Variety (Jan 1940)

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'Jm M;'Va^'Far $12m 'Aiiwriiai)iBany'Tiii^8UN INI w««k. Broadway || Mv* about lU chanr«t **~ a( dM wtaMr fak. 1 W»Mth«T Uta (liunUac •! LmIi «aUa wUI affaci tW MMlly tIraM fcmtna M dwt rMctm a HtMaa ■I «Mltte««|-« » f 1 liO y la ta tha nmu Rrt Hral af Uta rvtmrk draw a tavaraWa am*. ^^"^^^^B N ir«!r >t>m al tha IteniMd tmm' UN, TW Man M t tT.«w M mym lati W>»a Killad LMMvtn.' $13.NI, 'IWys' K(al$l).niy PttlladataMdL frbrtiary ind Marcti la •tta^ up aa Ukaly ta aw lirtalhrnflMII hlnMStlMi ^ ^ m af St t>auit tm, wtm tn tor I VM mrmbara far Mw at tha L.aitfarra pra«^ a raally dyd and - .i^ vat vttMr>»n Satyrdajr tM* Ftrtt fMll waak M Karl Carroirf 'Vanttia*' Rt alHia K Ji Tw« an aa I th« lui > k.Kif. . 1^aa ■Mr OtrK* haparial <lMk , t^oa roMar* CMlinur u waakt tM>l.Mi; tCMK Uw a< llM > lla , M Can la Ulnar.' aaatf Magi llw awitcab aad I at tha Cart an as»artad Hinh. and K prodt araaklr daanilaljr •ln^Ml( th« lul > Topaar* coalmur U Man Wka Can la , rathar* aad '■trlafk.' ptimmi lar a ri a aa aa; ■■land.' arhtcti ap»n«^ at wark wltk (raaa ayatad at <hurat Maatfar '»* »"«> a Twa Oa Aa ' ~ lairljr goad prvaa. Md Ma chanaat aa- iCD-I.IK: U »« laa It - CaSrjrs-ayrrts. law* Jaauarr M. tw MM ««■■§ M iha rarraft. tha IWMa O rfft j<» •mTiIm UMla Km.' wm 1Wk»- iSBaakhaad. la lar al laaal twa aa« ■aylw thiaa ^ ^. ^ On Iha Mlh. Kai Maal apant a twa w«rki' aUy al tha t«c«al m Kry On March «. Katfearuta C h M aM «aMy nm and Bin and I hattir with ra\«> tauad ky tha avarcoma tha atuahaig Wat a Lady rlaaa lo "Tt* Many Cirta' w runner HAYES SO^ dim BALK) MMM MaManhi* and w«M nam lo OF-i~----y BEmT Ito Maw Cirte' w runner- •ViiiMli.' It Jaataa Hi M M MMHL Vhila llillillHI ' 'K-l *»: tlM> Atlartdanca Matty mitammgSmJtr at irJM. Waau Z^^'iT •IPM^ ralMaMt Lattar aw«a« ta *^ "^SJlJii: »m Hil»«»* fraai tha ■ m adli u i H an P*" **.MtJTII^ Mi III - draaaad tha tral* No 'Mh «C-IJM; H n* _ and draaaad tha tralr MMicaU ara dua will currant g r aap durina Hutwl waak when la wara aatimatad araund tllMO — Wa Ara Marrtad.' L/raum CattHMI by wHh tha Bid a< variau. ^jm M at.thia Laat waak'i Mt waa iMarany caad laiMirt artiti tha tarrlAe cald anaa «ki Bm mSSmmk' LacuatiLunta. wha alraady n]m m itSrimS^rmm ak«. < par iM^artwt third seek mil ratal: aathnatad artMind tmm Ca a( Your L fr- ma»aa hat. jC-WI; $»-»>> ta tha Guild with TWl'"**''. Cluitt oriwlBrldP— . <l •^Miller, and Twa lar Iha wavkt Garmant Booth union intimatr rr\ua turning Vay Laraa' annaunca a It* Baal Bva vaakty Continuad •Vrmy* It U Ma' at TmHT^ n and ratura aaBMMMat a( XiM rathar- at thaUdla-baakad Mary- and OantlWiM' M fm€» M vaak, atUactatf aaaia tfadBaBj«ra|>yth ml mihCat tann' -- - - - SdliBiblllOiiai ^ y Xadlaa aad OiiiB ■! .' Ford t a^^" ■ ^ I (IJWO M JJi Haltad. hi advance liy a^aa w*^. M^^^^^f ri pir tad waa ha aai a< a etucta. bat alatarli ' aa 14 iag r i n In midwaak Naw. r, tha lawn had a l«ad at eaa. practical capacity M Shaw laid oB laat alMB r» la IQf^ BayaMad iC Ca MlAwtna Sag •a til ••• #iU tSm addiUanal lartaiBM. M la m • Harrw Krlancer < 4th IJI> Muiiral tammaig ' 2KiaifE.IIBE Jaa. U. mUt road dataa Paul Muni lo lair: III MM Ula BTMh ri II <C-I to all of _ M «a Bar- artor la r a l iwa tt Holly wood ra (lldl CI •IJI* m wui battariag lltj 'Ml CiV b Pitt ud St b 1km,* iMcal MiS^iiliW aa a "mm wm il hp Oacar BMlkk B*** "" ' a* ■Lila with rathar.' car r aa U y al Iha Empire. N Y. aftar aoma VmiiU <y -'aar tha fart that il wa. an a '•aiaaaj' i tra we»k phased John Barr «( TaMMV* la Bm la raU#M Bw -My Dear Childran.' which r-^. lalrtp a*aly praradh^ U had aaiawkad about appoaitiaa from 'Gone With tha WMmT al twa local Ilia iMuao^ rna audi iha b aUM lha«Mi at venr hljh _ taiiiai and ir •«• faa tha Cjentlama n ' Ia»<^bda«a.^la' atotSTfT*i^lrahi I Inf. Comalia Olia SkuMiar a ai rahk It: Tha Utito rwa^' ^■tlruaty AIMr cold ipell of the yaar hara lart waak. ' and with Irmperaturai Iteiow fract- i tarad ■iiilwl by Biidwi aad'Nart Gladyt Hurlbun and 'Yaung Mm arWh a ll.irn by r>>ioUur Bakei ait bath penciled in for lata taa aMMft MMMMLMM MB M Hmm ar March. ■• a* It aaiayai tm m. I Before aaanwg at Uy hi aa MM iVaM aMi^ waak Bill Blairli^ alayat WW Whiia Iha aew p r ada rt r U ^— ^^f^Ewa^Ma. C a r aaU pot oa H top . (un: 1S>. AHhoaah Bm ia* i aa>a i a dal- lied with riWlilaaM aC a taaak aacand act, the ciiaioaiiii alMaaMd thr>i g|. Tbbacro laraMTly one a( uMa. and whUa ?!,J^J goodly run* wore ararad there, the In lar Irrar.' PlynMMBi fifth • D-IVM. tSM). Advance tab aidicataa thai jrwa wtu mm- clia* giiBi mm mm num. X •Baa My Lawyer.' Adriphl flTBi ^ fj* M and bft hauaa wmk t tC -j.U4. tri>). Aaauaf iha. ^^tniwi\T^!!i MLLr u^ g!^**^- I k»rn>. If H SlaSS?"^ "■(U]gU_Ma«Uy j»| wtth "B gaaaraily faeorabb aa ll t a i aMta. aMaBy a aaAoear lar a M. waaaafla b£ inaMt eartantty dark la>l haW ml a>aak had prey ^ . ■ - - ■ ■ ^, beaa haM lar JU Tbaa for ConMBy* i ■■B.w aMiB^ *—J—■— •«» I ri«hl aftar Aow'i Loa Angelea aa- ' aMBM Wm LMp. ■ •■>' gagamaat but ibrbba to aataad parted to te<t the availability af Bm lour let back Katharine CoraaU hit Blackrtimc whirh waa u>ed for aaUuig time by WI*A Iheatrr pra)ect atUac- aua ol I tiona. Smre the Ilhnou waa raaad baving and the aito turned into a parking fur- Boad* opened current ly itll with uneapect- " ... 1, CORNELL SOGGY 13(; il.dM: Maeer anything lo worry ' Lof Angila a . Jan tl ine Comrli wind* up two •a-1 «l4th week I aith the best af rarK' Mataatir (Sid weak* iB-l.TIS: •IMirHavad here fraai BPaadhur,! Moaday; acab ta- BucaB ftaw II tiatad aal ml Iowa. a aiinlcal a bitter coM. relitfKad (III ir« revival mt Huaband..' Kit art t« Taa Sh Cirb Op. 117^ I frdiinB >i«tanre Vngut Playhouae to Hilly* U fill the l.Itt ae.<l« a^ainrt 'ha Ml Mm curraatly laaiiM lAUr IK, niSCO; IMIIUJW I fraai the Le^uc of ijSJJ ^ ** ^^ and ratel^bv ^^^7 y^^^^y graii.l open •aPM^ ■ taM agg MaaHaty Mr hM Ihrce-dav tiai Waahiagtaa. Jaa. tl. Saa Carte Op'n, Brai aaan anM ■rTaaly btNaThi la laainlala Bw Carran I (;aarv. aoiaid m *8 waMi al- National <l»th k) lD>l.ll>: tS-M). < I ahould cluaa ra taka appraachaB The Mate Aalwil.' Cart i»d waaki raantng lida by (C-I.MI; SSJI). New hit went to ! aad Cmmi tIMM as l aaait cd and a Chicago most aaawaar b Maady mentioned: new «ith hwigti B iaw aerorded eatra Sunday edge. coMunenL 'AagaT al the Curran. with swell Tlw BBBaBaMMa B tar i .' Sh ub art ravlawa la local nreai aad pbnt> «42d o-aaki iC-lMI: lUti. Ad- aaad warB of mmJk.jmmi m Brit vame laie now aateiid* BiU> March, waak with IITJMBlMf||p»Miich and hoMo^er b4 aiay iUy into, b aaly fair. tftmi periad; tlOM which waa a Maurice r% ant drew ■ littW brttri llMP fraai pravbiM w*«k. , al tha Geary («r a take of tliaoo wA pp mtmf GaM.I«MMil|«feair. Ifl'HMBMVagaM IIJH: lUSi itral waaKi. art anylhine "n lire the Cr>« wr*k. y mu>ir rrowd as bext >inrr Mrtropoiitan'i and de>pilr ti Stt preeai (iinei^ three-day itand nearly a dacaBa aca. aaly around llljgg oa Br»t '^a days- rtirrad up pbnty of iaIaeaM aaMM Now in Anal stanea. criticiaai from athar tha pop crowd P ia aa n w of Ha Man Taa Many HaahaaBa.' BaUsra Bion-men arha poialed out that the Amlia««a«4or and party opening aighl ' (I.MO. II C5 > if\r>t week i. G-M un <er Laacue did aal only figure ui the °Aida' and Japanric Amba^aadui «4y >l|i lii .t U-^it «>.tiiuic code but naaolbtad contracU »ilh "i"'^' •'«»' J j P'a * '! Uapd MilchaU. wha lar many yeais ^ pran.. Mm Koyke. aa B aiarB py af- MBipM^ ahala i« laBtt thaatra* • temoon. iprtad tha natB — ■ aiaa g the carriapa IraBa. Ca rraa t b BthaT BTatan la _ ba'a OaawMars'. with Edward Bvar- lapvllg^gaaiBfegMBtog*- an l la r tM ai Bpiingtiaaa far Haary* rurad itiriagb Bw aflMi al aBM* arrttriaf aaat Monday <2li. lUluMi »ho are active in tha organizalian '"'J^**' Little rasas' Bl without conlritKiting lo lU tuppatt rli ^:^l. _^ flnanrially Member* do not pay HSTsL-H JjJJ^ ijjjjlj^ (f . functioned dun tMit each theatre and <how ra- il* waakly whtb MT* **> la Mb Bwa aafiaMB . aaMaaa. Bnttle. Jan » lUf CailJ h*J **flltSd at the M. • H^'l ? caiiacily at tl li >Um i n; . > '<< |m - aigM*. Tola! lak'