Variety (May 1940)

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Mmj 1. 1*M N. Y. PROD. BUBBLE BURSTS LoosviDe's Usoal Pre-Derfay Day Splurge m Taint Bank Etc April M <«> arthrtty U It Up Hall/am a. April Mi A purtot MriM ef Arch Oteo- ter'i AIm end Eve" radio Ail. »hich riia m ea aor bM two ON NEW DEAL FOR 2 PIX Jute* I inf ea-RKO Ailte|F.r RMSMry Bert Ml M EMPIRE TRUST MAY RUE STUDIO N Y. Fair AD Set to Go, With Midway 1007 Booked* Unlike SituatioD in 39 1 There Bull Be No Nipht. whteh MM at the Ahrte. N Y. Monday <M». w> ef leeture Mm te B aa Yet I. MM ■ < FAVORSSERIAL SETUP te Um Ml A Mitchell. Ml M Vmmt account, u -Dr. HusMi'i tart tamA' by Uoyd C. Douptea. MM af NaUejeai al Pir Ti ImTi Tabat, Casta* Apr J Mi •■ UM IIIMI ef Um Im MMM te ta MM artth Um MMUitej pattcy retealry adapted M* Y. Frank fTCMMM, IMfMMM te tter pa of MM eperatiaa* M te Um parity. Meikleiohn. who orpaaiaad ! MCA nnrj i Um " taw Mm lu taM fa *-[ ateni te teia Par. (Vaeettee MMMMM' te ptek up Mi radio opttoa tor RCA * A TIM KfMI uaa tei OM of MMJ MMM Mtate aa Man Ml Ma com fat jam ms RCA but detail* ara velt. US Mm. will ba able oa' tap Ma pr**jreau. tap Mite "lerwtuda al S pa aa i apeate*- day. mmm cept-oabr^Mto ^ a**u near? U^'aadTaTb. " tu ez ta Ma trotted Ma Mm mt Sherwood, piay'i eoAher With all mt Um ba«lte tebar aie- pMtea mt Um last twa up. Um N. Y. WarfaTi la Ma imlil day til) mt it Man Pram all ep- ef M> MM and teaUaV taM Um *xp* aheuld ba virtually IM% reonptete arbaa Ma pM re- open, aa entirety ddtareat from tart reora te r omplo t i KaaaM will a* te mmt tl ^™~CHARNAS' BI6rS5«~— Mk aaor* ditroraity mmt eualitr aa •MMM and MMMba fate aaTtetek, te Mb ara took in*, to Ma aiwJway. pM ABBOTT-C0STQ10 MAY baa* Mate wi raaba abet July 1. tabtag Ma totetet a My«ri ■pot Prod Altea te taavtef, «MM tor Um mmm. The Kate MMM taaaa Mtea mm par- tly. Younp A atabteM artll teba aptteaa aa Ma teM teMtaj Im mm4 a ball They'll ba euppfameatad by a te a a M Um H. MM OF CAPES Fred ay Yea MMMi te M A Mate April M I •Ml RCA eaf amm will make Um la te MiiiauM a weak hater* Um Um kilocycle* ateca !hr May II C-kor Draws Kabe mt mmm Marterte caat te Um Utte rate. e ct ueed btea of chohtep, bM and 1 maim It bp ktek- in* hu mint Tba inrldial occuirad al ISM a m M MMMMf <M> CENTRE OM Warn* 1* to b* Apr! M IM aa Sunart CteBMrtetec mt Ma ■ Id a ay fa iliMai MP*, wttb part mmt pra- u Mlly la aew. Mlthnl TafhTa la* ara all important te Ma midway'• paaaraUy aaa-appaaUag pktet Gay 1 call for M Mt a j Lean Bahtee- rartooa MM end fMMi' etefiaa KTWB eft M aba la rooaa tar aa te* riak. aatt- •wteMatec pool. ta kte baa Mail wM ba M partteteaM with Unta Mac* graaa mmm M MMM Uaai up tar tea m aaor. Tba taM Mi MMM te ■tudytep MM *M IMm aim. preemraeary to teaMtetag a MM Mm ta M MMa white GarfieW - Lit* Ftr Holly 11A April M John Peed pate Um director tab aa MMM Am Drobaa. OJ A.' at MM Pea, followuuj M current )ak mm M Arpoay picture. Th* Voyap. Mm' tar UaahM Art- mt 1 GariteU. 00 RajaTilATrip Joaaf mmm mt MMM lor M T*__ MM Lawiaac* aate Karpura •Beaau- mi Um kaauMfa of p i M fa t* te earn- oaatratuuj hfa wrath m4 aba M Cav tea rate af Juno and July. Royal will do all hii travrlinc by air. Tba apaateaj concoct wM ba te II 'Akiety r* further Iriubte prlaripafa war* ra baa d ba raba rial terminated L*Maire at Col. HiR> amA April Ml Rufu* Lrteairc. teteat aprnt bM been inkad to a pact by Cotumbi te* pmnUiML tauter Hollywood. April M MaaimMip of tea M law Grand a Ak. VMtenaaaa.' Hu ' Gaorp* Cukor aeu M atrartar job Op ara Aun te th* Municipal Audi- ma, Dobte. baa a bid to on th* Katharine l l ia uu ra aurrcr.: terium Thurtday <M>. raa off with 'Philadelphia Story.' at Metro. | out a hitch and attracted 1 Mbjpjtej Myear-aai > aato Um play with hi* father Philadelphia Mary.' at Metro. I out a hitch and attracted IM. who Metra ha» iipaai ^*je^ne»t wwte teM M Traaa- Pair pw wualy nackad Mbtal | patejfrooa $1^ te M^^ja^Lawraaic* a ^ar»jwMrart^ ^