Variety (May 1940)

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Nafaul Survey «fctWs to Ifc RO Finds Exhfc Gomljr W-^- HmG _ —-—— MMtkk, Aaril Mi MihbbMM. Aftl ,r_.u i| fi jm nr I> Mhr | iiiITt art rt the ■■—1 1 Crt Haoard Wnaji. W—ir bbbb- . \V. rro» rt Bartura*. Nat M«t»l the aro- a*»f to »■* *""*"* 7 lJ , i ■ » !■■»■ »H atajrti ^**"*^** w (Him awake I* • reeltoBtioo thai ' rant Hired Mart »e w eaamaailee iftlli totli """-" aaw Sal i Mm5 | " M "^J^J^*ji7!T < | "ijtTTu " 5m& < 5mpIbb- aSVBS *■*■ pMMra**<»a Km ehV"reeBa»tj am- J ]""J? -1 '? f ^^ revenue ****** ^aJJ^^JiS^fiJi aa*iTin la • __ lit h* Devrt O. Balaatra». • Cml Waerth aara "Leah at i mi arts alaa recently aa- . by David O. fclaaa-a». par at the Wara a r etrcwH la brlNrree rircuMO MM frt aa« at at • Cat Wa Wa Maat A«aam.' ,h * a »r k * 1O1 H aa <Oa* Way » ' **: Than wa i n aa». « It aartt aaal had Mar/ kavaat vfMMCk I conipaa/. fiv.aj nearly «T oertw i JJ—^, - MMMa» ■* * aaattaaj M art- art*** bm to theae aim., end mmy wmm4 pa rt MBi Ma lanrtrt acrae t he lillaaa predt far the heuee raa I „ lun , M ahe afcitu that aaaJM aa Suspects Banko Racket Racket Stops Payment; Bingo K.O. n Akron Aaril «i Mat MM IrLMMI irliitaib Mi It. Mat rat Cert aa wail Mm, O. April M Mail taataaaa aa upward aaaaa after bo- S? will Mart picture at He. tha Mc houaaa court advaace to rtc *ai aa aa down bm Mbm cart B«t aura V Mm Mm ram were a*aaa eay ewme Twto CKy aaartaaariaart I Ob* Bcaaaaaaat hrtaajaadwa*. car- turea. wa will art art ill lai r ilir. Mn ali Berajer. who ara aa*aa\ then aa aa am If ar type at esrtaMattoa wrt hrtog rt the raa wall BB> UA aatai chief arte had aa aaa a ■ r Tha pu alii la aUfhty well ' to bmm eahihe who coaapla.n that through bmmjbJbjm aaal Mat toag ruaa Baa) ua toa aauch acada r t aa practically to toll tax If Ifi an P" ■ ■ ■ MBBBBBJ BjOBBB « VWMJ fewaaT BMM BB« BBBJMB.M BBO bjbbbi i - or Maw. at . anur ■■■!■« aaraara art M art rt aha nartaii bm atoaai aaaae. to ha aa aaaau Baeaaer at May C to a certain aa- at aaaaa frture thaw mhra a Mag vili