) rk^nr -'Houaakeeper' lUA). Iptcy advance That's BiMM* <RKI campaign gat this ana a« U tyiM M l il i fc i' Oj-O-.F «^ start. Good noticaa. tinethar wiOi AaariasiL t^ a aa lh ^^tmaatiVtnl »ord of mouth, are keanlM »* Lm* w* ^SIM soiog at top^Md. ShouMhav* tPart. ItJ tt L akay ■BMSi onM en lid at the Par <RKO). weak tl • Loew'st and Maof daapite Hamrick Evergioea'i J? aKiphasii on "Wind.' 'Money to Bum' > wooktaa is bcnedtlng by the stasa. while •RifSss' Paramount ia forte. . , s ■ . ,, .„ Downtom-n bii hnldinf to fair re- "[S. "o"» aulu Hom-evrr. a Seattle problem U 2*SJ *, L° ■Jn ^ Pointing to oiuy ^ S -Hardy Son'<M-GI and "Music Heart ,t~i^\ itaa^ " " iCol) surmounted adverse weother jioji^ to Bani* (Beai M tally big ^.f^^ ^ wUh an autilda to Warner tnr h a. lalaika- •M-G) net fci'lwpn adt aSriae^liiMren's attendance. Heavier than uaual ea inn' iPart andiTSJl) - ,, fidS . lil'gg 'to Warner *r>r ha. LmI wAl^^ Newanaper adt adviM chikircn's IKOI. weak tIJIt. •nlZriihaSTAOtTS!* «n^B lalatka' -M-G) net MBiHSMin kttetidaact. Heavier than uaual Jgf Yui^f -'-»: 2SSghy gd I:!SU^ >* aP>*.>* > W. vert^ Aimi ng. towyds gjlJIa I from aewaw»r ^ t^^SS ^Bkif dBTS *< ^Ivin and has plenty lifc >wMr pti > iiliik« wmk. SEm • « Iter cCI^TmSSmUB'*" Go* »w«ll break at apeniag ■ »)— and vaude ttaaalMw Mthrfbrtory I Last waaa. 'Jamaira Mt: 2>-SS-4t-M9 <OA> a»d M^tt^^wlTSirn'* WBt *' ??Illiiui ' (emmea at mats. Ni£ht> al^o wait Patrons aMe ta End Kid> a third plenty of (en al the iitirthia ay Pair tllAlO. but MBlMiChartaa Bi hi Bm raiarith paar I «GULUVER' 18G, B'KLYN <Ht: r-4t )—-Balali "Nirk Carter* < M-G > aesh t>ere after tm-n ^aramaaat theatre. Last week. tJuHK-er* i days. tIJte. (air for tlUrd _ CaMaeaai • Hamrick-Bvergraaa t waaBMT. Ai»ln« at very good ti sae (IJtt: >l-»i- DrunM* 'Mihl aild Latt «aak. ^visible nnpes' <WBi. a Strancer' ilMhl 'td run). Mr tUtS | at nice tSJIt. Last week, la- BlaMa 'Pttwrth Avenue) tSJtt: lt-| termctzo' <UA) ga<TM FMaw- se-4a»-Swanee' iMth) and -City Brooklyn. Jan If (M-O) ltd rtalC Mi MMt apt. Chance' 'lOth l with -March of Time' Three major buiines. cettert in Mild tl.Mt. added Had 'em lined up at the domntomn area this atania are I Ave—e OlaMrfak- Btt i g fa tu ) v icfcet from opening day and. m ith Pahian BafaaaawM SaritfM thil- af Ttlh anniv e r ia ry af n ter't death, and Pittabar* , picked Marten Gould arrangemeM af Foater medley for il< week-end run certs. Let af publicity for both these aB af vhi* laaclad aiaaly ht '• IMMT. Skiald da CMta all Hm^ AG, lUfTW Lenough to get atill lit acek e«it of »howh n-«t--Swaatt' <Ut. ^ oaeni • ttth) and favorable weather cnntlnuing Big tfX Lincoln. Jan. It. 'Judge Hardy* and lUITlr-' are tha two steppers this weeli. Kith 'Bala- Uika' aMIlna ^^QLi*''^;^^^^ _ XitttTAccidiirt-.Vi and tha cni. TmigmnT Tm th a^ t._U . WiH OUmme's ark pretty sluggish at Cooper haMsni Btaait and Nebraska, <WB) <aJW- tt-4t-t0>— du ri ng Om Bnl part af the mona, m4n mt -FWIes Pa- Utma ajMHai aa *Mte*-row evW Mi Aaw being chM^ daaaa Ikal ca. Is plannlna a credited wMh anogether favoraUt' SMaaray for the Lioeolfc »eek. even though take w«nt ap- Mklir. now being remodaBNL mimih i^tad im ^mI allMr. *■* to n o e n this month, r- -w • ^ lU WtMaBH* «Cal) and Baby* To)) <«(h wk). • <irn-l«oble-Mnnrnrl -TSO 1D-1S>—Holl Fort>"^'ien V.i Son Pranltrn Nice II000 Last week 'f^ri uint «hould liver's t^aiay gad Thaa KM „ _ —, h*»d (or neat tgurr Pie hai k iaiSt La^': PMiaa Paa M aacond week isnl to be aneeted at iiwter prei»fit of New Year s eve preview, aad BaM wMk Tour Wivat* aad X>ne Hour to condiiioni. Last week Ted I.ew - u ... TLT'V ^••■**«*" ■J* »'t> >—^^f lM* Loew's MeUopoUUo Maaad dawn ksMidislik lika house (BKO) <>d wk V »S 300 fair for (or reguUr run PoiMnaiHMi §m lMu»ing Houaekceper-a raiMhlW I ••too. Last waSC^CSSBS.MMi -Bad Little G^ " <i-vH)_<IJM: tl-ST-4S>— <BKOI. bur W.OOD j Laew's Metropolitan takin* plentv line t»eoo ■at (Fourth AvawM) (IJHcl^ , 4ii*lay «ace in local gazettes to in- Warner 'WR> 1000 2S-M)—'Reno' ^ . . ^^.^C9^^°^"^'J.tS* K^lftSr of^rrivi of Gone •RKOi and British Inttllitenea' ••!!!"• l"*!! . akay tSSnn l^.t week <ame lima Are''RROi Fair tMnL LfMlMk. aith the Wind Feb I with nasi- iWBl Will hardly break MOttl '1"*^ tk-lS-M• — 1l»me<' Bandy »t soo 'Mr WUIiam>- <CoirM VBo Bi* j re<«r\rd waU available watkday Laal week. Haf^^ta' iM-Gt. an OBar nJOO. La4 week WMans' •Monat aad Ili7<0). •alH wl* teia* •Ol •re-iuaak Last wee and 'Kan« • BapI aalR with -Laal P'irr«<' •£) and 'Ariaaaa Kid* iltowt MM