Variety (Jan 1940)

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ViWTFTr M Ikv lUGe k Hail m»ck In Ih* aU when v»u4rvill» mttm • 4V ■tart ai MMtmv^ rM4 houa* at TurkahM N Y. wKh th« t*a<lar an4 hit prr«>nn»l »ll mtdin< ckiaa ta I* araO- Ilk* Ma Grav*. N. J, ptcfcypi. If au U t4> th« juriidirtlaa a< N. Y. ImH M «C Mm Am whirk I naH M • ft pi «ian tai tor rarii ptrkupL Mutual had a similar many Urn. n. la ■ppa4nl a fMartftan for TS- jra«r-«ld Jihn Swrinibrrgrr waa Mr* In Prakato Cawrt. : 01 tral a< hi* aaUla. an tha vartaw cammrrcial^ la at Ml aKtraaaadr Muck (ha mmm mm «l I eotama/iHMi taR hli MMiallr ■ 4mK9 tnm m» of Itta u<ual 1 a^Mln ' m ch work and a44lMC MV> •nl MmI aam* oUtert daat haa*. IHi ■laatf iMTt was for one-aiflM. Nfaae- Inc tha Bok Croabr (roup. In addiUom l« (our ta«*i. four fkjrtkai mmt Mva'aUaai kraaa. tkara I «Mi wM* taw • ktllt ara •irkHI «uaiiH aMt folac vor, aflordkic lh« opporluni- ilpfMl i navo SlaNkkk fW ikiliaa raaaawa «w r «nn wtar M» Mm ptctM* PSitskrcli Rm^ms ■Halrlaai iaa Jun*.' la tha canlc atrip UT tt aimilarly a aaaat and aflar akout It United r*atum. tm ka On m» viMla Oraaa'i iraaa h • w«n kalaM«d ana THawgfi Om four violina migkt iimait Iaa nick awW of tht \>t9m4. Not M*7*4 tirmit •nouch ' " abl* ^Ura. Art* px. handlaa mania wHk Bavarly f to poor aUka rilailM) aaaa v< Fallawkif Mlar F ^ a 4» ad teat S wsMffA^ flC Ami •( FMkar OHtIm 'Oaar Birr. ta nafkiB* laai Ika ta/kiaara af Tatkar thwt^fi paw taUl a paalal manry kaNapa w4lt raaar Ika amavai raMtppi MMlrttMlV i papr rantpanp'f farp t aanaaa in ttn WtBHk flH^flStlf t »r4tr Jm at* May racvntif all Calum- kla Rword ti(n*d with U S 'tfriun*. JaaM Prka: atrtaf baa^ Wini«»n Williama. plana, William I. rak l«. Aalar Hatal. M. Y : IT. prlvala N Y: U. "Wtmm Mutual. N. Y. Oaargli Auld. Ja*. M. Havaa MaMta. Ala. AI DonahiM. r«b 1, Caorgi F. vtUon. Johnaon City. M. Y.; H MM T. Mii^aHiaa. V. VkJ %. Cm- •acta TKk. W Mikai^ . I«-I1 Diwk—. M. C: ai Wi M. Y.; M. Tawn HaM. Mardl I. RHHall M. Y : X. PtiUadalpkia Will HoiUnd»r. Jan Hall. Brooklyn Doriey. Frb. ^ IL fli CAU LOMA DAICERY FIRE Mir aMppCg *u( but without na- ttnaMa Mara in kM^mc witk tha k«M^ atyla. BkirtMp aactiaa car (Ml. YW CI alters aad a asaa a l builni alaa wara daaufad Ninataaa paT' aofu l« of tniured AchUpg Jaa. >T. mcaOat. Mks- Duka Elliactaa. Fak. I«. Wayna U I>«tfo't U-M. Strand T. Grand JAY MILU OBTBKITBA (Itl r^T" Rapuli. Michigan: 23->< MMIfHI T.. ^ Ann Arl>or Mirhigaa; ' c ■ nt for Hal Carr has and businava manacar for tha lltk tima. of tha Tol a do Federation of MatMant. LmI Vk. I. M. Mm^ K. T, l*a mM ImM Baaaj Waaka. Jan. M, Flasa. Cinckutati. tour waaks. LMtte Jack Utila r«k I. Surf B b aMrkw IM Bnl 4ata ki thte terrHary at tha flMkuah. Brooklyn Judged by a MaMa baartM. tha ouMt aauMa aa II ' Iaa Savttt. Fab. I*, ta^lta Al- teaUwn. Pa; K U. a( Ckiciaaali; ST. Pateu Boral. Taraala. Kara Ki »ter« . Mwck Ml OM Vi" - ■ fuaatkif aa Maurlca Mart^ WMCA. laal aaak. Spivack'a Ctear Lak*. Iowa. >. Armory Uafay- * show paaaably. baflMklilpiiBM- N Y prograoi Iaa aua. Indian IT, U. a< la^aML **XraM^artiM rMka*. Ma ' *' ^*"'***'*' *^ ^^^^H*"** ••••t'^* furtar. drums. _ . ■■■ BMte aad ptano. with Mills ba- , '^^^^MgW a«an two briaf tap iaara blu. Ha M»^ilBBt "I)^ Jaa BmIH aa BMIca from Va*^ aad tha two girt vacaliata iiwalilM 1 *i«»Bla« Ma Mi WMTTU M AS SlHGEItS WMB MMto Hp^MmM mm fftv^ prwmg^ the auppoaed thoi«kta a( •fOwaalM. Vt, . , . «a ba aflaetiaa. I Y«fc M AfcaMa RariUlivf portion with Mills ax •terlad with tha axeapttea a< My-1 Thraa singers being uaad aa part dl^^'^^l^^umfa^s^ If '""k* Rr^rson troa^Al gait, who It a new ofTicer. Carr was of a quartet with tha Dirfc Slabtte which 'Scatterbrain' is the betUr. "*<i Cy Baker fraai •tamed delegate an4 to the national ii» la Jli bow ia Chlcaga oa Fab. band as the Eaaex House. N. Y, «m- laatly are really part of hu it playa autaMe Maw Yi M af N. Y. mi ki ardar ta haaaa aatflt SUblla local musiciaa into tha Callaaa Ina a< tha | >• ■IngarL rrman hotel. Has daar Orttea. lair voice aad >ouiing tha k>and '~ M mM a ans»rsntl. . .- {• Tmf Paator awy follow Mai Hal apparamiy aMaaafMacaa and i> \^ Ba^iaB^ given only an aaiw MllNlK chorus ZI.^-.T'- TT—'-* ^--J-!' '!. nte aytaa aat lor two weak* Baitd is now being handled by Ar- al RaynMr Ballraaai. Boaton. be^la- mm pat-pteyer SaBy Happy Felton band, • M Va tailaua aasaa banda. it now a tete evening suttainer, to her awa M. *«*r wail r u ddls Nagal archettra ended M at Empire Baaai. Hotpl UlA ^ka City. Jumped ta DM r Santa Monica. CaL (ttt at ltit< ballroom. UL Kay K ya a f*a play lar tha Biitkif BMI M MayBower Hotel Washlt^taa. & C. Jaa. M Al Donahue had previously •M far the New York counter-part it ** haa^ at lha WaMarf-AMaria. Hall aast •re tha creara lad M Mai Hallett and FM Beading the li<t of showfolk attend ar* Morton Baker. PkU •f Maw Onte Neiaon arc k a a t r a romes lai» Um Blackkawk kera replacing <**L carreat Joe Sanitsri band aa Ft^ ■ab Croaby orcbeslra is M ■aririwtvk aarlF 1