Variety (Jan 1940)

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u CaiebklhiltafMliilad •I Frank M Jamr* W Gum CtoTMM* OUl tliw>r I* crrl««- Stat MB Ka* |ttal rawt' a pmiUt to fa to UM fc i l t yf lw with wi« kil*waiL mt WBAU IsUAMry. i <hmi < M* «ii«in« aMuatioa " ^ taMMto4 awaanMp of Um IMT whan la*mi waa aavkinc to <kar» tr——Wtor kr C>ann unload hu hot poUto Th* mort 41- a OiUatt. ammmimt tmUm mgitmi. rarl a^ iiaaw that DUI waa tor Sandy MacPh«raa«, rttonw»r If a ptihlH-tty hania u l b la k» • fan in India, who ura to to a tha Umm* to tha rmr^mnHtm Tha prapoiHton. la Maami' min4. wat to DatoaM—WJR h (rtUnc . toka tha italton awar from hun In ** I atlamyUnc lo hnng about a Mtia- katf pctifaaaiovial tfoiwarttona with ^^^^^^^^B^^^^h ^^Ma ^taitf toM hr tlaarwa. aalMiM>|BW. aUad him to liataa to tha Z^S dS^V MnnM M MM aantir af tha outtrt and Cillatt. wha Maarna toka of woa an4 ara »hal ^ tmrnmST Ml«ra af wMck to a«iU holdf a tSS.OM mortcaia on tha could ba 4ona about akllM tha the- ^ mIiwvmL tmi kaan i ili[to< to SM-walt da/tuna plant obUlned aratlMl p rapriitor a« dto t lillll i ^ ran«muanll7 DW Mi MhrMuaU who at vartoua »m rtllll^ lllillA AAwIq^ totondad to pull out Omm ' I aaoaf ma4a any rommcnl aa to 4to ** orlcin of tha mysla«yln« I ttora waa io n r«la*«M* !• • MM »m tha had aaplratwna to awa • plaal' Wnc to took aftar aU dataiU and to "r.T^ arT»nf» for flnanrlnf M.<>ir\ h at w»» MClipaat of • tm Ito national rapitol and I* raputad Ip tov* hl.'^krf rd for • (i"up . f : « i :i. U r I, ir> |j\ (. >i ■ i.d (, llrtt. ■^^^^^^5 ^^^^J^^g^^J" tor and • Dili (uito la im or IMT. both tto •x-aaMtor aa4 hia r Mm to iMk u» < It mllaa la atudloa. to taka m| jrar toatiArd that Gua* had "ararythini w a w l d to Mank and tmai 1 9t HSfi to paaaptf 1—nw ataiig to ■Itor haariag part af tha atary it pitalaad raUttoaa batwaan tto Ha* Mtttoa. Dickao* alaa daclarai iw WM toU at mm pohit ky Mm ■hi DMI aM OiM w««U4 pat W9 •I m of bad faaltof batwaan tha < >oma of thair formar mplyinc that WaddalL x>n had t>oan aniK;!!* to I «di tad crowd iato • r, to pvtidpitc ia a WCOO profnuB...aad to htrmf The home" Midiciice tends m the quwdom —an avenge ol 2^00 tseh wfek' And out of the admiuion tnoney cotne prizes... for each question, for each participant, for each correct aiuwer. Here's an educatiotiai program that tnttrtMm. Con- ceited, platuted and executed by WCCO, it's called 'lUkiw Kviz.*'The children like iL Thdr |«i«ats like Jki il (PMimI McOM^cf the tto tictot. out tha advM* waa l ou a d and OmI OMooo. tha thM aritaaaa. who <aid that to DUl'i offlea and had baaa aa*. ctotod with Stcarnt in a aooru^ , businait. Thia tomtar collaacua o( tha ax-ioMMr't toitHai to thoufM tto •aw WBAL aiaanu balkad at not mada clear Dtcfcaoo told tha Comm h ha know DUI waa lookinc tor a itotiaa to tto ItoirM •< CilMiMi MarytoM-Vlr. mim mmm wi to mm Ml •< MM wm t m kr to quantly Staam* told him ha waa g*. ing ahead with WSAL, via 'Gum'i a^ plicaliaa.' Dickjoo daciarad. and that tto vaatura waa baiM anaarad h)r DU aai OtM w > pipaliltog tto cuh. Thia wMitaa* alaa toU Ito Conuniih that ottc* OiU aatd to waa to giva Staam* 'an oppoa> litoity.' although ha never laid to i«i tto caat- tor tto at^ CM • 110 eiijoctclii • Monnuroufl fT. wavl (NTERMOUNTAIN MftRKET Here ia an<>th/-r new NBC Recorded Prof raa Seria* riM* Ikfili ■■iiiaini widi ito vmImb. ito stimai to Mha «l yi^'Mlm l i i> W«Ml