Variety (Feb 1940)

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Rioff Extradition Hearimr Feb 13- Um Ht L liftutiiuwu iivhiui^ i vih *v» Retire l§ Jcu 1 $85,000 Tax Fraud Trial on May 28 iiai ij aaad. rah. • Virgin*) few from her Metre Mat BMMl after M tears and slapped eat of the hay rut* hi "On* Wh Beautiful' ■"'o r «* * liffcfw Raises Gstess an M eatred.- a^4f^4M«J —- * f—*? ?? Oa (iM( o S20 000 000 <v<1 »»•»"• •** lht . v " ^mn*» *w T"*™*!*" I Mat af at ACVA to r*b « to Hall the IATSC «m'i He eat Mat hearing tor Feb U Stuff, who is wanted by the staU Al I . htmoa. whe drew * 'V.. Bjjj I IV f»a 1_ i^^soir-^ ^mk«s?w2. Modi Pic Sock nulllii in Itii ar-i -1 tht UA Got With the Wtoat. ba* >«H hu ffg- ant waaiMl Mm to aland »'» •• WW* Metre ma* town _ . ni Waalee (totttoj to- Ml new rHtaato* an current returns ItiUHllMIJI xkaflll cento u> fraud af WIN '"•"Li" »••«»•»• **■ 1MB JOUf r- — ih* «■.«. teneed a* has ** ruM that the eon- * **** * aelee rtutivc factor to ardsrieg the hawr- Prr—nt rata af etoesae, Larbtaaaa tog was • (tatoBMMt by U S allor- declared, wiM pay tha reals at iK» nay Banjaaato Harrieoa of I. A p*rture «iihin true* manl ht Biof s Resignation May Come Up At Mhm GhwaoM of IATSE Km CwreTt Qaickie With tha Hollywood ..tuaiaan Udl I va • ywwai rUred to ha aauch an lb* as**** ~ • i* - 1—a SM-L to tha foeegiwsartd. th*r* » a — JBBaTaag, lit MBS btoMy that tha r*etoaetton at VeM ■lelo. Chrrail —tod tor Ba- '.*? —**aft holding tha m »tr asajara la gictmtni HHre claims Uato.PM to rental* ef totoff •hall not litMiart yawr de- IK< g,*« at* weak* of *Oon* with naWhar favor nor appear tha eatra- * n 'thV^iew Yorh eroa. Lhhtsasii In SIC. Report dttoea Meantime trtol of taa tadartoarut bar r SS" -JSZ Uew4dtwii's Hfkt it,' UA Distrib; a •loch* feature, tha tot*** report by tha SecurMiea A Exchange Coawaev ttoa coveting trwauectiene tor toat December Leedawg tha MM b) • too* string at nHto af Itjaj bar chatoaa nror Ortoaaa. thrr* wm no p i a l ratianal aagto tray and that aha waald roan* harm aaald that aa aatiraty out af iht aa> on raaara trto af tha Canto da Ba- tatra. Th*y ara aitodtal b* tantoal aftar »inting ha* anathar to a yaar ago toat to rvaryaar'i rhartly aftara a t aj itinjuin ate. aha an Id. a laid to) ****** ,or tha IATSE That aa* r*. t Maaatod Polic*. - tor •ardad a* a ca« am* and a Mail Crril B Da td II* who had UA . further »•» raaartod a* having to.- I MM ahara* af tha Ma a MaMf » H M to j to DMaato ar a am m ii litton. aaught to d*l»r tb« hrarttbj aatil Paaaral taa chnrr*' I>*»1 tor lb* nrroan rlybta to 'Night runmlativr ar*<< •r* danMood af. tonef attonaytod to Mum* ' nrw Clifford Odata atoy. ay th* yaar. rrfuta tha Illinom c aa t aatian that th* HbJ Do* td Loow-ANm* Lawto ara- N«at toryjaat aha atorit aanaaaaj rtty aad cited a Manje- di-rto* aaM tor Uaitod Arttoto re- aerurrod «hea J Mahart Mutoto. New m. , York i • State it yrovtoet tor a MM* dawn pay. \ M^ aatM'a tow. Mrtof hahts Mtaff la not fagi- nwat and a aartoa af traa from justice, n atiadiag he aarato depending aa tha tongth af, City, another eaaaaaay lived la Cb icw g a 14 yaara. worked run af the play until a art ataitotum an to only two ■hare*, after dropping before i. rearhad. A par r an t aga af tha pie- TM. Mull me** of the Loew't raaji- l aavtog tor Cal t to r ato. ture'r araal hi atoa MMaMaM l to tha men was thrown aa tha market by M wo* r li h aad a au a a Mto a to rare- root. t t|f'f frledmon af New York. •alSS^ aa% ^Baa^aTaTI'^toW T^Uf M^4*iW^ a*. T» to being pro- "J.* - 1 •inatliii MtoaT brtat mm at duced ay tha Qra n p Theatre, with utoa the peapar time aw ahall aetoMwb Odeta and Lawto beak haaakag a I aaakTtor aaativa actuating thaae pro- ananrial intereet Screen right* were mdlnga Then am ahall demon- d apaaag af artor to Mb* opening. M atrato that thai i l a yiiadant ha* he- to A Qwckie Dm To Execs HeacHnf West Uaitod Arttota aoord af director! a nolckie af fhetr naanthly meeting at Maw York headouarterr yaatoraay tTtaraday I They paat- panad action an all important matter* until after Murray Silver atone, chief la hi* the IA to Coeet untoaa. tha aaaattoa of tba te iiparary ratot lor >tu(!« ea> pto y aaa. eaairhag Fva. II h aim ea> peeled to be taken up Mtaff got tha ■nrreaae toat toll after thi*aualng a not ton-wide atrthe Itontonda traa rah It aa tor a year or two. wbaaV IA a retota ana to ether unntaa aaM aH aa^ataWaa* aaUaTWAaWaB* aaa*IJtoa^la»f#Tff^ *a**jt« I nap toy ad to tha tint iadajatry. proV ably will ha Mi tan 11: atoa wbeaay Ihr IA may invito the Screen Pvaaa lata Guild to raaaf to with H Tat director* and writer-' guilda aa) nppoaod to the IA III coma np.Sk aargad aa effort a ba- to«t the Group aa pr by fiaah Kaia. paklaahar and Lew in and Odeta of Mat Ckltagi DaMy Mew*, to am- half in proportion to aarraaa Oa*. Maary Horner af trreat af each. Mn lllaaata. agency art tha deal, to reply to taa Dltoato brief, at at- Report that prod llfed* \%tttH a*MlVtr WSattaVMa afa ti*V€ Clftft Si*hi. gat Nf/W YfaWtl I New Vara, I by lay hw laotdtoga af voting , trust certificate* tor Columbia com- . man to MM there*. Mnrna Waff. Philly director af Warner aVoa. sold MM af hie MM) ahorea af Warner Mrea. I • 1 ■ I by the lat* May- rr>nm uy Kirby. Jeraey City director af Path* Film Carp, hold.ngs vl 2 100 thaie* ad at the end of the yaar. Kirby ap- parently retained « to taking Mto feeble Williaaa C Lengai agent tar Mm 1 Cirough Holding Company A af aad Hotly wood labor anion literary peopeetiea to Mraaa'a aatoto. caraoralren. 4.PM ^hare* bjtoj Jeraey City it* the bene Aria] o»n*r of the ae- cur i tar*. Kirby a actual transaction* to De- cember in\ol\ert the aal* of It thaie» • CM 8 w ar haul Te avoid canfuaaaa. Erich P om mar af a week af ram w*»t- ha* tripgid the banner af Mara** eraa. which aeldora aaa the inrncte of er Produrttona during hi* stay at a fludto, were hit particularly hard RKO. where he a preparing hi* trat of taking in additional pi Si! raatan* al trip. Lynn Farnol. publicity and adver- L acrwmponi** Silt *i tone roe Gr**nthal raplnilatmn turned Sunday <41 from a ajatofc tray aad to varw P .* w an a aad ether giro* about to be r*leaa*d Marry U OahL vp grneral augh Jaha P N ek cf ft •a. acauuteff of chargaa at Hell atop aa tha way out at t af Sat eaaaaaay a aouthera aa Char lotto. Atlanta aad Dal to*, ar- ia Hatty n aad nevt wea k to dieted kie caa* may be aired and ffat lh* IA might ga through th* mettoM af an apt lag hi* raaigaat-on if M h thought that IU tor th* pood of ga union. Oa the other hand. acaV aaay a* daaa to gtsw af I la addition to Mrowne. among haft officer, who are to Miami loi tab w*efca afaaaaaa ara Lewie Riaam IAa financial aecretary-treasurer aaj chief a de to Browne Harland Hobv den W. P. MaaaL Dark Walth aal Jim Mrvnnaa. vice-prraidrnta. Joaepk D ~wThTSin poiuier,s umam fH AGAIN NO FILM BIZ EXHaVT AT N.Y. FAIR iM^paTron^aTen aadawtry'Vthl 1 N*Y Wartd'a Fair thia year far the to- miliar two reaton* On* m that th* .hotting af aa* nartt tor admiaaian IAa aeaaton follows lh* ai meeting of Ike American Pert* rat no of Labor, tor which Meow a* »a* aa miliar twa rwaaona. One M that the Howard Hughe* to prr-em ng tto thawing af aay picture to a theatre Canadian Red Craae with a roav tor eaaanatoa would ba regarded aa pleleIy -equipped ambiilanr* lor ffJ tiaipiUlion with reruUr New York N . , aj.^ Haraitol al Taptn* lay- rahibitor* Attempt to u** any ape- toad, announced Merman Sronnaaw far ^ptSSm *rao* MjfyMaftllM "** K °^ "* tt ""* 1 CBC fM yTloa Another principal obiectton < which Un tool to that aay induatii eahibit to regarded aa bad publicity beeauae many behind tbc- MtoT. Public to | af, N Y. to L A Tuny Rick ley. Sam Eddie Mr* Wally Muttorwerth Jarne* C 'agney Ann Ctorfc. Lynn Walter .« Gears* Emily Holt Milt Howe Parka Tyione Power. Char lei SrhwarU. Murray Si I' a