Variety (Jan 1940)

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Ff ir Fiy It Rnl 't^i CbfkrtolklWilifrCtfeFlash Tolli. Pmcdlnc Um Frolic. M a •■t t* IMT kMwMc* Cannlnc M Mt pMl «M mUm at Um Int UonaL «r Infona lit* unton that tpot wouM rtoM. TYf tlMatr*-«akar«t nitcry era »—1--- • ^ Nni for Air SWw Hollywood, Jan tX. Al Prarr* i< ratting around for old Um* \auda yrrhmMrt to timt on hia For th« pMl AFMGifonillyLNil$7'M Tt Coatiuiie Pkketiv WB Hoiset . Dm. M aa th* Urc- Vrwlic with a lavuh hr •rjrwour Fell«. aurator for a group ol kM toallf ghrwi ty t rylM tha iNC «»•» ••••• Last vMk Ika M. Y. •( UM XMglaM MM ^iv' hiwtnTM and Utia I. RMtrti thu airactad k BOt known, but wa* »harp tha ■b «r HahUIUaa. AOVA dtayut* now b<4wtwii li t operator. Chr-lrr Caaaiac Boaton gaa MatKMi pro- ■rMar. and Iha Amrrinn Guild of Wtatr AfiMaM-av ■laMMalti: tm Mm waa Magad hjr Billy cMl Oaaaa and headlined Mas »ho hadn't )et brcotn* heary- tftit champ, at W.M* n«t par •pot waa aa IbumMM* flMcfe far adtwatmaal to kltoryrW adapH* ahiltty. It la Fta in 'i plan to u.<w vitidora. tatanu At in with th« Prarca \j fatmula. In gitaat ipota. af tha Cialai da Paraa tmm- tiavad until Oiflord' C. riatlwr. la Shaplra. Mariag A of tha property. On Earl Carroll theatre «■ AGVA EXEC SEC POST STILL a B. Fall Uated aa tha IncMM lai for tl.94*.M0 for mA. im Schench wiursied vaudAli rtaid a< r SM hat been approprl- by the Amrrican rr<ln*lioii af ta continue the local pick* •tii« al Wanaar Braa. ihoatiee. whick 1 laal. «• n. •MilaMe by oITi'^ waa made to by A Kaa Ricord^ ■ecreUry of the local, upon hit l«> turn toat taaak fraai a nteetinf aC top Mla« aMiMi la MlaaaL Ma alM !aSjJ4l?.!tlL?S!jl±l^ Ma. ha had «ba a imhi Owl /kfU 1 wa«ld eaert araaaiira aa WB hauaaa the perforaMaa •alarie* If they lor tt>» fuuith. M AGVA aalMad Ha memberi not IIMaap« thla prepoaal and hold out af llMir rttM AOVA vCk tha laloraatiaaal Mrf ynaalty called tor • «i be AOVA. with failure to do thia calling Bv Mather four wreki' pay for all in the thr w Jran Mulr, caecutive locretary a( daaad. Its ■atable that tha F r aa rt i C a rt a i wm •laa Anally knocked aff by the epaw- Ing a( tha Inirrrtalional. though Billy Boae auccettfully repriard it lor a while a* the Caaa Manana •Bad af Uw tka- I iMa af Blplay** > to ewitrh to coaUler en- tertainment than the ttrlctly girl »ho«i Neither of thai* »pot». how- •\tdeaUy With Acton Guild riaM U ly back to the Coast FtI* day «M>. tha ^uestkm of a tuccesaor to Derathy Bryant aa eaecuti\« head af the AawrtaM Guild of Variety ArtisK It iUU la the air It had hupad take aa tka |ak tha criata Am •aert praaaiiea aa WB In other rltiea. He alao int i waatod that the union may withdraw atuat- risnt recularly employed at the War- nrr ttudMj at Burbank. Squabble between the •heatra tha local yniaa baa iWi Smmk Liki r.aranar. J»n 23. •rao•^ l eia>a r Centary la a to at Miami y I for a brief huddle with N. Weber. Amrriran Frdera- tlon of Mutirlani prrttdent. re card- lii( an undiscloaed matter, but he la due back to Maw Yack morning tTlMmtfV> Hii af Mm AOYA I atra and the Miiatctana Unlan. ac- cording to fapor t a. fMdor Chaliapin. the Butaian Tha Batik FkUly Indie *roppa4 baiao. »ai getting Ujm per apera »»a«t *aa w perlarmance from the Met. the high- j »"a« "* r"! aal pvar paid to any opera perfonaar. •JJ?""""'""i^^HS p...... »■--« Mtttea aaaaa. gai aa whip w wtt hbh •r aot he will take «f AGVA'i affair* • in aot ba atoda untu ha rrporta to the SAG board on the Coaat Mrs. PWefMO Martian. BACI CaraBI aftfwIlMatt* EIWSOOKSUTO Mt&T.MRrilL I I 2N0 WEBC STRAND. HBtl YORK DON RICE Miy BbMir. Slrick en Hollywood. Jan 23 Uay EiiiM.rc. once of \aiKi« u-^m May and Kate Cinor*. la crxically dl at St lUilwrtoiiia^lltavMI Bara WW JAR If-KOKT. MW YOKK