Variety (Jan 1940)

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PUBUOTY GOING OUTSIDE? a&l^toLetiBifC«vkte Ui trmU ray hi tr Governor CalWrt Olsea tiM IIIIM4* r*«uMUM, 0«T. ter trial ml us fraad cW m wiU k« Mt • br U S. IMrtrict CmmX. rtm fMCtthr* pm^ w rii tm »lM. His attrntr k mvmM «t a <iin» la Mm • at W II tuiliy Bioff imprtooMrf at Alcatrai Silvrrilvin. 4»p u ty U I at- . advkM^ Um fovvmar'i ottica 4>4 imm ituira M pratiibtlad Um*. Sil ir't affica: N baliava llMt dM fliat aaHkar «r 4atiial of iha astratfiUaa wtU My aar affert Uta richia a( t CaUad ttalr> Wr do not ia My way or Mr aitpaaraiica rithUaa « CalMMiila. rl C. L4iMy and Hanry to ursad iha aatradiltoa W drlirrd until Iha federal «*t d!.|»«r,1 of The3f rxp w> —de n ca of aMabtuhinc BtatTt ■tun , aad aMad Ikay would tli «MI ha Naaiy wan wUl . Jan » ■tudiaa are Impor- •yaa ta wtra Cm- MB ■ggag MmI a( Uw BtaMi hMl "will )aa»> )ob and future I are alaa askrd to pua la atberi for by the industry ilTU 'filCLBPSi ^ hiemgaiiries h hA-lnA UhmHlkjUnidik DmJ %rMi Tmb n> Atwwy to HmaMm HHttConittM lalaratala Ca—iii i CocnmM lolid-Craa* MMu^-erlnf waa IMI weak hy tha ~ hy latter bearing tignaturea tt chlaf tor the »omen'> organiia- thraataned a> raaHh a( a laialMtlM. ary ntove underway to hare ptrtura pluci and merrhandialng. tlirot^ tlaupa aad tba liha, hMdlad Uom -Or. Cydapa' Tha aa^ tract, from arcount. praeXaa that Iha rudale afeney It to baadia and pwMtttty M Iha XTyclavs' It* Im a itatt fUr. Again' Robot* of the studio irti will work undrr their o»ri steam, di- rected by Martin Ajihc. under nsuMi ot Fred Niblo. Sr. Alter diarussiuns in New Tarfc ml tot to Jan M the Govemmeot to fondants' queeliona. It u not the type of qu«>tK U.i(jirtUei Afaiosl Gov't Oi ^ffff FiMititi a tc ardlag M wHh preeumptkm being that the agreement to rover 'Cyclops' is in tha Mtiva a( a tail to dataraaiM M ii •I accapttog part af «w mi M inmate a( a Cblcaaa Simultsnentuljr. it waf dtacloaed by the fi ivernor's offire that a lelcsram received from Mr« Ed« in chairman of tha Wuinrn of IMVU^ OUm to approve aaC haa rat i « a ad aaal after plac lag PauliM Swanson In charge He had aa a former parlMr, Bab Tap- linger. »'ho la BOW haad tt pldh> a mambar < Jp at waawn. Srx-eral atudte Mlaw if* •Uale/1 :>i ihp AmericM Padera. "? I J • . aUo trt urcine that Mac tx <.r ', l>.irk to r >mi>lcW hit Bi«« Tabes Bach Sea4 Since hn indictment in Fr<1cral loA hat faded into the l>ark- and !'• leaving negotiations la crali* m tha iBtenwtional ml ItoMMMl Mtoi mm- hi M» toirfi •( iMMMUaMl m4 craft buai favorabte lime for a vote hi slon Plea touched a new MM. wHk proponents declaring that tha Neeiy bill meant 'oontinuance of poluical democracy' and end of 'indoatrial dicialanhiy at HMINl Office Employees Cutid ha< »i«iic<4 up 1.200 aliitt col- '•'••rlter. and appointed a com-, Jlttoa to draf' a contract piopo<«l j JtWtoMtaion to tha pratlucer*. Tha New Tark ^ Prtac B. Bchfluicli yailarday t dayl «aMiaaad tha auM a< Bohart B. Sherwood aitd the Playwrights Pra« during Co acn^t 20th Ccntury-Pw Film Corp. in which Sherwood rUimcJ unfair n>mpctition m the im by tha Aha eooipany a( tha Tom Mr. MANY READY TO SHOOT AT Buffalo Go^'ernment of Its anti trbiaa Cham raalraia tha Bchtoe acquiring additional the a t r aa the lOS houies it i>o» operataa "^w motMMi (or an laiunctton waa arguad W a raatrahilag ardai Mai af the avtt. IJOO qua tte aa. Tha of theee are considered redundant h^ the D. of J. Tlw l alar eotnpany lawyers a araal liaBrtili i bafara Jud«e . C Kmm tol M wStoMMilPM. •vaMtolttM. Ito KnlgM ruled that Ha shean why a trial had It does not seem to the "ourt that the acquiMtion ot a frw addl- tiomai thaatrat would either delay. Parawr aludto laalures dated to roll during March • hile the latter lot hat eight to go Warner list includes The Sea Raak.' Torrid Zone.' 'Brother Orthld.' Tha CaaaUal Nywph.' 'Jm If Iha Goveraawal r '- vaiU.' In Its complaint the Rovemment rhargea that Schiite. m rombination it Otttributam Corp. BKa Uai. week ahla c t l aM to the i bafara trial af tha M lap Urn It it eipected that the -rute book* wUi litcrallr be luued in the lap of tha DtpartoMot of Jutttca fejr 4a> pre-trial examinations CaL PBea Objerilaai Cahaahia PIcturaa Corp. yesterday ' ) taOMH MM Brat af tto M. LaawX lac., and Cohanbia Pictures Corp. tove runspired te restrain interstate aammerre by the u«e of the greater buying power on the part of the •china group and through black- BKO aUHs Thuraday (Mt Vurtoin Call.' tollom-ed next Satur- day <nt hy The Romar.l.c Mr Monday <2*>. 'Smiler with • Katla': Pab. I. Tom Brown's Dayt': Peb. %, laane Chaaca'; U. 'Amp al IbUlib' ■alariCs now p«id The f.>!l.>*.ng studio delegatee ^ve been appointed to repinent the Mriout producing units on the Guild Mard Metro. CUtc* Uarcaa. Bar- hara Al Bc'^-.-.-f •th-PaB. Ir ttoMT. Ura Kuby Kh r. Praaria Clatk. Bm Batchelde: Columbia. Blaai ~ ^•te Ctorh. Bob Duttte. O. Ua Gold. Universal. Mat OaMtr. Baanit Birketl. Sally Baanar; Ba- k«a«pTCftoaf darlarrd. There la mm ^aastlon of rooynchi or pla- ■hrtoi Inxolved and the suit mutt ba aaidbtcd to the que«tHin ot unfair roaipctHioa. Since the aourra af lhair ■wicrial bel^wgt to tha aubtic riMla«iam CM ha analrii. mm Ihar tSher w aad* %*t» the its vatiie as a me- public inte:e<t' STEFFES STRICKEN ATftfLKEIMC lOOG PUGIARJSI Application te toe at a poor person revealed a 11*0JOO action of I»la Harrit unemployed arlrrx. aci n-t lOth-Fux for tlOOOOO The p clauat the plagiariam af her_aeeaario "Wiaaiac Wwf^ m ' Mte Marrif hi A (raai tiaia to time it wai bcin^ cotMidarad at a vehicle for Soaia Heme. "Second Piddle.' she a- rii<. is baaed on her ttory. Tha tlm compoay'a aatwtr CM- •isto af a to officers of i Columbia Ii ment's Utl, W for Peb %. Columbia, kl M affidavit by I»uia B. Praeltch. deat af New Tack; that tha Gav«ra> ment hat not partlculariaed the gen- eral aUegationt of the complamt: that srritten interrogatoriet ha\'a • liMi at Ihit tlate. ipanying ea p laaat t M i dactoiat that Harry Coha is mi ^ charaa af praductloa fur Culumljia, aad in Iha paat twa yaort the ram conw to N trial, waald aMM a dIatiiptlBa altto entire production program ml Coluai* bia and c<inaei|ueatly a aubalaatial loss to that conipMy. Tlw (Jairam* meat, tha aMamay daelaraa. caa pal lU ttitiiaiiy hgr wrMlM tw aw i hia l lMi of Jack Cohn and Aba Montague, vtre-president and ten- eral tale* manager, respectively, of CMumbia. Tto DaparUaa a t of Juttica nf utad W. A. knosva MipHldmt axhibUor leader. ■« coaflMsil Providence hoipitat Washington, auiferlng from a aerlout heart attack He was ttncken «'hila attendmg the Allied States dirertort* PchtMrr at SHh-raa. Otia Braarar it ditactiM tra« • sh« ha (or a year and a half pat $M0 to continue ml tfw artioiL ^pMIi CiMird Writ H >ltywnod Jan. tL Paulette Coddard ch i rt iad aal off wba /-lU toka ap thay complete ■aw Im vmtk. At ptetara's SnMi Bua (liaplin (or retakes on The nn« in lllih day of about tw*