Variety (Jan 1940)

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Society Publith- fttrj Br>'!fi>rr1 at ■ IM t0pii»4 la jCiL ( . aM kt Hm iM wttti tiM «, V. latfMal cavrL Bradford rlaimi ^0' Mritttrr Southern Miutr not ECAP had anr nirht to aulhortM Harm*. toc^ MS Trioccaa Poo-Ly Ha* Plenty Pa-paya' la Harry Ow«u. mho Ba4 Owaiu Blra aii4 Coha« * Narvia MUnC Co catalog trmm MMida Nuaant Jarama. T>>« numbm Inriuda Tlia Whit* IWfnfh Uviry Attacb SMtml Bi Scores Hapnr Falif'M Hcnni Starr, C FKckcr NewMMrs to ASCATi AfAfcily fiMilliii Pttoftograph rt««r4 laiuatry haa launched a »>d* and «r>trinatir at> Um Shotwcll ropyrlcM bill. u. a. a un mt tt katafl liM4 ^ Iw raw Th* teltcfi to Waahinftaa lagta- latort charge tha{ p>aua(« o( tha ml m T. >tU] {Si tmt Wmtn cHaim adviatas tfial thtf vara Mat anlMM ^ th* niinitam Ml Um t«ttr catalaga ut direct p a iwta da a from Tha law ca««la«i in- are AcMa (Fc4erilPai Offottc) Cbrfd to S Btilicf img fMmt kaat al rtiargtnc Urt merk by a grand jury In thi> federal district acamtt • \e alle g ad dictrlbutnra of bootlec au i mh iaU. Il l the Mrtt titna that UM avU kaa baa* iraaMtf wMh Midi ^iMtftoHTiL TIm •larr. «f tha WarMr Ir**. and O ta t ii P^it*tor. af J. PlMtMr A Bra. Thty re^iaaa Jack Brecman. of ■rtan«»>Vi and Pre<1 ■Hfeik i( Preuar Ca. Bap r i m ittt tha pay puba avAilablMy taiwltm l«(tkt AMrt-'piAUr. II alM Mta «MI ^ZmM ! "jotted A—^^ ■ ba«»tii« fet ■iiawwi tm SfS'**^^ the tnduitry be aCWirt •■ ^fftt' tunity to pre- ni' tfMp MHHi (W 3fn>n>m( the >i<ll Dr. Bdith C Ware. rxrru'.i\e tec- ratarjr ol tha Shatmell I* MMtf la BMi tattar tar iba Maia> ■■■I BM aka OMtfa la a lauw aha 4ai|Nle the promta With Senator CMMBittec rhaii-aa^ MaM in Wathinflua a( aL' S SST' > «Hrt a< bach on tha )ab far her month and mean«hUe hla la aip actad te mark tima oa tha lagtalaUaa aBbrai bt Sena- af UMi. wlM IS la( ~ - - - - MMilc Oa In l«n Itta Sa- d. Inc. liOrd af tha AUratf Jmf Stool to N. Y. Ovens*. Jon. O loot «oei to New York «hi^ ■iiuwa nr»' pi>^t ai pio manaaer of the ABC mu>tc Arrancemcnt «as art in Men- Tita Sv« are Juhn laatanaeln. af Drrbir, Conn Domlntck Marwini. Dominick Ca>taldo. John Pomyanicki ar«d John lannini. Santaajila nc a ma ^ a hoavy Ane • Hiftiilffg AlfM JK letter alatrl that in 4ra« 'ng up .he bili all factioni concerned had acted Ilka one happy family artd that » rtce > the approval from 'hete g.iaitrrf waa practically unan^moua lengthy by cangrcM vauld not be . Uatfa Ok|cctlafii from wara have r aartw^ tha mmaa hi Ike riiort time foliowbn Tkamaa' aBark« of the Shutwell bili ■••taire Perry BM Albai>y jan H. Charlaa D. Perry. Maa> Atluincy Sidney William Watlen- bert arguad againil the technical at- Ika Amaaican Racartf Ca. aa tha lltSMS miB «f B» YESTERDAYS HIT TODAYS REQUEST Dralh tf Bffit CmIImi ML n. ki Ciapi aarty l« guaranlaa Ikal paa- iral defect! In tha c aa y - rirht af Mr« I FJlie Cannmi Carl- I ' I nil Rnt li-a-BTe Baby' would rtol tr.ive Ihe way open to publtcaljon • ilhout royaMie*. will prabaWy dia a raavM a( uia la- paffanaing rtghu. TIM Wa>hii«ton tnd Waahingtjn. Jan 2) Cupyrigia lesxlalion probably will Si §ti aartot u attention la Coagreaa a month, if at twa prevtouf w aalaa a It hi left in a pigeon-hole by adjoummaal each lime, although a plan by Mra. Carlton to appear in Wanhington her- •alt to pleod for It waa expected la ■rt It panad ihia term. ShaBira teal PrUay <MI. Tke Herbert Yalaa interrMa. •hirh farmerly awned the ARr had lo<t out in the lower (»iiM III lit rfl >rt to compel the (uiag publi'heri to ttatc a >eparale far actiaa far aack li Watlanbcrg. aa by Yak at would run I. The actiaa ia an autgrowth of an audit made on the ARC'i bookf and recorda. »ith the damage* involving allegad faulty royalty counta Mlr«. Other publlahlng i1 perennial p rotehin aulritly. anTi outfll hope* that aome compromiae* wiM r»«<uea Ika aiaaaal af diaagrae- tram a atatiaa. 'conaent In wrttiag of paraaa the broadraating. ut to tell or «eaa anv niich unauth.'>rized ing. T^l< If a mea<ure which Varlag aad other yarf ormart Ip aBasMMk ■at is a e&tily niiii but awcoanlarad aap a a m wi Is r^htr and waa kUM. M Asrfl It. run kitara BM krttoby talk tola public domaki. Il waa arigiaally ragbtered In IMT and raoewed for a aecond 21-year tei m Renewal copy- right i« the one thought potaibly de- lect i«-e Tachnitality i* of aurh a aalara Ikat aaly aa act af Caagiaai Eanj ITinlnwp Tm Rc» ASCAPhDmr Harry Bergkamp who nth Anwricaa Society JOEY STaOL NOW Ate MUSK ONU*. tNimO 8CTS TWi Mm paat tara WMkBiaUkt Deader, fraak r Hicfcey. kit irmain* as kical cuunaal. d.»irK-l take* in New Memic*. CMarad.i. I'tah and WyaaUng. Ika afet*(*k<a that M Ikt Aawi k aa Society of Con Authorf and Publi>hert againat rreditini Shapiro. Bein>trin & Co «iih Ihe copyriKhl owiiei>hip u( Sieria Site.' and waited it« lUim to nurobar in favor of tha Latter M lOT the Bkaaira-Barafteki waa iry- lag la S*t tha righu it diicovered BHI Bobbin* bad been there before it. Shapiro didn't proi the offer un- til It learr>ed that the contract whick Botibiru aubmitted to the coaipaaar'a wMow hadn t bara Saly l a a t aHS. Shapiro then upped lU Sgura and (at RETUfliS PERMITTED Exrlucive Mu>ic i* to open a Chi- ra^o office under Ait "Tiibin. and Vincent SherHOod of klUb Mu«ic, »hift> to trade manager of CwluM\-e Yark. Pfk. I At tka laaw tkaa Bsduihra wOl adopt a new trade policy af follow- I inc ."v-icm »hcrrby music i« retum- BackMttia la aaa a< Bia lew tion. 'And It All Came True' f BCW Y« TOhTY MAflTINS SMASH HIT! IT'S A BLUE WORLD .ABC MUSir r-)RP 799 ^Th . ^ NEW YORK