Variety (Jan 1940)

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SWING KNOCKED rrSELF OUT |K4iMfEST0 SOOfflPHIiY Bands at the Box Office lUBtflfB UltfB {Prtttmiti krrntith. *$ • tiwMjr t^wUt'mt, is Un tstimalti (wvr rAarw hmmmtu Mm 4mm 0»v«n TMil _ Wttk« Put C«vcn >u< ^BaM rUyW WMk OBB*te Gruicr CHtm 1 Bihmurr (JOO; |I.OO^$I.SO). Samiii^ Ka\t Cmmtoton (400; 7Sr-$I.S0).... Bob 1 roftt.) Mm Yoctrr (SOO; 7Sc $1.5^... lloirT Kii«. - I 1 ■! prfblrm hrr* whtrh WM wurr* •! irriUlMM h*- MCA •Pf jliMM ((600; 7Sc-aiJI^ • l^b" (JMt^lJ^^MJOi**•••••••••• , Iffiinwii (900; $1jOMi -M) .Wddvf (F—(400:7Sr SI W) . (JOO; 400 ?1 IJ 12 2 2 I III .1 Put WMk SOO I.WO U50 *}S \2S0 I.KM 7400 17J00 27DD IMQO »400 1^ hilraliliEipiiJ It Fitila DMcdcrii; Mh itf Finta DsaceUria. Mr* tt sllow Jo* MaruU to cn- Mi MMll orrhotra inl* • full- ■MM •nd berom* Um Mat'l NNfSttRYSI l« hit Jmm Ui Bni ■•H. Km4 •( th* Orchestra Bureau »b»rli Nina Ma« MrKmnfjr, Tiny thas'i orrhvttra. rlr, lta< glvM ay hi« acrnry to )oin Call; lac Na li an wariato of Tim Gal* Pitl>bur(h. Jan 23 Martix G >(;in|tri > llainvin half a( Mm iMttMijr aito ctuh toam al Tarn km. tm ■hoednc took plara In caurl laal manUi aa lha rlim«H to a aariat aC imtitttt troubW*. Mr<. Harrison at •r«l vmprrxrd hrr rh«(ria that a Ttmaa romgirl cuuM mtsa awrll an mm mark, but lalar mk4 m4 • Wl InJcy AkMt Oi CRS' Rmm^ SWv ^Ulla« I flMla «anli la aaaa owrhMd hy mamm MMmla'a fuU-aiaa bunrti Mi • «raw araM a Hm ar%MMl batf WM but lator ra^iw i d. Mrs. Hairiaon faras tiul accusal af \K*l*lin| Arrarms a< t *nd a (h«i(* Nrr hu»ban4 it a*- Wtll Bratfler band t Iba C< ihia rrdiar <M> »m almas* a*- aalM far a tiUr4 tiaw Ba^ It la «a Um airtiv Iraai • S» in Ml al)l« that haa kaa« ■mrralljr elatfd »rtb Ow wmH lor tiM arvaral jraara- ii nraring rmlinn T1m° puMir li acBin imMv aetows It has intftcalai m «ar ways lately thai N I'a alyta af twtag. ra- bownr* ImiI M to nwra rsiyart far Iba • diMinrI tfrparturr frr ■I w H bad mt a^iwg nturr4 Lailar wtth baa«-4r*«lag •Mqr Ut* bi«gm uriialaaa c>l aanw tnp outAls f »p l» y» dual •tyta^ Ttta accent may not tm mi IMlrh n Mbulaly di i ippi n ^ *MC ay brr bial that broadcaat ' r tinaxailabi* u> the Wmm li (Mil a lull-siaa grou* aut aMkL mSSr mmm%. T- H tut ba l ari E~.^_^^^kar*M Ntaab- tekMi, Wrth la a M Mia Ml la plaiy la Mm WW li N.T.r. Martin Blocli rai—i< kia "Mato- ■riin* Ballroom danrei at Manhat- M. Y, Jan. SS-M b«t laalead •( a< Ik* ktskar IIJ^*;*^;^"! ba aa lap rab. I at M. Y, for IM •aaliHaary party la* Martla ^» ■*^»tU> ya-»allr aa». M- 1 aa WNKW. M. V. M. isHw X wMk Bab O m i M' a band. Boy Datis, Graria MrDanaM and Beit Wheeler is to be held ever a third aeek. »hirh »i>uld overlap •va dajri into tha S90U' contracted tor dato al tiia Apalla. Uptaara baMaa 4mm'i waM ta M B««MMMlatNi If M iHl ta bava a auk MaMftT ** IM I li at :ad an >hort notice that the event MHildn't b« properly esploNad, auliida af a matarc a da through Uaa arbicb gi a a iad Daa M Kay. aiagiriaa. 1 tad Mm take was 'a li Um wilb Gtlbart, havii^ been lla befara changing to Miller to replace Willie Horoaitc OUbart had been brought la la lab* a«ar al ~ wbiia Man baa a a ms iciaa lakes a Ba ce nUy a New Jer<ev rollere »aa lata two rartion« o\ei the t<i«4> iag af a band tot ane of it> prtxns. Ona mda wai ■gainrl the mmM a That Tucker-Baker Old Tune Click Making Miseries for Publishers By BCM BOMC Music publishers rompUIn they ha\* ncxer suffered li bustraiMM aa Ibay di R |1Wsday Mt). a^a Iw mntrari m ' "ua for an.: rff»wt ejiieg fe, a»pto ja M M ftaai »•*•. to June. I ka Ma their oa tba O, Oina Tkicker n « i (' Jabany' and «ith the aid of Bon- nid Baker garnered m ide attention far lha numtier aba«M IB^ af lb> band leaders, aay MM PBkB refitaa to Another angle af resilience that lha publishers have to rontond »ilh lunrrrns phonocraph recordinf A goodly percentage of top ligb won t make an arraagMnaat af a ptovad- IM. « »'>'. I* ar M ifeB producer m< vantv Leadti'g pvit>h>hrrt think that bands aic ovrrdvtng the revival I ime and thai .r they don't they tkiU be alieaalMH af Mm *mm tadlaa^ among which was the hiring cowwnW* tee which »ai drfendmr ii« ih*»re, m tor a^la aafatil^aMNnNB PaitM- Grmip Rccari PfHt Blachii^ Disfs playad by Andy rerreMi. re- ceally wMb Tatanty Donwy and tre w bas M by Mo* Zu<iirt4l iii^m peraonael: Bill R 'tit>iM. Charles TreM^ af ravHal hit when Ibay Might tba nSL**!!; patrons beconMS laa great. Moat af lha bands outsid* af these two cta«>i- acalMMU ran t afford to make »r ■ it araa al Ota riac a( cycle when lha averaaa iitere-trH iinic--- Ihe ihythm «aa sii- /ling hcL and Ihe ;>r>r« »oiii)«lrd likr gikkiriab aaaMMg fr Nknlini: ■Irint WMMein. Bataai Oirfc Jmuny Ja cbi aa arrana* fnr the It been asie-nigfalina la Ms li Bit