Variety (Jan 1940)

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VAKIETT FILM SHOWMANMIIP SUM filtiiiwtllwii %MiClhi Th* Mtli ArniK-mary of Metloa Piciur«« rampaifn hat produe«4 comparatiwly talutoctary n i tu lar Mm IndiMtry. ■infilM I* ■ If llw Mftra publtritjr barr^M inrMmUl to Om iMinrlitoic e( 'Con* With Ihr Wm«' tfaMMMteJ aUwr Aim publicity in imitortant Mr<t run ip»<l k>r a few »r^i. th* *x(>k>ildli<>n MalTi at Warnrt*, 9Mh-Foa amd RKO wrm drtvrmiivrd to frt tnio th« mkMto •! tlW •ckt la bvhalf of their mmm prMhKt. CMrf«MI]r, ■ton rrmaining o\« fof to<U» t <W«<.) ■Crapo of Wiath' at th» ltl\*U. T WI CMn|>any i< Awair Uw^ji^"|*y^— ^ "'"iJiwlM tt iw la at to Ikt tJWTW acaW DlMwy^ ^taMMiT •MMH to Vibhrlito iMMn * kMI«M Uw 1m« toll. White not a* much publtrity ar- Umtt aa «urin« th« GrMtoal Pirtiir* Tmt CMMpaicn during MML to* Ml ta ri ratoafa' and -Plnacrliio- <IUCO>. li aallttwti Ilka comprtllloa ts ktir «ho»man- (hip tnta artion. and althouach ra«1i of tha new Alaaa muuld oidinatily Ttwi\nl <prrial handlinc Bad •ntphaala. tha trmporary Mankating af and to MiaU a( t;a«a WMb Mw WtoT M aa Ika Oa H i n Jubitea ram- paiga aa acainst about II MOOOO an tha Graatrtt Motion Pirtura Yrar ! Bulk of monry for the Wlh anni want for prrparins and mailing aa ••pkHlallen manual tlrcwita and cimiM ilili itoiii agiii f iaa bava mtmtt tt pratty aafl tor Caorge Tyaon. idtiftlitog haad af Harm otitgt. la pa Ml ag aoar "Swanaa Rurr' iMlht Ptr ti a la rurrrntly ■oMIart hava apriaarad pwMtrljr an aa%-rral arraaiona la ronnartion with a am a aaptoltation itunt for Tha richtmK Wth' It hat baan a livaly rampalga which (kill ttiiiir lu lap itota tonight iWrd I at a ataabar af raunlea diaaara to a aaaaa af rtttea glvaa bjr fM. Oik toni IS.OIMM D nun Hh-ra> af Itogvy ptw^arttoa InrtT-n to ptay tha tavariiaa i ma aab^ lha tor budiatad product) m^lir* larucnition of to a aar flfaaa 4MrirMa And thia, drtpUe \hr fact that tha run of tha mill thna. In toUL rcxt mora than tha i|i*rtaU, aartploy mora taiant and orrupy mora playdataf It la aaty IhraiMh rhannaU withia lha trada that a K. Shrr«nad. Ml and Mi^ Mr. and Mn. Mr. and Mrt Alaa Mr and Mn, tmt BMihGordaai wise supreme aaalvarmty af aampaaar'a daath a«d. a f*w days latar, PittalMirgh Sym- phaay. wadar mu Balaar. taaturatf galtory af ^aator works r. wiM mm Uaa haaa. i M CMd tor ptoaly af ipi • «aya aaaa by to tha nniv TSMcdi*' fi.WMiil.C mBBj IMHBl If ■§ af atoa Nagra pMata to CSl af thaatra toltod to awtor ptrkating paaeiably aad no qualma on rrlcbi' part abaut | tag Una, If thay rvm >a» '' by <-«MTiniinr wMh theatre VaUay iaOto. N. T. Jan 23 ' Lea An. r tIjMti A • «aMaa by CircaM ivdga prlaa to a aa t toaal axplotutton aa»> L. Aatw. granting aa to- lad on tha "Only Aagala Have Wiafi' to Charte* W TVwnpa. <Coli Mallaad pat aa tha campaiga rw- ■Mp wtmm tm wm autionad at Bfc. haaa aartoaaly dented a hai Ma. Oa Ute 8«|Ml tai N.Y. Dm Hartmaa, Pai toteMaw Yart Lee Angrlet. Jan U af ttoi aad tegit tha- la three tened the raUaa ^. . • Mto «t M to 4. City CawacB toattattii mm city attormay to draft audi m af4k> •MM«, which will bacoaaa aOMtiaa it paaaad by lha Couaca and algnad by tha aMyar. Maaaura -i-'-ln HriM^ to aflar map Around the Caraar.'' wUl ptoea KKO to tha poaMMa af baring two UaM running la eompatlbva houaai oaty • Mack apart on SIvth avenue Walt EidMriM Bmk Wl It i« to abawl t' at a ' which Hartmaa will return ta tha IB Coaal to begin adapUtion of *Mm to Half Moon Street,' a London ptey. WrMan aaM II "t new rartoon fr.iturr wa . art | Katharine Brush n Caalar bacauae^ tha Mtialc aignad by MaUo ta a now haa arhadulad a •f praductHina for tha nest ihtM ar four months. Prrrcding "Swiai Fam- ily Robinaon' on rrieaaa wiU ba 'Aba Lincoln in lllinoia.' art for Jan 22. la rabruary, tha na^iay haa "VlgU rt tot- fm In antK pat.on (or tha ma af Walt Diaaay'a aacaad nill-laagtb HaUywood, Jan 22. Ihraa lap mate ptetura MlM Brtiah. an tha Caaat far eaa- ^ — faba M tha ftory, rrtumt to New tha Urn, w Tarit IMi «Mk. whara AtH tfw Md direct. Carol Landu ia under c 'nudera- af nambi a off whan rradl Waahlngtaa. Robinaon during rerrnt run af Mikado,' advlaad agamat K aa I toring with Negra artiatK Barratt MaCaamlik had town tor thraa daya ami iko aMa bad apaat thraa weeka ballyhaa which e\ra rMk flto Wtod.' dva tUlai raetar af tha , —.^w— M additional ushart. bringing the >Uff to a total of n Ten mora caahiers. a nuna and ae\en projec- tianisli ha\-e alao been encagrd faur MARTIAL CAMPAIGN FOR T1GHT1NG 69Tir Praaa afficM tor Om Walt production hava alaa baM apantd ia the Center theatre. Richard Con- don la directing raploilation. with John McGaehaa auuting. Dougtoa WblUa«9 ia to charge of publicity. by Taai Spitaar. of RKO ^ .y-MyO-*ma. Aa part of tha raunkm celrbrat tor the gpth regiment a brief cer^ many of Uibiito to rather Duffy, war-ttoaa rikapiito at will taka ptoM gt MM today gl bMa at III "^ThT^ta^^Ht - fuard. aa4 aMM at the offirara ^ allcod. WrMUM wiU ba placad W James Cagaey and Pal O'Briea, a have roma eaat from Holh aaad attend tha reunion dtoaar toal^ will her tt. ■ Harry Sherman at Paramount New baard of directors r«m>i: They are thus entlUrd to free bus First job is the 'n.t d] Hopalong Sky Eafl*. Harold Melendcez. tiiitoir-^'n to Mi tnm lha Bto-lCirtiy toaiMra tor the lMS-41 pra- wo k 'AM la •enedirt is formar paMlcily at tha >tudio and Woodndl araa ra- Jack Wataa r' aad^ panv fram IkS studio arri\-ed at Grand Central ygg» tarday to be greeird by a nowd tt that tboroughlv r ;|>>\r<1 • pi«}ed tV to •I WkkCmc Dm Worcester. Jan. 22. Loew'i PkIi is r;iUiing in to so-na aslant oa Wuri-c^ter^ -Lfny ram- Harold II iukeiay at Urunk Drivi Week' hara. Aa result