Variety (Jan 1940)

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in tartaw AitrM ar* • frw tea te- IS . «»«»»»»—— Wff —»»»»' Jakamy. Ok «»« >t»< —»—«——«««««... ■outti of th* Bor«rr . . ^ •••••••« •raMMul rorrvar (-GulUvOT'a Ttm^V) ... I Bin hi Ml tMa^ It'f WiaiiiM rMaak m4 Wig aMr*). •Ckatlrrbni iTbat'i Richl-You'r* Wra^*) Ciiapp»n B Ranrtto Cran<l« . Markt 'll't • Hap-Hap Happr Hajr CGulllvrr'i Travrl.'l ramout •nimaairal. ^^roducuon run tt ati.r Sinda ai Mm ttmth trmH a««r-«i ' 'Itaaa, La« Yaa ■■aaawiiiit fcm i aaai, Kawala Um tftapaMa a tkam. thvy aM up U wall a««r half inc r«a4 I laM mllla fcraat ml tha populatton or tha UUnda TIm of Ihrir 'unprofcuional' lawat of a Wtng ptctura kuiinou It tHa batt a^ulppa4 lhal has kaati Inrraaatnctr n"*a4 a( lav ipoti •rrmt to ta kan4l« thli tuddon growth with lal# «( ItM Iaa4ar. a««r M thaatiaa pta/kM anrthiaf Thr iMiUoa haa growa aatoni mu- il a4vta4 itrtatM Uial H Is aM viffi m* CM fWAan taaAip (Jaa. t-Ut. Tatal ra p raaa a ta arraraalataj MM tW9 mmtm paliaaH U Immi • •m. t» I «.■>. <p«M • AH lalant. land! (aata a Uttia tiaaup aaiiitly Hill Chanltnf f railhful ror»\rr Indian Summrr In aa OM ^Mch ' ■ flpf lar MM Arair>Naay cfwH kaa^ ala* 19 ta Mw afka An4 af I la lacal <MM*ll|r a««M«la4 kacwMa a( ika c«Mna U Om Iaa4ar haa aMi K hfr Sv* la tha la- war) and iha aMar raaldawUal trrnm, \ Itnrawllr crraaapainl on and hu mMi (Ml lahaar. Ok $IM par wllh tho tourirt trade rontrihuthig kava a drruinf room pinorhl* pal- Oara Tkal ~ al a haU tha fravr ThU an(la haa warfcad ' nothing alaa, th* ronliatl u M^Prayg ... . . mm Im a( hall- for raart and is tlill workm«. with painful I Jtaaw Mrias, w»daaaai|w>al|b^aaaw tha^awriu ^raa^ ^ ir^thi fL | ^M aw iy a<4^vaiiii^aw tarai ^ iSutoS, •pSilnMH •MrtTaw li» mim!*UmmhLSi I i M rliiWr ^^i^!!?*■MySwa*u'^lN!a^ ^^;2rMr*'K7aa «• Hk ragwi tW ^ HBla, il^ MMaaalvaa. llMaNn mmWmh •■• | Meal tratfMaM. are aMe aMa wMh Yoa ra a LurUy Mmr*» haa a rap tw a aa aHy kaarily favarad «» a r>akaia. a Aaaca haad teadar who tniiau h«'> p**^ . atiiC aad Bavlhr If eonsldarad eaa- thaagh tha laadan admit that tki^ • »»r i ia aBa. doI an artor On* • Tlyw gt A kaat Taa Tt>* Hotel Younr* pal>«y Aaa't twinf VhlU band* hatMalB laalar la Ika aiua lrl aai' atutuda u ZtT* Wiarr knowa Coaal la adaill a« Ortanlal. and Or Maalc Catpaiatlaa af la I* k* wkOa tha rh; I dua to laslMMk kviaf . ' fnslonal la a kat n k aalr partly trwa dawa l awa Ual daaiw )oinL rMtur- Aay )otat with a licmsa li inf tha aniy Negro Jump band an tha aa laturday night, with ar wlandt. ihU tfmi doaa a taa kml- ^ YaHi wil h aat daa o ag Aad the mt of tha neu with Ortaatal yauagstan aai Ika ' i aucteui of the oAendh^ avMMa at ■ (aw af tha ri r«a tweethoart A&...^j^^. I It OaMfka laraaada wMk Ika Maa the public haa aaan enough band MTA MO OaCMClTBA (III Aawi to make poorlr itacrd lav >uti One a( Ika BMal ac«l«« daeer* In that Uaa is Laa who ilaged the Claaa MUler Jaa SavitI and lh a cawaat »ak Chc»ter i^., wriMling routine wiih tha a* Ika tmnmmmt. Waak ha- i p arting a wi rc aiiiaa af ly in the line of a af la|M revuri and i trw jteari afa a kal Biager-hoofer in nileriet under Mm aama of Una Villon, puil-aiard ftanu an all-gal baad " Ike 'Mexicaa Jvm^ k thon oa aiuaieal lore but doe* a eort of Ina Ray Hut- J..". Kkic «B«« tm ■|Mary. uaa wllk ika dancary har« Jaa^ L ■I' clMMy ckMala. Ifa akay viSri ' operated by keat I the Or p ke u a i' ttiS?! ZHTu* fMI did '"r Ike aMia aMk. kal IkaMli Mt •^^T; " ir Itkrwiae for j Kaye on a tour ^ a»ad by J CUtf •« Mm ■iiiil itmM Is Haw Yatk. i _ ■»■■ <. koi wMkat* ^^^^^^ mm^^^^mmmm^ | —■> PlirkM Kyla aad ariik ralkar fdHkHry aiiiaaianBii Maatty M» braaiM, with three trumpeti. threa m^L trombnnei and a baa* horn. Bal- J, ,i^,„| ^ uirae raada. maa Rto li OM f an aceaaianal two aultt In Ika N. T. Maral eaarl 'ckarua. bat prinripally praitring ftaaaaro Sea- ""^ lorth in front and giving avl and Cigi "f* ^ *^ <^ •* Band*! thraa aiaia caught mere 'J EVEKEH H0A6UN0 "Made MrMd F*r Duciac" at lha Waldorf Aslaria Cmpara Room. New Vorli in be lialanina to the af yaar aiahaatra "YOITEE FUST ONiHX>NDA]f&* «■ Mil «iiw-fii» 9mm . Jaa Id. The ipring tlyta riMa« hare Jaa t) and M will be produced by Kath. rya Dufl> of OkUhoiBa CHy with Abkni Wcekj and Wayne King un- der conaidaratKMi for mustr aoign- a« lha whole- Ck* Al Fort Worth aiirrkiaU will a market U>ow with rra4dy "TO YOU SWECnWT ALOHA" Thia ain^ no idte rwi •y iONMNV MKncm tAIITLV^V.tllJ6r. MIf I, Nmv V«rk