Variety (May 1940)

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PRIMING DOMESTIC MART ALLOCATE 75% TO *■ ■* Setbcks 11S UNO CANADA' ^ ^ ^ l^fon Sales rarley to nreserve Market Walsh Reaps At Netco(WsGJL;' Pooling of Houses Shrinks Crcuit |y to • kMiM W ttNlm Oaarpe C. Watt. atarMaat toad fiaa> oral MMfi kaa ~ tatav tWed >. Chata to by I*" piaitofly ta white Mm Mmm wtll be by local Muim under Mn affie* HparrW**, Carroll It MMN Umh la the northern Iter af states which ara the operating and llm-buy.n( Aai Stal TWj Ces* •law iMUHnK charging twa Cla arvra lifted from taba awa skaaw play The Rebel or the Birth of a Revolu- end hw ecreea play, *VHra Revision of Amortnatioa T.Uoa to Shift Majority oti Amarican Market — No Mora of la Mm with Mat poottag aad coin aidant arMfe WateVt M B l g BBBW*. con- ****l^toS Pot T C S * " FILM CASTING NEPOTISM NOW OUT WB Dc-Horfprinf Ptt Hollvoond. April M Edgar Allan Nt braaka tola pte- Hk Annabelle Lea* at Tha Haven/ hit Tula It 1 aetata aa much l.ka a D eclalaa ay tka kaard at a at United ha Major pro- ara alterant their —Til i it ion taklat on feature pro- duct with a * law ta figuring tka' proper pin aaltgs at cwata to ka I writtra OCT aaro aa agaanel ahr e ad.' raaaa diaariowton ara f aa point e d out la tka tkara la aa toaa an )uet what (root abroad will amount to tart, arkat they actually what tka at Ik switch. Ptrture pan tola aaawT produc- tion a* a co-starrer far Jeffrey Lynn tka typo at aaitaktlttjr; In man ta larity at eeoae American Man. ate- at acker*. DanYfksjtor MG BRIT. PROD. HINGES ON SURVEY mtttra at Metres Brtttok Uao depends aa a nareey hi bo by IddJe Mannla, to UA soles cootak will ka held la l<andon la about two week* Arthur W. Kelly, v p In char.e of tha fur- • .II U. B wha can UA Determination to continue after tka btaataoae to a big way, Murray Bilveratoae. chief at world wlda apcraliaaa tor UA. de c lared. ro> out at aitht la awl at daat ta testa to take any karat latpalHa. We foal tkat any dkaabatattoa at our aggressive aafcja pattey ta toriian market! will art aa back ycara and will moan starting aB aver agnta wtacn tka war at < It't not ka three or four parturaa at lar appaal abroad that changaa tka percen lapse. Alia, katara war sweUarbed ■tarkcte outride of the U A to Par a aimilarty i anas ■ tot Itaelf Jram active aparatlao ha Otaa Pal la. with tka Paraaesaal t kara la to over b> tha Par'* $3,874,944 Nat la'39: J6.045.103 a'38 plana being art Walah maid to would tanaita la New York far a white, maybe a little later takin ( a vacation. He own* aa to tka Yaakan act up which toar i i t ta^tha Tankera^uo^which Par mani yean a leading ■arutiva. Walsh was aaaactotod with to Caanerfard rircwit ta aaala pi tor to taktog over the about ei-ht yean a an. Par baa year IM aktwat aa aggracate net all ipualliM at CUNJPM, wktefc would ka ewual to II M a ah a re aa tha com pane*a Hand tag. Mviaj i. saibaadteriee Tha fsXaTCBM total tar *» to ctod a a i snssntalad aarwtoga at Par. after all i barges, at IX7TT U3: pra p t aa purrkaaa at caaopany'a la kaab yean for they had aoaaething tka foreign tboati aa. they have takaa out M"l or slightly aaara of tka white to atkatl It haa boon k nearer to to".. Par Stotoa (too bite Paramount to not diaturb- ing Ita allocation* oa aa Ml might bo aubtect to change aa the arbaattoa gbafta. The switch can be ra hark to aoraaal alao, oaa gaa> Valab. Lory will continue la charge af the tour thaatraa In tkat town *k'rh ara u ada i hit wing down from Poughkeep* c to New Yi (II of llrat that are ant Involved in marketable aoruritkr* on hand at tka and of IfOt totaled lla.7«7jaj. of which II tAXrs repreaented bal- ance* In Canada tdSSTtT ta Great Britain and dominion*, and $73115 in other foroiei pally thoee la S A ban'a report I -ting . mmta abroad iaot Including Can- ada I. takaa account of tka war ta Europe and point* out that white buainrse ta foreiga ru n c a rte l haa bom restored to a , mat be>i«. tha drop^ta^fatoigw e. A Streamlined Monte Hollywood. April » Victor McLaxtea rtoaed a deal to lar in 'A toadam Mon.e Criato.' a yarn, at la b-tni made ta reducing'coaU and at her- who In revtatag tha apira ttoaa af Par to moat tka uncertainty at Ike foreign situation. Par"a investment* The principal trou- la tka teac an tha dollar equiva- lent due to tka drop ta exchange aa well aa to aha freeling of money ta Great Britain and elsewhere, with countries likely to folios* auit to allocating 7S-. af Ka ttea recta to the U. S 20 . to the United Kingdom and 1% lor two re- mainder af tka world ta addition to setting up aa extraordinary reserve of over an month* an d a d Dee. It to meet revenue decline^ downtown tha allocations ta that aaamaer. um»I procedure to split it between U. S -Canada and the balance of the wni Id market, al- though ahifling their arrvirtization tables to meet the situation at now | lank i ag Warner Bro* led the avid ta being quickly after release Aanortutag is •set so that U'. of film e«t» at in the initial II weeks following a tun a release. Of tkat. 19'«' ia written off the Prat four weeks instead of I*':. as before Thai to doaae largely becau-a rental In- come is materially reduced in later tka Culver CMy autBt ta ■optoaakar Oaato aad Bokort laoaagaaaacy over there to February totoi K-A-0 Frst Qairler Nd $312,452; tato'i but it will be aaitkatato to aaarkets talari. Kelly i every effort to pal aB paa> art, til* • in to V*J #af tMaaHBtVataal 1 p. •Wild hones couldn't wa toto HiUer-dowaaaatod torri- teto Bat wrap to pot at UA to tka only camp any ptoar.lng to data to have aa d ec ided cat two do- avanttona, one tor U. B and Canada and oat for tka ■a at aia part at tka country. the W7 IP* period teal year. Tka Brat quarter th'i year was equivalent to MM an Baa convertible p t dec tad tain asainat MM tor the Aral IS r U weeks ending aa MCI Ml or HIM par ebon. Thii all charges including settlement of lease obligation of MBMM. Com- pany's profit before depreciat.'-o and income taxes amounted to BB.- US aga.n-t MBMM ta the initial quarter of ISM B P. Keith Corp at WB-Musk UniM Sehian lit PhUly Watts o J. WiUuwn.. meiiiator of tha U. K Department of Labor, at cooling bu heeks here a watting tha recovery af Prank Phelps, labor ex- part af tka sUanley-Warner circuit, before atartmg tatka toward aetite- I af tka ta Filming jtarta May *. with Mar- | rating I ahall (jrant producing and Harold ^ coat to pjg practices af alto- raling tS"- of feature cost ta the V S and | ta at her countrtea. root for If Foa'a sWB WrttoaB to U Am .rt ration aetup eMablnhed by Plh-Fo> provides that M' af tContinued aa page Mi Ml* SCI in tha nr l q a iter Uat year This corporation a I-a revealed art profit of MPSSM lot the U weeks ending March M after all charges Keith profit before provmioa for decree .'.on and income taxn amounted to U7iSM while In the ftnt IS week, of IPM. tha I .lal wa- mum SUPER SUSPENSE Hullywoat. April M 'Superman * the super-human newspaper strap, to about to break into parturaa aa a »uper aerial at a deal with a Net, $912,614 Technicolor, tor, and its ■ e tok B ary. Technicolor Mot io n Ptcturej Corp. net profit for 1PM Iota aw Mil dlt. after alt deduct mn. Dr. Heibert T Kalmua. preiidet*. in has annual renort estimated that the net for tha first quarter tht* year to- uted MMM* as agauast MlfiMfi aa comparable quarter last year Kalmua also reve .led that TechnW Studio rlo«ed a . . t ..f loaMoer