Variety (Jan 1940)

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ItilkMfMikijiiElM; HoDdnkr-Vade 4K. W-U>t ClUeM*. tea ifji mk\, fTJii, MM* t O i lO i r g) tMt: ..^w^.^— (UA>. tm ry*. l> tmt ^icM Boy«' (OK I mhr»W PVty. » W . tk« \>n»- . riij ritow mmi pie*mr* It aMInc thai •'xl » ri (■«•(. IrtI EaptaMft i^nr (W». Mplv. JSE kill, and It'* alrict^ • m»- Mmmm iMKi (1 >1M AUmm' <wak «trtwiii« rrMHN ia «kiHi iit4tcalM aiugr 9f, Imnmnaaf (tfA> fMd thr«* <MK> <4JH: Guy Robartaaa. Kaj Bataw. Uauiw lna<llalM»*| la • fatr <MCO). tm-nM triplar.'ivff wit RyBllMiff'ii iM. n. ■•car4 aali apall M*t **« 4my%, wttk tkarmotnatfr hitting a naw law a( II fcataa aara. no h*lp to ftral-na b^.t. CaU anap inod«rata4 aaan^ wiMt Sunday (II), and with cwrraal atanu abould ahapa iiy n .WB» Ita^irXS «« ai- ■aby" a. and soinf In lar aaplMit^ at Mary Andaraoa looki la frabMBM |iu«a coiB. white thop Artmtt Car> ^ ' alted with -Earl a( Lraaw"* Suu, U rui »-»M) av—-Haphaa with 'Daalry Acatn' and 'rramad' at RUIta •*'*• I Witharf a^ Hif h Ichoai ptaiS"lo-itri^ ftUi" taat ' iln R< l^.yer- <lla») tadad badir li„^y'^ I «nd to wiad My with |II,M, oka' I. Jaaa c m it lM fa l^rj^ Heir .UV iwf -ipH^ ^ Habiii aad will ba bara aaly tbia iMaUtv m( m ■HkM Murkv MJM Laal waak. I lamMiSSm Mtf • IIKOI ( a wMb lowr-waab •bay. avail (MK) tl 'Evrryihmt Hayyana' (StIhI. la Hcn^ diawuig la luaa •! all |liJW> far IMgll^«lMaa.^UMj Mat* 1^ (UK> (11M; t»-l*^ Tawer baadaa' (Ul, palroni I mant NaLvca la t* law • _ MiM-hmArv manafrr Vofua in St Matbawt. a "oburb. br«u(ht in WLVa Baaira Valley Bara 4W». • M-G) «Mi wfc.). I rMartaw- Juds* Matdy aai Sun <M.G) ltd wk-l. -Xjom Hat Wind' (UA> <M wh >. Walt l ■«»<- T>>« Biita Btf^ (Stth > iM wk I Shop Around lha (MO), i tm V* lai»tMs* -'lavltlMsM Wtadry waatbar la Ha I bay If ratialnc Mwna b.a mt- tarbM alMa •roadway, but aKbauA awBlaMMaa are aot beiaa tbe Aauraa tm laat raar> ar« load A tnowilomi Tburadar < 1*1 caaia Ma wiutb ta iviti ItrefMa. but tba bitaMa raM which baa pravallad ttr a waak la l» fin Crllstl* (M<0) Oil. la V»mmn. Jmn IT) <OMi ax CBUKOWW rith the ' evarythiac hatna teas other CbM. Wblte from Iba praviaua Sa'&Hl'S.^SS'S Sflh waab iniimt SlM ' (IT>. Hwmwhif tba Ml a aaw iSm > |wbat aa the Srst aeven ti» to laal alcht iTur< ) hoiur la " ■ to tea* af Ow (Wad ► alarto a 'iudfe Hardy and Saa' li •8 bands bu<y ■( the •kaage. with the tnltlal •■SbM laat nleht <Tuaa.). a Mi SITMS ana af Ibe hauae haa evar bawic bald ov< ry flr«t-run. the Rialla, |o4nc freat guni with Invitibte RetufM.' fW Oil <9d-«nal WMb). to tSlM* '>n the >aab. but M laeaUnc «« aaaw an tba baldaiat ta HUMl «r littU below Ibal tlWun.). nW: »-4S4il»^MMi M«n Retunia- tU) iM VWfeljB WMk tut. iAar natcblng IIXJSS the Srtt irven davi Sireamlinatf » baan baaiu»d"iir diualL" SUM Looking out af Oiatr Ifloaa. local ■M>\ i« houM maaaaar* ara aightinf ■ toi-«w ta tba IVM?^ An^jalt Itwl taba* a hack Mat an lllm MiDply. the Glaba. la ««ttwMt^lMn^Ha«^Wli^ MMm Ha aaad fw SISSIS ar >•». m4 picture wUJ bold Hm Boa/ la havlog touch iledding. Ha Marriad Hm W&a' ipiaid van prepare for tba pUyed Tojtfit Tbal 1 _ week! and three dayv turning Hi ■ »te* pro«t Final three dar< waa white the fourth Stole went Sral with Ttte Amailfm Mr. and M do>M laUitackartly (eatawiM), K. LMTli and Oablaa WrtgM. Jr •eaiaytopa nice SM.SW walwaearB fraaa tba prter waak OM rrtday ■ wbldi li aC a UtUa "* HalL and "bn, " aaCaring from bad durkad Da te att MSJHl Siiap ritlfc 'Loew'a-Fourtb <I.MS: IS-1»-40V- Har^ • and 'Muaic Heart' <Cal). erally I baa Ire I ara hopalul af a al tba It aadtog tanl^i «Wad.). diwdy. titaugb nnt « ^ ,. 7"a San- mtrm.^ w,4... bill* la town. Strand brinci and Paul Wbhiwaa fh*v fMt. tt» Hall uaba ri In "Sbap Sm Camar* tomorrow ntora- (Ikim.) A larrMc campaiga ttSM. M-IS-IS-IS) — Wtfa-tSM) Mrt g^ ittfc'aaaSr'vaS k 1to«te«- (UAlt "sfiiis'^'isl^i latrlaMa 'tiilt'w Wrtgbt. ir Buslneaa al approaimately m.O0A 'Anotbar Tbia Ma^ Ki^-aa rios roNKo uNoou h Aaaaaf) m a< tfw laUlag o« ba attribulad to lha caatoai •via* tbalr «Mb lhaWtad.' a| (Jaa. »> al 11 bit: n-«-ii la-ii m n mi —•Wtod" i.M G. <«th week I Teei aff aa tistb bate today <W*d >. <oi- pratty vaiK-ed rtow, c< two-wack (tretch. thould r«p nice UJN with any kind liMgaa <Ualtod DaliaM) «4 ol break on weatbar Laat m-aek w-ia-U i- Four Wivaa' iWB» ■Child Bom- pulled baft* IcmsM Hanrjr Gaaa Ariaiaa' (M-O). IraSa. wttb aatrona avidamir aavact- aa* ' not >ucarT t>ut ob. • I.7«. U-3S^»—-Uan lU Winn- (UAi. Got a goad rtart ovei the wrrk-end and loaka lor tISJM! neal St MS, weat)>er o'var. Unaate <LTC-Coopari -I MS IS- l»—-Marriad Wite' <aMi>. la far ' ate Aqri. Good n sM. open mc week. I Habfaaka il.TT-C.xipert il.tM IS. _ _ _ _ I »-4S>—-Elizabeth and E.^a* <WB». AmI —'fc''riiM«'~iM m 'aad SSM& PalM-Slato (UaMed Detroit^ —i*^'—i »-« '/« — ». ibattw fair kuaa gie dir« Latt VTi iintwiir tiki and -On SS^V-'Blllij' il« mH^nmUT <r»r> Urt w^ M nai) aad ^Mop f^vr nWd «») \alata to.' « ■! " '*'■«■_ TW«- <WRi dual, aitt wMb-Beware 'Ui Weather will be a deriding far- iM-G> <l>t wk. Sd run) Bill it a •pook> <C-ul>.-Not Alona' tWBl and tor although early l>-ce l.*.lt» to bold combo of best fnmn last week i 'Bricht Boys (U). Ittolii. IUMl ! raniislaH|r. Shauid coa Sne fTJSS Mirhican and United Artuti- double- good bMlwaak:'•waaw'iistb) aad "City biiu •■KO> (IJM: IS- ICbaaca^ (SMV wMb Marrb af Ttoie weak -rnday* iCal) aad 'MuMr added rorraled tweet MSiS Ben*- . .. , .• « • Coll Jaai-aackad tnom Mraad irouith Ave-ue i < l MS is laMed Artlato <Lnitcd Datroil) «ere both good but nifM busincu Varally «Wn • W abia r iSitirl tart week -Oawcaa'^BKO) and -»-!•>- Higb School- iSSihiand -Oh <a.SM. 3S-IS-U>-Intermeua- <UAl i< nit quite a lot and a >>»i>rt run m M IM IS-SS-K>—lero Hour' iBa** ISlrtM- <BKO> m. m. MMB. J 'hnnv* «Mlh). Bania l«pt«««mcnt. aad 'Barl CTucaaa' «M-G». Cloae to predicted i and Cot-ercd TraUer' Rep- I.uke> _ - - - - - - - — - - — - • • R...^ to lenre »-ith onW handful of ly >e<l% Mid nani local Kwr .C (LTT-Coupari <l «on lo-tt- faiicd lo" get •«* ■•••y* '*B' N -\rr ^ Md an tal sal aaray. and lemp hn l> It.-low Looki Ilka a atea |S «oo La<i tbraa days vmrn^HmTmSTmSk. I matog atebl. Weak SUSS ImS -lavisibte Strtoas- iWBi and AttrWtia« MtTkUbiaara ^5 waak^-Balalaika iMSlTalaia • RKOt fell down to IS-SSS ' adult< Saturdae and Sunday mate sharply tUSS II.-bi UN week -paiHaa IBKO) and tO-ISi- Higb School iSSibiand-Oh <I.gia. ja-aa-M>—Intermeua <uai k mr quite a lot and a ihotX run m M iaa la-ja-ssi—cero no ISlrtM- <BKO> m. S. MJiS. J 'hnny* «Mlh). Bania iipnatwmant. aad 'Barl Cliiraaa' «M-G». Cloae to predicted i aad Cot-ercd TraUer' Rev _JSMto iBtoakl a«k IMS-Mi , wiib SMtf SUN to liskL Lart wwk, aa avaraBi IMA LmI waak. "Shop' Palaro ti7M. JS-M-Mi-'TWr warm tiJM. Laat «-ek