Variety (Jan 1940)

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OB. BARQIIIEIER WAY DP Jffl mm BnUmp^^tpiilaiiliet SllfiU UTIS ^SiSSSr'^^^^ Skwid Tuns DecUe to Tab a Hirt OyaWaDNKWntBelUany —•« — —»—«—»»»•»»—»—>»«»»— tvrriABruTUM I tiM IMMiiac to cv««ui« pr«cram« wkirh kM tor than tht ipar- pwlf ■■CI of Amo* 'm' when thoM twa fom*- ■lMl^itoM4a4ljr. »«ilto4 !■ lh« raliM •< an W ilniito riww* fc< <w wi OH. IM9 «••••••••••■••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• IS JHk ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• IrwrtoM In ratine af all Jan. II to nli^ •( mwHg riwtot M«wa Oft. MM MO ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••■«••••••«••••«*« •t* iM( ■wrfcarf »Hh nrrintagi rfpH to ar4ar to kM» Ommi iigrmlii tnm other pc rriiit —a a . MMk ■a tho onoa marked wNk an aitertak abo\'« Th« kgui* of IS 4% akovo ia th« prrrvntat* InrrraM briwfan It 1 and lit in ralin(> Tho per- CvntXT <( MC. !• th* p«rrrnta(( ir>crr<»« b«'lt*rrn 104 ktwl Hi to rai > -up« *r* rM'w prrlljr «h»ii kidt ra I Mwl TlM rot o< Goto' twtm «l (MlM ^^^ ^ , - Kay"* tary M Iho account. Turn*. NK tho ttU»he»a to «ialrkMto 4 MIM i( the account took bUli to tkoa* wiMaa tolephowa and itarlcd linmi up a bar* art caUatf 4Hrt^ the progra tt muUmm oa mmm Mkar not- Avmwm •( rt« an i«M«aa4 M. Pt». ly »roai m wil M aap.r.nt at the aa4 •C Oto cvrraal It-wook cycio ttntato nara ac w ptokta pr»> ii wkHllMtol MK IMt, M Mtwork m$ iKCTMaotf lk«ir rail 0/ M4%. fa o(k«r iM «aina4 ikia M wkkk aro almoal uako- ia tha IM below <acaln iMi C A B. Agure*). the percent ■to to ratine o< certain hlih-ceared pto x It rnnif r>< a* between Jan, Mi and Jam, IMfc ^. m tmt m atotlatlral I Mae rvMMM are aa t altowi ^Maalhr. Ow atobtMtoaat tka rtona mm4 Ika BlMatona kaa kayt Ihia ne»»-tolerett at lever pitch. • iih »urh other toci4atits aa tho •wd o< tho Ji»iam trade traaty. ate. MlfM raauH? if «a^ la well ki lhaea wM ha • ito«. II >«a aido of tha 1 an eaaaapli of what thla nc«a MOM to network may be itotad tkat It waa M that tha abaeoce o< a Mf tour Jal- •on. Cantor. Valloo and Baker- miflM react adveraely. Ilila kaa car taiaijr Ml to IMa mm. Uaually aoM cato- -hka >arto«y'—hoMf a ■laatM'- (iil lead o\«r aay alkar. But not to IU»-4«. Vartaty. t raao a( Brown ft WU- a (pernor elbowing H«eir into the bijtimc •pcidcrr. B A W K«> t»o pop miuir • •Mlka * • a n r w c aa w i. riMwa a rat- «»>• l«to«« C A*, report of n». **** toaoaa tkat since October lhi» •f. Priaa atoHa kaa aalMi M.1 ke na to d on an arr>>mp«ny- Ika half-hour aveauic *■ ^the*r*'T* 8*1*1* enartly »'th th» wave aC ceM weather which has sent tka »hole U. S behind the coal ^H^j^J^j^ »ho»> hov Ml iHpi 4tf t HI , awer tkat moo t patot: wtU Ika ■alwai fc a fot thenuelvea Into ttw HMa fla tho magaiines dtd wkaa they carried rirrulattoa and ralaa tka raakM af Kiiaiiyt M to aata Btot ta4to la atofiply toa . ka true and that pretty soon tka I af diminithing retuma will set arltk aa awful wallop (Tka itoaa aartM la kMvli ~ a< tl I laliai aea katoa ilism to toMaialal B«Mt C A.& la akaad af Ow af «I.C Tka Cltoaa * kamOMrlte McCarthy leader of the pack. Mai a itoca swinkkw to a toll CKic Ai SFO-KGO artisto p rw al a twa aiii aM-kaM kaur program In ronnedioa wMk tka Dtoaaoad Jukitea af tka Saa rraacisca C hr a a t c W. Sunday tke two Jack Benny faast and veit c<^t) orii "l^*"^^!'' - ■J^ '^y fcS'tko OakUnd Auditorium; MM paM lISrStoTlCMrtmaa haM MMpttoT » nernaa « p s i to naaa r a «■< wm " - MAM ■■■>!■ rM. Ika saaaa avaikav $1 aA iBa sl^t J Might apply to . - Aay-tkaa series, allhoogh »fe not at the moment avail y*- A laa to tive compilation, how- ~* huge riict here all good) For tkal very aanne rra son. the chiliad takakMantt turned on Ihrir radio seto to kaep to tauck »iih the outside uaiuUciaiM ara wiUtoS la al ——— ^ * U. S. „ „ . J., all thoM I Betoa f. Wmm, ML a« Seaiila. tw 1 are lending to aukc the IW*- nneily cmployaS aa a raito The tide is kigh mark Oddities ara ! ahouU ha ying St the tame time, at the M is a Bridgeport case of the punrhkoard gentry making Turns winner V Bat Oar CaaSyr give- away 4ltil ilww starts on Mutual. 14, spsBMrid by the CurtiM Co. saakers af Baky Bulk. af $l« aacil «tS S% aSS ZSSSLfT «Si Oalt as «islunaaler. will be iimilar to btasa to theatres with a tmard and discs de- noting the amount wun by earh cor- wer. Dealers in Baby Rutk will ronrio in fi>r one af tka a( tke wire Is concemad. LMMae BMatents are aBorded by Laao ad Ukbtog while awaiting ansa Ms to U m mm called 'It pays to listen af tl Ike dealer tt waa Wkaa the tiai disc on the hoard Is turaad over, the dealer, the studia _ ky ford doal- ari af St LaMa aa a Vaivaraal Mu- steal Sparto Bwiadap' over KMOX. calls ■HMkaia *^ nm0mm to llstoaari waakly ky IIMiiiMi The giveaway tread hag kM Ha highest peak oa WIF out spproiiinaiely 91,- WW gtoaawayt are 'Duhag tor Del- IH^' wkirh hands out |7S and "Tlaanii I Chest' »hich donates VIM Tlaanil I Chest' Khich donates la aicrrhandi5c hi additsaa WIT gives cask prtoaa la ky the PhUly motion Desk ' WFIL for the psM three months have given swsy Ave radios daily to listeners pickad at raadaM ttaM telephone af at af Mtonafl aaasiTir works wMk a pre- pared chart, wkkh would be dn "lal laa aat aul to actiuaiat to Haw York witk aB M-a aa UM af Mift kattto swept two giva- ■I VCR channels. Lai^ dropped theatre ticket of- al Ma lariaB • aaaraa of lactivea wOl ka g i s aa m prartically all other departments. There will ke II talks by nwmtaera af the engineering staB. and to toy- man's language, wilk the aaaatoaa astaadiM traM M i to t »m. jMfc