Variety (Jan 1940)

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- ^ No Satisfactkm—Paulbt F< •( WOV. n*w York WBIU New Yarti. WCX>P. BofUm. aMI | WPCN. PhlU«rlphi«. th« PCC mM. but M«>r4in« to th« rvcord* o« n« o«tr liM Mjarttjr W Um |w«l«f4 Waihtnclan. Jan It IVmaniii that the PCC rvrok* Btun wi o( ttattoiu in »lttcll *—*- , kM • ■■i r iil St PauL Ja& Martt* County <MiiMi > Burrau Wmmm's ChonM it Cnnnrry of MaM.achuw<t* VM rlo««d thU m«rk by Iho HMM 41^ ^uprtationt CommittM Po<nt»4 Inquiry about th* wty in , whtrh th* wairk maker acquired WPG. AtlMMtr CHy. mh4 Ihrtat of ■ tlMrply-*arM MlM. pi*- !■ ronnrrtMM • ith question* •I Chairm.m JamM L. Fly by Rirhartl B Wttlle'worth of ;u «urta m pati H ttin fckn to WLWL by combintnc it »ilh WPG and WOV H* a>k*<i lb* Com- tf It intandad to allow Uw tra—rtton. Chairman Fly wai r»- vraled to ha\» told C>«nn«T» that °ll U true (hat inatvad of *pi>l> in« aa an indiMdual for a lirri>~« Mi Bulo\a rhoar to ba\* a tnryorUnm. vhtck h* waa to mmm • tMa aad ml liw larts waa Cmnmlaalan kaa no au- thuril.T under the ComartunK-atMni Art ol ItM aa amended to require that ttalton* be itrenaed to indu id- uala rat bar than to corysvaUaaa ar tvHfaa. Tlw|f WKt lo drive M and M mUaa to r»- krarul ('>< ti> include* two grand- aa area a< Mifi ran avor IM a a^f^ ' W7 ifiort evMli ■ • ire. lit I Miwr muitcii CBCNitf E hrWi h Nta Lift CWfc CBS t»t permiMton In the New York aupreme rourt lait week to take a detM»ili«n from a witneaa living in FjicUnd ai part the gMtrral title of Show< Thew included quiurt Breaklaat CMb meittf r<K>king rla<«tggH ture* of that nature. Of the** I.Ill remote _ Ml WOT* igiMi r id an KOW«t I* SOOOiMUtfr Tht Ca—tah aaid Hi efleet a eallactMm agency tor elertci and intited the Bay Democrat lo furnuh any hat of kM Inamiiationa and pc'.>n> M PauliaU N. Y, Jan It On Ih* koal a of announcemcutt ihM Hany WIMar'a Ttvf Braadcat- lag C«L had panhaaad a aMa tar a aan Latter qutt and hat imce li band in Englaaid. Henry Paley. wtm It M mm II Mtv. tlmii gMM wMlll to M Ltncahi. iat% Hanuen. KPOB rartor for the pa>l year lag t j goet (IS> tu KYSM. MankaM^i^, to a aimllar gatL M—t>.|g||t !■ ■» XMumbia Sc haal ml pragram without credit or mxiM'n to him Miaa Johnton waa In on the praparaltMi ml M pnrato twaan radia broadcaat lioenteet and other peraona' la inoriinc the lis-makrr, the iM Oaarga O. *r WOKO and WABY. tn Albany, would aak ttta CIrcuH Court ml Appaata. Dtatrirt ml Columbia, tor a rehear ing an tia im- rent da c laien adverae to the Albany favorable to WTHY. p ta a mt atton. Pittsburf k Quis Show Pitttburgh. Jan l« Rotcr RowtwwU. kaaakill brand- ratter ha> a wintor i otL initi Tw9 MiUitm 'Tiaw Jockeys'* KMA by HOtWARO H. WILSON CO. II It ml WTBY ther delayad Btotioa^ | bially hoped to begin I than twe yaan i KWJJ** Oiled BoslMt* Portland. Ore . Jan It KWJJ hat abUlned ipecial p*rm>t- atoa from Iha FCC to adjuat lu ap- tr l h H t t bida l i aa dw( II «■■ cany duu-unu RMBf^tfflfS oC^tBrtK am4 "•uum Bsnnsid tm toaa Umitmhr Wtftar O iBt ttckat gU aaa a ya la ml acreptod questlnna. Ipaa- ttr IttUnc the rath pruea, which wM MBmaa to ITS each program, ikaw wW ba pattamad afiar Dr. kid". I «Dor) Pratt alaa landing a chief ataittaat W0AL rtunni 6uiun L It . Sunday aight pngrimt draatotlxing historiaa of citiaa ui tb* aution i lar> ritary. Surtor will b* Richmond, lad. Id Cirdar. ml th* CrotUy con- It It «t Uh atnyl* DO/Vr MISS 9f Mm l miim M—I— Yha ataey ml a woman wha mwol t« ralaiag THE IHERRY ROACS HJUnnr EALCHEIM. BOB WHITMAN for mo^ II pomShim far us to^glaMiriijMWSW us as tfio oaManding