Variety (Jan 1940)

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tn VAWIETY % to iMi k Jm Wiki Cwrfffeny; Ml M Strategy Henry S IS-TEU-OLD WDAF Hn MnY sni «( Mm Scrwn Artort !• Miami U«< nifht <Tund*r> for ■ oM-4ay » lUi Joarph N W lake Gm^m Rail Or Gt II Wiffc f« It' b hh»4jw's hipi i it i ii «Mi,Jaii n CWlM CmMv. ■MMMMT-wrilrr •I WMLC has mmt» a «mI wtth ki< tollMr-MMr Mher h« maka la radi* ar > m »wiii aartaw la lath- ar-in-law'l tranaportation Ml A former l««M aclar wtM hat «oikrd on nod CtMMCfmit ratfia ■UUsM, Cuilw a law waatw um Kill AwniK MU7 Analrd* af parrt«*<'ka 4Mrlb«M aMac >iiipl o> «, «( M broa^aat *UlHM.a U«l ««vk ravaaM an avrra** weakly |m entire full-time peiiunnel of Ml IT. Contained in the Fctferal Cam- nuiMicatMMu Commiwion't annual report, •urvry thoved durmf tha >ampl« week a( Otc. II. I*M—a lo*al full-time payroll of 'J'^JJJJSJi ^21* I await orch»<tr» mill participate In ?""^'""^!ll»l-.iri •f Uw artar ttv«* would re»eal thr ob>ert af Ola ^T? • confab However the f»rt thai * AFIIA U currently aettinK up * pro- Ar f« the traaacnp I that an^t ka a« I WOAT. aMtli a»«i tviv. ^ n* M-piece Kama* City Plilltar procram. ai (tatioa aaw k*' ane of law ai ailMla-Waal la lanw laiM^ la Hhx *nd tanaai aad anlargM Thotnaon'i prewnce in the meet- "'f^ WDAF it property of t( that more fian the «he Kai>M> CUy lleirsts are ttemj roo«i<1eT<M ha aad Jail* auv al o take •I • a( Aawiica iFayr AO who hat taken dorton orian la \ATU. Biick a deal wat ten »'>ili uutaide Ikatby Stork ille4 lor iMl Maawr la aa»ly t raal i d part am ike the paaee n IMiimal kataraaa itm ^ aawMnaa. arriUi^ e^HJug aad ^ aad Aa !■« rtMIn VNIONSfUIE SUTTLE Sealtta. iaa. tt. afflMM. •aal iakii« ol MfMlMMita a watka. Hudtflaa aW MM ky Bak Convay aad Kiy Dady a( ala- «f a ttf af lalani a« AFHA anatke n and aM«i a drtra by the laral AfKA (raup for a matarity at ihu Matioa. la Dec. UM. alwa APHA waa HUIB tor rcrocni- iaf agency fur iti atay ba Meklag la a CO operative deal witti flw WNMaai BMy t^mttf la tn rover the vaudertlW-nltary to ba warktoif an a half-kaur pra- Thomaas M laiiiaM j la llw grmi ki LWikaa j 'i kakaH wkML IT lha Md, appravad. araiUd «a MLfM al Ika •aM ■wjrhaMw pnaw akiact a( Ika trip. SAO aTiriai ti riatad to aWiai %m ' ArUA aational board meetinf aa ku ' reliini tomorrow and he will aWy Sy back to the Madialaly aftar that at la cwtail Ma hrnadtaatlat tkaa aad alkalaaU all lacal liv* mu*ic beraute union muskiana refuaed ti paaa the picliet line KMO. C outlet. ti(ned up wttk Mm mday (!•» after a alrtka k A^A than bagin ■ quM rampaica ta aalial a maiority aad M la l«> Ikat all af tha Mai Ml M WMCA Sckoolroomcrs WMCA. Mew Torh. wifl liiiwi aa aiitlet for a new eouraa la radio arriting to be inatilutad by tha itM <ninaniiiMiiMlMrtar^Ca|. M BOK) kaaka at %M . aa aM a( Ma lacal lit waa about to ca on waa a iHVried conference with aClclali aad tt auaulaa later NrtSelAFRA liriiililitntMi Fedaeatkm of ArtMB aiad a iliaiaail on tl •aa yoaterday iTu«> I tar arkMratiaa a( the Chicaaa of _ , tenaa al hearin«i la and a iwa a^alu Mar. M ■a t aat k -ode waa .i| aaa Mia aaaatton of a C^ie raa Ml opaa tor future i t A#nclai favor a lo for c^mmk mik afiia atriaf tka I Scvt C8MK||i kis its pUci MBt AT nu ETEIT ClaeiMkatk Jan. n Lulu Belle and Scatty, of WLWa Boone Coanty Jamboroa rural ec- fravacanxa. will parMnai al the Oraai IWatra. OaarsMawn. O . Jan. r. not I Vacaai Walkaul kavoKed four techniclana at KIBO and Ave at KOt. TT>e union la demandinc 141M for 40 hourt par waak aa a«ainal the piaaia t acala *"* ''■airwr'wauM'aat la a eloaad ■d ttpl EOC. Lauu Time*. June. Itn. aa a aal monlha later ai Haadry aa eaan Shutt'a BhMlt waa di a*d b f«tr\i»ad br Ma wtdaw aad twa chiMrea. Ik* funeral waa held todar i3l Bl BL P^. .- • Pli ,' . r-rr- . • la addMlaa to pkfcatinc KOL tha la laalng twa Mim d truck* la front f>f the ttudio buiMinc PoUaU air t>eiD4 mailed out to adverti>er< by local unlaa dadanac the aUtion unfair. KOL'i curtailed operationa will laka the »tatiaa oB the air at MPJIL wren la rtcbHad Jan U a(ain t proni- a( Lacal n. Amer- al MtHlciaai. whe returned over tha buataUe* wMi Internal a( the luuoa ia Miiaii TTie union haa btia pickr(in( WPBN amca lait Bwaday <l4i when waa drpppad ky they ea u l d a t aC lackalrian* at tween the Brotharhood and .\meTicaa Conununicationj Aaa-Tcia- Uai^ CIO ilBMala wtBi »1m(B WQXB